Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Tyrant of Tatooine

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Sarla listened carefully to each word of Remy and followed the flow of the Force she wove before her, taking her hand, when a new sound stirred; ahead was a meeting of the desert’s deadliest creatures, one the Krayt Dragon and the orher her namesake, Sarlaac. The tentacles swept up the sand and were swinging about as great oythons, the Dragon capsized, and clawerd at the beak mouth. The ground shook, and a mini sand storm rose caused by this clash of Tatooine’s titans!

Sarla turned to Remy,

“The Jedi in me says we should flee, let them fight it out. The Sith in me hopes you will not listen and we get to slay a dragon!”

Sarla had a cheeky smile as she waited for Her Master to give answer, sand falling on them in great waves, so that now Sarla’a hair had as much grain as stands.
Darth Sarlaac

"Agreed." She said it and didn't say to which plan of action.. on the one hand this was a rare sight for either creature this far out... on the other seeing the sight of them fighting was... somehow more rare it didn't seem like it would be much of a fight but they were doing it. "THey are in the way of our path and observing such a sight is educational... something as mobile as a krayt dragon fighting something as immobile as a sarlacc isn't something one sees all of the time." Killing one or the other would be interfering with nature in a way as well since this didn't seem to be maanipulated just something that has happened. Remy was moving though and went towards a smaller canyon that was forming. SOmething solid to sit on and observe while she was putting some cloth over her face for the sand to not get itno her nostrils. "We'll take a small break and see the beauty of nature."

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Sarla stood beside her Master and considered this teaching. That letting the two fight without interruption since it seemee to be The Will of the Force. Such a strange notion to her, Sith bend the Force to their will, this was an adjustment.

“What if the Krayt charges us? Then do we have permission to fight?”

The Boken Jedi was being stirred by the sight of two behemoths fighting. Her Passion flowing as she felt the itch to whet her blade. The tentacles beat against the Dragon like togues, its great horns it gorged them with. Sarla had to admit this was beyond her wildest expectations, to see The Leviathan battle The Pit.

“I have heard legends of those who escape the Sarlaac, one was a bounty hunter.. called.. Boba.. Fett. Do you know anything of this Fett?”
Darth Sarlaac

She gave a nod. "If it charges and attacks us... yes we will defend outselves. THe notion a jedi uses a saber and the force for defense and protection never for attacking is flawed in some ways but a fundamental difference is letting nature happen on its own and altering it to your designs." She said it but looked at her while watching the two things fight... teeth and tendrils that were pulling and the screams, roars of pain and rage could be heard... practically felt from this distance but it was not a sight many would get to see. She also got to enjoy it with some company which was important. Still being there though and leaned her shoudler against her and smiled. "Plus, fun with company and all of that."

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Sarla listened to the Jedi operational code, which was defense, instead of agresssion. This was rather alien to the Sith Lord and Zeltron, and seemed counterintuitive if one was to neutralize a threat. Then Remy explained it was more about the spirit behind it, that you did not bend things to your will, but waited for The Force to let things flow naturally.

“This is a difficult lesson Master, I tend to leap in and force results.”

Then Remy leaned against her and mentioned how good it was to have company. The Zeltron placed her hands around her, as they leaned together and watched the arena of sand, and the two titans battle for supremacy. In truth it was a great deal nicer to be with Remy in a tender embrace than to be tilting with monsters.
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Darth Sarlaac

"It will be but it is something to look towards." She smirled for herself though when she managed to snuggle into a comfortable position. "We'll figure it out, there is always a balance even if it isn't clear to see at first." She said it though with more thoughts about what they would be able to do... the fighting creatures were one thing.. the search for the oasis another. They would be able to do more maybe.. they were still learning about each other and what this all meant. "We'll let them go for a little while longer, then move towards the feeling in the force... give it a chance to either beat each other or we'll see the dragon likely retreat somewhere to nurse its wounds."

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

The two were cozy together ss they watched. It was almost a romantic dinner by Sarla’s standards, seeing two monsters battle as they leaned on one another. Sarla took a wiff of Remy’s hair, and she leaned her neck into hers.

“Balance.. I have heard the Jedi seek balance and never undersrood it. How is destroying the darksiders balance? Does that no unbalance things?”

She said this with a serious not sarcastic tone. This has been a question that had plagued her, and since most encounters with Jedi were over quick, she never got to ask about this tenet that seemed to her paradoxical, even impossible. How is balance snuffing our one side or the other? She then wondered about The Benduists and Je’daii who she heard of from Anak, and had no idea who they are.
Darth Sarlaac

"That is a complicated ideaa and both correct and incorrect." She said it while watching and she was just enjoying this feeling for the moment as she thought how to do it and then she moved and held her canteen. "Think of it like this, the water in the canteen is the darkside... not sith, not a person. But all that they do. The rage, the hate, the corruption that they use to twist the universe to their will. All of it is in there contained. The cap is the cap working to contain it from spilling out. If corruption is able to come to every corner of the galaxy, if everyone is giving into their wants and desires to the point no one makes food, no one protects the animals from overhunting and extermination. The stronger the darkside grow and the stronger the lightside grows as there always has to be one for the other to exist. If it spills out other things come, the celestials locked away creatures, the gree locked away in the depths of space far outside the galaxy beings that were dangerous and powerful." She said it and there was also chaos. "There are also places like Quiphoth where the darkside went unchecked so long it created a rip in reality itself opening to some of the lowest depths of chaos. Letting things spill out that are twisted in ways no one has seen in the galaxy." She swirled the canteen in her hand. "It isn't a perfect example but jedi can keep the corruption fo the force from spilling out, the sith and the darkside can keep the jedi from shining so brightly they attract creatures much older and more dangerous to everything."

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

That was a lot to take in. Was perhaps Anak and her on Quiphoth? They had descended into Chaos, the only question was how deep.

“The Dark Side I was taught is the active side of the Force, the Light the Passive. The Darkness gives great gains in terms of strength, raw power, and energy. It has served me well for so many years. That daid I can feel a cost, inside I feel worn, as if particles of my soul have broken off.”

Sarla lowerer her head, she felt the numbing inside, effects of prolonged use of Bogan. While passion and emotion fueled the Shadow Side, the result afterwards was an almost severance, as if all the emotion was poured out in those moments of unbridled rage. She felt drained, and no in the power of using crimson bolts to feed on life force. No this draining was her heart, which was rather charred.
Darth Sarlaac

She listened and gave a nod as she could feel much here and spoke. "It can be, the dark and the light are equal parts of a whole destined for conflict eventually. When one rises the other grows to meet it in some ways. One side winning might be possible for a time but there will always be some of it remaining in the galaxy. A dark kernel, a white spark of light." SHe could see Sarla and offered her hand. "It is okay though, you are adjusting and time will do much eventually but it will always be there. Just have to take things one day at a time. The more you try and force it the more one can get frustrated. It is why instead of jumping to try and find another master, to seek another order and temple I came back out into the desert to listen o the force over just trying to force things."

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Sarla paid less attention to tumult of the titans and to Remy’s words. There was a slight futility to it, which made her ask,

“Then does it matter which side we choose!? If dsrkness rises for light to shine, or light rises for darkness to caste its shadow, does it matter which one we choose?”

The Boken Apprentice then meditated on Remy’s instruction that she may take her time to adjust, that she too was in a state of adjustment. They were in many ways like binary stars, circling each other, both in the vacuum of space trying to find their way in the dark. What was a comfort was the warmth they gave off to one another as they held hands.
Darth Sarlaac

"Possibly but to walk the dark path would mean anything like this... a bond a friendship, an affection would be for one to try and take ther advantage. To be slowly enslaved and forget your purpose and goal in favor of needing to gather more and more power as you are never able to fill the void in yourself." She said it with a small look. "Now the light won't be perfect either, many jedi I have seen seem to commit to the order and others as if it were a job and you just leave whenever. It makes things interesting to listen to in lectures but also shows where many might commit themselves." Remy stayed there when she brought her hand up and over. "Your questions are also welcome but there is something to be said about mysteries."

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Sarla listened, she knew what Remy spoke of, that void that needs filling over and over. She had tried with her power and it only left her empty, and devoid of any sense of contentment.

“You speak as one who has experienced the dark path. It is lonely road.”

The Bokenawan leaned against Remy as the Krayt Dragon seemed ro dance with the Sarlaac, the violence was almost beautiful. Though they served as a tangible reminder of what Remy had said, two beasts vying for supremacy and for what? All they would reap is wounds, and a loss of stamina. In many ways she felt the two titans tossing among the sand were a fitting image of the Jedi and Sith, one alwaya on the move and the other immovable and creating a nest of harm.
Darth Sarlaac

She nodded to that. "Lovely can be dangerous but not everyone needs to be around people all of the time." She said it and from her experience it was easier and looking at the large beasts fighting might be at times for the best. She waited as they fought and the dragon seemed to be getting weaker and pulled into the pit. The tendrils harder to reach but also likely some of that digestive acid was being used to the limbs deeper down. Its massive maw of teeth being held outwards away from anything that it could snap and tear. Remy was looking at it. "It is almost over, even if it won't die easily the teeth will bleed it out under the plating."

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Sarla watched as the dragon, a mighty creature began to fell by the Sarlaac. She should have read it as her power being Darth Sarlaac, but instead she wondered if she was the Krayt, doomed to fall into the pit and be digested by this life. So far that had been true, her near death experiances compounding from Fiviune to Chaos to Tatooine. The truth is she had been reckless with her life, part of the dark mantel was to assert power and dominance, which lead to more conflict and close calls. She had tired of it, of always flexing your muscles, brandishing saber and trying to be brave all the time.

Remy’s words about loneliness made the Zeltron fidget a little. She hated being alone, it was why she had plunged into relationship after relationship. Part of it was his species, they prized companionship and love above all else, the other was that she had spent so much time in that coffin in Chaos.

“I do not like being alone.. I know that its inevitable, you cannot demand people be with you always. I just hate being left to my memories, dreams, and thoughts..”

The Boken Trainee envied Remy, she had learned to be happy without anyone, something Sarla knew she could never do.
Darth Sarlaac

"Well I have no plans to leave you alone... except in the refresher that is all you." SHe looked at her and smiled though offering hands to get her up so they could go. "You can make some demands of me if you need to." She said it while waiting for her to get up and she looked at the zeltron before shaking out her hair. "We have sand everywhere but at least the sand people might think we are one fo them now with how much there it." She said it as a joke and started walking as she had her equipment pack. She shook her feet to get sand out of the footings before she was walking and giving it a wide berth where all of the sand was tossed up around the dunes from the fight. Still following the presence in the force.

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Sarla was heartened that Remy did bot intent to leave her, though she felt that her need was not fair to her, Remy had expressed being alone as positive.

“I make no demands, I understand you need time to yourself. I don’t want to be that girl.. the clingy type.”

Sarla’s already ruby face flushed with embarrassment. She took Remy’s hand and rose to her feet. She watched as Remy did the dance to get the sand out of her hair and from between her toes. The Bokenawan did like wise, her long straight jet black hair was filled with the stuff.

“I hope you are right, about the Sand People I mean.”

As the moved on, a tribe of Tuskans descended on the Krayt that was partially swallowed with their gaderffii sticks, making that loud walrus squeak.
Darth Sarlaac

Remy laughed a little at that.. "Well you can be a little clingy if you like." She kept her hand out for a moment while walking around and looking at one of the tuskans she bowed both looking him in the eyes and averting to show they did not want to fight as the sounds came but they seemed to ignore and let them pass around. She doubted they were unaware of her and Sarla but for the moment they had a chance for something fairly rare and big here. Not every day you get a krayt dragon you can gather meat and things from. Remy was moving and clearing one of the dunes she was listening to the sounds the tuskans made but mostly she was continuing onwards towards what looked like a lake in the high sun and heat. The shimmers coming off while she breathed in the air. "Now this is better... just walking and calm... stillness."

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Sarla let out a hearty Zeltron laugh:

She had permission from Remy to clingy, so she took that has both literal and figurative. She took her hand, and let The Pureblood guide them towards a mirage. It was beautiful, as if approaching an ocean in this arid place.

Sarla did not mind being directed, Remy was now both her Master and.. did she dare say it? Girl Friend? The Former Sith Lord did not know if she should be so bold, but she wanted to say it out loud, her Zeltron passions pulling at her. And yet she also felt insecure, she did not want to smother Remy with too much. She had gone from solitary life of recent to now dragging her around. The Boken Trainee would wait for opportune time to make her feelings more apparent.
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Darth Sarlaac

The laugh was a surprise... she couldn't think of a time when she really got to hear it and smiled showing teeth. The walking wasn't too bad and she continued. Enjoying more of it when the mirage of water... wasn't fading as they got closer. The sands shifting as it became discolored... bleached under the sun and she wasn't certain how long they had been walking but it changed. Remy stopping as the sounds reverberated upwards of waterfalls. THe oasis visible beyond while it seemed there was a small line of brush keeping the sand back from geysers under the ground expelling water. "Well...." She said it and was looking at it but unsure what to think of it. She stood there and was checking it while she looked over and towards the center. "A cenote in the desert... it would help hide things."

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