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Public Tyrant of Tatooine

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Sarla crossed her arms as Remy’s tendrils twitched.

“My sister came to me.. she had much to say.”

Her white pupils fixed on the Pureblood.

“I owe you an apology Remy. I have come to bear pressure, and that is not fair. We shall focus on the Jedi training, that is fine by me. If there is more, than if shall develop naturally.”

She smiled, trying to convey to Remy that she was at ease and not saying this because of earlier. The Zeltron had feelings for her, but she need to take things slow, this was marathon not a sprint. And she also needed to accept if Remy did not want anything save a platonic relationship.
Darth Sarlaac

"As you wish." She said it and motioned for her to walk... SMACK "THen lets go padawan." trying right for the butt meat as she gave a grin. Her vision had reminded her of something she had forgotten about. The hand to the side going but offering a grin before she was running ahead to get her pack. her sabers off to the side and she waited there. "Your sister... if she was in your visions does that mean we have a way to find her?" She was curious and standing there as she made herself ready to spring to the sides should reciprocation and reprisal be coming for a slap to the red woman. SHe wasn't going to deny... it had been a step towards something different.

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

The Zeltron was taken completely off guard as she was smacked on the cheek. Remy always caught her off guard, she tried to respect her need for space and then she’d close the gap in a physical way. Sarla cheeks became bright red surpassing her ruby complexion.

She then went over to her clothes and put them on, they were warm from the heater and palm brazer. Seeing an opportunity she considered returning a slap to Remy, levitating a palm plate behind her, she smacked The Pureblood on the other cheek and gave a squealing laugh.

“My sister is.. well she is with me always.”

Sarla almost shed a tear repeating the words of Cecilia. She was so happy to have been reunited.
Darth Sarlaac

She felt the smack to her cheek and looked at the woman but it was that mixture of expected surprise and anticipation.. she had been expecting it. THen she was standing there and gave a nod of her head. "Those who are part of the force often are." She said it but stood there while she found a place to be. "So we will begin a lesson here I guess." Offering a smile when she looked over some of it. "We have managed to do a good amount of meditation and there is progress from when I first met you." She offered a smile to that. "Now we just got to see what you have learned before." She said it holding one of her tonfa. "How were you trained for saber combat, the jedi love their forms and styles... but I know some just use the blade."

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Sarla reached for her saber hilt, the bled crystal was silent. She ignited the ruby blade and responded,

“As a Sith I was trained in Djem So and Vaapad. They view other forms as tedious. I was trained Teräs Käsi as an Tsis’kaar Assassin”

The Zeltron waved her blade about with both hands, the hum she matched to her heart beat. Then moved it into reverse grip, aligning it with her elbow.

“You use Tonfa sabers, which are quite unique. I use to have a Shoto I used to sneak up on targets and jab in their necks.”

This trip down memory lane had he think of her old namesake, Alice. A name now only Anak still knew.
Darth Sarlaac

Listening to her previous training was interesting. "Vaapad, the form that channels all darkside tendencies and energies to make itself stronger but it requires not giving in?" SHe said it with a raised brow as she had rarely seen jedi use it because of how dangerous it was even if you are not giving into the darkside... in that metric a darksider using vaapad would actually and should actually be weaker then others since they would either be using the darkside themselves which reduces the power of the technique and form... or they are using it and the normal rage or augmentation from the darkside they would have wasn't there.

"Yes my tonfa are rarely used and thanks to the jedi artisans they have been extensively built from a technical level. The crystal array is even larger allowing more to be used to augment and further alter the properties of the blade and the hilts themselves are bonded to me. As you saw they can be quite difficult to move when I am not touching them by others." She held them though and twirled them for a moment to rest them against her forearms with a nod of her head. "My old ones were bladed tremor swords but they shattered when encountering some fo the creatures on gallos... so I was given these."

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Sarla listened to Remy talk about Vaapad, it was perhaps dsngerious to use a dsrk form, then again if used correctly she could channel her rage and dissipate it in a healthy manner.

The Zeltron smiled as her Pureblood Master went over the construction of her Tonfas. She could tell they were an extension of herself. The Sith treated their sabers as tools, discarding them at will, but the Jedi as if it was their soul. This was a major difference between the two Orders, one bled crystals into silence and the other bonded with their song.

Master.. do you happen to habe an extra Kyber Crystal? One I coud preform a bonding with? I have heard of the Jedi and their saber being One, but never experianced it.”
Darth Sarlaac

"I do not, a kyber crystal is usually found for its bond to the one using it." She said it but looked at her and offered a small nod. "Though there is something to be said about cleansing a bled crystal. It bonds it to you in some ways." She said it and looked at her wondering if they had remembered the saber from the one sith they had fought.. it might not be perfect but if she could bond with a crystal she purified herself it would be something better. SHe offered a smile though when she was checking on it. "For now we'll just have to see what we are able to do." She debated it and what might be able to do to teach.. she wasn't entirely certain of her skills as a teacher or if she even had some.

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Sarla took a meditative stance, crossing her legs in Lotus and prepared. She had bled crystals, but never heard of unbleeding. She wondered how to achieve this reversal as ahe laid her own red blade and hilt down.

“I am sure your instruction would suffice Master.”

She could see Remy was radiating something, Sith onew it well, he precursor of fear, self doubt. So the Trainee was trying to help her Master.

The Zeltron adjusted, her straight black hair blowing in the wind, her ruby skin glidtneing under the sun, her white eyes like gel that oscillated. She was so happy to be a student again, she had spent so much time running. Now to be still and learn from her friend and Master. She smiled, Remy was better than she knew, had Sarla been under are more orthodox and ateict Master, she’d have bolted back to the Dark.
Darth Sarlaac

"Lets hope." She said it but looked at Sarla and breathed in and then out... allowing the force to guide her as cleansing a crystal of the bled emotions might not be entirely easy but it was also not entirely a simple process. "Cleansing a crystal is in ways similar to bleeding it, you are pouring force energy through it to aid the kyberite in resisting the darker emotions, in restoring itself." She said it and moved around finding a place to sit in front and mirroring Sarla's position. Her breathing even now as she was thinking about it and pushing herself now to think of what she knew in most of these situations... cleansing was also just as much the physical strain as the mental. "HOld the crystal and pour your energy into it... seek out the light, out life and use it. Draw from me if you must."

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Sarla closee her eyes and listened to her Master’s instruction. She de-constructed her saber hilt slowly, the emitter ring coming off and then the hilt, until the ruby crystal floated in the air. The Former Sith tried to channel what limited feeling of the Light she had, much of it coming from her and Remy’s bond and friendship. The red crystal began to crackle, its ruby color began to fade to white, but a tinge of ruby-magenta remained that swirled in the white. Sarla opened her eyes as it floated to her hands, the crystal hummed and sang like s flute and there was some cymbals as the ruby swirled in ivory crystal.

“Remy… is this normal? Its white but there is a faint amount of ruby, and its.. singing!”
Darth Sarlaac

"Yes... maybe... I am unsure about singing but I know when a bled crystal is cleansed the color usually becomes clear. Likely it is responding to you since I am going to guess you bled it initially... now you are removing it and it might do it to remind you." She wasn't going to say she might have a pink blade... she would have "Plus lightish red is something not many have seen or will display. Makes you special." She said it offering a smile. and she looked at her. "It shows that you have more potential.. who knows how far you might be able to go and herer the lightside is stronger... the biggest patch of life remaining on the world."

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Sarla looked at her new blade, the milky white with the shades of pinkish red swirling inside was beautiful.

“Oh good.. So I did not fail.”

The Zeltron was almost in a trace looking at the blade ans hearing its song. Anak had mentioned his blue blade sang and drove him nearly mad. This flute in contrast was soothing to her soul.

She turned to Remy, “I’m special? No one has evee said that to me. In The Sith you never measure up. Its always dominance displays and if you acknowledge any achievement it makes the achiever feel good.. so none of that!”

The Boken Jedi Trainee listening to Remy rose and asked, “Is the Light Side stronger? Truly? I hope so. The Darkness is most cruel.” She said that with a tone of exasperation, for she had grown weary of the Sith games.
Darth Sarlaac

She rose with her and nodded. "I do as well at times but it is a balanced thing... the dark is easier.. emotions are quick to come, to aid you in a fight... where the light is about control but you can do a lot to yourself. The ability to augment yourself and sustain... the darkside can take a toll on the body eventually. The image of sith lords gray and looking older then they actually are isn't just for show. It will age you prematurely." She offered a smile though as she looked at her. "But yes you are special in many ways, you didn't kill that mandalorian and even got a strange old man to follow you out into the desert."

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Sarla nodded. Remy was right, The Dark Side did take a toll. Many of those she knew had etched on their faces a premature gray and ghastliness of years not yet lived, it was as if the darkness turned one into a corpse while yet living!

I have relied on the darkness for combat.. but no more. I must learn the Jedi Way. I do not want to age prematurely Master, I mean look at this fsce,” she gestured with her hands at her face, “this waist,” she touched it and then turning around showing her backside, “and these buns.” Which were clothed now. “I do not want them sagging or pale with wrinkles!”

This was Zeltron vanity speaking, but if being vain kept One from the darkness, was it not then a virtue?

The remark about the Mando and Bartender made he squeek laugh.

I suppose I was good to them. The first sign of my eventual conversion.
Darth Sarlaac

She gave a nod. "Possibly, it could have been a sign and you just needed the right push or it could have been because there was no benefit to killing him. You have already proven you could beat him and so he would likely spread the word... much easier when they are alive as a corpse only sends the message that someone failed and send more... a living victim could say they failed and to stay away." She moved and looking as Sarla used her vanity... "A noble way to look at it.. whatever might help and bring you there is important. Vanity can be just as powerful a motivator as justice or compassion for your fellow beings."

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Sarla looked at her new blade a while and listened to Remy talk of her sparing the Mando and how ot would be to her benefit and then that her Zeltron vanity could be the buckler she needed to keep Bogan at bay.

Turning to her Master she then held her blade to her side,

Fancy a spar Master? I wish to acclimate to my changed blade.

She swung it about, it playing the flute notes softly and then she felt it singing inside her. Was this a bond? Had she bonded with her crystal?

Sarla held her hilt up ans looked more intently at the crackling blade, the swirl of pink and white, as if her own soul having been a Sith, traces of if still in her but now she was dedicated to the Light.
Darth Sarlaac

Her attention was there and looking at her as she picked up the tonfa with a grin on her face. "We could do that to practice." She said it and held one of the tonfa in her hand as she twirled it against the forearm lengthwise letting it extend and retract for a moment with the small pressure of her fingers where it was needed. The hilts gleaming and glowing with force energy as she twisted her body to loosen up. Then moved to another area with her footing as she grinned. Letting the tendrips twitch before a snap hiss came.. the blades activating and casting blue shadows around the area, She spun the tonfa and secondary blades activated from the other ends before flickering on and foff in a display.

Darth Sarla

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Sarla took the Gurd of the Hawk,
raising her saber ober her head with both hands, the ivory blade sang as her heart beat, the flute notes in exact tandem with her BPM.

Being the Former Sith she charged and cut down via the Krayt, a Djem So move. Her saber blade came close to the Tonfas with their dazzling blue.

The Zeltron felt so free to be engaged in sparring, she loved the crackle noise of blades and sparks that danced upon the sand. What what was more, her thoughts and were saber went seemed in synch, as if she no longer had to muscle the strokes.

Sarla had no intention of hurting Remy, she loved the dance of combat and in this the goal was to learn.
Darth Sarlaac

her stance shifted as the tonfa's twirled.. allowing them to make blue discs for a moment and it allowed her to block the saber as it was coming down. One forearm in front to block and guard while the other went backwards with a swipe making a crescent in the ground as she used her positioning to turn. To spin around with her blade in a flowing water... working to keep it connected to the other blade and try to direct it in a heartbeat... she was moving and preforming as the blood pumped in her ears and perceptions were much much slower. She was speeding up her body and twirled the second sabers blade as it flickered before trying an impact and came back on.. not to distract but to get it in closer and try to activate for a smack and to contact arm, shoulder and face if it could with lower power settings.

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