Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Uh-oh, tax is due (Abrion Corporate Alliance, The Ession Reformation & Stargo Defense Enterprise)

"-Tal'verda, cut down anyone you see. The rest push for the bridge. Clear?"

"Finally!" she cried, sliding the knife she had been cleaning into it's sheath, "I've been bored to tears!"

She stood up, putting the cig out on the heel of her tall black boots, flicking it away as she walked to join the rest. She cracked her knuckles as she walked, fished thick brown leather gloves out of Cal's jacket pocket and shoved them over her fingers. It was going to feel so good risking her life again. Not so some stupid war for some stupid rich people with stupid goals. But for a stupid ship for stupid people with stupid goals.

Ronan Nakasla

Ash turned to watch Norongachi arm and armour himself, and raised a brow just slightly to accompany a curious tilt of the head. He lightly stepped over and perused the inventory briefly. The selection was fascinating to the man who'd only seen the world as a passenger, and he gave in to the temptation to draw a vibroshiv to his hand with nary a thought behind the will. He turned the little blade in his fingers before that little bit of precognition the Force naturally allows snapped Sigma's attention to [member="Salem Norongachi"] just before he spoke.

Rather than speak a reply, Valente simply nodded and turned to the suit of armour. He didn't even bother to undress from his current equipoment. The gear was designed for someone with a little more physique than he had, and the padding was enough to make it fit just well enough. After the metal plating was secured and an eerie click-hiss of the respirators brought back laboratory memories he quickly shook off, he perused the weapons. He chose a similar loadout to his mentor. Lightsaber, Verpine blaster, a marksman-style blaster rifle, two shivs, a marksman-styled rifle that he slung over his shoulder and strapped over his back, and finally clipped a grenade belt over the armour's belt.

He slid around on his heel and passed several other fully armoured individuals. They felt like Omega, but they didn't quite feel like Norongachi. It was a strange sensation, but he had more important things to worry about right now. He strode briskly to catch up and met Salem at the hangar.
Good, he wasn't the only Mandalorian on the stealth ship with these contractors that were in need of hired guns that were professional. And if you wanted someone that was very professional with a gun, then you needed to check out and see if a Mandalorian was interested. Many would say yes and would do the job for them, but if you were a Sith then he or she better expect a scattergun pointed at their face. This was hijacking a ship and that sounded like a good paycheck.

Along with two other vod that were highly respected and noted within the Mando'ade. Strider, noted for getting his hooks into women, and Ordo, noted for killing Gil and becoming Dark Lord of the Sith. While Vilaz was probably noted for confronting Ordo and fighting for the title of Mand'alor. Just like Strider his buy'ce was concealing his face and his beskar'gam covering and protecting his body.

A Rally Master and two Field Marshals, now this is what you call professional. The Redneck knew that the abilities and experience of him and his brothers that they could pull this off along with these strangers that were just pawns of the contractor. The Warrior didn't say nothing at all. There wasn't much to say. He didn't ask Strider nor Ordo if they were ready. They were ready. No question about it. A DC-17m was loaded and set as a blaster rifle, Dissuaded KD-30 pistol was in a holster with four thermal detonators on his utility belt, a Fett-Kal knife, and a repulsor pack on his back.

Just gotta wait.
[member="Zandra Tal'verda"] [member="Rusken Shaxx"] @Mouse @Graxin Rade

Kage silently nodded along with the plan. Seemed simple. Shoot your way through, get to the bridge, take control. He knew most of the ship as it was, and unless they did a -major- overhaul of the systems he'd be able to get through it easy peasy. Course, even if they didn't he at least knew a couple short cuts from hangar to the bridge. His gaze was all blank, much like his face, as the Jedi spoke.

Until Tal'verda was mentioned. Then his face seemed to take on a form of agony. Of course he knew who the Tal'verda were. Calico. Galaar. His brothers once upon a time. Even sisters. He himself had never joined the Tal'verda group though. He was a white job, a clone bread for one task and one task only. It wasn't until after his time travel (Via getting frozen solid by some droids) that he started to pick up other tasks. Now he was a good shoot with a pistol, better than most at least, and a slicer. But even then, he just wasn't mandalorian like clan Tal'verda. Too much time had passed for him to even consider going.

Especially when he missed Galaar's funeral.

Glancing back to space he'd try his damnedest to not look as pained as he felt. At least his feelings were hidden from the force users. Hell, he was to begin with. Being Vong-shaped meant force dead. No mind tricks, no sensing, no nothing. He could, if he wanted to, sneak up behind the one called Graxin and put a slug in his head without the man even knowing he was there. Well, if he did it silently at least. Of course, he wouldn't. He'd only find himself killed if he turned on the force user now. For now, he'd do the job, get paid, and hope no one was the wiser about who he truly was.

He wasn't ready to get found out.

Placeholder 0123


Graxin felt it . A powerful force user was nearby, waiting for them on the Serenity. He shot up and almost fell from his seat as that familiar sensation pricked at the back of his spine, like the feeling you got when something was watching you. It was always there, at the edge of the consciousness, waiting for you to let your guard down so it could sink its teeth into your neck. That was how it felt anyway.

The Tart-Cart lowered down into the hanger bay without much issue. It was only when the dull thud of the impact reverbrated through the hanger bay that anyone knew anything was wrong.

"Shaxx, Garon, you have seniority! There's a Sith Lord aboard, I'm going to keep him off your backs. Take the ship!" The Archlord boomed as he shot up from his chair. The gangplank had barely hit the floor when he shot outward; twin lightsabers screaming for the blood of this Sith.

The golden and eerie black blades marked him like a beacon against the dull grays of the durasteel floors. Soldiers flooded him with blaster fire that would have harried him if he was trying to take the room--but he wasn't.

The Master launched himself up high into the rafters, relying on swift movements and obstructions to make himself a difficult target. He dropped a foot or so from one of the adjacent doors, and there he felt this Sith. The soldiers sprayed lines of azure laser fire at him, and his blades managed to bat aside some. The rest were absorbed by his Phrik chest plate, though that would only last so long.

He held a hand forward, and a wave of telekinetic energy blew the door inward. The Archlord went right on through, in search of a single target far more dangerous than security guards...

[member="Salem Norongachi"]

"Shaxx, Garon, you have seniority! There's a Sith Lord aboard, I'm going to keep him off your backs. Take the ship!"

Kage was quiet until the mention of a Sith. Well, even then he was quiet, and his gaze instantly went to the Archlord. He'd open his mouth to speak, as he had a really good idea on who it was, only to close it as the door opened. His gaze went to the guards of the ACA, and suddenly it was a different world. The clone looked to his side not to see the group he had come with, but the familiar armor of his brothers. Calico. Galaar. Doc. Even Canal. His eyes would widen as he watched the Dread Guard run out, blasters flaring bright.

Galaar would turn to Kage to speak, but suddenly he wasn't there. Kage was by a barrel at this point, firing his own revolver at the ACA. With three shots fired, he'd watch his target go down. It was a good grouping at least, three right in the heart. Twitching, the clone sank back down behind his cover, reloading his gun. He didn't have time to waste on the slicing job, not if the Sith Grax was talking about was the one he knew.

Gunning down a man to his right he would take off from the slicing team, heading his way down one of his 'short cuts' he had mapped in his head long ago. The ones with little to no guards. Alone, at least for the moment, Kage went instantly to the nearest terminal he could find. The gun would be holstered quickly, and he would work his magic. First he needed to bypass the security. It took maybe a minute, but he could already hear footsteps closing in on him to reinforce the hanger. Focusing only on the computer terminal he would try to find a way to track the Archlord's path. Which thankfully wouldn't be as hard as he thought. The twin bladed Jedi carving a path through the ship left a pretty visible path to follow.

Uploading the path to his datapad, Kage would begin to take off in a sprint, one eye on the pad, and the other ahead. He needed to find Grax before a fight broke out. Scanning through the cameras around his path, he would try as best as he could to find [member="Graxin Rade"].

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Darth Janus"] [member="Neskar A'toll"] [member="Salem Norongachi"]

There seemed to be a thousand different voices telling him two-thousand different things. No one here was on the same page it seemed, how disorganized the ACA had become. It didn't even seem as if they had any idea who he was, or were even conscious of the fact that Stargo Defense owned nearly every soldier in their droid armies. They wanted to play hardball it seemed, but Xander wasn't one to take empty threats and walk away. He was going to play the system like he had learned to and dare them to stop his advances.

"You all seem to forget yourselves" Xander said calmly over the communications system, relaying the message to all still listening. "I am making no threat against Hypori or its citizenry, unlike how your government so pretty much slaughtered billions after crashing SDE's and Drunkenwell assets into their own planet." Xander spoke ever so arrogantly as he waved over to the deck crew to begin sending their shuttles over to The Serenity. Each shuttle was packed full of Super Clanker Droids and DSD-II Spider Droids, programmed only to engage if directly fired upon.

"You see, your government's failure to protect my shipyards is a breach of contract and so I am in my right to reposes materials owned by SDE. As Drunkenwell and SDE had signed a cooperation contract, with [member="Genesis Rostu"] present, we claim ownership over The Serenity. I would consider Drukenwell Shipyard's ownership, if there was anybody left alive or wealthy enough to claim it that is."

"As for your claims of me not having reason to be on Hypori, you couldn't be mistaken more. If your troops attempt to repel my repossession droids moving to take The Serenity, i'm afraid we will need to begin the repossession of all droid forces currently under ownership of the ACA; until we could conclude just how many droids you may retain and how many come with us to pay off your debt at the shipyards. As we all know, Hypori is defended by droids of SDE and or Geonosian Industries build. As SDE owns the factories that Geonosian Industries uses for their production, we will have to repossess those as they are made from material provided by us."

Xander took a pause, he knew everything he said was true. His father had engraved Stargo Enterprises deep into the roots of the CIS since its beginning, accompanying Genesis on multiple dominions where he spread influence of the company. Unions, factories and shipyards on Hypori, factories on Geonosis, contracts and shipyards on Drunkenwell, even Kamino was home to SDE factories now. Whether these "defenders" knew it or not, SDE was apart of their lifeblood since the beginning.

"Don't worry though, I'm sure the droids we repossess will find nice homes in the Omega Protectorate."


[member="Salem Norongachi"]

Some where in the galaxy a Hutt who was very fast sat with a concussion rifle watching little Hutt on the Prairie and thinking how much he prefered a Sombrero over a cap.
@Xander Corbal


If you were within your right to seize anything, you would not be approaching the planet with an armada of military vessels and a contingent of battle droids. You would have provided all relevant documentation to back up your claims and gone through the appropriate legal channels to make your claim to the Serenity. Again, the Viceroyality of Hypori had no hand in the Druckenwell Disaster. Your accusations and military forces are misplaced.

Additionally, you may not repossess any droids "of SDE or Geonosian Industries build" on the planet. These droids, if there are any, have already been bought and paid for. Repossessing them without the backing of a court order is illegal.

It is again requested that you withdraw immediately.


Xander Corbal said:
SDE was apart of their lifeblood since the beginning.

This statement, of course, was more or less accurate. SDE was entirely separate from the lifeblood of the Confederacy, and now the Abrion Corporate Alliance, from the beginning. Truly, it was incredible how a grammatical error could hold so much truth.

In any event, those shuttles being dispatched were going to encounter resistance and likely be destroyed by the planetary defense fleet before they even landed on Hypori. But with the planetary shield still active and defending Hypori from the insane machinations of a second-stringer corporation, landing anything on the planet would be a physical impossibility without taking the correct actions. Any shuttles that somehow made it past the fleet would simply crash and explode against the active shields.

Such was the price for their lack of subtlety.
Irys bristled at the pretentious banthachit she was being forced to listen to. She literally ruffled her fur in rage. Of course, she waited to send back a communication until receiving an official response from Military HQ. The Jupitus had been on its first exercise since the battle of Naboo when the Cronau radiation had been detected. Irys silently cursed the hypervelocity cannons of the Protectorate once again. Even that pompous [member="Ayden Cater"] she had tussled with over Naboo wouldn’t have the gall to try this on without the strength of arms to follow through.

They had been running drills to rectify the mistakes of Naboo. ACA naval doctrine now called for long distance suppression. Many ships now sported significant long range ion weaponry, designed to have a detrimental effect on the enemy’s capability whilst the swarms of droid fighters and fast attack ships closed.

For this reason the task force undergoing exercise Leapfrog was comprised of a mix of rapid attack cruisers and long range vessels. Unfortunately they had been simulating the effects of the Jupitus’s ion pulse cannon and the capacitors would take twenty minutes to charge. A shame, but then they also had a wall of firepower behind them.

The AR-25 stations surrounded the world of Hypori, it being the second most important world of the ACA. It housed the largest naval base and shipyards of the entire region. Smaller than Druckenwell had been, but efficient and housing a number of private companies. Vulture deployment stations that had sat quietly in orbit for nearly a year blossomed open, their swarms of advanced vultures pouring forth to reinforce the battle line.

The Jupitus turned about to face the fleet encroaching on their territory. A Pillar class flanked her on either side. The Dirk and Ventress class ships moved forwards to form a picket line of escorts to deal with any fighters, whilst the three Hood-class fell behind.

The Contention and Scythe classes, the stalwarts of the ACA fleet moved out wide, ready to close and engage. The Jupitus had disgorged her fighters now. The hangar bays were shielded and armed. No more shuttles would be boarding without a method of piecing her shields and cutting through the hull. Irys was aware of such technology, developed by Iron Crown Enterprises, but it was of minimal risk to a ship of this size.

The orders came in. Irys slid her identification card into her command console. The card contained a secure chip with a lengthy crypto payload, which was only unlocked when she spoke a phrase and entered a thirty character password into her terminal. If she pulled that card out, her console would come out of secure access. The rest of the bridge crew did likewise and within a few seconds the weapons of the enormous command ship were unlocked and safety protocols used for the exercises were disabled.

Capacitors were charged, torpedos loaded. Way behind them, hundreds of kilometres and well out of the range of the approaching fleet the space stations and Hood-class vessels charged energy torpedoes. The weapons fired at a fifth of the speed of light and covered a greater distance than even long range turbolasers and hypervelocity cannons.

Irys opened a clear hail channel to the advancing vessels. She cleared her throat before preparing to speak. She had a frictious personality that rankled with her superior officers. A politician she was not.

“This is Admiral Irys Arist’lar of the ACN Jupitus. I’m afraid the military position is as the Viceroy has stated. If you wish to file legal proceedings, please do so. I ask that your vessels stand down and are escorted back to their home world, where they will be monitored by an ACN fleet until proceedings have been completed,” she replied. That was the extent of the message she had been authorised to deliver. Instead she sneered and continued: “If you want her, come and get her.”

She closed off the channel. “If those vessels don’t pull back within fifteen seconds, full barrage of energy torpedoes at the closest Cruiser.”

“Yes Admiral, the vessels in dock are slowly disembarking, the vultures are closing fast.”


Currently on exercise:
Jupitus Flagship (serenity refit)
3 x Pillar
3 x Hood
4 x Contention
2 x Scythe
5 x Sev’rance
5 x Dirk
5 x Ventress

Defence stations:
8 x AR-25
30 x Vulture Deployment stations

1st Defence Fleet (Currently in Dock, ~20% in refit, 10% under repair, 40% skeleton crewed and preparing to launch, 30% manned and launching)
3 x Lucrehulk
3 x Grevious
4 x Gunray
4 x Tambor
5 x Poggle
8 x Pillar
10 x Contention
4 x Argente
12 x Scythe
14 x Thrawn
8 x Broadside
10 x Krell
5 x Scintel
30 x Sev'rance
30 x Dirk
30 x Sickle
50 x Ventress
2 x Scion


Capital Ships
Space Stations/SatellitesStar DreadnaughtsCommand ShipsStar DestroyersLight Star DestroyersHeavy CruisersCruisersFrigatesCorvettes
Other Starships
Note: CIS designations are the same as stock, but with CIS communications, command and tactical systems.

Elite StarfightersStarfightersInterceptorBombersGunshipsDrop PodsDropshipsHeavy DropshipsLanding CraftScout VesselsPatrol CraftPersonal Transports
Raziel pulled the straps of his Leviathan bracers tight. There was something reassuring in that sound. Like a sword being drawn from a scabbard, or the cocking of a rifle. It was a sound that indicated that something was in motion. It was followed by the dull thud of a cyroban grenade being loaded into his smart grenade launcher was even more ominous.

The ex-assassin-turned-spymaster stood on a docking platform on the surface of Hypori. He had been on Roon the day before for a military convention, but had sensed great ripples in the Force. Raziel had few abilities to affect the physical world around him; he possessed a few subtle tricks that aided his work. Instead he was remarkably sensitive, he was a powerful empathy and fast becoming a skilled seer. When a portentous event like the invasion of a nearby world sent ripples through the Force, he could follow them.

He nodded silently to the three-man squad that stood beside him. He slide his grenade launcher onto his back, and checked his variety of pistols and knives. There was no need to check his pair of dual-phase lightsabers; he always knew where they were.

“Where to?” asked one of the Spynet exfiltrators, clad in his Nightshrike armour.

“The Jupitus,” Raziel replied.
The Admiralty
There are a couple of things a responsible corporation should always keep in mind if they want to be even marginally successful in the Galaxy. But from all those things the most important would probably be… don’t bite off more than you can chew. Stargo either forgot this lesson, or completely missed class that day, because this current situation was pretty fething bad. Oh, not for the Abrion Corporate Alliance, Hypori or the Tion Hegemony, mostly for Stargo and whichever alliance was currently funding them.

A single ship jumped out of hyperspace, the Chrysalide-class Battlecruiser. Used to be christened as the Astral Horizon, these days it simply was called the Chrysalide. Some ships really didn’t need any other reference to them besides a class-sign, this was one of them.


Stargo was currently dealing with a couple of things. A planet mobilized to defend itself, with a planetary shield and all, an ACA fleet positioning itself to attack and now a Battlecruiser sitting right behind them with its weapons ready to be primed.

A single message was related to the Stargo representatives, but the ACA would receive it as well, as a sign of commitment and cooperation perhaps.

<< I’d follow Admiral Arist’lar’s directions, ladies and gentlemen. Today doesn’t have to end bloody. >>

“Captain, bring us slowly into firing-range. If hostile intent is detected… turn them into slag.”

[member="Irys Arist'lar"] [member="Xander Corbal"]
Hand of Fate
Engineering Level | Reactor Room 1

"You could not have been more helpful," her voice rang along with the clicks that followed into the lift. In general, the likes of a Sith Master was not usually found in the belly of a mechanical beast. Those were better left for the professionals; EMAH. However, as it were... Anesia Jy'Vun was of the type to relish in understanding the things and people surrounding her intimately, past that of aesthetics. Of a shell. Knowing how such a thing works by not just the scribbling of an engineer or some document tap-typed away by some assistant in this case . The science behind it, behind everything - broke down on a molecular level was this woman's opus in life or part of. It was the tune in which the master of manipulation danced.

The galactic gray door to the turbolift slid shut with a hiss and walls of the same description closed encasing her and her thoughts. Ascension was smooth, quiet, but presence drew ever near. While Salem's dwarfed that of most because of their familiarity with one another, Ferrius felt that of another. One such that she had not felt in some time. Different, but the same and her green lit gaze looked back at her from the steel. A half smile cut into her features causing her appearance to look maniacal in a sense. All feminine lines wrapped in a body suit, dark hair, and the flawless visage.

Anesia laughed and it enveloped the small metal casing she was in.

That of the whimsical, siren sound followed her into one of the vast corridors [SIZE=14.6666669845581px]The Hand of Fate was composed of [/SIZE]and did not cease until she was more than half way to her destination. Her print-less fingers slid over a keypad to dot in a security code, her other hand pressed to a scanner while a similar device analyzed her eyes. All to gain access to the main armory. Anesia moved quickly, garnishing her frame in mandalorian armor reserved for what little entities were on board and her feet slid comfortably into boots. One after the other, the magseals snapped into place and the breathing apparatus within the suit was checked. A slow, deep intake of air was taken thrice so as to adapt to the confined, purified breathing she was now regulated to and with in a matter of moments, a blade, a blaster, and her own lightsaber hilt were taken and stowed upon her person.

Once through the secured door of the armory, she bypassed numerous lifts. The purpose of this time-consuming move was to simply get reacquainted with the weight of armor and to adjust accordingly. Things such as balance, stride, maneuverability. Upon completing the tasks to her liking, Anesia finally slipped into the next turbo-lift and propelled herself to the bridge to the awaiting Omega and their long, but not lost comrade, [member="Ash Valente"] .

What she was confronted with was neither and her exotic emerald eyes fixated on the ten, shielded by the visor. A cryptic twist of sanguine lips followed and Anesia merely strolled in the direction of madness, [member="Salem Norongachi"] . The bond that meshed, intertwined within the very fabric of the Force and the ether. One that gripped and compelled both the Masters fates for dues above that of a simple strife, but of only eternity.
Location: Hangar (Stealth Ship entry)
Objective: Protect Slicers and take over the Bridge
Allies: [member="Rusken Shaxx"] [member="Mouse"] [member="Zandra Tal'verda"] [member="Kage"]
Enemies: All those that stand in my way

Strider looked down upon the girl, known as Mouse, that had insultingly asked if he had enough guns for the task at hand. What was even more ironic to her words was that she was an agent for this objective but she was in a hover chair. 'fething squints' He would think to himself. All brains no browns, but then again that was what Strider and his fellow mandos were for. The Browns and they brought plenty "Don't worry Cyar'ika! We brought enough" He would settle her with his deep toned voice metalized by his helmet.

The ship touched down in the targeted LZ, the hangar of the Serenity..... well one of them anyways. No sooner then Strider felt the heavy jolt of hard contact of landing gear upon durasteel, he saw [member="Graxin Rade"] explode from the loading doors and out into the Frey. Before he could inform his fellow charges, Kage and mouse, to stick close to him and his mandos the fool Kage thrusted out after the glow rod jockey guns a blazen.

If Strider had the time to place palm to visor he would have but Instead he himself had to rush out after the wanna be hero. Reasons why, the whole mission rested upon these slicers. Strider was ordered to keep them safe and the idiot was going the wrong way. The moment Strider stepped foot onto the ship's durasteel floor, he clicked his personal shield Generator on and rushed after Kage. It only took a few quick bounds to get to the slicer in time. He would grip the man by the arm, pulling him into the sphere of the sheild that at the very moment became rittiled with violent array of blaster bolts, with the two safe with in the bubble.

Strider wanted to place a good smack down on the boy but there was no time for it "Your with me!" He growled at Kage. His visor indicated that his shield was not going to take much more barrage. "MOVE!" He commanded as he continued his grip, thrusted towards the enemy as his shield rapidly decreased in energy.. The old man did not have the advantage to fire back upon the forces that were trying to pin him down. The very three defenders that were blocking the blast doors they need to go through to get a move on towards the Bridge. But, kage and Strider charging at them using a personal shield as their only means of protection would be a great distraction for others to overcome them.

"Ord'ika, Vilaz!" Strider roared "WASTE EM!" It was directed not just to the two mandalorian warriors but to the rest of the agents aboard the ship to start taking the inititive and lay down some fire.

Neskar A'toll

Hail to the King, baby
The invaders were rather silly if they thought they would have little resistance, or that they would simply 'breeze' through them. Aboard the Serenity, tens of thousands of hard-trained, drilled, ruthlessly efficient marines made their home. All aboard had been trained to the absolute pinnacle of haste. At the very glimpse of the stealth ship entering the hanger, all doors surrounding the single hanger were magnetised shut, deadlocked, and the panels cut off from all power. Remotely, the barrier of the hanger was raised, so that there was truly no escape. The innocent crewmen in the hanger, slaughtered by the callous invaders, were all but lost. Neskar, still lingering at the bridge, had allowed the CCTV cameras to view the hanger. There were about... seven? Maybe eight? His eyes may be had been deceiving him. He smirked. The rats were trapped in a cage of their own making. Nearly poetic. He needn't be so sure, however. Paranoid at the interlopers managing to penetrate the deadlocked, thick metal doors - of which metal he didn't quite know, but he was certain it was pretty potent - Neskar transmitted an order to all marine companies near the location. They had mobilised within minutes. Hundreds, if not thousands surrounded the area of the very hanger itself and swiftly moved into drilled positions. Repel all boarders with any means necessary. And so, outside of every single exit, an extensive defensive net was erected; at least two heavy blaster cannons, sights aimed tightly at the deadlocked door, dozens of men with all types of arms trained on all entrances. It was entirely possible the foe could climb through some form of vents, making it imperative all men had a third eye on the systems and exits. And many more were coming. It did seem quite a bit foolish to Neskar, really.

By all logic, the enemy had to all strike with all their power at a single door. It had to be. To split, separate their power, would be suicide. They had to throw all their power behind a single strike or be doomed. If all else failed, then the hanger could easily be ventilated. Neskar doubted many of them could survive the emptiness of space for long. He allowed a small smile to fall on his face. This is how we should war. Honour gets a man killed. I much prefer deceit, lies and treachery. A thought crossed his mind. He shrugged, not thinking it a bad idea.

He sat at the captain's chair, and began to transmit into the intercom system. As he spoke, his voice boomed into the hanger, the sound carried by speakers designed to pulse orders over the roar of spacecraft engines.

<< My name is Neskar A'toll. I speak as a representative of the Abrion Corporate Authority. You, interlopers, have crossed a line. You have a single chance to lay down your arms, and cease the slaughtering of neutral men. Such actions are illegal, and shall be punished to the full extent of the law. >>
Neskar had tuned the speakers to their highest volume to ensure that his voice reverberated within the hanger. If the invaders were not careful - as in not wearing helmets - the excess volume would surely create some aural disturbance, debilitating the soul with sheer noise.

<< But... for now? Oh, there is only one law here, and it is mine. You reside within my domain, and rest assured, I will kill you. Protect your neck, kids. Surrendering would do you lot some good. The bridge, from your position, is hours away, and tens of thousands of men. You are outclassed in every aspect. Every inch shall be fought tooth and nail. Have a nice day. You can call ACA Customer Service at 0800-GO-FUCK-YOURSELVES. Bye-bye. >>
[member="Strider Garon"] [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"] [member="Jared Ovmar"] [member="Raziel"] [member="Irys Arist'lar"] [member="Darth Janus"] [member="Xander Corbal "][member="Kage"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Ordo"] [member="Mouse"] [member="Zandra Tal'verda"]
[member="Strider Garon"] (To clarify she's not really here, she's speaking and working through a droid) [member="Neskar A'toll"] @Xander Corbal [member="Kage"] [member="Graxin Rade"]

Watching from the droid's perspective Mouse was even more glad she wasn't there in person. With the buckling of the ship, the fighting, and the over all chaotic atompshere that was going on all for the sake of stealing a ship it would've been hard for her to make from point A to B without worrying about something or other being blown off. At least Garon was doing all the "hard work" while she used the droid to follow suit. Controlling the droid Mouse had managed to keep it clear of any of the initial fire. Besides the enemy was far too busy worrying about the big bruiser toting guns and firing like mad at them. Why would a droid be any concern?

As she rolled the droid next to Kage she said {I give him credit. You can tell he's having a ball with all of this.} After that she asked {Where's the first checkpoint? I need to make this whole trip worth something. Well for the droid at least.}

Placeholder 0123

Location: Serejupiship hanger
Objective: Get to the trams
Allies: Strike team
Enemies: ACA and their secret space pals!

Communications had not been jammed. The commander of the ACA force was likely too busy securing the ship to pay that any mind--Graxin couldn't blame the man. He could have very well likely made the same mistake.

That didn't mean the Archlord wasn't going to capitalize on that little slip up.

"Xander." He chimed in. "We've made it aboard. You've done well for yourself." He touched the sealed bulkhead with the tip of his boot. Graxin had only just destroyed the door when a bulkhead slammed down like a jackhammer in his face. Life was unfair. "We'll have the ship soon...keep them talking. Keep them distracted. Remember, this capital ship is worth more than that entire force you've brought with us."

Then there was a voice. The man who had control of the ship, it seemed, bellowed through the hanger bay. Grumbling a curse, Graxin reached clicked his teeth to tune out external audio. Helmets were lovely little creations. "Whatever the case, looking from here, the ACA's pulled friends out of its a--...pocket. Pockets. If it get too hairy out there, inform me. We'll bring in the secondary fleet."

It was a relatively simple message. If the ACA thought they intended to take the Serenity--Jupitus by force, then they had sorely miscalculated.

Then again, those controlling some of its fleets seemed to think Hypori itself was under attack. It also seemed to think that the droid canisters were heading for the planet, rather than the Serejupiship itself. Pity for them for not paying attention to the flight path of the canisters.

"Right then." He grunted, turning about toward Strider and the others. The commander of the Jupitus had effectively sealed off the powerful force user from getting to Graxin's little strike force; the ACA had taken care of the problem for them.

He acknowledged the three men defending the door. Loss of life was regrettable, but if these poor sodas--sodas, not sods, Graxin always said it wrong--were turning a blind eye to the onslaught of the One Sith, they weren't worth the weight of their kit.

Graxin held an armor clad hand forth. His eyes drifted to a half-close. The force was his weapon as well as his guiding light. What it asked of him, he would do without question. When he asked of it, results were always close to follow.

The air around the men began to heat. The very atoms in the air about them began to rub together at an alarming rate. A sound not unlike that of a starship engine exploding filled the hanger. A bright light accompanied with a single pained streak blinded the Master.

A bout of purging flame was born around the three men, singing their bodies at a heat that even Darth Vulcanus would find uncomfortable, if he still yet lived. Graxin had seen to that issue some time ago.

The flames died as soon as they appeared, leaving three charred corpses, armor blackened, flesh and vital organs seared from within.

The Archlord took a moment to catch his breath. Such a violent excretion of the force was a tiring affair. He braced himself on the nearby wall, and went through the plan for the umpteenth time in his head.

"The boy has a mouth." Graxin quipped as he pushed off the wall, marching with a purpose down toward Strider and the others. "And soldiers, and a fleet, but so do the One Sith. Without this ship, our chances of wiping them out are slim."

He stopped near the group, taking a look about, and finding himself satisfied that no ACA personel lived. "What we fight are a broken people. Scared children hiding in their corner of the galaxy, appeasing those that would conquer them to save their own hides. We fight cowards."

He stood up a bit straighter, and turned about toward the door that the soldiers had been guarding. "A thousand soldiers, a million, none can stand against the combined might of the Jedi Order and Mandalore. Here we begin the first step toward galactic security. We will find the trams leading to the bridge, the slicers will cut through their security, and make our escape with the Serenity. Any who stand in our way will fall! Our movement is the future."

It was a speech, albeit not a very good one. Graxin knew Strider would stand with him here, it was more so for the rest of the strike team. This was no time for fear. "Stargo will stall them as long as possible. The doors can be taken care of with set charges, the trams with our slicers."

He reached for his lightsabers now, twirling one of the hilts idly in his hands. "When we make it to the trams, Shaxx and I will do our best to distract the soldiers. Strider will lead the rest to the bridge."

The golden blade of his beloved weapon snapped to life. "Are we ready?"

[member="Strider Garon"] [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"] [member="Jared Ovmar"] [member="Raziel"] [member="Irys Arist'lar"]

[member="Darth Janus"] [member="Xander Corbal "][member="Kage"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]

[member="Salem Norongachi"] [member="Mouse"] [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"] [member="Zandra Tal'verda"] [member="Rusken Shaxx"]

Ronan Nakasla

Ash still remained idle for instruction, for now, but joined by [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"], he felt a little flicker of amusement. She was powerful, that was obvious. Between the three of them, it was as though a high-volume explosive device of mass destruction were packed into one hangar bay. It brought an inner smile to an externally passive figure. He was cool, but even in that coolness his seses were flicking and lashing out like tendrils of some virulent inky organism. He could sense brief emotions, momentary glimmers of power, and tiny blanks where there should have been at least a flow. He frowned, remembering once instance where he had to interact with Yuuzhan Vong infection. That was, however, but a miniscule detail in the grander picture. He desired to understand, therefore he wanted to know why.

In the fore of his thought, amid the calls to arms and the eternal planning of [member="Salem Norongachi"]'s design, the moments surrounding this one begged him to wonder "Why?". Why was it necessary to bicker over who got what oversized ship. Why was it necessary to throw around accusations? Atretes had done that. It was a silly thing. Morale in an army should be for a cause, not a superiourity complex. An individual may feel any way, but to degrade your opponent like that... it would save time to merely crush them.

Which led to another string of thoughts. The mind of Sigma was not something to stay calm and passive. Always analysing and thinking. The Force aided that mental motion and his senses kept coiling around every little aspect they could. The amount of life was massive for space, and the conflict was palpable. It also triggered something within him. Without Rhoujen to temper the cruel genetic code, Sigma felt his mind coil like a serpent ready to strike. His presence in the force seemed to leech from any excess that came off the living Force and the sensitive around them. Much like a lightsaber crystal, those extra flows channeled into him and powered him in preparation of conflict. If anyone could sense it, [member="Salem Norongachi"] would. It was likely he knew what this sensation was, or was like at least. His eyes scanned over those present and stared back out to space. The climax of tension was coming, and in war there were always gods of blood.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Strider Garon"] [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"] [member="Jared Ovmar"] [member="Raziel"] Irys [member="Irys Arist'lar"] [member="Darth Janus"] [member="Kage"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Ordo"] [member="Mouse"] [member="Zandra Tal'verda"]

"Uhg" Xander peeled a hand down the center of his face and looked out into the advanced of the stars. If only he were watching Little Hutt on the Prairie too. He was missing tonight's episode for this cavalcade of nonsense that just turned more into a clown show the more he stood here and dealt with it.

Crossing his arms, Xander thought quietly to himself. I wonder what Charles Hutt is getting into today. Probably something gross. Hutts don't belong on Prairies. In hindsight whoever made that show should probably be spaced.

Turning on heel, the thoughts of Little Hutt on the Prairie still banging around his mind, he began his walk to the Bridge of his ship. This situation was getting out of hand, the court system in the ACA would have been a stupid idea for him. No court here, despite what evidence he showed them, would not allow the entire droid army of the faction to be stripped away. No, the only way past this problem was to force them to see the light. A sad truth, but it had to be done.

"You are all obviously unaware of what my illusive father signed with your faction, back in the day when he was...less burned up." Xander spoke as he marched back to the Bridge "There were never official documents signed that dictated purchase of our droids by SDE or [member="Genesis Rostu"] or anyone succeeding him. Contracts signed were all for the protection of our factories and for the production of war droids to be utilized by the CIS and in-turn the ACA. These droids were considered to be on a paid loan to your government, a loan which my father failed to collect before his death. All payments made to the SDE by ACA and CIS weren't for purchase, they were for the luxury of using droids still owned by my corporation."

He paused for a moment, walking casually through the doors. Of course, he was scared...who in their right mind wouldn't be? But he had dealt with life and death a thousand times on the streets. He just had to suck it up and quell his beating heart. "Every SDE droid is owned entirely by us, every Geonosian Industries droid is owned by GI by way of design. But by way of materials used they are still very much ours, for Geonosian Industries was never required to pay for the materials Stargo Enterprise gave to them in order to make their droids; yet again no contracts signed saying they never would have."

Now back on the bridge, he looked back over Hypori. Damn that was a lot of ship and all he had managed to bring were three Hades-Class Heavy Cruisers and nine Sartinayan-Class corvettes. He couldn't win this argument through threatening to break through the blockade, he had to contact his factories and shipyards on Hypori. There wasn't much there in terms of a fighting force, but every little bit was counting now. Altogether there was maybe a one-hundred Super Clankers and two DSD-II Spider Droids at the factories for defense. At the shipyards maybe three-hundred supers and a dozen or so spider droids, not counting a few dozen Vampire and Scavenger droid fighters. Those numbers didn't exactly spell dangerous force to be reckoned with, but those were the only droids on-planet that were directly under the company's command at the moment.

Turning off the communications channel with the ACA, he looked to his communications officer. "Brace the cruisers for missile impact and send word to the troops on-planet, they are to begin seizing all assets on they can. Keep any ships docked at our shipyards from taking off, but tell them to explicitly not attack factories no under our jurisdiction. I want to sue them, not get put on charges of war. Also, send the contracts over for them to view."

With a sigh, he turned turned the mic back on. "There are two ways in which we can go about this. We take your armies or take this ship. We will consider this ship payment for our droid armies and we will sign a new contract giving you full rights over all units loaned to you and we continue our business just as it has been."

"Or, you refuse to let us repo the ship and we begin the repossessing of your droid armies." With that, Xander braced himself. The Heavy Cruisers were built to take missile and kinetic impacts, even if the shields were pierced during the process. He wasn't going to be the first one to fire though, if this turned into another Drunkenwell, he was going to make sure every base was covered.

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