Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Uh-oh, tax is due (Abrion Corporate Alliance, The Ession Reformation & Stargo Defense Enterprise)

@Xander Corbal


"All payments made to the SDE by ACA and CIS weren't for purchase, they were for the luxury of using droids still owned by my corporation."

We trust you have official documentation of these claims and are prepared to present them to expedite the end of this debacle and do so in your favor.

The Viceroyality of Hypori will honor any and all arrangements outlined therein as it is within its power to do so.

The shuttle thrummed with life, its engines teetering on the very edge of sending it into motion without its passengers. It was old, battered, without weapons aside from a single laser cannon. Norongachi sat in the pilots seat, Sigma was not far behind and Anesia was on her way as well.

Emerald eyes gazed beyond the material -the mundane- into a sea of colour, of intricate connections that bound every soul around and on Hypori together. He watched as the ship made it into the hangar bay of the Jupitus, felt the tension and carnage ensue as those unfortunate enough to be stationed there were cut down. Neskar hadn't given the order in time...

Among the strike team one stood out. Like a pulsing beacon the mans presence in the Force called to Salem, drew his ethereal eye toward him as he unleashed a gout of unnatural flame. "Emah," He spoke quietly into his helms com. "Get me a secure line to the Jupitus."

"Secure line established." Came the response.

"Neskar, its Norongachi. I'm heading over to deal with your vermin problem. Keep your scanners trained on my FoF transponder, I'll need an opening...or would you rather I made one myself?" It wasn't an idle threat, punching a hole through a ships hull was simply mind over matter for the powerful Telekinetic.

[member="Neskar A'toll"]

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Ozamu had been following Graxin through the ship, avoiding any fighting as well as he could. He was here only to protect the Archlord, as his mandate dictated he was not to be a warrior. Being a guardian was, perhaps, a cleaver way around the no-warrior tenant but within its confines nonetheless.

He could feel the presence of powerful force-users all around, some of which converged closer in on there position. By The Force, why did he ever agree to accompany Graxin on this mission? To protect him, that's why. He had to remind himself of that. While he did see Graxin as young and foolish at times, he did see an opportunity for greatness in him. A greatness that, if molded, could serve to be the balancing force in the galaxy.

"There are powerful forces here, Graxin" the old Atrisian warned, "Be cautious"

[member="Graxin Rade"]
Rusken understood what it meant to take the short end of the stick when it came to securing a plan for others to succeed. He understood that his life, albeit aged and dying, was for a better future through bloodshed. Of course it wasn't the Jedi way to wish death upon one's enemies, but sometimes even the darkness of the Sith needed to be weighed and measured against the fury and retribution of those with the willpower to overcome any obstacle. Even those who do not succumb to corruption must be dealt with in the same manner as any threat against what could be a galaxy full of honest, disciplined men and women. Rusken would stand next to Graxin even when failure was inevitable, through thick and thin to say the least.

"If there's one thing I refuse to do, it's to lay down and let the galaxy become a more filth-ridden place. I didn't jump on this bandwagon to die an old miserable bastard, I did it to one day see something I could be proud of. You got your can covered, boy."

Death was necessary, sometimes. Even for the most humble pacifist, some blood must be spilled in order to keep an ocean of corpses from happening.

Rusken held the hilt of his lightsaber firmly, awaiting the next advancement.

[member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Ozamu Tzang"]
Location: Hangar
Allies: Vod and other friendlies
Enemies: Those who shoot me
Objective: Try to hijack

The familiar jolt coming from the ship was the call and cue for the Warrior and company to prepare themselves to exit the stealth ship and enter the hangar of the ship that was targeted for hijacking. He was on both feet after from getting up on the seat that he was sitting on. The very first person to exit out of the ship was a man that seemed to have superiority and was assumed as a Force User due to the color of his lightsabers and the humming noise it came from the weapons. Next, some other man who was the pilot ran out to the battle zone all by himself thinking he could one man this whole operation. Then there was Strider chasing after him trying to save his shebs. Vilaz would've left the man to blazing fires coming from hostiles if it wasn't the fact that they needed slicers for this operation.

Like Strider and the last two men that exited out of the ship the Rally Master followed them and now had his beskar boots on the durasteel of the ship meant for stealing. He heard the Field Marshal roaring orders as he and the pilot were facing some hostiles until the Force User had killed them in fiery heat. "Dang took em from me," he said as he wanted to take away the life from those three hostiles. A voice began to bellow throughout the ship and had his words addressed to the strike team. Neskar? That sounded familiar; however, now was not the time to play detective. Now, was the time to think. The Redneck did have a thing or two for the man speaking and having his voice heard in the ship.

With his right hand he flicked off to any camera that could see him, and then he would speak behind his T-Visored buy'ce, "So says a wuss hidin' behind these di'kuts!" Yes, he did call him a coward. Big man hiding behind thousands of soldiers. Really the type of guy that seemed like a veteran. The Force User also had a speech to say to the strike team and it was going to be better than the man hiding behind a microphone. In short, this ship was worth fighting for. Purpose was to use it against the One Sith and that was something he was in for, worth more than money.

"Damn, right I'm ready," he replied back as he ordered three men to set some charges on a door that was being more of an obstacle than a passage. There was more on the other side once these doors were finally accessible. "Best be ready, so I can blow 'em up," he addressed his words to the Strike Team. Didn't want to get steamrolled all of a sudden just for not being ready on the mark.

With as much grace as one could muster entrapped in armor, Anesia made her way towards [member="Salem Norongachi"]. "What a waste of life," she clipped, already forming an opinion on unnecessary slaughter. True enough the lady was no Jedi. No beacon of peace. However, the Sith Master was never really one to kill an innocent for no reason, let alone waste the essence. It was too late now though for any such thing to happen and she sighed. Something could have interfered, someone could have salvaged. She was as sure of this as she was that a Lightsider was within the Jupitus among others. As sure as the Omega was beside her.

You live up to your falsity, priest. Sin is sin after all.

From within her helm, lips twitched sardonically. Such a Guardian of innocents, protector. While the Jedi may not have accepted the taint upon his being for allowing a massacre, it was present nonetheless and eventually it would grow.

[SIZE=14.6666669845581px]Did you hear their cries, feel their pain?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666669845581px]You had one job.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666669845581px]A whimsical, hollow laugh rode the Force and she turned on her heel to slip into a seat. It appeared there were no Calebs on this side of the galaxy. Pity that. Her telepathic broadcast[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666669845581px] did not implore a response, nor would she be entertaining one pitched. Anesia was correct in her assessment. The blood was on his hands, not hers. Not yet.[/SIZE]

[member="Ozamu Tzang"] | [member="Ash Valente"]​

Neskar A'toll

Hail to the King, baby
Neskar was becoming restless. The foes were still locked down in the hanger, and upon observation, they seemed to be making few efforts at escaping. That being said, a group of men were surrounding a single door, shifting with industrial efficiency. Neskar couldn't quite see what they were planting, but he was certain it would be a potent combination. Transmitting orders to the men nearest that door, they too reacted to the presence, preparing to pepper whoever or whatever came through that door. Furthermore, he toyed with the idea of venting the hanger, hurling the inhabitants out into the great oblivion. A nice idea. Just in case. Speaking of just in case, he motioned for a crew-man to transmit more orders.

"Have the tram-lines nearest the hanger rigged with explosives and set to blow the second the enemy appears. Got it? Good."

He felt a pang of guilt for not being down in the frontlines, taking the blows (grow up), but still, he needed to direct the defence. For now. Yeah. When the shit really hit the fan, then he'd help. It was sort of in his job description. Quip maker. Fan cleaner. Head decapitator. He sat back down on the captain's chair, still adorned in battle-worn armour, and waited.

A voice came over his personal intercomm. Oh, hello. Neskar decided he'd reply.

"It would be lovely if you could join the party. If you prefer a direct route, I could easily lower the hangers and wave you through. Or... sure. Tear holes. Do things. Take your crew and.. do stuff. Not each other, save that until after."

[member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"] [member="Rusken Shaxx"] [member="Ozamu Tzang"] [member="Salem Norongachi"] [member="Graxin Rade"]

( very quick post, very sorry :( )
"I assume they havent agreed to be escorted out of the system?" She asked.

"No ma'am," replied one of the comms officers.

Irys waved a hand dismissively and sighed. "Every long range ion cannon in the fleet, open fire. Have the Hood class vessels target their command ship and fire only until their shields are down," she ordered.

In the shadow of Hypori, the fleet was suddenly illuminated by a barrage of cerulean fire. The mass of firepower lanced across the space to lash across the shields of the SDE fleet. The Hood class spun up their Hellebore cannons. A trial of energy torpedoes would start hitting the command Hades. They appeared as lightning bolts, little more than a fading flash on the retina. At 0.2c, the eye could not witness their passage.

The Hades class possessed no long range firepower to return with and would have to close. Not that it mattered. The sheer volume of firepower would leave them perhaps a minute before being crippled.

Assault cruisers started to close, flanked by Dirk class frigates, Bolo class missile boats and swarms of droid fighters.

"Ma'am we have been boarded."

Irys mulled over this for a moment. They really were going to try and take her ship. Slicing would be difficult, the command and control suit was heavily segregated into individual systems and had been constructed by Sienar as part of the refit. If this had been the serenity there would have been the chance that these invaders could have known a back door. Still, there was a real risk of crew members being forced to fly the ship out of the system. She doubted she could trust every bridge officer to take a blaster bolt to the head before giving an invader the keys, so to speak.

"Is the Deathly Silence out of dock?" Irys asked, referring to a Greivous class.

"Yes Ma'am," came the reply.

"Prepare to transfer control of the fleet to themselves or a command station. Have engineering prepare for an emergency vent of the second hypermatter reactor and prepare to wipe the navigation system of the reference data required for a jump to hyperspace,"


"Just in case ensign."
"Mr Ovmar," Irys greeted, putting the emphasis on the lack of recognised rank. "Whilst we appreciate youtlr assistance this is a military operation. Please hold your position unless aid is requested," she continued.

If he'd turned up as an Omega fleet hung in orbit she would have begged for his aid and afforded him all the pleasantries. As it was, the grumpy bothan was a little annoyed about more durasteel taking up space in her skies.
The Admiralty
"Acknowledged, Admiral Arist'lar." the Sith Lord smoothly replied. "If assistance is necessary I shall provide it, otherwise my ship will keep its distance from the situation."

Pure technically he could have sent her enough data that underlined that 2/3rds of the planet of Hypori belonged to his vested entity. But there was time of postering and there was time for simply watching the show unfold. Ovmar wasn't in the business of stepping on too many toes, biting off more than he could chew was a rule he tried to keep firmly in sight (after one too many experiences that pushed him in the other direction.)
"I best be gettin' paid well for this," the echani woman grumbled under her breath as she followed the group.

She knew something about stealing ships. For a while, it was how she and her crew made a living. But never a ship this big, and never with this many casualties. She had a rule, a code, even as a pirate. Never kill if ya don't have to. She was a pirate, but not a complete monster. Well, emphasis on was a pirate. Her code still stood, now more than ever. Every life was a story, and Zandra liked stories. It all felt like a waste, but the Graxin kid did have a point. The One Sith were rotten, and she'd die before she lived in a Galaxy run by them.

The ACA sounded familiar to her, although truth be told, she paid little attention to Galactic politics. She figured she was supposed to hate them, at least for this particular mission, but it was hard to hate what you don't know. She was sure someone in the group could give her a good reason though, if she asked. No time for conversation though. They needed to get moving. What was the hold up? Did this [member="Graxin Rade"] kid really have to give a speech after cookin' some people with his freaky space magic? And why were they all standing around?

"What are yeh waitin' for!?" she snapped to [member="Vilaz Munin"], "Make it go 'boom-boom' so we can move-move!"

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Irys Arist'lar"]

Finally, Xander sighed as [member="Darth Janus"] gave his reply. They were finally getting somewhere and Xander's Main Computer held all the contracts and general data they needed. "Very good, thank you for listening to reason" with a smile, he turned to his communications officer, "Start wiring all digital forms of the contracts over to the Viceroy's ship and-

His sentence was cut off as he was catapulted to the floor and sent tumbling across the hard surface. The shields of the Hades-class he was in went down without much of a fight and the missiles that followed her hell. Fire lashed out across the bow, spitting hot metal into the depths of space. It was like watching a fireworks show, one that would harbor in something terrible for the ACA...but not in the form of a firefight.

The alarm siren blared and Xander could hear the screams from his men, it was like listening to baby nerfs walking blindly into a slaughter. Xander didn't look up from the ground until the madness had become silent. Blood was gushed across the floor, creating crimson rivers of red that flowed across the steel floors. Fires were raging across the bridge, which was flashing red and blue as warning bells and whistles screamed for everyone to get on their feet. Slowly the man looked over his shoulder and glared at the bridge window. The window's surface was cracked horrendously and, by the looks of it, wasn't go to last much longer.

"Everyone off the bridge!" Xander shouted, shuffling to his feet and darting for the exit ahead of all who had survived the savage attack. He waited by the door as maybe a dozen survivors poured out and then he quickly sealed the door behind them. It wasn't long before he could hear the slight vibrations as the contents of the Bridge were sucked through a shattered window. "Everyone down to the emergency bridge! I want to know which of these dumb nerf herders fired on my ship!"

The employees spared no time getting to it and began scurrying their way down the corridor to, Xander limping after them. Something was definitely broken and it took a good five minutes for him to limp the distance to the emergency bridge in the middle of the ship. Entering, Xander immediately began shouting, "Which one of those inbred, Ewok loving, Gungan screwing poodoo birds was the one dumb enough to fire on us? Was it that damn Viceroy?"

"Negative sir, it came from the ships under the command of Admiral Irys. The one that sent the transmission about being escorted back to our homeworld."

"Homeworld? Does she even know what that word means!?" Xander's heart was still racing and through that anger had taken over, "I'm a CEO not the Protector of the Omega Karking Pyre! Get me a line back to the Viceroy and bring up that list of grievances I made, I think I have a few more things to add!"

Xander hopped his way over to the holocommunicator in the middle of the room, placing his hands on the table before him. "And give me a damage report for The Force's sake."

"The bridge has been destroyed and we have suffered seventy-percent damage over the entire ship as a whole. The absorption fins helped to listen the impact and without them, the ship would have been torn apart. All weapons are offline though and we'll be lucky to make a hyperspace jump."

Xander just grumbled a list of colorful words under his breath until the list popped up before him and a green light told him they were transmitting back to the Viceroy.

"I don't know what kind of kids you have trying to play war with your fleet, Viceroy, but you are going to be sorry they did! I'll be leaving your system but consider this my intent to sue! I was hoping we could settle this outside a court, out of respect for your government, but apparently you are nothing like the CIS I remember!" Xander straightened his torn suit and looked over the list of grievances. He hadn't planned on using this, mostly because he still held some empathy for the CIS and it successor. He was, after all, an Ex-Templar. That sentiment had just gone out the window though.

"Theft of property for failing to return materials and droids owned by SDE, which by the way I have had the contracts sent to you. Destruction of a Hades-Class starship and the deaths and injury of multiple employees. Destruction of the SDE Drunkenwell shipyards and deaths of all employees on the stations. Manslaughter of former CEO Zev Stargo for placing recklessly placing him in a situation resulting in death. And don't worry, I haven't forgotten about your admiral and her murder of my men!" a fist came down hard on the display before a crooked finger came up from his hand, pointing at the camera that would holographically display him to Janus. "I'll be leaving the system now but when I come back, it will be as the new owner of this pitiful little planet of yours. Your government will owe me so much money they will need to sell off their children to pay the debt"
The Admiralty
[member="Irys Arist'lar"]

‘Lord Ovmar, the corporate fleet is breaking up and commencing hyperspace procedures!’ the Admiral notified with a neutral expression. It seemed that for now Stargo was content with leaving the system and approaching the situation from a different route, what that route was the Sith Lord did not know. But it would probably be concerning lawsuits, Ovmar wasn’t sure that would be very successful - not with the stunt they had just pulled today.

But stranger things had happened in the Galaxy.

‘Admiral, prepare the Chrysalide to jump for hyperspace. I think we are done here for today, I am going to visit our Admiral Arist’lar concerning this situation.’

‘Acknowledged, sir.’

Then the Sith Lord got on the commlink with the ACA Admiral.

‘Admiral Arist’lar, I’d like to request permission to come on board your ship and discuss this… peculiar situation.’
"You have permission to come aboard, however we have been boarded. I suggest you armed detail for your own safety. May I request that you vessel, if it has the capabilities to do so, deploys any gravity wells to detail that fleet? I must reiterate that no hostile actions should be undertaken and thank you for your understanding so far," Irys replied to the behemoth of a vessel sitting behind the private fleet. She had already requested some detailed scans of the ship, such a large vessel in private hands made her nervous.

All physical weaponry had ceased firing shortly after the enemy vessels shields were down. Only ion cannons were fired and they continued to lash against the hulls of the ships, disabling systems. A number of Thrawn class interdictors moved in with the cruisers, dropping their gravity wells as larger vessels deployed tractor beams to hold the corvettes in place. The hostile fleet was going nowhere.

"Hostile fleet, you are to surrender and prepare to be boarded. Those behind this hostile action will be transferred to the surface to await civilian trial for this matter. Attempting to blockade a system, deploying boarding parties and troops in an attempt to seize military assets by force...these cannot be allowed. If your vessels continue to attempt to escape, this will continue as a military matter as the defence of an ACA world and I will decide how to proceed. I recommend the courts. Your forces on my vessel shall be ordered to lay down arms and will be transferred to a military holding area."

She shouldn't have continued, but having served at CIS Acquisitions, the branch devoted to managing military suppliers, she couldn't help herself. "The ACA military does not loan assets core to its fightability. The fact that IPR resides with genosian industries, even though we have purchased a number of low level designs over the years to aid in maintenance, does not give them to right to recall them. Any onwards arrangements, such as your provision of materials, does not affect the ACA military in any manner. Your company is free to take up any matters it wishes as a civil matter through the courts. However, I think your lawyers might be busy for a while."

Already unarmed police officers had arrived at Stargo facilities across the ACA space. They had warrants to detain and question all executives and to seize all military hardware that may be used against civilians.

As for the boarders, the Jupitus was built on a Collateralhulk frame. Much like the lucrehulk the hangars were located along the incomplete ring that ran around the command core. They would have a long way to go from the hangars, harassed by ray shields, blast doors, and several thousand droids and marines along to way. It would be a brutal slog for them.

The shields were rotated to allow any friendly forces to dock, to expedite the capture of hostile forces.
The Admiralty
[member="Irys Arist'lar"]

‘Request granted, Admiral.’ the Sith Lord replied over the comms, before waving to his own captain of the ship to handle the affaire. The two huge gravity wells would be activated, they were outside the immediate vicinity of the enemy fleet as such it was more a precaution - if they managed to flee from the interdiction fields set-up by the Bothan… they’d suddenly hit another field.

In the meanwhile cloaked ships left the Chrysalide to join up with the Jupitus, all of it had been cleared beforehand with the Admiral over private comms. Fifty Tionese Whiteguard members would join the Sith Lord, usually it was rare to see such a big detachment outside of the Tion Cluster. But when you were a charter member of the Hegemony, you had certain privileges.

It was his company that provided the Whiteguard with its numerous cybernetic implants, making sure they were the best of the best. Soon they’d arrive to provide assistance, probably, or perhaps by then the situation had resolved itself - who knew these days.
The shuttle blasted from the hangar, the solid armoured blast door locking into place behind it. The Hand of Fate was now a vault, nothing was getting in without a few dozen holes for its troubles. The bulk of Norongachi's command ship moved, taking up position within the fleets defensive formation. The mind boggling array of weaponry it had trained upon the Stargo fleet.

"Admiral [member="Irys Arist'lar"] , The Hand of Fate is at your command." The message surged through the ether, the Bothan Admiral was one of the few within the navy of the ACA that knew who that voice belonged too.

The shuttle met no resistance, its transponder assured it remained unmolested by the swarms of fighters filled the void between the behemoth war ships. Norongachi let his body do the work, muscle memory allowing him to guide them toward a forward hangar, further along the vast ringed super structure of the Jupitus. It would put them ahead of the boarders approach.

The ship didn't land so much as skid, metal screeching against metal as it hit the floor of the hangar causing the garrison stationed there to dive for cover and immediately raise weapons and aim heavy blaster emplacements. The boarding ramp begun to move, sliding down at its own causal pace before an annoyed burst of telekinetic energy ripped it from its hinges and sent it skittering across the floor. Norongachi stepped out then, armoured boots hitting the floor and his two ships mates behind them. The dark visor of his helm took in the men, the stalwart defenders of their posts that were more than ready to die for their duties. They, like the ACA as a whole, had burned in the flames of war, of revolution, had turned to ash and then been reborn. There were few military's in the Galaxy that had faced such adversity and come out stronger.

"Captain," Norongachi began, it was a voice that had not long before played upon every com-system in the ACA. They knew who it was, the armour, like the man had become something akin to legend among the military. "Salem Norongachi reporting for duty."
"Jate bora!" Strider would praise his fellow mando, [member="Vilaz Munin"] , in his handy work with the Thermal Det tape. The ordinance if applied proper was capable of blasting through triple threat blast doors. If done wrong..... well this trip would be very short indeed. "STACK UP!" Strider would command all those around to form up on either side of the door in proper formation for the breach. The old mandalorian would take up lead position of the left side of the door. He readied a concussion grenade to throw at the resistance forces behind the door.

Strider began the count down for the breach




"kadiilir kadiilir kadiilir" The Button would be pressed and the explosion would *Rolls the dice* , Fail with epic proportions. The explosion would do its job, the problem was that Vilaz accidentally placed way too much ordinance upon the door, that vaped the door but compromised the breach team as well. Strider being the closest to the termal det tape 's compressed radius of explosion suffered the effects. His bionic left arm was denigrated along with the concussion grenade in hand that set off the explosive device. The concussive power of his own grenade flung Strider clear across the hangar.

Neskar A'toll

Hail to the King, baby

"Whoop! There it is!" Neskar smirked, and immediately leapt up from the captain's chair. It was the time of reckoning. He leant down close to the LED screen, glaring at the static with a small smirk on his face. The last thing he had seen through the eyes of the CCTV camera was a rather large explosion. Activating his radio, he inquired about the well-being of the marines, droids and defence emplacements near that door. After hearing the all-clear, albeit with a few major casualities, and most being rather shook with the close explosion, Neskar ordered them to move back from the debris, and begin firing into the smoke. That would buy him time, he noted. A cackling laugh came from Neskar, descending into a hapless guffaw. Crew-men turned and looked, by the time Neskar had recovered, they seemed rather perplexed.

"Have I really got to deal with this myself? Oh well.. kick the music, lads, I'm going in. Ah, don't you see? To think I was almost wishing for them to come through! Haha! I guess I got my wish now! Ah, I trust you'll all keep the helm here, correct? Also, deactivate the deadlocks for a single route from the bridge. With all luck, we can draw the intruders through thirty-six chambers of death. Good luck to you all."

It struck him as being rather inevitable however. Of course they were going to get through the door. Of course. Abruptly leaving the bridge, Neskar hurried to his quarters. If he forget this vital equipment, he'd knew he'd kick himself later in the day. And so, ysalamiri in tow, he sped to the armoury. A banquet of benevolently destructive weaponry with malice tied to them like a bow awaited him. It was past time, in his opinion. He should have dealt with the rodent problem long ago. A malevolent feeling fell on him. Time to choose. He chose his standard, as was the procedure; a CZ-836 assault rifle, accompanied with additional slugs already installed in the weapon, his Mandalorian Ripper, the trusty hand-cannon that tore through flesh like velvet. Next, the Gorgon web-rifle, that snared force users in electrifying web. His beskad, the foot and half long solid beskar machete, which had sliced through a dozen hundred in its lifetime. And may it sunder another today. Heavy stuff now. A CZ-837 slug-thrower LMG. Too heavy. Need to say mobile. So much so, Neskar placed the CZ-836 rifle on his back, above the Gorgon. The Beskad was strapped to his thigh, and his dual rippers were in waist holsters. The weight was bulky, but nothing more to be expected of open war. Instead of the LMG, he instead snatched a BTI-CES 'Retaliator' shotgun, designed to smash the enemy at close range with sheer concussive force. A beauty to behold.

Armed to the teeth, he prowled the hallways of the Jupirenity, as he took to calling it, and stomped to the nearest tram. He ordered it back online.

"Captain, sir, you gave or-" The acting commander there plead.

"And I'm giving orders now. Besides, kiddo, this is a one-way trip. Keep frosty."

Standing solitary on the tram, as it roared through the tubular tram system, endless arrays of neon lights illuminating Neskar's armour - an eerie glow to his already gloomy persona - all morphing into a single line of light, zipping past at monumental pace, a solemn feeling came across him. It would be a shame to die today. It would grant him honour - not to mention eternal rest - but still, he felt he had more to give than his previous 24 years had indicated. Twenty-four? It feels as if I have been for double that. Shaking away his doubts, he focused solely on his mission. To kill, and be killed. To stalk, slay and seek death. To stare death in the face, then obliterate it. Mand'ade forgive me, knowing his brothers in arms were amongst those invading the ship.

At least it shall be a fair fight.

[member="Strider Garon"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Salem Norongachi"] @Anesia [member="Jared"] Omvar [member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Xander Corbal "][member="Zandra Tal'verda"] [member="Kage"]

(feel the wroth of actual effort being put into things)
The Mandalorian nodded at his fellow vod's appraisal after the charges were set and ready to be used to blast apart the blast doors. Now, was time for the proper formation that all, if not most military personnel used when ready for a breach. Taking the left side of the blast door Vilaz would be right behind Strider. His DC-17m which was set as a blaster rifle and its magazine was ready to unloaded on Amy hostile that came in his or the team's way. Then, the final countdown began, for the charges to detonate.

3, 2, 1!

The button would be pressed by Strider causing a magnitude of explosion erupt from the charges. It succeeded in destroying the doors, but the Warrior had put way too many charges to blast down the doors. Luckily for Vilaz he was not close to the doors such as Strider, but he did suffered some of the effects of the radius of the explosion as well as the concussion grenade in Strider's hand. Like his fellow Mandalorian the Warrior was sent flying back from his original position.

"Son of a gun," was what the Redneck had it comment on what just happened.
Raziel shouldered his smart grenade launcher as he padded down onto the deck silently. His elite team of Spynet exfiltrators followed suit, each of them armed with a silenced scattergun. The Spymaster, and member of the secretive Obsidian Shadows was not the most powerful Force User in the Galaxy. He affected the world around him in subtle ways, no throwing buildings or mentally wiping his enemies. However, he was exceedingly sensitive. Even on a ship with a three kilometre diameter he was able to find the trail of the enemy incursion. The powerful emotions were like a beacon to him.

“Follow my lead,” he instructed. They’d have to hurry, they were well behind the attackers. Of course, he didn’t have a few thousand troops, ray shields and blast doors ahead of him and his targets.

He reached out with the Force and…sensed something else. A presence he hadn’t felt for months. Norongachi. Raziel had helped mastermind his overthrow of the CIS bureaucracy, and been well rewarded in turn. Of course, he hadn’t mourned losing such a powerful sponsor, and had turned his attentions to a mutual arrangement with the corporate powerhouses that had come in the wake of the Lord Commander’s retirement. Now the cause of the ripples he had sensed through the Force were even clearer. Many forces had come together on this day, it was one of those important nexus’ where many past paths arrived, and the events of the day would choice one of many possible futures.

“Arrived at an interesting time?” he easily picked out the mind of Norongachi and sent the mental question.

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