Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Underworld Bounties Deck of 52


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Judah Dashiell"],

Sounds like you could use a bounty hunter of your own to fend off all those single to two bounty hunters going after you :p My only request would be that you hide out in a room with one especially dark corner where I could wait until they come in and then step out for a dramatic reveal.

[member="Darth Ophidia"],

My chin-spikes long for your bald touch :p


Matthew Robinson

There's an herb for that.
[member="Aeron Kreelan"]

Looks like you and I need to team up to bail my mate out. We fought Sith together, why not the underground too? [member="Judah Dashiell"]. And he was the tosser who joked around about not paying my bail. ;)
Miss Blonde said:
Ten of Spades: Face Position: Dar'Manda, Though let's be honest that term doesn't really carry weight anymore, Traitor Prize: 100,000 Credits Condition: Dead


I'm honored to make your list! You're right, though, Dar'Manda these days roughly translates to "someone I don't like". It's the facist of Mando'a.

Adding 500,000Cr on top of the bounty. When I'm finished working on my sweet new basilisk fighter and armor, I'll throw that in the pot, too.
Miss Blonde said:
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]
It's mostly to do with GEAR, you're loaded so if you get taken alive Blonde will try to ransom you, steal from your company, or interrogate for information pertaining to certain things. I don't expect you to die though, it's just there as an option. Blonde don't mind one less potential threat gone.
I actually forgot that Sera has like 6 billion+ credits lol. She's actually richer than Jamie whose a wealthy noble...Sheesh.

Either way I'm fine with this. I wish more people attempted to collect bounties, and the people with the bounties on them were more open to being hunted.

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