Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unpopular Opinions That Choo Got

- Precious few people here know how to handle a large-scale PvP conflict without it dissolving into a sniping and/or whining contest. If we had more people who were reasonable and cooperative with their invasions, dominions, and PvP, we'd have so much more war, and the members would love it.
- I love this thread, because it lets us stretch our legs and do a little whining of our own.
- Salads are gross. You need meat to have a proper food.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
I'm tired of admins and moderators on various sites I've visited believing that because they hold these positions they should be capable of and allowed to do anything they want, when they want and how they want; whilst essentially proclaiming 'Fuck the members' and losing the foresight that it is the members that make a site, not just staff.
I gets my panties in a twist when people roleplay their characters to an end that they can't RP their death out of... only to rage afterward.

What is wrong with dying people? If you end up in a place where you can't arguably bargain, deal, parlay, bribe, or wiggle your way out of it legitly... deal with it! Enjoy the good run and the potential of an awesome ending. There is nothing wrong with having bad things happen!

IC actions have IC consequences.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Preliat Mantis said:
  • Species creation doesn't really benefit the site.
  • 90% of the factory seems to be self-serving.
  • Naval things are boring.
  • Jedi don't act Jedi-like.
  • Sith should fight more amongst themselves.
  • Crunchy over creamy peanut butter.
  • Drake isn't that whiny.
  • Despite what everyone else thinks, beards don't work for everyone.
  • Coffee is gross.
  • Cats suck.
I disagree with points, 1, 3, and the Beards one.
As for points 2, and 5 should be expected
Point 4 is sooooo true
And the rest i dont care
In Umbris Potestas Est
Cira said:
I gets my panties in a twist when people roleplay their characters to an end that they can't RP their death out of... only to rage afterward.

What is wrong with dying people? If you end up in a place where you can't arguably bargain, deal, parlay, bribe, or wiggle your way out of it legitly... deal with it! Enjoy the good run and the potential of an awesome ending. There is nothing wrong with having bad things happen!

IC actions have IC consequences.
"Potential of an awesome ending"



Mercenary, Artist.
Star Wars is garbage. It's horrible Scifi that answers every hard question with some variation of 'lol i guess a wizard did it or whatevs'. As standard fantasy (which it's trying to be) it breaks no new ground, does very little interesting, and is hardly original at all. The plot is bland, the characters are two dimensional, the setting is boring. Anything decent about Star Wars is done better somewhere else, and the only reason I'm even here is because of RP. I do my level best to pretend I'm in a different setting, one that makes sense. Alna here is a Firefly character, Aleidis acts more like a Paladin than anything else, etc.

The only decent question raised in Star Wars that couldn't be waved off with 'lol The Force, somehow' created a huge stink because the justification offered to us was completely laughable - Midi-Chlorians.

In terms of pure fiction, anything I've read of Star Wars' extended universe ranks just a tiny notch above Twilight, and well below anything I'd recommend to someone who likes good books, decent settings, or science fiction in general.

Whenever I see someone make a character from another setting - the various anime expys, Doctor Whos and whatnot we've got running around on SWRP - I quietly chalk up another small victory for stories that don't suck. But that's just, like, my opinion, man.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
The quantity of characters that are normal, non-force users whom are not written to be Galactic Saviors, soldiers or being the ultimate bad-ass is very low. The quality of those few characters that are your normal everyday characters and the potential behind them is something that is very rarely tapped into.

I feel that Star Wars as a whole is a story of multiple individuals and shouldn't be focused on "Hero Worship."

There is not enough simple characters such as Nerf-herders, waitresses and waiters, service industry professionals and simple workers.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
When it comes to making Master, I do not care if you're best friends with half the staff or can write your way around the giants of twentieth century literature. I care about work and self-improvement, not some joker going 'lol I deserve this how dare you question me' in flawless prose. I would happily give Master to a dozen young kids who'd worked for it for six months. I see a veteran trying to get a new alt Mastered after three months of trolling disguised as faction contribution, I feel disgust.

I detest arguments that start with 'logically,' especially if they're coming from someone educated enough to know better. I've never seen a point on this board start with 'logically' that wasn't vulnerable to serious critique, and mostly just an excuse to try and make other people look stupid. Stop invoking logic. That's a logical fallacy all on its own, and you're doing it wrong.

Technically perfect writing without any poetry, flow, heart or substance is still bad writing.

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