It's the lack of accountability. It's the contempt and constantly posturing arrogance. Every other thread, I see OOC spite leaking in to colour the actions of writing that is, by my understanding, supposed to be a divorce from reality. It's the bullying. The inconsideration I see in folks that should know better. It's the infantile, puerile justifications to mask what are ultimately self-serving, terrible decisions; ...the sort of thing I see in myself.
It's the obsession of power in a vacuum of digital type fonts. It's the constant 'screw yous' that every second Tech Sub seems to be. It's the fact that people come here to have fun and we leave them feeling alienated, disregarded. It's the backbiting, all the two-faced conversations, all the expectations, the unreasonable pressures. The constant power-plays, thin skin, mistaking arrogance for self-confidence. It's the clinging to stubborn ignorance to somehow prove an outmoded idea. The fact that we all have to be right, all the time, in everything.
And the fact that most of us are a bunch of sons of bitches and we don't have a way to fix it.