OOC Account

A lawful evil villain methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts.
He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life.
He plays by the rules but without mercy or compassion.
He is comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule, but is willing to serve.

Older Brother
Beloved Wife

Commonly referred to as Force Sense, the ability to see much farther than ones eyes can travel; Tactus Otium is the answer to the question: How are Jedi able to react fast enough to evade and counter blaster fire; providing a vivid sense of the situation unfolding around those capable of applying this skill in their chosen field.
A basic component in the use of most Core Force Powers, this is the means to amplify ones focus in the force itself, strengthening what potential you might naturally have in order to delve deeper and produce a superior effect of the desired ability. Those of great skill in Altus Sopor can cloud their presence from other force users completely by melding their presence in among the natural flow of the force itself.
Relating to the ability to absorb energies both natural and otherwise, this branch of the Force has been known to be applied both offensively and defensively. For an example, the ability to lesson the blow of a blaster shot to the side through great focus in extending the force from within to create a small barrier around ones exterior (some call this force: Protect).
Referred to some as Force Push and Force Pull, telekinesis consists of two branches of the ability. Sustained Telekinesis where an object or person is held in place for a period of time, and then Burst Telekinesis in which something or someone is thrown backwards or pulled in towards the user.
Consisting of more than just communication from one mind to another, Telepathy is the umbrella term for the ability to affect a persons mind on the whole. Whether convincing others to do something they normally wouldn't (mind trick), or otherwise projecting images, memories or words into the consciousness of the target. The effect of Telepathy varies dependent on the mental strength of the foe.
The ability to harness the strength and purity of the lightside of the force in order to combat and eradicate the presence of dark side apparitions and counter the effects of their users. This ability is said to be able to disconnect those of the dark from their affinity in the force, if only to temporarily disable them from further conflict.
An umbrella title to the force abilities focused on self healing and rejuvenation of the natural body. Stamina and lost strength can be regained by drawing the force into ones center, healing significant injuries and sustaining ones life in the field of combat given enough time to focus.
Corruption was a Force power that was employed by users of the dark side of the Force. It allowed a user of the dark side of the Force to hurl a bolt of pure dark side energy. This ability is similar to the practice of Force Lightning, only with the empowerment and corruption that is the Dark Side of the Force, bringing not only physical pain but also degradation of the mind and corruption of ones alignment in the Force least they be trained to defend against such powerful techniques.
Force abilities such as drain life and dark healing, siphoned vitality to sometimes offer an equivalent effect of Force healing, the difference being that the regenerative processes in the user was fueled draining the targets. Other techniques like Drain Force rekindled Force energy in the user, offensively draining the Force energy from those whom the power was turned upon.

Formerly a man to swear by the attire of the Jedi Order, this seemingly nomadic or monastic style of dresswear hasn't been lost upon Veiere Arenais despite his walking away from his former faith and life long dedication to the lightside of the Force; now a follower of the Dark Side, fully engrossed in the pursuit of power in the force and the uprising of the new Order of Dark Jedi for which he has offered a home upon the world of Rannon, Veiere Arenais has chosen to adapt his former robes to a far darker color with added protective reinforcement across the torso, the implementation of armor-weave and other synthetic materials to otherwise compliment the Dark Jedi Attire.

The story of Veiere's life is one that you might expect from a Jedi to have lived so long. Starting out, he was drafted into the Jedi Order by parents that felt it was better for his future, while not being able to financially support him and themselves too. When approached by a Jedi Knight of the Order, they graciously accepted believing that maybe some day the life of their child will be worth something to someone out there in the Galaxy. Discouraged from seeking them out in his later years as a student still yet to be taken by a Jedi Knight.
Veiere Arenais showed poor skill in the application of his swordsmanship yet seemed to excel in his literature and research assignments earning him a place at the side of the leading archivist of a smaller branch. There he pursued his interests in the Force, learning of the living and unifying force theories and often questioning his mentor, the head archivist for further insight. Though the older man was not his Master, he offered guidance and soon introduced Veiere to the subject of Niman, a style of swordsmanship that might better suit his talents with the application of the force, learning to harness both physical and force tactics during his free time. He would never grow up to become a legend or Master of the sword arts yet as time passed on, Veiere did slowly learn to become more comfortable with the use of the lightsaber, enough so to feel confident in his ability to take on field work.
There were many perilous adventures undertaken in order to fulfill the Jedi Order's requirement for his services outside of his home branch, though he visited many others while they remained standing, Veiere took to every assignment with a straight mind and that same sense of duty that he felt in wearing the Jedi attire.

As it is with all battles between the Light and the Dark, the return trip back to his home branch of the Jedi Order was interrupted with little warning. Leaving hyperspace, his companions, fellow members of the Order were intercepted by a sizeable Sith Armada enroute to laying siege upon the small world not equipped to defend themselves against the unwarranted assault. Forced to watch from afar, hands cuffed and possessions taken from him, he and his peers experienced the true defeat of hearing the screams and cries of battle, they friends and only known family exterminated under the actions of the One Sith, a returned Empire thought to be in ruins.Chained, hurt and emotionally crushed, Veiere and his few friends remaining of the Order turned on their captors, managing to break free of their bounds and in the haste and heat of conflict, they struck the Sith escort down, some in cold blood. Standing atop the body of the fallen that he'd killed, with the flames and smoke of his former home in the background, Veiere found that in his heart he knew that he'd crossed a fragile line, giving in to his desires and turning his back on the light, if only for the moment, turning to his anger to overcome his foes.
As this was not the Jedi way, Veiere Arenais fell into exile until a time where he might recover from his failures.

With the help and support from both [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] of the Silver Sanctum and [member="Lady Kay"] formerly of the Galactic Republic, Veiere's time in exile upon the world of Alzoc Three was brought to an end after twelve long years. With the news reaching him that the Jedi Order was no longer in the state that it had been during the time in which Veiere had served, he reluctantly decided that it was time to step back out into the galaxy and see for himself just how at odds everything had become. At first glance, it was easy to see that the two were correct. The Jedi Order had come to split into three major sects. The formerly strong body that supported the Galactic Republic had remained though not nearly whole, it was in tatters, disorganized and quick to offend at the slightest notion of it's degradation; too sore from it's past relations to bring hope and solidity in its future, this was Veiere's first stop and ultimately his first mistake back in a life that only seemed to know Chaos anymore.
The Silver Sanctum was the second contender to what the Order used to be, though not as firmly biased towards those that would lean a little too closely to the use of the Darkside for Veiere's comfort, he had found the people there like-able and Theodred himself to be a valued friend; yet there remained a change there still too drastic for the old Jedi whose values were so traditional at the time to pursue.
The third sect was that of the Jedi Order of the Galactic Alliance, the Jedi Academy that sought to teach the ways of the force in the light that the Jedi once firmly believed to be the only righteous path. Veiere had intended on visiting them to determine for himself whether it would be the right fit for him; only to be dissuaded during the third Jedi Conclave and ultimately abandon all hope of serving in the distinction that he knew of from his past.
Realizing soon after that he, alike so many others could not come to mutual terms and agree upon the best path for the Order, an Order of which he no longer felt so confident in knowing; turned to his close friend Kay Larr, who sought to individualize and free the people of Commenor away from the grasp of the Sith Empire, hoping that their neutrality and positive relations with both friend and potential foe, might serve the world in good faith.

By no means an organized movement, the Church of the Force was thought to be more a collective faith held onto by individuals of all types and cultures that agreed upon the need for a unified Jedi Order in the Galaxy. These followers or holders of the faith, valued and tried to aspire to the ideals of the Jedi Order's more traditional form rather than the currently separate factions.It is important to note that not all were former members of the Jedi Order. This however does not mean to say that they disagree with those who have paired away but more importantly see a greater potential had all groups returned to recreate the Order in whole.

Despite the formation and rise of the Commenor Systems Alliance, the state of the Jedi Order of the Galaxy continued to worsen. Between the Jedi of the Galactic Alliance and the Silver Jedi Order further north of Commenor, Veiere Arenais struggled to recognize the ways of their traditional virtue in either. Raised to be a Jedi adhering strictly to the Jedi Code of the Order brought into being by GrandMaster Luke Skywalker, embodied and envisioned upon the back of his legend and those that came before him, it had always been Veiere's wish to see the Jedi of the Galaxy once again unified and seeking to follow in the path of the light as one body.Alas, not all things are so easily achieved let alone welcomed. Veiere's decision to call the Jedi back to yet a third Conclave meant for the revitalization of the Yutani Jedi Temple and former heart of the Galactic Republic's grandeur was stonewalled both by the Government of Yutan fearing further conflict from that of the Sith Empire in retaliation for the growing presence of the light, but also by some within the Silver Jedi Order, whom Veiere continues to dedicate his support to.
Depite these difficulties, Veiere's vision of a unified Jedi Order dashed and marred with indifference and individualism among their own, he continued in his goal to restore a portion of the Order to its former ways. Their numbers over the first year would steadily grow and where Yutan had failed to cater to their needs, they would soon come into the ownership of a great Praxeum Vessel known as The Providence, financially backed by both Veiere and his wife Lady Kay of the Commenor Systems Alliance. From there they moved to reconnect with the Jedi Enclave of Deneba of which had been the victim of passed wars between the Galactic Republic and the One Sith Empire; Making a home for which the new Era of The Jedi Order will move forward in training students and Jedi Knights alike, taking in those who seek to follow and dedicate their lives to the duty and discipline of the Jedi Path.

"We should work for the simple, good, undercorated things,but things which are in service to the people, and harmony within the Force"
From the moment Veiere Arenais came out of self-exile on the world of Alzoc Three to discover the state of the Jedi Order across the Galaxy back before the time of the Commenor Systems Alliance, the Dominion of Ession, his marriage or the Enclave of Deneba; every day since he has walked with the belief that in all things the Will of the Force has guided him down a path destined to contribute in some way, shape or form to the Jedi Orders return to the old ways and honoring of the Jedi Code in service to the people, to the Force and the deterrence of conflict across the Galactic Charts.
Against the odds and the criticism of others whose faith belonged not to the light but to themselves, Veiere Arenais has achieved this feat through the re-establishment of the Jedi Enclave of Deneba, the heart for which the Jedi Order under his initial leadership as Grand Master would grow. The path has been long, filled with no shortage of personal struggles in his own inner conflicts and those coming from outside threads to the path of the light; yet with the support of his fellow Councilors [member="Romi Jade"] of whom has been appointed the new Grand Master of Deneba, and [member="Kahne Porte"] of whom has worked alongside them from the early days of the Enclaves revival, will continue to work to create the future of the Order and carry on the Legacy of the Force that has always been Veiere's goal, his ambition for which have inspired his part in the foundation of the Systems Alliance...
Stepping down from the role Jedi Leadership, his former apprentice and prodigy of the force, Grand-Master Romi Jade is to cater for Veiere's previous contributions while he is to resume the mantle of King over the Commenor Systems Alliance, placing some needed distance between his connection to politics and his connection to the Jedi Order in the hope of being able to give further to the Galaxy in need of such aid during such chaotic times of war. For the Jedi, this has seen to Veiere handing the reigns to miss Jade and continuing instead to focus on teaching of their students, inspiring the future generations of Jedi to come, when not at home on the world of Commenor alongside his wife [member="Lady Kay"]; she of whom has supported both he and the Order through the entirety of their lives spent together.

Married in secret to [member="Lady Kay"], the Queen of Commenor and later holding a public wedding within the grounds of the Royal Palace for which the entire territory of the Systems Alliance and all the millions of people under their care would be given the opportunity to witness live across the holo-net, Veiere Arenais calls this world his one true Home. Everything that the two stand for as a Couple, individuals, a politician and a Jedi, has contributed to the image that Commenor now holds as the capital world to a far greater cause; the good democratic and prosperous standard of living for all whom support the Systems Alliance.Having recently begun construction of their new Private Residence, Veiere's former home was brought to the ground in flames and smoke by a figure of his late past. This new Residence dubbed "Chateau La Arenais" by some private joke between the two as a means to tease one another quietly away from the spotlight that is their frequent day to day lives, offers an escape where the pair can simply be themselves, enjoy the lives that they both share, live and love one another in cherished Marriage.

The Commenor Systems Alliance (CSA) was original founded out of the single world of Commenor, the elected home of [member="Lady Kay"] and Veiere Arenais following the collapse of the Galactic Republic. Over the years that the two spent within each others company, their goals for a safer galaxy and one where peace was not only encouraged but believed in, Kay put into motion her bid to become the President over the world of Trade, Veiere at the time working as her body guard and sole trusted adviser, with her every step of the way towards success. Praised by the people for both her experience as a Senator for the Republic and representative of the trade world prior to their coming to live there full time, coupled with the approval of the Elders and real visionaries of the world, she was granted her dream and thus entered into the head of Commenori Government seeking to create for not only her people, a place of neutrality, reason and peace, but so too the powers outside of their territory, forming embassies within their capital for which they might meet in negotiation and diplomacy.
As months would turn into years and the influence of Commenor grew, eventually their formerly small government would be encouraged to reach out to the worlds around it in the hope of embracing this search for peace and stability across the Expansion Regions of the Galactic Core. Where they were once small and fairly unrecognized to the larger outside powers that be, Commenor soon become the Commenor Systems Alliance, joined by other former Republican worlds such as Mimban, Cato Neimoidia, Gyndine and Yutan.
As their regions of government expanded so too did their need for allies and military power in order to defend the people should the need arise. Veiere Arenais, though seeking to continue to have faith in the forgotten path of the old ways of the Jedi, moved forward to guide their military advisers over the organization of the CSA's naval forces as well as the acquisition of arms; doing what he could to enable the growing government whilst choosing to steer clear of the politics for which he was not a fan, his acts would later see support for his wedding Lady Kay, backed by glorious applause from the people and recognized as the King Monarch of Commenor itself, an example of selflessness to a nation now the heart of a new allied confederacy.

With the Jedi Order safely within the more than capable hands of his former Padawan, [member="Romi Jade"] and with his beloved wife [member="Lady Kay"] having fallen pregnant with [member="Caedyn Arenais"], now well into her pregnancy, Veiere Arenais has gradually pulled himself away from that of the Jedi Order. Upon the World of Commenor he has built their growing Family a true Home up within the privacy of the Eldritch Mountains where they can escape the stress of political lifestyle both Jedi and Government alike.
For Veiere personally, having seen his one over all long term dream fulfilled and the Jedi Order started on Deneba moving in strength into the future that they might shine the light of the Force upon an ever darkening horizon; this all marks a new Era for the former Jedi Master and one that he can safely and complacently dedicate to his family now, those of whom he loves and would see protect, flourish and live out happy normal lives as best as can be made possible.

Veiere's path has taken him down a number of significant avenues, some of great influence and others of violence and danger; his belief that his life has been guided by the will of the force, meant to bring unity back to the Jedi Order, believing them to have been the righteous Order that he had been taken into as a child and taught none the wiser beyond what their doctrine offered, could not prepare him for the cost of a life of fighting endlessly with no hope in sight of peace and prosperity, progress of any kind nor the proof that his struggles had come to benefit others any longer. Upon the World of Svivren, fate would have it that he come to meet the young [member="Asha Hex"], she of whom would offer him insight into the origins of the Jedi Order and learn how entirely wrong he had been about the creation of the Jedi Order, originating out of the Je'daii, the followers of Ashla or known better today as the light side of the force had committed great judgement and atrocities against those of the path of bogan; the dark side of the force. Murder had been their answer, eradication of those that differed and those that survived had vowed their vengeance, so beginning the eternal struggle that today is recognized most strongly by the Sith Empire and the Jedi.
Within his own doubts, insecurities and guilt for the things that he had come to act upon; speaking against his own people believing himself to be walking in the right moral direction and being denied and distanced from the other sects of the Jedi Order in the galaxy, his conclusions have finally arrived at the point of breaking, his bonds to those of the past life severed and his adherence to the force sundered, resented and left him a broken man.
The Commenor Systems Alliance, his wife [member="Lady Kay"] and their Children, their family and their legacy, millions of people relying upon the couple, King and Queen to Commenor, Veiere's views over leadership and governance have turned to look upon their Imperial Neighbors, admiring and somewhat envious in their strength and will to take upon themselves the hardest of actions for the best of reasons where the Jedi had not been able to do, his convictions have become rather more aggressive and though a recluse from the world, his relationship with his wife has been affected by his change in perspective, Kay uncertain and deeply concerned for the path that he's finding himself walking towards...
In the shadow of the light that had failed him, surrounded in Darkness and consumed by his inner demons, Veiere's sights have been turned ahead to their future...-Slowly becoming more and more intent of setting his caution behind him and taking their path into his own hands that others might come to prosper through any means necessary to protect his own.

Veiere's darkness manifested itself in the form of the The Dark Jedi Temple, a temple of similar purpose to the enclave he had built for the Je'daii and Jedi Orders yet this one purposed to Darkside Practitioners looking not to become Sith but warriors similar to the intentions of the Jedi yet not restricted by their ideals of morale virtue nor their fear of the Dark Side of the Force itself. The Planet known as Rannon of the Instrop Sector was chosen to be the homeworld of the Order, the Temple Veiere had commissioned into building took some time in it's completion behind the knowledge of his family though with his resignation from the leadership of the Systems Alliance he found ample time to move back and fourth, soon also meeting with the Gyndine Prime Minister in order to organize the use of their Shipyards for a personal fleet that would later become a size-able offensive for the Dark Jedi.
Recruitment in the initial days did not prove to be too difficult; there were numerous contacts that Veiere had made as King of Commenor that had seen him associate with plenty of practitioners that dabbled in the works of the Dark Side of the Force, as well as the Sith themselves. By the time the Dark Jedi Order had become public knowledge and under the radar of the Commenori Government, most significantly Veiere's wife Lady Kay, their numbers were already in the triple digits.
As what happens with all Men whom come into power coupled with the presence of the Dark Side of the Force however, Veiere's ambitions would soon see everything that he had built, come undone in his resentment over his failure within the Jedi Order. Veiere Arenais decision to invade the world of Deneba and attack the Jedi Enclave that he had built and once stood Grandmaster too, ultimately saw to his ruin.

Labeled "The Devil of Deneba" and convicted traitor to the Commenor Systems Alliance, Veiere Arenais was called to trial by none other than his wife for her responsibilities as High Queen of the Commenor Systems Alliance demanded. It would be during Veiere's visiting [member="Lady Kay"] that the authorities moved to arrest him, Veiere giving himself up without a fight for the sake of Kay Arenais wishing not to risk her position and reputation as the head of the Monarchy.In retaliation for his capture however, not knowing that he had resigned himself to the CSA, the Dark Jedi Order moved to attack the World of Commenor during the day of Veiere's trial threatening to devastate the Capital City should he not be released into their care. Fearing for the safety of her people and already cautioned by Veiere himself that such a risk might come to pass under a public hearing, Kay Arenais had no choice but release her Husband warning him that he would hence fourth be banished from Commenor space never to return.
In love with her still, Veiere's mistakes had seen to the end of everything that he had once held so dear to heart; in his understanding and regretful agreement to his wife's cautions, he advised her to go the distance that the Galaxy might know the Commenor Systems Alliance would never tolerate actions such as his. In the best way he could surmise, Veiere told his wife to put a price on his head, an active bounty that would see him hunted yet deter any risk to the Systems Alliance and subsequently his family, she and his children escaping the blame for his actions.
Today, the former Master of the Force has fallen once again into Exile with a price on his head at One Million Credits.