Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Vengeance | Bryn'adul Invasion of SJC Irith, Tol Amn, & Circumtore

Aien Mueller


You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?


Weapons (assault team)- T-73 Handgun, Combat Knife, FTB Rocket(2 FYB Rockets each, 3 with Flame Carpet warhead)
3 Grenades (each), 2 Fire Grenades (each)
(Infiltrators)- Carbine(Suppressed), T-73 Handgun(Suppressed), Vibroswords, Combat Knife
(Snipers)- M-14 Sniper Rifle, Wrist Blaster, Carbine, God gun
(Assault)- RI-17 Assault Rifle-w-LPD53 Grenade Launcher(5 FYB 40mm grenades each), T-73 Handgun
(Heavy Weapons)- Minigun(if in the field), Defender-Automatic Weapon(if in CQC) Assault Rifle
GOLD TEAM: Azrael(Assault/Team leader), Castiel(Assault/Pathfinder)
BLUE TEAM: Sauriel(Sniper 1), Michael(Sniper 2), Omael(Overwatch/Sniper3)
RED TEAM: Gabriel(Demo/EOD), Bartleby(Tech/Team Second), Samael(Heavy Weapons)
GREEN TEAM: Chamuel (Infiltrator/Slicer), Zadkiel(Infiltrator/Assassin), Raziel(Infiltrator/Assassin)
PEGASUS 1- Jeremiel(Pilot), Barachiel(Weapons)
PEGASUS 2- Ariel(Pilot), Uriel(Weapons)
PEGASUS 3- - Barachiel(Pilot)*
PEGASUS 4- Uriel(Pilot)*
*When needed. Weapons Intercept officers will be assigned randomly

RONTO 1- Raguel(Driver), Selaphiel(Gunner), Jegudiel(Cover)

Ship Captain/Teams Overwatch - Seraphim
Ship Engineer/Tech/Teams Overwatch - Jophiel
Ship Corpsman - Raphael
Ship Pilot(s)/Gunner(s) - Batariel,Jeremiel, Barachiel, Ariel, Uriel
ORDERS: Enter the Weapon construction site
Tag: Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk Hayde Torve Hayde Torve

*[Any text in brackets signifies talk over comms]

The fighting could already be heard, which meant a few different possibilities. I could mean that Heavenshield had his Rangers engaging directly. It could mean that their newfound "when it's convenient" "fairweather" allies were blowing their cover. The roars of Bryn warriors were clear, there was something going on, but the direction of where they were going was the question.

[Should we be concerned?]

The RONTO Team was in a good spot for Overwatch from the South and did not have a perfect view of everything, but they could see what was going on, for now at least. Selaphiel was watching from his gunnery position as the movements seemed to all be going away from the team. He could not guarantee one of the walls they were about to breach would go unnoticed, but at least they were safe to do so.

[Free to breach.]

[Moving to the tertiary position.]


Gabriel didn't need to be told twice, in fact, he didn't need to be told at all as a breaching charge was already set and each of them was off to either side or back several feet covering the impending entry point in case of a potential ambush.

There was.

The Bryn'adul soldiers unleashed their barrage of impressive weaponry and would cut the humans to pieces, provided they were in the line of sight. They not the only elite warriors on this moon, the humans were as well. Each one in a prone position, or just out of initial view, but able to gain crossing sectors of fire, they did just that. Their fire opened up the opportunity for Samael to use "bertha" and clear out what he could. His fire opened up the opportunity for Castiel, Uriel, and Azrael to enter through the breach and clear the area. Conventional weapons were not working, simple powered armor was not helping, thus the birth of the MkIII. A little more power to each punch, a little more "oomph" to each shot wore down and tore down.

Moving high.

Uriel and I will cover.

A nod and they were gone, headed to higher ground to find the perfect untouched vantage points. Bartleby meanwhile was already attempting to send them all home early and happy.


What? The buffet close?

Shut up!

Can you get in?

Not from here.

So we get in closer.

Simple as that, heh.

Either way, we can't stay here.

[Clear to move East to the first tower.]

Though he didn't move, Gabriel sounded clearly shaken.

I hate when he does that!

You heard the man.

... yeah, we scare them.


Aenarr Kyrr

Strill Securities Tra'ibahikan Squadron Leader


Friendly Units:
Enemy Tag(s): Osam Osam | Badar


There was something about the Tra'galaar that secured his rapt attention every time he laid eyes on her. There were four of them, the only four in existence, parked in the Al'raja's hangar. The few organic fighters among a sea of Vulture droids. General quarters had already been sounded, where on another ship pilots would be running to their fighters, here the dormant droids 'woke', red photoreceptors flashing to life. It was that moment of tranquil, one that seemed to last just that much longer to his cybernetically enhanced senses, the moment when fighter and pilot looked at each other across the hangar with the shared knowledge that once more they would be venturing out into the void once more together, relying on each other to stay alive.

This was the second time Strill Securities had come to the aid of the Silver Jedi. The first time was Yurb. He hadn't been at Yurb, but he'd heard from Namor, Kebii and Vral Netra that it'd been nothing short of organized chaos. Yurb wasn't a battle, it was a fight for survival. Outnumbered, outgunned, and finding themselves quickly running out of ordnance, Strill's troops led by the company's alor himself had found themselves in desperate need for air support. That wasn't what he was brought here to do. He was here to make the sorry shabuire remember that the Confederacy never forgot her allies, and aside from the considerable paycheck, it was that overlapping in ideals that was the reason that Strill fought so hard when in the employ of the Confederacy.

He ran a gloved hand across the fighter's forward leading edge, a smile involuntarily flickering across his face. He gave his fighter a quick once, checking off items off his pre-flight checklist with a few quick blinks. There were a few scattered crates of ammunition and ordnance stored nearby for when they needed it. He was almost sure he'd have to help the hangar crews given their unfamiliarity with the craft, but if everything was going according to plan, they weren't going to have to come back for a resupply.

Satisfied, he hauled himself with a practised familiarity into his cockpit, flicking the controls to life without a second thought. The comms indicator on his HUD came to life, signifying that the fighter's comm suite had come to life. As the reactor started up and the rest of the fighter's systems came to life, Aenarr raised his fellow pilots on their squadron's shared frequency, "Tra'ibahikan 1-1 to all Tra'ibahikan callsigns, check in."
One by one, the other three pilots checked in, signifying that their startup sequences were more or less going according to plan.

"Anyone want to earn a free drink today?" he asked over the comms, hoping to offload a particular responsibility he didn't have much inclination to actually do. Liaising with their clients was far from his favorite tasks. Sometimes, you met all kinds of interesting people, but today, their fellow pilots from the CIS' side were droids. Droids, even their heuristically learning, Mandalorian personality equipped droids, were hardly startling conversationalists. Aenarr had nothing against them, but that didn't mean he had to like talking to them.

No one took the bait, and as usual his second in command, Saviin Kote, quickly called him on it, "I thought your droid binary was good enough that they asked you to help write the Mando'a language module, alor?" Like many fighter jocks, Aenarr's boasts were often more than he could care to actually back up, and in some cases, back up at all. His droid basic was good, very good in fact, but that didn't change the fact that unless the droid was his, he didn't really care to deal with them. Even when he had to.

"Shab, Sav'ika, no need to call a vod out like that," he responded with faux surprise. In fact, Aenarr was more than used to it. He quickly added an additional channel amidst deliberately transmitted laughter from the rest of the squadron. "Tra'ibahikan 1-1 to wing command, we're prepped and ready for launch." The droid in question warbled back a response that was automatically translated by the fighter's comms suite. "No, that's your job. Ours is to focus on priority targets." The droid warbled back a monotone response, though Aenarr swore that the he could still hear the exasperation at being corrected. "Tell you what, I'll just give you a heads up when there's too much incoming for us to handle and you just give us a heads up when there's something you can't handle." There was a pause before the droid warbled back an oddly affirmative response, some sort of logic processor or subroutine indicating the futility in trying to get him to fall in line. "Glad we could come to an understanding, beskar'ad, good luck." To which the droid warbled back a response about their chances of success being a non-zero integer with reliably calculable value higher than fifty percent. Aenarr suddenly hoped to the Manda and Kad Haran'gir, that kadtape shabuir, that he didn't die here. If his vode lived, they couldn't even drink to his memory with their fellow pilots from the CIS.
In memory of our late CEO


EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets.

FIGHTER COMPLIMENT: 103rd Tactical Starfighter Wing "Angel of Death Squadron"
CALLSIGNS: Commodore Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Commander Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "Angel 3". Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Angel 4(Retribution Squadron)Jackal Class Starfighter
  2. Angel 5(Jurat Squadron) Jackal Class Starfighter
  3. Angel 6(Retribution Squadron)Jackal Class Starfighter
  1. Angel 7(Gator Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  2. Angel 8(Raguel Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  3. Angel 9(Beak Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  4. Angel 10(Turik Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor

  1. Angel 11(Razorback Squadron) NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Angel 12(Voight Squadron) NC-1000 X-Wing
  3. Angel 13(Jurist Squadron) NC-1000 X-Wing
  4. Angel 14(Fi Squadron) NC-1000 X-Wing
  5. Angel 15(Prac Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  6. Angel 16(Tic Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  7. Angel 17(Alcalde Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter
  8. Angel 18(Kers Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter
  9. Angel 19(Kyber Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter
  10. Angel 20(Jok Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter


  1. Angel 21(Requital Squadron) Azazael class Stealth fighter
  2. Angel 22(Scimitar Squadron) Azazael class Stealth fighter

  1. Angel 23(Que Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  2. Angel 24(M'lud Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  3. Angel 25(Gatto Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  4. Angel 26(Hail Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  5. Angel 27(Leigh Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  6. Angel 28(Vulcano Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  7. Angel 29(Bulwark Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter

  1. Angel 30(Artillery Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 31(Ferret Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  3. Angel 32(Ruzek Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  4. Angel 33(Ferret II Squadron)Cherub Transport
  5. Angel 34(Ferret III Squadron)Cherub Transport
  6. Angel 35(Pulvin Squadron)Cherub Transport
  7. Angel 36(Gundark Squadron)Cherub Transport
  8. Angel 37(Terantatek Squadron)Cherub Transport
  9. Angel 38(Ronto Squadron)Cherub Transport
SECTOR: Circumtore
ORDERS: Engage
WINGMATES: Mig Gred Mig Gred , Jairdain Jairdain , ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Verin Oldo Verin Oldo , Garm Oligard Garm Oligard , Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran , Osam Osam , Badar


The incoming fire from the Bryn’adul was going to be a strong test for the systems of the Silver ships as a whole, let alone ” The Silver City”. The hits were not all direct, most were glancing, but some of those that were hit hard. The bio-circuitry was working overtime but was holding the shields and anti-concussion fields. Like the Bryn ships, they were fine now, but would not hold forever. This was to be expected though and there were defensive options. The picket lines were more than capable of drawing fire and protecting a flag officer, but Liram was not a normal flag officer. He was a fighter pilot, he was an Angellus and just like each and every Angellus before him, the Commodore lead from the front. Not as a showing of any kind of bravado, it is just who he was, who they were.

” I want five of the port grouping and five of the starboard grouping of auto-turrets focusing on that flagship. Put us in a position so the mass drive cannons have the biggest effect and fire.”

As the Heavy carrier lurched forward, guns focusing on @Osam’s command ship, ” The Silver City” was not needlessly being put in danger. Yes, Liram as a pilot was long time considered a “Devil Pilot” i.e. “nuts”, but that was when he had only an astromech to worry about. Now was different, and he was also still working the tactics in his head. Captain Halpern, the carrier’s actual Captain was giving out orders and giving him ideas in the process as he took in, or at least was attempting to interpret what the Bryn’adul were doing. There was something to their tactics that were both straightforward but confusing. Not confusing in the sense that they were unexplainable, they were, but there was something about their actions that were... misdirected?

“Collisions imminent!”

“We lost half of Leigh Squadron!”

” Re-direct Requital squadron to hit their forward guns and Scimitar squadron to take on those fighters.”

That was their game. They had the numbers game and they were going to use it to each and every advantage that they could. Several of the lead bombers were destroyed as initially (and naturally) others scattered. All but immediately the Jackal flights closest to the situation were broken off from their assignments and re-routed to commit to those who would do their “Dupe” brethren harm. The heavy attach fighters were recommitting themselves to attacking as well. Both bombers and heavies were lining up again for more attacks.

” All fighters, this is the Commodore. Take your time, trust your wingmates and pick your targets.”

This wasn’t a perfect plan for right now, but fighting for the pilot next to you as a prudent method of dogfighting, much like the old “Jedaii” from so long ago that would form up by way of their dominant hand to protect the warrior next to them. This was going to cost some pilots, yes, but it was going to protect more than simply reacting. It has worked in the past, and it will work now, it had to. The Ashland Supreme Admiral, or Admiral E'Grande or whatever she was called was sending over talk of some superweapon being built on the far moon. This explained a lot as to the tactics that were being employed, already.

“In position and opening fire on the flagship.”

” Intensify the aforementioned auto-turrets. Keep the rest on their current programming. I want all X-wings working with one side of our friends, I want Asheras working with the other.”

This was a concerted effort and no one was getting left behind. The turret ship cannon fire was a designed feint. The carrier was below and not on the same firing line as the turrets themselves. The Bryn’adul was going to have to make a choice, be hit by one firing line to focus on another, or withdraw, or something else if they could come up with it. The weapons of "The Silver City" were focusing on several different targets, but that flagship? That was the key, if you cut the head off the Rancorr, the body will fall. That was when it seemed to hit him, it all made sense and regardless of what information was being sent to him, it only explained a part of what he was seeing.

" Contact, this isn't just a holding tactic, they're baiting us."

-Half of Heavy Attack fighter Leigh Squadron was lost in collisions with Bryn fighters.
-Stealth Requital squadron rerouted to hit Bryn flagship surface guns.
-Stealth Scimitar squadron rerouted to hit Bryn fighters attempting to collide with Silver bombers
-Five port and Five Starboard Defense turrets focusing on Bryn flagship
-Silver City long-range cannons focusing on Bryn flagship
-X-wings coordinating with 321st
-Asheras coordinating with 344th
-73rd Marine Regimen deploying to Circumtore

Tags [Closed]: Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Aberrant
Location: Tilrinn lower level outskirts

A burst of energy rippled out through the Force, hitting Cato’s senses and confirming that he was on the right track. The knight quickened his pace as the building came into view, having broken into a full sprint by the time he burst through the entryway.

“Helloooo…” He trailed off, skidding to a halt in front of the two beings now standing before him; A soldier, and one, as he could only presume, Draelvasier. Though Cato had certainly never seen one so, well, feminine, before. “You’re new.” He gazed up with a raised brow, perhaps a little too intrigued by the towering variant.

Then, like the flip of a switch, Cato went into action. The knight whipped out a pistol and began firing an indiscriminate barrage of blaster fire at the creature, hoping to draw its attention away from the sergeant.


Tags: (closed) Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen Cato Harth Cato Harth
Objective: BYOO - Ambush
Location: Outskirts of Lower Level

The screech of her claws against armor surprised her, given the last fight had only been clothing and plates rather than full armor. A second being entered the area. A familiar one, especially after they spoke, drew her attention.

A moment of exasperation passed between hearing Cato Harth Cato Harth speak and Aberrant's reaction. There was a roll to her glowing amber colored eyes as she reached out for the knight in a grabbing motion.

"Not new, remade." She hissed, eyes focused on the knight as the other moved. Cato pulled a blaster, firing at her as her arm moved to cover her face. Several shots scorched her surface armor, but nothing major at first as she fell back a step.

The suited body had thrown her for a loop as it pulled back and attempted to catch her with a zip cord. It made contact, wrapping around her middle as her wings flared at the insult.

"Foolish!" The chitin of her shell groaned as she flexed against the wire and pulled backwards by digging her clawed toes in to step backwards. There was a wall behind her, but she didn't seem perturbed by that detail as her wings swung out trying to strike either one of the assailants.


Location: Circumtore system
Faction: Ashlan Crusade
Tags: Badar


Templar class star destroyer
Light Bringer

Bastion class planetary invasion ship

4 x Dominion Class escort frigate
Pike, Spear, Blade, Mace
3 x Seraphim class patrol frigate
Longbow, Winged Striker, Dart
3 x Principality class corvettes
2 x Warden anti-starfighter frigates

Hangar equipped vessels have full complements of following starfighters (50/50 split)
Pegasus interceptors
Phoenix multi-role starfighters
The two Bastion class planetary assault ships had peeled off and were about to make planetfall onto Circumtore. Their captains set their shields to ventral bias as the two 2km ships hit the upper atmosphere at an angle, the shields heated up quickly and boiling plasma rolled around the ships as they streaked through the sky like shooting stars, their trajectory was aimed to take them to some farmland near a besieged city. As they continued to descent at hundreds of metres every second, massive retro rockets fought to slow their fall until eventually the searing heat subsided, and the two vessels loomed over the countryside, casting huge shadows. Huge legs descended from the bottoms of the crafts and they finally touched down, the captains had practiced landing whilst causing the minimum of collelaterel damage, but the sheer weight and size of the ships made it somewhat unavoidable.

Quickly, starfighters began to deploy from hangars High above the ground, and Ashlan Marines descended on ramps to begin securing the local area.

In space

Isla had received word that her Bastions had successfully landed and were engaging Bryn ground forces, but now she had to focus on the space combat. A Bryn battlecruiser and two supporting frigates had begun firing from long distance at the Ashlans. Not known for their agility, several of the shots hit home, but at this range, the particle shields were able to absorb most of the damage with only minor bleed through damage so far.

The only weapon Isla currently had with range was her Meteor Cannons on the Lightbringer, so she opened fire, targeting the largest of the three ships to try and ensure hits were scored, the weapon was extremely powerful, but targeting the small frigates at this range would likely prove pointless.

"Captain, pull the fleet round to engage these targets," she tapped the holo to highlight Badar's fleet, "and begin launching star fighters, try to keep the Templar mostly ahead of the frigates, but we need to have them ready to engage"

She then turned to address her intelligence officer, "Have the Silver's responded to any of our communications, I am hoping our interference is welcome".

The two fleets began to.close the distance across the void to engage each other properly.
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.



Location: Circumtore Obj I

"ELOAH" (Primary - Long Handle)

"ELOHAI" (Secondary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian and Bike both in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: Kiara Ayres Silver Spirit Primeval Architect Primeval Architect Aberrant Cato Harth Cato Harth Kazsk Morno Kazsk Morno Peyton Steele Naimes Ahn-Dross Naimes Ahn-Dross Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen Alana Calloway Alana Calloway Sethrak Sethrak D Din Skirata


Attacking the invading Bryn’adul forces was simple enough, relatively speaking, the pawns are always sent first from despots. These “pawns” are by no means slouches at all, “elite” status in many militaries and cultures, and even trained to fight and kill Jedi. This was not just a unique Jedi in being a Master, he was one that not even the Jedi themselves fully understood at this point. His physiological and fluidic changes to his mind, his body, and his connection to the Force(OOC- Link. “Wellspring of Life” slide if you’re lazy) all making him even more unique.

There you are.

In an old maneuver that was older than, he was, Caltin watched the Mandalorian try to make him choose between the invaders and a canister, which looked to be gas. He couldn’t do anything about the canister, there were too many Bryn attacking him and he had to focus on them, what he could do w… wait. Ow… ow… well at least they’re slugs, so the Mando is trying. They hurt like scattergun shots. The Force though was already healing any bruises that Tutaminis could not protect him from.

Not impressed!

Turning to get the eye of his would-be killer… the Mandalorian one, not the Bryn’adul horde was a mistake as the latter grabbed him, hit him, and tried to pull him down. They all hit hard, but he was able to hold them off and come up with an idea to respond to this “besom” as the phrase goes… if that’s how the insult goes.

That’s how it goes.

Not giving the foe a chance to do anything, Caltin went to reach for Din, but a Zealot grabbed him again. Annoyed by this, Caltin reactively grabbed the Bryn warrior and threw it at the Mando. Punching another, he realized what he just did, grabbed that attacker and threw it at the Mando as well, and then another, and another. If they hit him? Great! If they didn’t? The bad guy would hopefully have to dodge so many times he couldn’t get a clear shot until Caltin, or another Jedi could get on him. The Bryn? They were being thrown like toys! They had more to worry about.


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Life Weaver of Ashaka



Post #1
Circumtore's Lunar Base, Construction Site 001

Objective: Protect the massive weapon, Defend Ankhenaton builders and Ungulloi Engineers.
Gear: Model A - Verikast Drone Armor | Barricas Oil | Superior Restoration Mutagen | x1 Barad Glaive | x3 Barad Impact Grenades

Forces: x3 Ashaka Battlemasters | x2 Unit Squads of Juggernaut Ultras | Miscellaneous Drones | x2 Squads of Amariatu Saviors
The Bryn'Adul | Udomek Seker Udomek Seker
Enemies: SJC
Intent to Engage: N/A


Nar Kreeta...

Sev Tok...

Each a historical failure.

The Jedi could have only slept well, knowing that their victories meant something. That it would place the heels of Draelvasier and the aligned covenant further into the dirt, too afraid to continue in their conquest of rightful residency. Sylok'Vanari questioned what they truly thought, but in the amount of time he had faced them, he realized they bathed in small victories. Gripped at every inch of help that others would throw at them...
How Despicable. Sylok couldn't imagine celebrating a victory without fully knowing it was the end. It was a concept that seemed to evade the lighthearted and blind followers of every ideology, other than that of the voracious and colorful Bryn'Adul. To think they had won so much, to think they had conquered their fear and laid the beasts of war to rest...To have not done it themselves...

Even more pathetic.

These stirring thoughts spiraled into an endless abyss of frustration and hate. They were Bryn...They were better; and yet, the Silver Jedi remained. It wasn't what the prophecy foretold, much less what the Seers had spoken of. Maybe, just maybe Sev Tok and Nar Kreeta was the dying flame they needed. The Truth.

Sylok knew many of his own bled, knew that war was fickle in its waves of ebb and flow. The last thing he definitely knew was the Bryn weren't stuck in the dirt, they weren't defeated. Through their failure against the Silver Jedi, he saw unity, raw love and compassion in a time of resentment and fury. He saw life...something the Jedi clearly no longer coveted, given their unruly tactics of biochemical warfare. Sylok could just as easily lose himself, much like they did and strip everything he was for a useless cause...but that wasn't the Bryn way.

Sylok pondered deeper, losing all sight in front of him.

They take and take...They feed on useless biblical babble.

Sylok turned his head, the sound of a loud crack echoed through the bottom level of the Lunar Construction site. Blood seeped out from beneath his foot as more thoughts poured into him.

They're useless, inconsistently, persistent...

Sylok's arm stretched forward trapping another charging solider trying to successfully break through the perimeter of the site. A small rumble adhered to the Aervalin's calling before metal shifting shrieks scratched along the stone pillar beside him. It was the only warning for the enraged soldier simply following orders. Then a steel pipe slipped horizontally into view, crushing the poor whelps throat, pinning the lifeless body to the wall. Another sudden gush of blood splattered against the cold cement, a river of red following in its wake through the hollowed end of the metal cylinder.

Diseased!, Un-rightful!,Brainwashed!, IMBECILES!

Sylok felt his body react, blaster bolts stinging the steps below him. It seemed a small infantry found its way on Circumtore's Moon. Not only that, the Cannon had to be guarded at all costs. His body jerked backwards to safety before another bolt took him from his left. His body eased back down to the platform as he shifted his attention to Vedkar. They had been a unit for a long time, and of most other Ashaka Battlemasters, Vedkar was an exceptional force sensitive.

Sylok felt a shiver reach him, the silk woven threads of the force ushered in one solemn voice; a threat.

There were definitely more. Sylok lifted his free hand and tapped into the mind stone, the signal was sent. If the Jedi wanted to take again, they would have to put an end to the Bryn for good this time. They would have to in order to survive, given that the only loud thought screaming through Sylok's mind was one simple word...



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Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps

Tag: Aberrant, Cato Harth Cato Harth

As blaster shots zoomed past his armor to hit the already enraged monster, it seemed like one of those outside factors had just arrived. Out of his peripheral vision, he saw a young man attacking with a hand blaster while annoying the monster even more with his one-liners. Well, at least he had some help if they survived long enough to pitch in. Given the focus of her fury was on this new combatant, he didn’t see that happening unless he stepped in. He quickly sidestepped into her attack path and activated his suit's shields, his new armor taking the blows of her carapace-covered wing bones with ease. He needed both this man and beast alive, now the only way was to figure out how.

Using the technology in the suit, he quickly found his ally’s commlink and radioed in. “Contain and Capture are the words of the day. She used to be one of us and she is still early on in her transformation, seeing how she hasn’t flown at us yet. I want to see if we can’t get her back to our side and having a study project up close on the Bryn wouldn’t hurt either. Just keep annoying her with your blaster fire and jokes till she makes a mistake while I take the hits for you. If you have a way to bring that wall down on top of her, do it. I’m going to see if we can make this a little easier...”

With one quick motion, Omen extended his vambrace and started to spray her exposed legs with cyroban particles, hoping to make the beast less mobile and making her easier to pin down in one place. As he sprayed and prayed for the force to aid him in his efforts, he felt hopeful that this strategy would work, unless it just came crashing down like that wall seemed like it was going to in a minute, either by the attackers' efforts or by the beast’s pesky wings.
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Equipment: Reu & Tuene
Tag: Kazsk Morno Kazsk Morno Peyton Steele Kiara Ayres D Din Skirata Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Circumtore was not a planet she had planned on seeing again, just a place where her first mission with Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor and Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan occurred, they had done well and achieved their objectives, this is when they saw how truly effective a team Des and Milya could be. While her thoughts may have wandered slightly the silver-haired padawan was seated on a tall crate one leg tucked under the other as she listened to her master speak to the assembly of would-be allies. All the while one of the less savory types was leaning next to the crate trying to get Milya's attention much to his chagrin the silvery gaze never so much as turned his way.

She continued to listen to Caltin, discontent with the Jedi was a very old story. No matter how much good they did throughout history somebody always found a way to complain about who did what or why or how. She found it all rather annoying personally, but then she was not one you would exactly call a people person. To say Circumtore mattered to her would be inaccurate did she wish to see innocent lives taken? No that is why she is here to defend them but more than that she was here because the Bryn'adul were here. Some might call it vengeance, she would tell you it's her job but more than anything for Milya fighting the Bryn'adul would be a way to bring closure to the death of her master on Yurb.

I’m going to draw their fire. Watch my back?

And that is when Milya's feet hit the ground without a bit of hesitation she walked to her masters side and drew her lightsaber. "I'm going with you."

Objective 1: The People's Army - Get the last refugees off planet
Tilrinn Spaceport - The Antenor
Writing with: Konor Konor , (open)


The large Gozanti-class cruiser shook as it finally left its landing pad. The loud noise of its engines filled the sky, a fact her dear co-pilot immediately stated. "Life support systems are stable. Engines and laser cannons are online. The Sullustan reported as he flicked several switches. "Landing gear's retracting. I'll inform the crew that we've taken off." The Sullustan's seat swivelled to the side, his hands immediately moving over the communication's array. "Think they might've realized already." There was no denying that the ship they were flying was at the end of its life. Judging from the red warning icons on the central display, it probably wasn't going to last until the end of the month. But a spacecraft was a spacecraft. She and all other able pilots had been hired on the spot to get people off world by whatever means necessary. In essence, it meant that everything that could fly would fly. No questions asked.

"Plot a course for the Ganath system once you're done" Neri said, as she moved one hand over the throttle, the other holding the control stick in a tight grip. "And tell 'em to hold on. This is gonna be ride or die." The Gozanti-class cruiser named The Antenor was the last passenger ship leaving the system. All the other freighters, corvettes, and cruisers had left the artificial planet hours ago. But The Antenor had waited, granting the stragglers one final chance to get off planet. It meant two things. One, the people aboard were likely grateful. Two, the people aboard were either poor or criminals. Unfortunately, The Antenor had not been graced by the presence of the mighty Jedi to keep the passengers in check. It was only logical, if one took the genocidal monsters who had made their way to the planet into account. Luckily for them, however, the Concord had enough credits to employ some mercenaries.

"Tell 'em mercenaries to stand by, dunno what we're gonna be facing up there" She had a hunch that it was going to be bad.

::"Attention all passengers, we've taken off. Getting out of the system unscathed will be a challenge, so buckle up.":: The Sullustan began, his words echoing through the corridors and cargoholds crammed with people. ::"Mercenaries, get to your assigned positions. We can't guarantee we'll be able to evade Bryn'adûl vessels":: Once he ended his broadcast, Neri spoke up again. "Come to think of it, what's your name? Mine's Neri. Please to meet ya" She would've offered him a hand, had she not been multi-tasking already. "Pirud. My pleasure" She nodded. Not knowing one's neighbours was one thing. But not knowing your co-pilot? She considered that a crime.

For a couple of minutes, neither of them talked. Both pilots doing their utmost to keep The Antenor in the air. That was until Pirud, who was plotting the course toward Ganath, uttered her name. "N-Neri?.." The Sullustan's black eyes were locked on the central display. "Yea?" He swallowed, upset by what he had seen. "There's only one way out of the system..." It immediately dawned on her. "We have to get past that moon..." Her heart began to pound a little faster. "'Kay, that's a challenge. But I can probs get us pas-" Pirud interjected. "Our shields won't go up..." Right. Okay. She thought, doing her best to keep calm. "Right. We'll figure something out. Probably." This was why her mother had begged her to study history instead. And she knew it.​

Location: On the Bridge of the Boundless Honor
Equipment: Flesh Vessel | (I'll link other stuff if it ever becomes relevant, but I'm in a ship, so I doubt it.)
Allies: Badar
Enemies: GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Verin Oldo Verin Oldo
Fleet Composition:

Deployed Fighters:
11/12 Phedrak Squadrons from Sraeljoarsk
2/2 from Boundless Honor

Reserve Fleet - Ships in the Reserve Fleet are behind the primary fleet. Here they will wait to be called into the fray, and damaged vessels will repair.

The collisions had been far less numerous than had been anticipated by the hybrid. Given the presence of several dozen starfighters and bombers currently harassing the assorted capital vessels of the Bryn'adul, he had hoped that the sudden launch sequence of the Phedraks would be sufficient to obliterate at least a squadron or two of the vessels. Instead, he was disappointed to discover a meager six or seven had been torn asunder by the rushing of the Phedraks.

Six pilots who had been torn to pieces. Six men or women who would never go home. Osam felt his mood improve ever-so-slightly at the realization that he had inflicted at least some degree of vengeance, even if it had not been nearly as spectacular as he had hoped. Besides, if the tactical readouts given by the Hivemind were any indication, then his peculiar maneuver had managed to eliminate several bombers. That would mean that he would need to worry somewhat less about the terrible payloads that they carried.

Freed from the binding of the Sraeljoarsk and having been propelled into the fray by the launch tubes of the carrier, the Phedrak Fighters now swarmed over the nose of the Boundless Honor each one engaging with one enemy or another. They were unmanned and didn't abide to any real "tactics" - simply going about the process of hunting down each chunk of durasteel and electronics to the best of their ability, spattering out energy projectiles at their foes as the local star granted them a nigh endless stream of ammunition.

There was little doubt that they were outmatched one-to-one with the starfighters of the enemy. They were less maneuverable, less well-armed, and most could only take a couple of hits each before they had been wounded to the point of obsolescence. Nevertheless, what they lacked in such quality they made up for in sheer quantity, in utter selflessness, and in a killer drive that was hard not to observe. Each fighter would chase and chase and chase until it had caught up to its prey - or else it would join in the hunt of another. Stoked onward to aggression by the Shamans of the Sraeljoarsk, the living space predators were well-suited to warding off the foe.

It certainly didn't hurt either that the Azazel-class fighters of the Scimitar and Requital possessed Mag Autocannons for their forward-facing weapons... designed apparently to draw closer to metallic surfaces which made them far less effective against the wholly organic Phedraks. Of course, each one that landed was sufficient to score a kill, and the Warlord observed with disappointment as a series of the beasts were slaughtered in quick succession by the spray of these firearms and the blast of other hostile armaments.

With over a hundred friendly fighters still hovering over the flagship, it was a matter of exceptional piloting and talent for any of the fighters of Requital to find openings to actually lash out against the guns of the flagship. Even when they managed to launch off their shots, the defensive guns of the Boundless Honor were not completely inactive and it was far easier to strike down one or two loosed missiles than it was to deal with constant barrages. The churn of the Draemidus Defense Turrets and forty flak guns was soothing to the soul.

"No report yet on the damage dealt to the light cruiser?" The Warlord questioned, speaking aloud though the Flesh could sift just as easily through his thoughts.

"Negative. Sensors are still calibrating. We did discover that the Heavy Carrier was only lightly scorched." The Worm-mind replied, writhing against his skin as it 'spoke'. This brought a hiss of disappointment from the hybrid. The Tetrarch Assault Cannons were some of the most formidable weapons in his flotilla - they were powerful to the point that they required almost a full ten minutes just to recharge. To learn that they hadn't even managed to breach through the shields of the carrier all the way was an immense disappointment. How could the starship be so bulky? Was it meant to draw fire on the assumption that it was weak?

If the bristle of the Carrier's guns were any indication, then that wasn't the case at all.

Osam carefully observed the sensor maps as a variety of long-range projectiles skidded through the empty dark on a direct course for the flagship. In the span of a blink, the projectiles had lanced directly across the shields of the Boundless Honor and the garish shriek of klaxons sounded off as the shields of the mighty flagship were instantaneously annihilated. Thankfully, the beams hadn't managed to disperse enough energy through afterward to do more than scorch the hull, but it was still an incredibly frightening display of firepower.

"Report! What was that!" He shrieked over the din of the klaxon, using the same commanding voice he had acquired over a decade and a half of leading combat squads through noisy battlegrounds. One of the Stonesingers - an older Aeravalin female - spun about from her seat and reported: "The enemy Heavy Carrier opened fire upon us. Energy overload caused the several of the forward Quilxyn to shut down - they may take time to rescucitate."

"We can't pull back - not now... not yet. There's nothing to take our position here in the center. Keep our nose directed to that Khaeus-cursed starship. If we can't break their shields, we'll just go through them. Cycle the rings - shift our current aft Quilxyn to the bow - they'll be fresh enough. Then have all of the Crusader Ballistae: all one-hundred and fifty blow that Heavy Carrier to chunks. Aim toward its center - there have to be vital pieces around there."

Gradually, the flagship began to tilt, directing its bow toward the Heavy Carrier just as a dozen projectiles pierced through the hull, able to slip through the opening provided by the massive long-range guns from before. Air sputtered out in drafts and waves as internal objects were thrown about hallways and rooms as a result of decompression - the people inside of those rooms had it far far worse. Within half a minute of the piercing, maintenance teams of Ungulloi were inbound to these areas of danger, hoping to plug up the gaps to the best of their ability, focusing more on speed than on the durability of their repairs.

All the while, developments on the flanks caught the attention of the Warlord. It seemed that a veritable wave of starfighters had been dispatched in order to support the continued push of the enemy corvettes. The meager squad of Phedraks assigned to each flank numbered only twenty ships covering either Ravager craft and their Kraemonen escort. They would only be a brief bump in the proverbial road if they were engaged by the enemy fighter craft... but it was not as if though the Ravagers needed to remain too terribly separated from their foe, but there was no reason to risk losing valuable ships this early in the confrontation.

With a hushed command, the Ravagers and their Kraemonen craft were ordered to full-reverse back to the battleline, and each complied with grumbles of disappointment, gradually slinking closer and closer to the anti-air guns of the other capital vessels, but remaining aligned at least with the encroaching corvettes. They would still need to deal with them - but if the corvettes wanted to push far enough without their own capital support, that was their prerogative: Osam would not make the same mistake of abandoning his frigates to roam without protection.

Even as the warships maneuvered and skirmishes with one another, the fight continued on Circumtore, and the presence of a few strange and peculiar fighter squadrons and the movement of civilian aircraft caught the attention of the hybrid. If they could pressure them... then perhaps they would be able to get at least a portion of the enemy force to withdraw after all.

"Flesh. Inform me when the Tetrarchs are charged... I think I have some new targets for us." He whispered, cruel eyes and crueler machinations unfolding as his terrible plans came closer and closer to fruition.

Summary of Actions and Effects
  • Presence of over a hundred Phedrak fighters continue to dogfight over the Flagship, helping to prevent enemy fighters and bombers to the best of their ability. Several die as they are of lesser quality, but the sheer quantity of them helps protect the Flagship.
  • Draemidus AA Turrets and Flak Guns from the Boundless Honor help to dispel missiles and proton packages, as well as dissuade bombing runs on the Flagship.
  • Boundless Honor is hit with devastating long-range weapons from GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Silver City. The shields are shorted out this round, but since the Boundless Honor is capable of cycling them, it will be swapping out its aft shields for the bow starting next round. Currently, it is being pierced and prodded by defense turrets from the Silver City.
  • One-hundred Crusader Ballistae and Fifty Heavy Ballistae on the Boundless Honor are directed to the Silver City along with the Flagship's bow. It is opening fire with these - targeting the center of the enemy ship in the hopes that the heavy projectiles will be able to pierce through.
  • Ravagers and Kraemonen Escorts on Port and Starboard flanks are withdrawn back from their intercept course to the protection of the capital ships and their anti-fighter guns. They are still pointed at the corvettes of the 321st and 344th, but are not actively moving toward them now.
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ALLIES: Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk , Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask , Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield , Aien Mueller, Hayde Torve Hayde Torve
ENEMIES: Bryn'adul, Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari , Udomek Seker Udomek Seker , Gordrak Gordrak

<<Em? Emil?>>

<<How long we supposed to wait like this?!>>

The voices spoke at him. The facade of Voidwalker threatened to crack, to shatter underneath the pressure as the rising feeling of betrayal burned a path from his gut to the rest of his body. Red hot rage filling him with every passing moment, his entire frame shook. Staring aimlessly ahead, his hand tensed around the battle rifle.


Even he couldn't remain in his stupor of staring at the pockmarked earth. Head snapping from left to right, he saw bodies littering the ground, but the infamous sound of blaster fire whining through the air. <<Attack!>> He cried out, scrambling over the short mound that he had been using for cover. Wreckage of another ship was on the other side of it, in his nigh power armour suit, he vaulted over it almost effortlessly. In the confusion of the flanking maneuver performed by Harrsk, him and his reduced company were able to carve through the expeditionary force sent out to stop them. They were larger, physically stronger, monsters in all senses of the word, but they died all the same.

A reality that was able to restore some semblance of composure to his mind.

Was this some joke?

Aemilio's helmeted gaze swept across the field. He saw Konrad there, standing triumphantly above it all. The smugness rolled off of him in a sickening sort of way. You're going to wish you let us die, Harrsk. He thought, the hold on his rifle loosening as he waves an open hand in the direction they had been going. A signal to move out. For all intents and purposes, the path was clear to their immediate objective, and beyond it, the Bryn'adul Construction Site.

Eyeing one of the fallen stormtroopers by him, Voidwalker moved. Crouching down to unclip xenophage gas grenades from the corpse before continuing on.

The journey to their target was brief. There were a handful of the alien monsters in the midst of attempting to destroy the contents of the vessel, but the troopers had arrived before they could make their mistake. The unkind blaster fire unloaded, perhaps for longer than necessary as lifeless bodies jerked and shuddered while taking the additional shots that followed. He'd never known what dead and cooked Draelvasier was like, and he was glad for it when they were done.

The vessels contents were scavenged. Grenades, launchers, whatever they could carry on their own. Voidwalker hardly altered his equipment save for adding an extra grenade or two.

"There it is... Kaiser," he said, nodding to the construction site. "Take point." The ominous crimson glow from his visor staring at his supposed partner.

We really are petty beings, us Imperials. Voidwalker's head slightly tilted off center. But if you don't wanna take orders from a street rat like me, you'll have to kill me yourself.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii


Allies: ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Jairdain Jairdain Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Verin Oldo Verin Oldo Garm Oligard Garm Oligard Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran
Enemies: Osam Osam Badar
Fleet: Concordia, Shield-class Escort Cruiser, 4x Tionas-class FACs, 3x GF-2B Super TwinTail squadrons, 2x GF-3B "Star Cutter" squadrons, 1x HF-2 Jair Kyr'am squadron, 1x Viper MkII squadron, 1x HA-2 Pike squadron

Mig held tight as Concordia and her Shield-class buddy began to take up a position bellow and ahead of Silver City, eying the gunnery station as he heard the turrets turn and charge to life. As fire rained in on the SJC heavy carrier above, a barrage of heavy fire from the smaller heavy destroyer. Railguns and particle cannons would light up space and make a b-line for the Lead Bryn warship. As the weapons began to open up, the Mandalorian warship would pick up the comms signal from one of the Silver ships, calling for strike craft to follow two corvette lines in. Mig couldn't help but get an idea, and quickly contacted the Haash'n.

"Haash'n, this is Mig Gred aboard the Concordia. We can do you one better. I have four fast attack corvettes here that can provide a bit more oomph to whatever you have planned. Plus they're scanners might have a chance to spot a few weakpoints." As this conversation took place, Cordy would quickly have her own, sending a a message to the Ashlan Crusade fleet. Needless to say the AI was on edge with them. Not for her own sake though. Clan Gred weren't shy about their Force teachings, a Grey form of Force training. Still... they were help right now. That's what mattered here right?

"Grand Admiral this is Cordy, AI aboard the Gred heavy destroyer Concordia, I can't speak for the jetii, but I think the more firepower the better." She'd done a decent job hiding her reservations, hoping that if any made it through they wouldn't effect the battle. Soon the Mandalorian fighters, heavy fighters, interceptors, and heavy assault craft, carrying their bomb pods loaded with Baradium ordinance, and the craft would slip into the two groups, followed by their Tionas-class big brothers. Some pilots might would notice that one of the Star Cutter squadrons had taken a lead position ahead of the Jair Kyr'ams it had come with, instead of a more typical escort position. In reality, the lighter fighters were taking up a similar role to another Gred squadron. Striking at point defense systems.

Back at Concordia, the destroyer and it's Shield-class cruiser would soon add another light to the sky. With fighters clear, both worked together to unleash a wall of flake fire between the Silver City and themselves, and the Bryn fleet. Cordy would send out another message as she watched the barrage come in.

"Silver City, do you want us to try and take some of that incoming fire?"

Fleet Actions:
2x Tionas-class, 2x TwinTail squadrons, the Viper squadron, and the Pike Squadron follow the 321st.
A TwinTail and Viper squadron join the fight to engage the Phedrak Fighter squadrons attacking the 321st's group.
2x Tionas-class, a TwinTail Squadron, 2x Star Cutter squadrons, and the Jair Kyr'am squadron follow the 344nd.
A TwinTail and Star Cutter squadron join the fight to engage the Phedrak Fighter squadrons attacking the 344nd's group.
Concordia opens fire with her heavy particle cannons and heavy rail guns, aiming for the Boundless Horror.
offers to take fire for Silver City.
The Shield-class activates jammers and begins to, along with Concordia, throw a flak wall ahead to try and stop at least some fire.

Finn Roberts




ALLIES: Verin Oldo Verin Oldo | Aenarr Kyrr Aenarr Kyrr | Garm Oligard Garm Oligard | GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Jairdain Jairdain | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran
ENEMIES: Osam Osam | Badar | Any other crustacean-kissing moofmilker out there

"You cheating sack of Bantha poodoo!"

Finn was staring at the cards that Derrick had just put down on the table, trumping the Commander's flush. His Captain and best friend snickered as he raked together the pot of creds in the middle of the table.
"Suck it up, sweetheart. You suck at Sabacc." Derrick chuckled.

"Commander Roberts, you are wanted on the bridge, Sir." Lieutenant Frank Hawley's voice sounded over the comms.
Finn sighed. "Guess it's showtime, Lady Luck. Let's get up there. High Marshal Verin Oldo Verin Oldo 's probably throwing some kind of tantrum through the closed comms." he said before getting to his feet.
"You just want to chicken out of the next round." Derrick teased.
"You would be so lucky." Finn shot back as they walked up towards the bridge.
"I know, right?" He snickered again at Finn's scowl at these words.

When he stepped onto the bridge, the comms droid opened the line from the Al'raja and High Marshal Oldo's voice rang out across the bridge of the Phantom Queen with the order to form up and to take point on arrival.
"Understood, High Marshal. Commander Roberts out." his gruff voice replied before motioning for the droid to ring off. "Open line comms." he then told the droid.
"Yes, Sir." it's monotone replied before flipping over to local communications. "Open, Sir."
"Right, lads. We got our orders. We are in this shindig now come Hael or high water. We'll be going in hot, so all hands to stations and ready cannons and shields. We'll be facing some horrible things out there, so play nice on the playground and hit the bullies before they hit you. Oh and don't die. No pressure." he told the 3 ships accompanying him from the 524th.

"We'll all be out in a minute." Derrick reported as he read the readings over Logan, the navigational officer's, shoulder.
"Let's do this then. Support will flank us as usual. I want the Harpy sticking to us like a tick to a Loth-cat." he ordered.
"Got it, Commander." Derrick replied, all playfulness out if his voice. The gravity of the situation they were going into started to settle on everyone about the room.

Finn took his place in front of the great plexalloy viewport, waiting for the meiloorun to hit the fan. He did not necessarily care who it was they were heading to aid - Jedi, Sith, they were all the same to him. No, what he cared about was the sheer destruction the foes wreaked across the Galaxy,

It made extra karking work for him and his crew.

They had been stretched thin at home with all the refugees spilling over the borders after their worlds have been destroyed by nothing more that great, ugly, crabs with toys. He'd be darned if he allowed a crustacean dictate how busy the 524th should be at 4 hyperjumps away. To Finn, it was more important to end this little engagement here and now so that his men could get some rest.

The Queen lurched as she and the entire Battlegroup Linuri emerged from Hyperspace.

And into a chitstorm.

"Shields up yesterday! And ready all ordnance on all 524th ships! Fan out! I want the Harpy on my cover! Ranger and Howl to flank either side! Sit tight and await further orders! I want the Queen and Ranger's fighters to be ready to launch immediately at my say so!" he ordered, his steel-grey eyes flashing brightly as he took in the battle over Circumtore.

He assessed Osam Osam 's fleet quickly. Who knew crustaceans could fly? Or shoot? And good at that?
"I want eight Drivers aimed at that thing. We fire on my command. Support to ready retaliation." he ordered. It was indoctrinated into him to cut the heads off snakes quickly and efficiently.

"Get me the Al'raja."
The droid scrambled to do it as fast as possible. "Live, Sir."
"High Marshal Oldo, all craft from the 524th are ready and able. Awaiting orders to open fire." he barked at the comms. He couldn't care less about his temperament towards his superiors.

All these protocols really got on his nerves. If he didn't care about being Court Martialed, he would throw caution to the wind and charge on ahead. But he would not give Taylon Kandor that satisfaction of becoming the Bassadro Sector poster child.

Over his dead body.

CNS Phantom Queen and her escort have emerged from Hyperspace and have shields at full capacity and all armaments at the ready on all ships. The Queen has, unbeknownst as of yet, directed 8 Mass Driver Cannons at the Boundless Honour. The CNS Doom Ranger and the CNS Crimson Howl are flanking the Phantom Queen on either side while the CNS Cursed Harpy is sticking to the starboard stern for defensive purposes of the Queen.

OOC: Osam Osam Finn is, as of yet, unaware of the Tetrarchs being ordered at a new target. For now, he will purely fire, once he has the go-ahead, out of brashness and nothing else :)



Location: The Undercity of Tilrinn, the Train Station
Objectives: Create Chaos, cause a scene.
Allies: The Bryn'adul (Nominally)
Enemies: The Silver Jedi Concord (Nominally)
Equipment: Beskar'gam , Terentatek Body Glove, Longtooth, 'Kath Hound' Shotgun, Charging Rhyno, Assorted Grenades (Force Breakers, Sonic Disruptors, Fragmentation)

The Detonator was placed, out of site between the two train cars. Another would follow after Naimes moved further down the length of the platform. Now that he'd shown his willingness to use force against his attackers the Civilians and Criminals seemed less enthusiastic about engaging him. As if facing a Mandalorian wasn't intimidating enough a commoner.

Naimes had intended to place a third detonator between train cars when he became more aware of the fighting occurring in the not so far distance. Looking up he saw an engagement at a distance, the Bryn'adul were attacking the Silver Jedi defenders. Pausing the Mandalorian would reach for the buy'ce attached to the utility belt at his hip and lifting it free he'd have slid it over his head.

Once the Buy'ce was in place Naimes saw everything much more clearly. The HUD with Friend/Foe target designator lit up at a distance augmented by magnification and enhancements. Crouching down, taking a knee near the side of a train car the Mandalorian could see everything much more clearly now. The Bryn'adul initially lit as foes but a quick modification to protocols altered that designation, the Jedi and those designated as allies remained lit however.

At his distance Naimes saw something else; a Mandalorian [@Din Skirata] engaging one of the Jedi [@Caltin Vanagor], a large man by the look of it too. It was with some disappointment that he witnessed his 'kin' resorting to the weapons that he did but Naimes had a preference to melee. From his vantage point he also singled out other Jedi. Once he'd seen enough he rose from his crouched position and moved forward onto the streets...

...unlike the others who may have made attempts to conceal themselves Naimes did not, the 'Kath Hound' hung at his left side still gripped in his hand. He approached from the rear, the chaos of the battle was his ally as he passed between the panicked civilians. Soldiers on either side no concern to him. When he came close enough but on a different angle of approach than the other Mandalorian, whom he had to admit he did not know he announced himself by amplifying his voice using the vox of his helm...


...his voice was metallic beneath the helm, ringing because of the vox...

"Come down and meet me Jedi. I've placed explosives that I will detonate if you do not comply. All I require is one of you."

...the Mandalorian had stated his terms, still people battled around him. If a soldier came to close he would shove him aside or dispatch him with quick, short strikes intended to incapacitate without killing. Otherwise he waited, the Duster still hanging from him but the armor beneath and the helm he wore clearly Mandalorian.

Kazsk Morno Kazsk Morno Peyton Steele Alana Calloway Alana Calloway Kiara Ayres Milya Vondar Milya Vondar Sethrak Sethrak

Leading Ground Assault
Moon Orbit, Circumtore System
Forces: Jaeger Battalion (
Friendlies: Aien Mueller | Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask | Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk | Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar | Hayde Torve Hayde Torve | SJC & Allies
Enemies: Gordrak Gordrak | Udomek Seker Udomek Seker | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari | Bryn

Like any descent into battle, it was a rocky ride. This was the moment when the hearts of men are revealed for who they are; some that were once loud and boisterous are now shown to be timid in the face of true warfare, while some that have stayed quiet are revealed to be leaders, calm and composed. Major Heavenshield rode with his gunnery sergeant and several others front and center in the formation of landing crafts barrelling towards the moon's surface, somehow unscathed in the face of incoming fire from both fleet and the moon's defenses.

A couple troop carriers were not so fortunate, being blasted out of the sky as pieces were sent crashing into the surface. Their remains would be procured once victory was secured.

As soon as the first shuttles touched ground, his brave Rangers poured out and set up a perimeter for those that came after. Thirdas arrived in that first wave, armoured and helmeted just as the men at his side. The white lion pelt draped across his shoulders was all that stood out, denoting him as their leader. He would not let rank stand in the way of facing danger with his lads, for in his blood he craved battle more than any of them. Knowing when to succumb to his violent urges had been key all his life, but was not always achieved. There had been many bloody noses inflicted upon the other boys while growing up on Midvinter.

These Bryn were the perfect enemy. No shortage of noses and other parts of the anatomy in need of bloodying.

"Form a perimeter around the troop carriers! Gunny, designate this as Rally Point Alpha. More will follow as we make our advance."

"Aye, sir!"

A hundred more shuttles made their approach, further adding to their numbers until the whole of Jaeger Battalion reported in save for those poor sods he'd witnessed get shot down earlier.

"Company commanders, designate one platoon each as base defenders. Have them dig in and prepared to dissuade any would-be counterattacks. The rest of us are going in, on my command!"

There were some sporadic small arms fire coming from the Bryn base up ahead, but nothing serious as of yet.

The assault teams formed up on their battalion commander, weapons at the ready. Thirdas turned to the honour guard, a squad whose sole task it was to carry their unit banner into battle. At his signal said banner was unfurled, displaying their battalion colours and motto.

"Battalion," he shouted as eager men revved up chainsaw bayonets and chainguns alike. "Give them nothing, but take from them everything!"


"Forward, charge!"

Finally unleashed, the Bloody 88th stormed across the field towards the moon base, opening fire as Bryn grunts rushed to meet their bold attack. They would find that the tactics this particular unit utilised were vastly more aggressive and brutal than had ever been witnessed in previous engagements, for Jaeger Battalion was out to spill the blood of their enemies, just as their blood had been spilled on Sev Tok.

Reaching a chunk of debris from one of the destroyed shuttles, Thirdas hunkered down briefly to hail the infiltration team.

"Omega, this is Jaeger. We've begun our frontal assault and will strive to make as much noise as we can to draw them out. I caught a glimpse of our Imperial allies during descent, they're getting into position as we speak. Proceed with your mission, Captain. Circumtore depends on us. May the Force be with you."

Popping up from behind his cover to fire off a few rounds as his men moved up, Thirdas then attempted to hail the Imperial leadership.

"Stormtrooper Command, this is Major Heavenshield of the 88th Ranger Battalion. Requesting sitrep, how copy?"

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet

Location: Circumtore system
Allies: Mig Gred Mig Gred GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Jairdain Jairdain
Enemies: Osam Osam Badar

Reshmar watched the two corvette lines sped away towards the flanks of the enemy group. the six vessels moved out increasing peed constantly as they moved further and further away from central battle and the Allied force amassed above Circumtore. Behind them, attack craft closed in and took up position allowing the larger corvettes to lead the charge on the enemy's flanks. Reshmar looked away from the corvettes as their shapes began to grow too small to make out without magnification, their groups moving out to perform an attack the crews of the corvette lined had coined Operation crab claws. Reshmar did not miss the irony of the moniker the crews had given the attack, He did not approve of the name but did not say anything to sway the crews from using the name either. A moment later the ship shook as a volley if fire struck its hull. The Mon Calamari vessel had the most advanced shielding in the galaxy yet these creatures and their exotic technology ignored a majority of them.

"Captain, Situation? asked Reshmar gruffly. The ship shook violently as the Mon Calamari captain tried not to all to the deck. "Sir it looks dire, The Particle shielding is holding against those ballistic warheads for the most part. We are getting some serious recoil from the impacts on the particle shielding though. The problem is the solar beams. We are not equipped with defensive shielding from that type of weapon. the solar cannon fire is impacting directly on the impervium plating. Sir, we just are not built for this." said the Captain worriedly. Reshmar looked out at the massive Brun vessel then considered his next move.

In the distance, the two Corvette lines moved at breakneck speed around the flanks of the Bryn force. The MC25s rotated their dorsal hull towards the Bryn formation in the distance then began to fire one of their twelve assault-grade EWAR missiles. Each missile fired one at a time sending the EWAR warheads out into a spread pattern, each roughly five kilometers apart. Moments later as the corvette continued down their current course the missiles moving towards the Bryn formation detonated one after the other as they were fired. The warheads erupted and released a massive cloud of Nagnol gas. The gas spread out expanding and concealing the corvettes and attack craft in close information behind the MC25's.

As the heavy corvettes launched each missile a smaller canister was fired from the interceptor defensive batteries into the cloud at five hundred meter intervals along the length of the cloud. As the corvette groups sped along the flanks of the battle firing their EWAR missiles the canisters moved into the center of the cloud then ignited one after another in a ripple pattern following the length of the cloud as it continued to be lain by the corvettes. The Canisters released a massive CryoBan charge inside the gas cloud, the super cold energy moving out like a tempest freezing the gas cloud as the cryoban energy moved out away from the detonation.

Reshmar watched as the cloud released by the corvettes expanded and stretched out along the flanks of the Bryn formation, A moment later small blue-white flashes began to illuminate the thick gas reaching out towards the edges of the Nagnol freezing the gas-forming a massive frozen wall between the corvettes and attack craft and the Bryn forces on both flanks.

Reshmar watched the scene in the distance then was forcefully shaken as one of the Bryn mass driver warheads found a weak spot in the shielding and slammed into the ship's hull. The jolt through anyone not strapped into a seat to the deck wrenching the hull and over penetrating the hull. The warhead moved along the ship's hull tearing a fifty-meter gas in the port side taking out one of the vessel's turbolaser turrets in the process. then the powerful warhead shot out the Haash'n's side and sped off into the distance.

Reshmar, strapped into his command seat recovered quickly and barked out "Damage report!" AN officer to his left picked himself off the deck and rushed to the DC station. "Sir, the round tore through deck five, six, and seven on the port side. Turret seven has been ripped off the hull and one of the shield projectors in that zone was destroyed." Reshmar nodded then looked back at the display and the Bryn ships in the distance.

"Have damage control seal any breaches that did not auto seal. Helm put us into a position behind one of the larger vessels and out of the direct line of fire of those guns. " Reshmar looked at the display then to his hologram display. He noticed ships beginning to move away from the surface and into orbit to escape the construct. Tactical, assign the 327th to escort duty for the refugees evacuating Circumtore," ordered Reshmar. As his orders were carried out and communicated to their destinations Reshmar watched the five pickets break formation and move to intercept the evacuating vessels. Another round of solar energy struck the hull of the Naash'n scorching and melting away at the Impervium armor. The light cruiser was never meant to play catch with the heavy capital ships. Its thin armor would not last long under the punishment now set against it.

The ship began to move to utilize its speed to move into position behind the large fleet carrier and into relative safety for now. With the COrvettes moving into phase two of their operation the Naash'n was, for the time being moving to protect itself. It would be needed soon for the final part of the operation and needed to stay as intact as possible till then. Reshmar looked one more time at the screen on the forward wall at the emeny poised in the distance Then turned to look at his CAG. "Prep the wing for launch colonel."

Force Composition 2,000 meters
3rd fleet
38th Patrol Squadron
355th Patrol Command Line

MC57-class Light Cruiser - Haash'n (HUll 89% Shielding 94%)
321st Pursuit Line
MC25-class Heavy Corvette - Salmakk
MC22-class Corvette - Kalith
MC22-class Corvette -Rosen
344th Pursuit Line
MC25-class Heavy Corvette - Thrash
MC22-class Corvette - Hesmit
MC22-class Corvette - Onoma
327th Picket Line
Intersector-class Sloop - MCPV 1029
Intersector-class Sloop - MCPV 1101
Intersector-class Sloop - MCPV 1045
Intersector-class Sloop - MCPV 1121
Intersector-class Sloop - MCPV 1157


321st and 344th Pursuit lines laid a cloud of Nagnol gas along their path obscuring the corvettes and attack craft formed up behind them.
321st and 344th Pursuit Lines fired CryoBan charges into the Gas cloud freeing it creating a froe gas cloud along its path.
Haash'n under fire and sustained damage to its port hull, performing damage control.
327th Picket Line broke formation and is moving to protect evacuating vessels from the surface of the planet.
Attack craft wing prepping to launch
Tags [Closed]: Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Aberrant
Location: Tilrinn lower level outskirts

Cato leaned back, putting what distance he could between himself and the creature as she made him into a target. The sergeant’s zip cord spared him for a brief moment, before her wings burst out and knocked Cato backwards.

“Watch where you swing those things!” He cracked wise, quick to kip-up and at last ignite his lightsaber. The radiant beam of white plasma was joined by matching crossguards, flourishing out into a defensive posture to keep the creature at bay.

“Say, do we know each other? I swear you look familiar.” It was a pointless quip on the Drael’s humanoid features, not one that Cato would realize as having actual merit. But whatever subconscious cues brought him to say it were soon validated.

"...She used to be one of us and she is still early on in her transformation, seeing how she hasn’t flown at us yet..."

“Uhhh, wait, what?!” Cato hadn’t realized that as even being a possibility, but now the concern begged to be addressed. He forwent keeping his distance, instead using a burst of the Force to try and leap onto the creature. If he was lucky, it could serve as a further distraction while he kept her occupied with a lightsaber against her neck, allowing the sergeant to continue immobilizing her. But also, now he really wanted a closer look. “...D-do we know each other?!”

Location: Kreetle-class Drop Miner with elements of the 22nd Provisional Commandoes hurtling towards Circumtore's moon
Objective: Objective Three
Allies: Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield [IMG alt="Aien Mueller"][/IMG] Aien Mueller
Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar
Gordrak Gordrak Gordrak Gordrak (actively engaging) | Udomek Seker Udomek Seker Udomek Seker Udomek Seker | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari |
: Ghostfire Hold-out Blaster Pistol, Altagak-class Infiltration Armor, Droch-series Field Disruptor ,FastMed Emergency Medpac

The drop miner slammed into the surface, jolting about its occupants despite the best efforts of the craft's inertial compensators. Instinctively, Hayde quickly disengaged her crash restraints - the very thought of being trapped and tethered to a single place unnerved her: that's how one died. Others around her fumbled and cursed as they undid their own safety harnesses. Eights was among the first and quickly popped open a hatch to the outside world. She carefully followed in his shadow - it never pays to be the first one out...nor the last. As the armored man stumbled out of the partially dug-in pod and rose up while she maintained a crouching position. Where the feth are they? Her HUD lit up with multiple signatures, some relayed through the local tactical network that showed the 88th under @Thirdas as well as the New Imperial Order already engaging with the location's defenders. She scanned through the contacts on the tac list and slowly smiled behind her helm. And we have a rival Concord commando unit One that preferred a markedly different approach than the 22nd.

She quietly slipped to the side and concealed herself alongside a scrawny shrub dotted by pastel pink flowers while the other commandoes piled out of the craft. The commandoes quickly donned their field cloaks, causing most of them to blur into the landscape. Eight's baritone voice flowed through the comm.

"You going to join us lady?"

"Negative. I'm here to observe primarily, remember?"


His tone suggested that he wasn't convinced. In truth, neither was she. Mercenary though she was, it was hard for her to comprehend anyone wanting the Bryn'adul to further establish a further foothold in the galaxy. Would her other employers really want the Bryn'adul to survive, much less thrive in Circumtore? She doubted it. The Bryn'adul drove away businesses, even though they had created a number of profitable crises for the Syndicate. No, their rate of expansion had to be least for now. Not that she could tell Eights that, nor her controllers within the Directorate. Eight's voice suddenly turned sharp.

"All right, let's move out. Keep comms silence from here on out."

The squad quickly formed a single file, with Eights and the demo tech in the middle. They're going to try and go for a quiet infiltration. This is why I like them though...She deftly crept in the shadows and among the brush to the side of them as they attempted to run from the North to the South of the cannon's construction site. As they grew nearer to the sounds of the fighting, a number of them haphazardly split off from the group and took up overwatch firing positions, concealing themselves in the terrain and through their active camouflage cloaks to try and avoid detection. The squad's pace of advanced slowed as more members peeled off to conceal themselves and the sound of weapons fire intensified. A quick glance at their positions might have suggested an entirely random dispersion pattern of the commandoes, but she knew better. The squad had formed almost three battlelines with overlapping fields of fire, but unusually to her, he had positioned his snipers up far forward. She raised an eyebrow.

Wonder what he's up to?

None of the commandoes moved. Seconds seemed to turn to minutes - an unspeakably slow pace considering that mere hundreds of meters away, the 88th Jaegers and the New Imperial Order operatives were engaged in heated fire fights. Patience. You don't even have anything that could hit one of them from here...She sank down into the brush, letting it entirely visually obscure her. And she waited, just as she had to dozens of times before in order to get a successful op. A single voice finally broke the silence within her helmet.

"Fire on my mark. Three, two, one...mark."

Nearly a dozen silenced bullets zipped over the brush as the Provisional Commandoes attempted to simultaneously assassinate a group of dug-in Bryn'adul guards under Gordrak Gordrak 's command.

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