Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Katrao grabbed Friend's collar before answering. "Err, I, uh, am a kid who washes tables for your dad, um." He said, not wanting to get in a conversation because if [member="Cor Latch"] caught him he knew he would be angry. Suddenly very aware of his blaster, grenades, and sword, he threw a blanket over them, and laughed nervously. "Please leave." He muttered under his breath.
"B-but why are you in here? A-and what is that...?" He asked pointing to [member="Katrao"]'s pet. "I'm going to tell my dad about you! You shouldn't be in here!" The kid said, looking around. "DAD, DAD, DAD! GET IN HERE, SOMEONE IS IN THE STORM THING!" The child shouted.
"SHUT UP!!" Katrao yelled, and he let go of Friend, who, sensing Katrao's distress, jumped onto the child's chest, snarling angrily.

[member="Cor Latch"]
The boy started crying and looked at Katrao's pet, looking completly terrified. The boy started squirming and looked at Katrao and said "I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!" The young boy continued to cry as the beast almost chrushed him.
[member="Cor Latch"] (I can't see your post starting at The y)

Katrao ran over to the child and tried to wrestle the ollaback off of him, but the creature resisted him, getting more and more angry. Katrao prayed that Cor wouldn't walk in on this seen.
(The quote is what my other post that you were unable to read said)
The boy continued to cry, looking at the beast. He looked around, tears rolling down his face as this happend. "PLEASE, GET HIM OFF OF ME!" The boy shouted, still unable to stop the tears from falling onto the floor.
Cor Latch said:
The boy started crying and looked at Katrao's pet, looking completly terrified. The boy started squirming and looked at Katrao and said "I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!" The young boy continued to cry as the beast almost chrushed him.
(I still cant see it even on the quote.)

"OFF BOY! OFF!" Katrao yelled, still trying to get ollabaxk off of the young child, but he kept resisting. "I'm so sorry!" He yelled at the child. "I don't mean any harm!" He said, trying to sound calm, but failing miserably. Finally he managed to get Friend off of the boy for a few seconds.
[member="Cor Latch"]
Slowly stood up, still crying. He looked at [member="Katrao"] still with a look of terror. "I'M SORRY, I'LL NEVER COME DOWN HERE AGAIN!" The child said, the tears came to a stop shortly before more started to roll down his face. "You are not mad, right?" He asked, slowly backing up.
"Don't be afraid." Katrao said gently. "Of course I'm not angry, just please don't tell your dad." He begged, waiting for the child to leave.

[member="Cor Latch"]
"I wont! I promise I wont tell anyone, alright?" He replied, running out of the stormshelter. Suddenly, Cor Latch walked down into the stormshelter, looking curious. "What is he crying about now?" He asked before shutting the entrance to the stormshelter.
".....What?" He asked, as he heard the worst excuse in the history of the entire galaxy. "He ran out crying because he didn't like the smell? Be serious with me, what farking happend?"
"Nothing!" He said quickly. A little too quickly. He didn't want to tell [member="Cor Latch"] that because he didn't want to lose everything he had gained, or run the risk of getting on his bad side. "So, whens the next hunt?" He said nervously, trying to change the subject.
"Listen kid, we're partners now, I will not be mad. Now, my kid won't run away crying if nothing farking happend! But I'll be mad if you continue to farking lie like a child!" He said angrily, loosing his patience. "!"
Katrao looked up. "He started crying because Friend attacked him, but I pulled him off and he was unharmed." He said, a look of guilt in his eyes. "I'm sorry, it all happened so fast."

[member="Cor Latch"]
He looked at [member="Katrao"] staring blankly. However, no look of anger appeared on his face. "I do you understand why I hate those things?" He asked, before sighing.
"No, I don't understand how anyone could dislike Friend in the least." He stated sincerely. And he was sincere. "So, what is our next bounty?" He asked, ignoring the Ithorian's sigh.

[member="Cor Latch"]

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