Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vice Chancellor and the Echani Ambassador

Hanna smiled, and tried to cook dispite his hands, exploring her body. She let it cook longer than she normally would, as she wanted Kamon happy. It was nice, to be able to cook like this with Kamon, behind her, She could get use to this she thought. " I like it not burnt... " She said with a laugh as she playfully leaned back for another kiss. When the bacon was done, she smiled as she skillfully cracked the eggs, into the pan, " How would you like your eggs?" She thought of several corny pregnant jokes at that moment... she sighed.. she was begining to make light of it that was good, maybe she could honestly accept it all, but she knew that wasn't going to happen. Hanna leaned in to Kamon letting him support her " I love you"


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"I like scrambled eggs. Unless they're in you, then I like them fertilized."

Wow, that was terrible. He couldn't help himself, though. It was just too easy of an opportunity to grab at. Grinning he kissed her neck a few times, which he knew had to distract her as much as his hands roaming over her body. If every morning was like this during their marriage then he would be quite the happy man. Not the making her cook part so much as the standing together naked and enjoying each others company. It was a good way to start the day.

"How many meetings do you have to attend today? Should I expect you to be severely stressed out this evening?"
Hanna thought about it. " Well ask my personal assitant.. she would know.. but I have to break the news to Aurelia that I am pregnant which from our last conversation I know she won't be thrilled.... and I have to help push some bills through.. " It was weird to talk about.. normally she just dealt with it.. but here she was telling him.. That was her way of saying yes.. she had a stressful day ahead. She scrambled the eggs, the grease from the bacon mixxing in. Hanna found it hard to concentrate though as Kamon teased her. She leaned up and kissed him. " your wonderfull even when you have terrible jokes.. now set the table " She said sad to know he would be letting go of her. She kept making the eggs, adding a bit of cheese. She hoped he like it.. she hadn't cooked in ages..


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His mouth skewed upwards when she said to set the table. Reluctantly, he released her from his arms and went to do what he was told to do. Not because he was going to let her boss him around, but because she was cooking and someone had to set the table or they wouldn't be able to eat. That was just the nature of things. When he was done, he walked back to her and slapped her rear.

"All done. Sounds like you're going to have a busy day, which means you get a massage from me when you get home. Sound good?"
Hanna brought the food out and put some on each of their plates and smiled when he smacked her rear, if she hadn't had her arms full, she would of done something back. " You don't need to do that, but thank you Kamon your wonderful" She couldn't believe it. Hanna left the dishes for the maid and made her way to sit at the table, she had gotten so confortable in front of Kamon, she didn't even notice she was naked. " So what about you, do you have a busy day?" " Hanna loved the way that Kamon looked at her, it made her feel like she was so beautiful... She was self consious about her scar on the back of her left shoulder... the place that reminded her of the attempt on her life. " I have no idea what the future has in store for us... for the first time I don't have a plan... and that scares me but then I look at you Kamon, and I know everything will be fine as long as I have you, so thank you for being here for me. I hope that I can be such a person for you..." She said as she took a drink of her juice. .


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A smile dawned on his face at what she said. Of course he was wonderful. Good guys always thought to take care of their women in such a fashion. Well, in reality, he just liked to get his hands on her. It was nice to also make her happy, and he knew that a good massage would make her feel better after a long day of work.

"I'm going to be taking care of a few things. For starters I need to look around my new place and check on my Echani guard; make sure they're settled in alright. Then I need to see to setting up our embassy."

That sounded like a lot, but it was mostly exploring, not much in the way of actually doing anything. He settled down at the table and started to eat the bacon and eggs. They tasted delicious as he'd known they would. Hanna was a good cook, though he supposed it was kind of hard to mess up something as simple as bacon and eggs. Still, she made a fine meal.

"When you're in a good relationship, you can count on your partner to help you out. Knowing that you look at me and find strength is a good thing for both of us. I look at you the same way."
Hanna began to eat her breakast. It was great, she was a better cook than she remembered. " So where should I plan to be for this massage with benefits tonight? " She asked, honestly wondering. She knew he had full access to her place so maybe he planned on being here.. or maybe they were going to the jedi temple. " If it could her smile got bigger at hearing what he said. " I am glad, though I don't feel so strong today..." She still was nervous about everything, she had a whole other life inside of her. She couldn't believe it. She looked to Kamon, and smirked " You know we have to have dessert as much as we can before I become a beached whale" She said with a laugh, knowing that she would probably not be near as able to do the fun things, when she was bursting at the seams with a baby. Hanna loved Kamon and was so glad to be engaged to him, it was weird to say... that Kamon was her fiance... which meant there were two kids that she was going to technicly be the step mom for one day.. that wouldn't be wierd at all.


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"No we don't. We can have it all the way up until you give birth."

Oh yeah, he knew that much at least. While she might not be able to physically be as active during it, he could certainly make sure that she felt good, and he had every intention of doing so. Scooping up some more of the eggs, he popped them in his mouth and chewed on them while he regarded her. There were some good things that would come of this pregnancy, he knew, like their child. It would be tough, though.

"I'll let you know where to go as soon as I know. Probably I'll have you come to my new place. I think it's going to be bigger than yours because I have to house the Echani guards as well."

He grabbed a piece of bacon and chomped on it.

"Just relax today. You'll be fine."
Hanna smiled, " ok, I will try to relax and I can't wait till I find out. " She kept eating the eggs and bacon, it was a bit more done than she liked but whatever made Kamon happy. She dreaded workd but knew that her assitants and such would help her plan things. she just dreaded telling Aurelia. She didn't want to let her know but knew she had to. It shouldn't affect her, as Hanna planned to work during her entire pregnacy upt until her obviously needed maternity lleave. She didn't want the morning to end.


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Finishing off his meal, he turned his attention back to the girl in front of him.

"Don't stress out and don't fret. No matter what happens, even if you're told to resign or something crazy like that, you'll always have me waiting for you. Just remember that when you go tell the Chancellor the news."

She would be alright in going to tell her, he knew. Something about him being with her always seemed to give her more strength than she had when she was on her own. Maybe it was the simple knowledge that her soon to be husband was a powerful Jedi Master. If not, it had to be something along the lines of his conveyance of overall strength of being.

"I have faith in you."
She smiled, and reluctantly left to get dressed, though she happened to do it in front of the open door, putting on as much as a show she could for Kamon with quite a few small giggles . Though when she was done, she walked up to him fully dressed and gave him a deep kiss, " I think its time I finally left... let me know where to meet you after work, should I bring an overnight bag?" She said with a smile. She still couldn't believe she was enagaged, but there the ring was, staring her in the face. She didn't want to leave kamon, he looked so good naked. " Don't have too much fun without me. " She said.. knowing she had lots of news to spread.. the next two, being her engagement and pregnancy.


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Of course he watched her get dressed. Why wouldn't he? Beautiful young woman, naked, showing herself off to him? Yeah, his eyes were glued to that. So much so that he almost fell out of his chair from leaning over to get a better look. He might not be a young man, as it were, but he could still appreciate a beautiful young body when he saw one.

"Yes, take a bag, and I'll let you know."

He smiled and then winked at her.

"Oh, I'm going to have all kinds of fun just to make you jealous. Now, get on to work."
Hanna sighed as she slapped him on the butt before leaving, knowing an aide would pick up her bag for her. She ran out and jumped into the awaiting speeder. She couldn't believe how much had changed in the last night. She had winked back at him right before the door closed, but now she was alone. So she dialed her assistant. " Yes, we have a busy day, start drawing up an announcement for my engagement to Kamon Vondiranach. Put emphaisis on our trying to start a family. When your done with that, schedule a meeting with the chancellor, and lunch with that Senator, who wished to speak with me. and clear my evening schedule. oh and have someone pack me an overnight bag, you know what I like to wear. " She loved having an assistant.


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It was a long day, to say the least. After getting himself dressed he'd left her place and taken a taxi back across the city to his new residence. There he'd found the Echani guards, all of whom were up and searching the house for any signs of weakness, and probably food as well. He greeted them each and then directed them in turn to their various tasks. One he sent to buy food. One he sent to secure the embassy and began detailing the security of it. One he sent to guard Hanna and tell her to come to their place, the other was on duty in the house.

He, meanwhile, got to work on making contacts with people until it was time for her to come home. Contacts were important.
Hanna had a busy day, she had been in meetings, and her office all day pushing the agenda's of her party. She was glad to see one of Kamon's guards, show up and tell her where his place was. She had to figure out when to let the public know she had a child... Well lets wait a week she thought. Hanna laughed as the new guard was obvioulsy not use to working with a politician in the Republic, things and people flew around, as Hanna oversaw it all. She might not make a difference voting much but she spent alot of time working with senators convincing them to see things her and Aurelia's way. It was a skill she had developed, and was tuning as she went. She always felt better and more confident after seing Kamon.

She took a ride with the Echani guard, curious as to what he thought of her she was rather quiet the whole way down. She wondered what his place would look like.


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When she arrived, Kamon was sitting in the main entertaining space, looking through various different files. To be completely honest, he barely had any idea what it was that he was reading. Some of it made sense, but there was a lot of gibberish as far as he was concerned. Working with Republic bureaucrats was not what he'd signed up for when he agreed to be Ambassador.

With a sigh, he flipped the file shut and looked towards the front door when it opened to admit Hanna and the other Echani guard.

"Hanna. Good, you made."
Hanna smiled and ran towards Kamon, with her arms open. " of course, how could I miss it" She tried to look around as she hugged Kamon. " the end of today couldn't of come soon enough.." She gave him a kiss. if he leaned down for her that was. She sort of found it annoying that he was so tall, she was at his mercy with kisses. She looked up at him. " How was your day"


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Smiling, he scooped her up and lifted her so that he could kiss her. She was short, something he happened to enjoy. She might hate it, but by now she should know that if she wanted a kiss, he was going to be there to give it to her. After all, there was nothing better than her sweet lips pressed against his. After kissing her, he kissed her forehead lightly.

"My day was busy. Lots of paperwork to read through. Still not done, but I'll push the rest to tomorrow."

Running his hand over her back, he smiled down at her and then lofted a brow.

"Did you talk with the Chancellor?"
She gasped a little as she was lifted into his arms. She still wasn't use to it. She nodded and tried to kiss his fleeting lips, but they were gone and on her fore head. Hanna looked at Kamon and sighed, " I did indeed, after a good conversation and a scolding for not using birth control, which I did... but anyways, We have decided I can work up to the pregnancy and we have picked my temporary replacement, someone who won't threaten my position and of course, as soon as I can I will need to return... I will have to hire someone to help me look after our daughter... But over all I think it will go well, I started releasing news of our engagement, and that I am looking to start a family, so next week, or so I figure we should announce I am pregnant. And " She needed to breathe... some how she had just started spewing out all this info, and she looked to kamon with a blush. " So, Yes I talked to her and everything is fine. " She attempted to kiss him again, she needed to feel his wonderful lips on hers yet again. It was funny that she so loved everything about this man.. who she had met a week or so ago.


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He didn't want her to lose her position because of him, so the fact that she wasn't was good. Still, they needed to sit down and have a conversation about some things now that they had the time to do so and weren't stuck in the vein of having not seen each other for a while. He figured they could have a slower night. These multiple nights in a row of rough bedroom play were going to wear him out and it was too much, really. He wanted it to remain special.

Carrying her to the couch, he settled upon it and settled her beside him. Slipping his arm around her shoulders, he flipped a folder closed before he forgot to do so, then he looked at her.

"We need to discuss a few things. Since I'm working, now, as the Echani Ambassador to the Republic, and you are the Vice Chancellor of the Republic, we need to not talk about each others business at all. We cannot compromise our positions within our governments by leaving opportunities for us to be accused of espionage or treason. We can ask how each others day was, but no specifics. I also cannot serve as your guard except for times when we are together outside of work."

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