Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vice Chancellor and the Echani Ambassador

Hanna smiled " I am glad that you will be here for both of us, I don't think I could do it without you. " Hanna laughed loudly as he kissed just behind her ear, Kamon had found a tickleish spot. Hanna leeaned back and kissed him on the cheek. " I love you to, I am so glad I bumped into you" She said blushing at the thought. It seemed fate wanted her to be with him, and she did love him so. She didn't care that he was older, it didn't bother her, she love him, he was just Kamon. Hanna also couldn't belive that she had another life inside her. " So what about names? What should we name her?" She said, knowing he didn't believe her.


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"Was a fortuitous running into, that's for sure."

The door chimed and he heard Jai answering it. Good, food was there. He was starving. Then she mentioned names, and he realized that was something that he hadn't even remotely thought about up to that point. He still wasn't sure he believed her when she said that it was going to be a girl. It was too soon for such things to be known. The child was still developing.

"I haven't even thought about names. I think it would be better to wait a bit."
Hanna was glad his guards got the food.. she didn't want to move. " But I want to think of some... How about.. after someone in your life you look up to? or want to honor?" She said pushing the subject. She smield as Jai brought pizza and drinks here.. the one thing she hated was she couldn't have wine anymore. She looked to kamon and knew with her on him he couldn't get the food well so she pulled out a piece of the pizza and took a bite before holding it up to him. She smiled, knowing that she had taken a bite out of his pizza. She leaned forward and poured them both a glass of water. She then grabbed a piece before leaning back against his chest, she could get use to this. Hanna thought.


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Before he could answer her, the pizza was brought over to them. Kamon motioned for Jai to take a slice and the man complied before heading back to his post. These guards were good people. He had to hand it to the Council, they looked after their own in the best possible way.

"I don't really know who I would name them after. Gash maybe. Or Cole. The mother of my older children, her name is Satara."

He reached for a slice of pizza himself and munched on it for a moment while she rested against him, enjoying her slice. Names. He was terrible with names, he realized. He'd even let Satara name their little ones. Really, this might be a better task for her than it would be for him. She could come up with names and he could tell her the ones he liked.

"Have you thought of names?"
Hanna thought about it, " hmm maybe Satara... or Nicole or something. " She smiled and ate more of her pizza. It was good, and she loved eating it while on Kamon's lap. " What if it is a boy.. do you have any names then? " She said leaning up and giving him another kiss, while he wasn't eating. " I think that we should plan mini vacation, this next weekend.. to celebrate our engagement and the baby!" She said with a mischeavious smirk, Hanna had lots to plan.. a location, a dress.. well that was a lie... she was going to wear her mothers dress, and then she had to pick food and colors. She then realized not to think of it then. She smiled and enjoyed his company. It was her favorite part being this close to Kamon.


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"Just Gash or Cole are the ones I can think of for a boy. Both were the first names of two of my Master's when I was younger."

He reached for another slice of pizza and proceeded to chow down on it enthusiastically. It was good stuff and you couldn't waste good stuff like that. Just wasn't right to do so. Besides, it kept him from jumping the gun on things if his mouth was full of food so that he couldn't talk. He chewed while he thought about what she had to say on the matter of a vacation.

"Where would you want to go?"
"How about Spria? You could see me in my swimsuit... and we could get away... or we could save that for our honey moon. " She said with a laugh " Or we could go to a spa or something or we could just hide here and have fun.. if you know what I mean" She said with a mischievous smirk. She kept eating her pizza, It was good.. she did love his choice of dinner for the night. " So which option would you want to do?"


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"I like the spa idea. It sounds mischievous."

He grinned at her and lifted his hand from her tummy up to brush fingers along her cheek. They could go somewhere else for their honeymoon. For now, the idea of going to a relaxing spa and doing naughty things there sounded like lots of fun. After all, who didn't like the idea of naughty things while hiding in a somewhat public places? Wouldn't it be exciting?

"I know a saucy little woman that it might be fun to share a mud bath with."

A wink at her and then he went back to munching his pizza.
Hanna smiled and kissed his hand as it went near her cheek " hmm i don't know I think I will become lovers with whoever can best massage and relax mine. " she said with a smile knowing that Kamon was the best she knew. " I know a man.. that I think could use a relaxing mud bath. " Hanna loved him... so much. She went back to her food, as she enjoyed laying on him. He was a great pilliow. Hanna was happy. She leaned back and kissed his cheek. She couldn't wait till dessert.


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He finished off what he was going to eat, which was surprisingly not much. Not eating a lot helped him to maintain his trim physique despite his age. That and the fact that he was hyperactive when it came to working out and training. Suffice to say, he would probably be cut all the way until he died. The younger gals would all be in love with him and he was totally fine with that.

"So shall we go to a spa tomorrow, then? Just the two of us? I can give guys the day off to explore Coruscant while we do."
Hanna smiled " YES! " She said moving so she could kiss Kamon right on the lips she then sat and finished her pizza. It was good but she was full now. She moved his hands back on her belly and snuggled against his shoulder. She was comfortable here, and she dispite her plans of fun fell asleep.


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Returning the kiss, he smiled and just held her as she finished her pizza. It wasn't long before she'd fallen asleep in his arms. He picked her up and carried her to their bedroom where he gently set her down upon the bed before undressing her ever so gently as to not wake her. Then he tucked her in before undressing and joining her in the bed, snuggling up close so he could also fall asleep.
Hanna slept peacefully, she always did when next to kamon, she would in her sleep wrap her self around him, as she loved being near him. She was excitied for the trip to the spa but for now, she was enjoying Kamon. After the night's sleep though, Hanna woke Kamon up in a very fun way, but soon after collapsed next to him, " Do we have to get up?" She asked as she snuggled close to him. She could lay here all day with him.


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Dang if he wasn't all sweaty and the day hadn't even started yet. He sighed, smiled, and turned his head to look at her.

"If you want to go to the spa, then yes, we have to get up."

He smirked and reached over and brushed his hand against her cheek. She was such a frisky woman sometimes. Shaking his head, he climbed off the bed and looked down at her. She was all sprawled up on the bed, and he admired her for a little bit before he reached for her legs and drug her down the bed and then stood her up. He kissed her, and then swatted her backside towards the Fresher.

"Go get cleaned up. I'll wait."
Hanna, squealed like usual as he hit her butt, and she sighed " Come join me, it will be quicker!" She said as she left the door open and started her shower, but either way she was going to clean off the dirt and grime from her fun, and work. She looked at her stomach, not believing a life was there... somewhere. She sighed as she finished up, and began to get ready and pack, she almost died as some clothes fell out. She would have to fix that some day... maybe take kamon's stuff out she smirked.. but she found some clothes, and put on a simple purple dress. She then prepared breakfast as kamon finished dressing. She would forget makeup today.. it was a day to relax at the spa.


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Kamon shook his head at her. Joining her was an invitation for more friskiness and he wanted to save that for later. Right then he wanted her to get clean, so that he could then get cleaned. When she came out, he went in and took his own shower. The warm water felt good cascading down his skin in little individual rivers. Showers were always enjoyable to him. He usually took long ones.

When he got out, he went and got dressed. The closet was so stuffed with Hanna's clothes it took him a while to find one of his Corellian outfits, and then he had to yank real hard to get it out. Eventually it did and he managed to get himself dressed, lightsabers on his hips, before he walked out to see her making breakfast.

"Smells good in here. What are we having?"
Hanna smiled " It is bacon, ommlett's and some toast of course" She said as she waited for him to come kiss her. She kept cooking though, it was almost ready. She was starting to have fun making him food, he did always enjoy it. She also couldn't wait till they went to the spa. " I can't wait til we leave. " She said as she moved the food onto two plates, and brought them to the counter, " bon apitete" She said as she leaned over for a kiss. " I hope you like it"


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Kamon kissed her ravenously, holding her close to him so that she couldn't escape from him. The kiss lasted for long minutes before he finally let her go.

"I like everything to do with you, Hanna. And we're going to have a lot of fun today."

Winking at her, he started cutting into the omelet and popped a bite into his mouth. It was a little warm so he waved his hand at his mouth and then smiled sheepishly about the fact that he'd just burnt his taste buds. Instead of lingering, he grabbed a bite of the toast and looked across the table at her. So beautiful. Best of feelings having her with him. He couldn't wait to marry her.
Hanna smiled and began to eat her own curious if he liked it truely. She was flushed from the kiss, He seemed to have such an effect on her. She ate in realtive silence, admiring Kamon. " So, I think we should get everything they have to offer.. at the spa... unless you have other things in mind. She said looking at him curious of his answer.

Hanna did love kamon and couldn't wait till they got married. " Kamon.. I couldn't do this without you... I hope you know how much you mean to me. "


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Kamon smiled at her and nodded.

"Everything it is. And yes, I know, dear. You're good at showing me how you feel. You're very emotive."

Finishing off his meal, he pushed his plate away and looked over at her. Really, he wanted to do some naughty things with her while at the spa. Why? Because it was hot and she was hot and, well, why not? Reaching his hand across the table, he settled it palm up so she could take hold of it if she wanted.

"You mean a lot to me, too."

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