Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vice Chancellor and the Echani Ambassador

"Did I say too much? I thought all I said was pertinent to us and not work. But if you think so I can stop, I don't discuss work anyways, if you want to know what bill I am working on, you will have to watch the holonet. " She said with a smile and a kiss on his cheek. " Now dinner and a massage were our plans I believe? " She said snuggling up close to him and closing her eyes a bit. It felt so good to be so close to him. He smelt so good as well, she didn't know why but he did. Hanna loved being with Kamon.
"Did I say too much? I thought all I said was pertinent to us and not work. But if you think so I can stop, I don't discuss work anyways, if you want to know what bill I am working on, you will have to watch the holonet. " She said with a smile and a kiss on his cheek. " Now dinner and a massage were our plans I believe? " She said snuggling up close to him and closing her eyes a bit. It felt so good to be so close to him. He smelt so good as well, she didn't know why but he did. Hanna loved being with Kamon.


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He shook his head.

"No, you didn't say too much. I'm just being preemptive. Better safe than sorry, right?"

Nodding at what she said, he looked over to the Echani guard and nodded. The man nodded in return. Kamon had instructed them to pick up their food at a relatively reasonable time. As it was, it had arrived just after Hanna, which meant it was just waiting for them. He'd also instructed the guards to buy themselves something really good as well. Stinginess was not something that ran in his blood.

The guards brought over their food and set it on the coffee table.

"Thank you, Marcus. Enjoy your meal as well."

The man nodded to them both, always serious, and walked away. The food was Hapan. The spice palette was probably familiar to Hanna before she even tasted it. He motioned for her to dig in first.
Hanna dug into the food it was good, and her favorites... she didn't know if it was on purpoise or not, but it was food from her own sector of space, and it was delicious. She was remembering why she loved this man, even though she never forgot. He was perfect. " Kamon, your the best a girl could ask for" She said setting down her food and giving the best hug she could muster and a kiss, which surely tasted like the food she had just been eating. She let go of him and resumed eating, knowing that Kamon was right next to her, she was just glad to be with him. She couldn't wait till he let her move in. " Your men seem nice, the one that was with me though seemed out of his element at my office, a bit to many people going in and out and such. "


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"You're welcome, dear."

He smiled into the foody kiss and then went back to eating when it was over. She mentioned the guard that had been with her being out of his element and he lofted a brow. Ok, he understood. The way the Republic did politics was not the way that the Compact did. He probably felt restricted and probably didn't talk much because that was the way most Echani were.

"That was Jai. He probably didn't know how to respond to the situation."

Licking off his fingers, he looked back at her.

"He's a good guard, though."
Hanna, smiled, " I figured it was the case, though I suppose I need to find a more long term guard that isn't as unique as Hevana... " Hmm she thought... Hevanna was great but she cost a fortune and was to fun to be around if that was any indicator... of how things often ended up. She finished up her food and smiled looking at Kamon. " I am sure, though my favorite guard got a better offer sadly" She said snuggling up with him, He was comfortable and she had no problem laying here, she could fall asleep like this she decided, next to the man she loved, and relaxed, she was content to stay right here.
" Jai seems nice, and so does Marcus... hmm I like your house... its nice..." She said as she rested against him.. she was so comfortable, she decided she didn't want to move.


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He ran his hand over her arm as he held her close to him. For whatever reason, she seemed extremely comfortable just sitting beside him. He didn't mind, but he'd promised her a massage, and he was going to keep that promise. So, he withdrew from her grasp and reached for her hand as he stood up.

"Come on. I'll show you our bedroom and give you that massage I promised."

Drawing her from the couch, he led her to the bedroom, lavish as the rest of the house was.
Hanna smiled " hmm I like that idea" She sais as she followed him to their bedroom... it wasn't his or hers but theirs... she liked that. laid out on the bed, She was still tight and tense from work and the baby.. She was very glad that Kamon had remembered, she needed the massage. she relaxed... as Kamon neared her.. She felt truely safe whenever he was around which meant she could actually relax. " Thank you... " She was just afraid she might fall asleep as he began.


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"Of course. A promise is a promise, after all."

He removed her blouse, just so it wasn't in the way, and then began to kneed and massage her back and shoulders. Given that he was relatively weak with telekinetics, he was able to apply subtle pressure through the Force, as well. Combined with his hands, this would loosen the tension and stress in her back and shoulders. These were also techniques he'd been taught on Eshan for after battles.

The fact that her skin was so smooth, save for the scar on her shoulder blade, made him rather enjoy giving the massage. If she wasn't careful he'd have her asleep in no time! But maybe he wanted that, too?
Hanna had found a new heaven. It was here that she moaned, as he found all the spots.. every inch of her tension was gone. She wondered how he did it.. She didn't care and she laid there enjoying nothing more than the feeling of his hands on her back. " your divine. "
Hanna then fell asleep, slowly she fell into a deep slumber. She was out like a light, just as Kamon seemed to want.


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Once she was out, he tucked her into the bed, laying her head gently upon a pillow. He stroked her hair lightly, kissed her forehead, and then walked back out into the main room. There, he sat down and began to pour through more information, hoping to get as much done as he could before the next day. When he was done, he took all of the files and locked them into a hidden vault before he went in and climbed into bed with her. Wrapping his arm around her, he snuggled up close, and allowed himself to drift off as well.
Hanna woke up early, and smiled... she woke up snug agaisnt Kamon. She loved moments like these, of course she stayed still watching him sleep. The man was so tough all the time, it was strange but fascinating to watch him. He was so calm.. so peaceful, Hanna felt content to watch him. She didn't want to move regardless, his arms around her felt so right, but she figured if she woke up up now.. they could have some fun, she kissed his lips, lingering, Oh how she loved him. Her back feeling better than ever before.


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It wasn't until her lips pressed to his that he began to stir. It was slow, at first. He mumbled something unintelligible and then began to slowly shift a little. That's when he remembered that Hanna was there and smiled, slowly peeking an eye open to look at the young woman that he'd manage to draw in. What a looker, even in the morning. He was a lucky sod and he knew it.

"Morning, sweetheart."
Hanna smiled, " Hello " She said slipping her arms under him as she pressed to his chest, " I like waking up next to you.. I could get use to it." She had a unusually large smile this morning, she enjoyed spending so much time with Kamon, but she didn't want to seem to eager to move in with him so she figured she wouldn't press the issue, as she kissed him again. " Sorry I fell asleep on you last night.." She wondered if he wanted to get busy... or not.. as she was rather hot an bothered, but instead she laide her head on his chest, and relaxed, knowing that her on top of him was possibly uncomfortable.


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"You should get used to it since you're moving in."

He smirked a little and kissed the top of her head. She wanted him. It was painfully obvious that she did. He did not want to have sex, though. He wasn't in the mood for such. However, he would give her a little of what she wanted if it would help her to focus on the work day ahead of her. Pushing her off and onto the bed, he proceeded to please her without sleeping with her. This lasted for quite a while, until she could barely breath, and then he climbed off the bed and smiled at her.

"I'll go get breakfast ready while you clean up."
Hanna smiled and hugged him, but what really set him apart was how he pleased her. She finally got up... still out of breath.. he was the greatest... She wondered how the man who couldn't cook was going to get brekfast.. but she shrugged. " See you soon" She sang a Hapan Song as she got ready, taking a shower and such. Hanna never sang... well since she was younger anyways, her voice was quite good. She left her dirty clothes in his hamper as there was no sense in moving them again. Hanna was so glad that she was moving in with Kamon, it was more than she could ever ask. She came out, when she was all dressed for work, she was curious what Kamon was up to.


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When she came out, Kamon had breakfast all set up on the dining table. It was a veritable smorgasbord of meats, cheeses, breads, and pastries. No, he hadn't cooked it himself, but he hadn't said that he was going to cook it either. He just said he'd go get it ready. Which, for him, meant that he'd go make sure that Marcus had picked up the order he'd had him make for the day, which he had.

Today Marcus got the rest of the day off. Every fourth day they got a break. Tomorrow would be Jai's day off, for example. He was a good boss.

"Well, you hungry?"
Hanna smiled and gave him a kiss " yum.. " She gathered some pastries and took a seat, " So should I arrange for my stuff to be moved? I only really need my clothes and some personal effects.. it shouldn't be much. "Though she wondered if he had enough closet space for her things. Being a public figure meant lots of clothes, being a girl meant even more. She smirked as she took a bite of her pastry. It was really good. and so was Kamon, she thought of the time before she got ready. " She smileed at Kamon.


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Kamon sat down across from her and piled a healthy portion of meat and cheese on his plate.

"Yes, you should have your stuff brought here. There's more room here, especially for little ones."

Winking across the table, he dug into the fantastic food. Even though he'd not been the recipient of anything earlier, he'd enjoyed making her feel good. Why shouldn't he enjoy it? There was nothing wrong in providing for the needs of the person you loved and he wasn't going to believe that there was. That said, he was hungry now and started devouring everything on his plate.
Hanna smiled, " Of course, I will have my stuff brought over today if that is ok with you. " She smiled and ketp eating, she wasn't quite as hungry as him. She thought of work, and already had a list of things to request from her assistant. " Would you like me to bring you anything home... perhaps dessert... or I can try to massage you. " She said wondering if he was interested. She might pick him up a gift. Hanna was so glad she was moving in, she liked mornings like this.. where she work up with Kamon and got to have breakfast with him.

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