Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vice Chancellor and the Echani Ambassador


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"Today is fine. As for the, whatever you want to do. You can surprise me sometimes, you know. Surprises are nice."

Winking across the table at her, he continued eating until he'd had his fill and then pushed the plate away. Watching her, he smiled. He was incredibly happy to be in this situation of having her there with him. What a fantastic thing this was, having her. He just wanted to hold her all day, but he knew that he couldn't do that. They both had work that they had to do.

"It's a good thing, having you here."
Hanna smiled and finished up her meal, she was certainly glad that she was here. " I am glad to hear that as I like being here. " Hanna pondered what to do with the little bit of time she had remaining, she wished she could just be in his arms all day. " hmm Can I have the address for you new office? " She had at least some idea of something to do. Hanna didn't want to go, she enjoyed being with Kamon too much, she could be with him forever... and not miss work.


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The address to his office. He supposed it would make sense for her to know, and was slightly surprised that she didn't already. Pulling out his datapad, he fiddled with it some before sending the address over to her.

"Now you have it. Don't be expecting fun times at the office, though. I intend to confine that to our home."

He winked at her before standing to walk over and pull her out of her seat and into a hug.
Hanna smiled and nodded, she hadn't thought about doing that though it sounded fun, she reached up and kissed him, loving the sensations that it alwasy seemed to spark from contact with his lips. "mmm I love you" She said holding him tight, she did indeed love the man who was holding her as she held him. She kissed him again, lingering hoping he wanted a bit more as well, she was an addict to his affection she decided.
"So expect a office warming gift" She said with a smile as she hugged him tight, she enjoyed being in his arms.


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Kamon returned the kisses affectionately, holding her lithe body up against his. Mornings like this made everything feel right and he was more than happy that they would get to have more of these since they were together now. It wasn't anything more than he could ask of her, and she seemed to enjoy his affections as much as he enjoyed her affections.

"I love you too."

Kissing her forehead, he gave her rear a squeeze.

"I'll be expecting a gift then. I wonder what it will be."
Hanna smiled " It is a secret, and you can't know! " She slowly separated him, and proceeded to walk her best to emphaise her body, as she left. She Then was on the phone, where she made sure to have Kamon's favorite food, a Nerf burger and fries, at his office for lunch, and a can of whip cream. She was the happiest she had ever been as work progressed, many would notice that Hanna was cheeful and more energized than ever before. It was like a new woman was there .


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He watched her go, smiling as he did so. She really knew how to put on a show. When she'd left, he left as well, going to the office to work for the day. Lots of work had to be done. Too much work, really. He wished that he had more time to get it all done because he felt like hew as in a whirl of motion. And then lunch arrived at his office: a burger and fries, with a can of whip cream. He stared at the latter for a moment and then grinned mischievously before proceeding to down the burger and fries. Then it was back to work!
Hanna made quick work of her afternoon appointments, She ran a little bit late but she hoped that the movers had finished by the time she got back. She had lunch at her old house for the last time, She had liked that house. Hanna had run all her errends she didn't want an assistant to do after wards guards keeping her safe, she was getting use to not being attacked everywhere again which meant she needed to ensure her security was up to snuff.
She smirked as she thought about what she had bought. Hanna decided to buy several dessert toppings on her way home, as she stocked them in the fridge, she heard the door open. She was hoping it was Kamon.


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It was, he wandered in with Jai, carrying the can of whip cream. He walked along and looked into the kitchen, seeing Hanna there closing the fridge. He smiled and walked over to her, wrapping an arm around her waist and giving her a big kiss after doing so.

"I got your gift. My thanks. It was delicious."

Holding up the can of whip cream, he smirked.

"Trying to give me ideas?"
"Well I tried to get a pie... but I settled with that as it sounded like more fun. " She smiled as she kissed him back, glad to be back in his arms. " I had the same thing... though I think I got whip cream on me... " She said with a giggle as she kissed him. " I missed you and couldn't wait to come home... my stuff is all here now... all of it... " Hanna smiled and hugged him tight.. he was hers.


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"Is it?"

He looked around and things didn't seem overly out of place. Maybe she didn't have as much stuff as he expected? Or maybe he shouldn't open the closet anytime soon. That could spell disaster, or a suffocating death. Either one didn't sound appealing. Shaking his head, he looked back at her and kissed her head lightly as she hugged herself close to him.

"Good. Then we're officially settled together. Now all we have to do is get married. When do you want to do that?"
Hanna smiled " In a couple weeks, before I have the baby and before I am fat!" She said kissing him. He would notice that she didn't really keep much, most of her old house was furnaced for her. She had clothes.. lots of them. There was also the giant exotic sculputer that was now tucked away somewhere... diplmatic gifts after all, and his closet was indeed a dangerous place to be. She was so glad to be in his arms , " or is that too soon, and the week before, we cant' see each other, you could go to eschan I could go to visit Rosa."


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"That's fine. I don't understand the obsession with equating pregnant to fat amongst women, though. It's vastly different."

He chastised her just lightly and kissed her nose. Yes, a few weeks would be fine. It would give them time to go and visit one of his homeworlds, and maybe hers, before they had to actually go through with it. Would mean they would get to see what each other was like when in their own element. That would probably be a good thing to do. Plus it would give them time to invite people.

"Visiting our homeworlds is a good idea."
"Its a girl thing, my love. " She smiled and kissed him back, So who should we visit first and plus I am hungry and all I got was dessert. She said with a giggle, as she kissed him again, pressing her tongue into his mouth, she wanted more of him. She stopped only to have her stomach growl... " I think that you should get some food for me and your daughter..."


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Kisses were good. Her grumbling tummy was not. Hunger was setting in for him as well.

"How about we order something?"

Cooking just was not his forte and he knew it. Ordering in was their best option to getting something quickly and actually having it be edible. That being the case, he went over and grabbed his datapad, pulling up a list of restaurants that delivered to their area. Turning the pad over in his hands, he offered it to Hanna so she could look through and figure out what she wanted to get.

"Take your pick."
She smiled kissing him again before and then looked in the datapad. She couldn't decide... " you decide, your good at that" She said, " I think that whatever you pick will be delisious." she loved Kamon, and couldn't wait till they were married. But until then she was still Hanna Lisisrri " I was going to tell you, in the comming elections I am going to run for Channellor" She said looking at Kamon. " That is if you don't mind, I dont' have to" She was curious to see his reaction, it was still a long ways off but she wanted to knwo


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"You should run for Chancellor. Would be a good job for you."

He said it smoothly and calmly as he looked through the vast selections of food. Eventually he settled for ordering a delicacy known as pizza. From what he understood, it involved a bread topped with sauce, toppings, and cheese. Just to get a real taste, he ordered supreme because it listed a bunch of meats and vegetables that were on the pizza instead of just one or the other.

"Food's ordered."

Setting the pad aside, he swept her off her feet and held her against him before carrying her towards the couch where he sat down and set her in his lap.

"Jai will get it when it comes, so we can relax."
Hanna gasped as she was swept off of her feet, she was always still suprised by it, and she kissed him. " I can't wait, I like your choice. " She leaned against his chest and looked up at him. Kamon was so handsome, and his closeness to her was divine. Hann was getting use to this, she certaintly didn't want it to end anytime soon. It was funny but she was so in love with kamon that just being near him made her happy, that sitting on his lap made her feel so secure. She pulled his hands on her belly, the belly that contained their daughter. " I still can't believe I am going to be a mother... " She looked at her oan belly, wonderning who the girl inside of her was. What would she be like? Would hanna be a good mother? would she raise her daughter right? Hanna asked her selves these questions as she looked at the part of her body that now contained the life of another, Kamon and her's child.


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He smiled when she put his hands upon her stomach. When he closed his eyes and felt out with the Force he could feel their little one growing within her womb. It made him happy, and reminded him of that time on Dathomir a long time ago, when he'd felt two lives growing within Satara's womb. Now it was one life, growing within Hanna's womb. Hanna, the woman he loved and was going to marry.

"It is a strange feeling to know you will be a parent. Exciting as well. I knew I would not be the father that Spencer and Aston would normally have, but our child will have me from the moment its born until it grows up and moves out on its own."

Opening his eyes again, he kissed her neck a few times in a light manner, and then kissed just behind her ear. He felt happy, sitting there and holding her. It was nice to know that he'd come home to her from then on.

"I love you, Hanna."

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