Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Visiting a Dark Past (SJO/ORC v TSE)

Location: Wayland
Allies: [member="Kyra Perl"] [member="Lex Del'Fino"] [member="Griet van Vliet"] [member="Reggie Faayare"] [member="Kaili Brand"]
Enemies: TSE

Kaili seemed eager to take charge and get on with things, his anger and attitude caused Yuroic to be concerned. He crossed his arms, it was not the Jedi way to give into anger as easily as Kaili was demonstrating. He looked to Lex and gave a look of being cautious when it came to the boy. There would be time later to talk to the boy and teach him the dangers of giving into those dark emotions. Looking to Kyra, it seemed that she was feeding off Kaili's anger, he placed a hand on her shoulder and nodded his head. "It is not an attitude I agree with, he needs to temper his emotions better, however, there is not time to discuss it and we can handle anything that comes our way together." He gave a wink to Kyra to reassure her as he looked around and saw the ORC members land safely.

He breathed a sigh of relief then heard more sniper shots being fired, the sniper was on the mountain but Yuroic couldn't see them at this distance. Hearing Sol respond gave Yuroic confidence that the ORC was safe, however there was a static as the signal went dead due to the Sith jamming them. It was now harder to coordinate with the ORC but that wasn't too much of a worry, he knew that they could look after themselves. "I wish I could contact them to find out but our comms are being jammed at the moment. We can set off after them but we could make them and ourselves a larger target for the Sith to hit. We must trust in the Force and believe that they are safe, we would have felt something if they had been in danger. Especially if your sister was hurt, you would know." Yuroic reassured her, he wished that they could do more but there were too much risk in most options and he was sure ORC had a few tricks to get ahead of TSE.

Yuroic moved silently through the area, his skills in stealth came from his training as a hunter and tracking prey. "Keep an eye out for enemies Kyra." He whispered to the Padawan.

Elena Lowe

The Sniper
Waylands Foothills
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Veino Garn"] | [member="Cambria Zadira"] | [member="Sol Stazi"] | [member="Nida Perl"]
Tags: [member="Balfur Zaine"] | [member="Kaine Australis"]
Equipment: Type-51 Railgun, FO-S1 MK1 armour, P-23 Sidearm, Knuckle-plate vibroblade
One shot, then another. Two of the Jedi soldiers fell within a few moments. As her scope flicked to a third, the sniper squeezed the trigger yet again, but in response all she received was a hollow click. The magazine was empty.

Laying the gun down, Yves carefully unloaded the cartridge, reaching into the bag beside her to pull out the heavy replacement, and slotted it in place. Above her, the FIV Tortuga circled in the upper atmosphere, dutifully jamming all communications for the next few minutes. Still, occasional bits of chatter still sounded from the encrypted frequency, which likely meant there was some sort of localised booster deployed with one or more of the squads. Annoying, but not the end of the world.

Slipping the power cell back into place, she set her eyes once again down the scope. The fire had spread rather dramatically in the time it had taken to reload, and where before she had been able to see the group clearly, the drifting smoke obscured almost all figures from her view.

It was the spotter who saw the soldier first, rising from behind his covered position to level his autocannon at their position. "Look out!" He called, but by then Yves had seen him, squeezing off a desperate shot that caught the man in the shoulder, throwing him back, but not downing him as intended. Before she could land another shot, he was firing, and through the scope the sniper saw the shots race towards them, before the ground erupted beneath her.

Clods of dirt, rock and wood obscured the sky as the first shots impacted their position, and an instant later she was sent flying backwards, as another plasmatic bolt hit her like a colossal punch to the gut, and she tumbled painfully down the hillside, before roughly impacting the trunk of a tree below. Dirt rained down from above, and Yves blinked the stars from her eyes as the sweeping fire moved past her. Fingers clawing at the dirt, she climbed, still numb from shock, back to what remained of her position, now largely reduced to a pockmarked crater. Grimly, she crawled over the body of the spotter, and pulled her sidearm from her pocket, putting two shots into their improvised device and sending thick clouds of acrid red smoke into the air.

Satisfied she was concealed for the time being, Yves sat heavily and inspected her wounds. Her hardened carapace had protected her from the worst of the damage, and saved her vital organs from being shredded and fried. Her chestpiece was scorched and smouldering, with a large crack running across its length. The armour had fared less well on her leg, and several pieces of the material had caved in and pierced the flesh beneath. It already ached terribly, and no doubt it would grow worse soon. With the armour's power pack leaking fluid and no longer functional, her camouflage had faded, leaving her armour plain and black. Her helmet had not escaped damage either, the face shield shattered by an earlier impact. Dimly, she was aware of blood running down her forehead.

Rising slowly to her feet, Yves scanned the torn-up area around her, eventually spotting her rifle, half-choked with dirt but otherwise undamaged, lying on the ground not far away. She picked it up, affixing it to the mag-plate on her back, and slowly made her way across the ridgeline, where another rocky outcrop would give her some time to gather herself.

Pal'ru Vadarn

Exotic Saber Connoisseur
Location: Weylands
Palru had been trying to focus on the planet. Due to the lingering Sith presence, she was meditating here in order to understand the Force. Even the darker understanding was an understanding nonetheless. But those extra flashes in the darkness. The silver, lingering light within the empty abyss. That woke her from her meditation. Then, the snipers fire made her stand up. Something was wrong. So, she’d grab her lightsaber from her robes and slide down the hilltop she was on. And she made her way to the source. Was this her big chance to finally meet someone like her?
Blueberry flavored Sith
[SIZE=11pt]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Wayland, approaching Mount Taniss[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Objective: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Enter facility, investigate disturbance [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Enemies: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]ORC, [member="Kirie Ito"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Allies: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]TSE, [member="Anden Fancelo"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She didn’t waste time. Ever. Letting her new Sense run free, she was like a hound back on the hunt: a hound hunting a quarry that was far less dangerous than she thought. The signature in the force she had been able to bite onto was no such gathering of dissidents and Jedi, just a handful of diggers. But the predator didn’t often let itself distinguish prey.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“This way!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She shouted to the troopers, realizing her prior misstep in informing her troopers: now bounding forward into the jungle, she could feel the target getting closer and closer with each step. Like a true soldier, she had grabbed her trusty and battle hardened Charric before her lightsaber. Finally the camp came into view, watching for a moment Keva gave another. Short command to the squad, uncaring of where she actually fell in the command structure.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“There. Storm the camp, do not fire unless they draw weapons: subdue first.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]And with that, the Sithling burst from the tree line into the camp with Charric pointed and ready to fire: she shouted out in her usual grossly accented Basic,[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Show yourselves! You stand on Imperial claimed land!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Not entirely accurate. But it sounded good enough.[/SIZE]
The Sullustan would pace himself going forward, taking his time as the Force could possibly lead the way for him. The microphone was still a bit closer to his lips as he heard the voice drop itself, turning into someone else named...Amea? Others? That did not sound like a good thing. Before he could start speaking, he heard things about explosives, dwelling into ruins...good grief, do they believe he was some amateur? He tried to speak but the authority of a womans voice made it clear. Do-Not-Touch-Anything. Probably best to just nod and agree as he once said, else he may receive the fury of a woman on the other side as he went to respond which yet again, crackled to life about Sith Probe Droids. Into the communications open channels, there is just one very long audible groan. This cannot be happening, not now. Breathing out over the stupidity of the situation, he would reply back.

"Amea, we may not be fully on the same page. I am not interested in...whatever your doing. If there is sick, wounded...I shall treat. Otherwise I-"
"HOLD UP! Hands in the air Sullustan!"
"I believe the phrase be please."

However on command, he would have his hands raised upwards as two soldiers of The Sith Empire would most likely approach. While the Sullustan wore something of a traditional robes of a Jedi in a sense, they were extremely out dated and probably would not connect the dots. With them was a probe droid which he noted, would most likely be taking pictures and surveillance over him which he did not really approve of. The communicator was on as it did relay out numbers, call signs, their HQ name...when one got close enough, it yanked it out of his hands as a blaster rifle barrel was shoved into his face. Jegy kept a straight face as he looked down the barrel as the other one examined the datapad as they relayed commands as he felt a presence, a warning in the Force.

At that moment, he decided to act as his left hand rather quickly shoved to the side the blaster rifle to where it was set off, being caught on the communicator as a shriek of pain before a snap hiss would be heard and the distinct sound of metal being sliced in half along with a loud scream with the drop of something on the ground. A sharp CRACK would be heard from afar, possibly very close to Amea and friends position as there be a rather harsh sound that goes with it, something connecting and a bolt of green flying through the air before going straight into the tree tops. There be silence before very slowly, someone rather camouflaged would very slowly lean forward, shot right in the chest as he fell forward through the branches as it made a loud noise before giving a sudden THUD, possibly right close to Amea and friends.

Leaning down to grab the datapad from the now dead trooper, he would deactivate his lightsaber as he stared right up towards the probe droid as it merely monitored his actions. Very slowly, he went right up to it and making a gesture with his right hand, would start to crush the probe droid as the video feed would go out, then various sensors before collapsing as a whole in a heap of metal, inoperable. The gentle crackle of the communicator be heard as it all would sound strange till this point as he finally spoke through it, he may even been muted at that point but he still spoke through.

"Going to head in the direction of someone who fell over. Be a few minutes."

Turning off his communicator, he would walk forward, leaving the dead.

[member="Amea Virou"]
[member="Diana McClaine"]
[member="Loske Matson"]

Pal'ru Vadarn

Exotic Saber Connoisseur
Location: Waylands
Objective: Locate the nearby Force anomaly

Palru kept running, her robes flowing behind her like they were desperately trying to hang on to her body. But that furious sprint also created as hasty a noise. So it was no surprise that three Sith troopers suddenly blocked her path.

"Hands up! Identify yourself!"

"Well, that's rude. I'm just going for a jog."

"You're trespassing. Surrender for identification, now!" The troopers trigger finger pushed slightly onto the trigger, showing he meant what he said. That was all Palru needed to see. She'd send out a powerful force push, causing the gun to slam into the troopers head, causing him to stumble. She'd draw her lightsaber with her free right hand, cutting the ones blaster from the tip of the muzzle to the scope, and the third one just got his hand off. The discombobulated one would fire at her, and she'd sway to the side, deflecting the bolt into both of the other soldiers' heads. The man would keep firing and walking backwards, Palru just deflecting the bolts as if they were nothing. She'd once again use the force, now pushing the blaster down to fire into the mans foot. He'd scream and fall on one knee, looking up to just see Palru slash him across the throat, practically decapitating him. In all honesty, she didn't MEAN to kill that first one. She just deflected at a bad angle. But, she knew how the trooper could've spun that saying she did it purposefully, so she felt she had to finish the fight like that. It didn't matter. She had to keep going. She was getting close to the source of that anomaly. Well, it was an anomaly for her.
Syd floated through the jungle, her shell having not stopped rippling at the dark sided nature of the planet. Her lack of emotion...seventy five percent weaker than that of an organic in all categories except in rare instances...didn't give the Dark Side much to work with. The suit handled the rest. But her shell was still affected all the same.

Her com picked up the chatter of other SJO as she made her way through the lush jungle. They were under heavy attack.

Syd screamed suddenly, collapsing suddenly. Her shell was so disturbed by the manifestation of [member="Darth Voyance"] that even with the suit on, her shell partly melted on one side, along with half her face. Discipline made her regain control, and she decided magic had become necessary. "Ashla, shield me from wickedness..." she said, a purple fire enveloping her body. She then began to fly toward [member="Kirie Ito"] sensing other enemies where she was. She was distressed. On one hand, that Jedi was clearly in immediate danger, on the other hand, that high powered manifestation of the Darkness put everyone in danger. After making a tactical decision, she stuck with her original plan to intercept the manifestation. Nothing less than her best magic of the light would do.

She had an inborn command of the concept. Of course, given that disgusting thing they had murdered to create her she supposed she should not be surprised. She focused inwardly, reciting the chant. Though she liked to think she understood magical systems, some of the origins of the light based ones were a complete mystery to her. They did not conform to the Dathomir type systems most of her own magic came from. She had tried to remember where she had learned them but seemed to have a block in that regard. She knew how bad the others in danger were but whatever it was that had manifested on this world other than her was an incredibly serious threat. To not address it would have been tactical suicide. She was created to battle precisely such creatures. Creatures she had been exactly like once.

She encountered probes along the way, her pale orange lightsaber activating as she flew through their blaster fire, slicing the machines in half, spraying others with fire until the heat of the blast overwhelmed the circuitry within. The jungle around her began to catch fire as she continued her flight to the manifestation of Voyance, surprising a few imperial scouts ahead of her due to her silent flight ability. A blast of fire from her mouth, directed effortlessly, caught them both ablaze and she wordlessly drew her pistol, shooting both screaming men through the visors, and then continued on her way to the manifestation.

She sensed it close by and floated into a clearing of the jungle, still covered in a magical fire to protect herself. It was not perfect...she was not all that skilled really, but it would at least provide some protection from dark side based attacks, in addition to her suit. But still, this manifestation was powerful. Syd was not certain any attack of her own could beat it, but at the very least she might delay it from reaching the others.

"To quote an old man I killed on a bridge..." Syd growled at the dark construct as she spotted it, pointing her curved hilt saber at it.

"You shall not pass..." (Preciousssssss: 300 XP)

[member="Coren Starchaser"]

[member="Nida Perl"]

[member="Diana McClaine"]

[member="Sol Stazi"]

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]

@Jocelyn Zambrano

Kaili Brand

Questionable Hobo Tactics Specalist
Tags: [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Kyra Perl"] | [member="Lex Del'Fino"] | [member="Sol Stazi"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Reggie Faayare"] | [member="Bacu Topol"] | @[member='Griet van Vliet'],

Location: Wayland surface, area unknown

objective: Establish secure location, Cause....A distraction.

Kaili rolled hard in the dirt as Lex pushed him, flying further than the man probably intended to fling the lighter man. The sound of screaming metal reached his ears as he shot back up to a low stance, watching as Lex tore into the probe droid. Lex's explanation of what the probe was...impressive. Since he seemed to gleam all of that from just touching the thing. But that was somewhat secondary to survival at the moment. Kaili bent over the shattered droids form, peeling back the paneling. "Well...I dont suppose you know how to hack a sith droid network do you?" He asked, somewhat optimistically. He certainly couldn't.

After a moment of awkward silence Kaili dove back into the droid, looking for something. After seeing how thoroughly wrecked the poor droid was (even if it was on its way to kill them), he gave up. "Well...nothing I can use here. Sadly..." He grumbled, taking a few of the lighter armored plates and shoving them into his bag unceremoniously. He dusts himself off quickly, standing back up and drawing his pistol before attempting to comm the group behind them.

"Master Xeraic. We encountered a probe on our path...they probably already know we were here. Try..." Kaili paused as he realized static hissed in response to his hail. He roughly slaps his comm against his hand, the old tech sparking slightly in a way that might be disconcerting to anyone else. But Kaili had pieced this one together himself. Bare bones as it was, he knew it was reliable. Most of the time. "Master Xeraic? Can you he-"

Words were stolen from his mouth as something metal slammed into his back, wrenching the comm from his hands as it hoisted from the ground and dragged him deeper into the brush. The vibrant colors of flora blurred past him as the probe hauled him off, branches and twigs into what exposed skin he had and leaving bruises where it could as they made an impressive pace through the brush.

"LEEEEEXXXX" He yelled, flailing at the probe awkwardly but as best he could while it was behind him. An elbow clipped its optical sensor, the droid squeaking in distress as it swerved from its path, slamming the padawan unceremoniously into a tree and dazing him. Colors swirled for a moment and Kaili felt something dribbling down from his nose, but more distressingly it seemed HE had taken the brunt of the impact, the droid now having reoriented itself and dragging him further from the one person that might actually be able to keep him safe.

This had to stop...NOW. Kaili focused his vision back into clarity, watching the trees hurtle towards him as he pulled his legs tight against his chest. He fired them out as the droid and its unhappy cargo passed a jutting rock. The force (the thankfully much more mundane kind this time), throwing them both against a second tree. The droid wasn't so lucky this time, momentarily crushed between a Padawan and a hard wood.

The two of them dropped to the ground, skittering to a halt on a long patch of dirt as the droid finally released him in an attempt to course correction. Kaili groaned as he stood, cupping his bloodied nose carefully before the droid squirmed on its place on the ground. Not wanting to go for another joy ride, Kaili raised his blaster and fired off three rounds, two going far wider than they'd any right to and the third finally slamming into the top of the droids casing, silencing its whirring cries.

He huffed for a second, catching his breath after the fight (if one could call it that) before something dawned on him. This...dirt area...was abnormally long. "Oh Sarlacc scat..." He heaved, the sound of repulsor engines hitting his ears. "I'm on a ROAD." He half yelled, diving back into the relative safety of the bushes as the sound of speeder bikes grew louder in his ears.

"I'll hide here for a second and head back to Lex after they..." His eyes widened as they caught the scrapped body of the droid, still laying in the middle of the road as plain as day. "Don't notice it..." He thought, hoping to will the universe into bailing him out. "Don't. Don't." He mantra'd internally as the sound of speeder engines grew louder at a painfully fast rate.

((@[member='Joycelyn Zambrano'], Feel free to stop and bully the Padawan or Drive on by. Whichever you feel more comfortable with!))

Pal'ru Vadarn

Exotic Saber Connoisseur
As the sound of speeders got louder, the sound of a lightsaber ignited. Blaster fire and screams followed, and over the horizon came the speeders. One swirled out of control and slammed into a nearby tree, exploding. The other had its driver still on... with a woman standing on the back. The driver showed signs of lightsaber damage, and as the speeder crashed, the woman was flung off the back. She’d land on her right shoulder, skidding deep into the dirt. Pain shot through her right arm as she yelled with shut-teeth. As she tried to stand, she was forced to use just her right arm. For her left had been broken. “Bad... b-ba-bad idea-!” She’d fall flat on her face, struggling to get up. She was in shock, By sheer luck, or maybe even the Force, she was right near Kaili.
Location: Wayland
Tags: [member="Kaili Brand"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Lex Del'Fino"] | [member="Kyra Perl"] |
Nearby: [member="Griet van Vliet"]
Objective: If deemed necessary, move to intercept enemy ([member="Darth Voyance"]) and assist unidentified force user([member="Kirie Ito"])

Once they had left the ship, Reggie was surprised at how fast Griet had taken position in a tree. The experience between the two was clear, which wasn't surprising considering she was a Jedi Master. The Padawan moved forward in a jog, his inactive lightsaber in hand. He had thought he saw a probe droid in the distance but it was quickly taken out by a shot from Master Vliet. Well, that's one less enemy droid to worry about.

As Reggie continued on while sneaking by some of the probe droids on the way, something felt off to the Padawan. He didn't know what prompted him to to so, but Reggie reached out with the force slightly and could sense a familiar, terrifying presence he felt just moments ago. The dark side user who had reached out a short while ago was on the move. She was moving towards something, but what? Deciding to take the risk, Reggie reached out further to see if there was anything else he could sense. Turns out there was another force user in that area by themselves. Not wanting who assumed to be a Sith to pinpoint where he was, Reggie stopped sensing with the force and concealed his signature again quickly.

Now the Padawan felt like he had two choices. He could continue with the original plan and let the Sith go on with their business, or make a slight detour to where they were going and see what they were up to. The other person he could sense was strong in the force, stronger than Reggie by far. However, the Sith's sinister nature seemed to be stronger. He couldn't let whoever was over there face the Sith alone. With that thought in mind, Reggie stopped moving and looked towards the area he sensed beforehand. The Sith would probably get to their destination before him and Master Vliet, and the fighting would be underway before they got there, but they should be able to arrive in time to help the lone force user. Maybe Reggie was overreacting and shouldn't go off course, no matter how slight it may be, but he didn't want to take the chance of the Sith taking out another person when he could have helped.

Using the comm he had, Reggie contacted Griet before moving. "Master Vliet, I sensed that dark side presence we felt a little while before. They're moving towards an unidentified force user and I think they're probably going to engage with them. I think we should help the other force user. It won't take us off course too much if we do, and we could possibly prevent someone from getting seriously injured by that menacing presence." Reggie waited for a response from Master Vliet while keeping his force signature concealed so he wouldn't be spotted eaily with the force. This made it so he couldn't sense for the dark side user, but it was safer than revealing where he was and possibly ruining his chances of a sneak attack if they did move towards the dark presence.
Allies: [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Location: Too many trees man
Objective win lazor tag

Kyra had no innate skills in stealth and frankly she had little chance outside some basic training to hone them. Twigs were thoughtlessly stepped on, limbs were brushed against and snapped back. She wasn’t causing an avalanche down a massive, noticeable mountain, but if anything was nearby and listening, it was enough to be noticed. For what it was worth, she did pay attention for threats, the padawan listening closely through the force for ripples of energy, thoughts, or emotions. Her attention remained split, her gaze constantly drifting up towards the treeline where the smoke could be seen in the sky.

Her sister was there. Or had been there.

“Shouldn’t we be moving towards it?” She insisted, unable to let it go. But her distraction had cost her. A probe droid slipped out from the bush beside her, its camera swirling as it focused in on her. She blinked, giving it just enough time to aim and shoot.

A squeak escaped her, Yuroic’s saber thumbed open just in time to deflect the shot back into the trees. A second droid appeared in behind the first one, guns a blazing.

Pew pew.
Location: Wayland
Allies: [member="Kaili Brand"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Lex Del'Fino"] [member="Kyra Perl"] [member="Reggie Faayare"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Voyance"]
Suspicious: [member="Kirie Ito"]
Equipment: In signature

"Master Vliet, I sensed that dark side presence we felt a little while before. They're moving towards an unidentified Force-user..." she received a somewhat garbled message from Reggie. "I think we should help this Force-user. It won't take us much off-course if we do"

"For me, such a detour is mostly about getting the right angle of fire"

Griet could also feel that something was off: the person responsible for screaming You cannot hide moments ago somehow just landed, too. If only Janick, or even Jess, was here... she would be able to slice into the probe network. Now I shall prove these Sith wrong in that we can fight at range effectively; they usually assume we can't fight effectively at ranges longer than point-blank. In fact, it's entirely possible they may be led to think that I'm not even a Jedi to begin with, she thought, while moving across the treetops in search for a vantage point from which to fire an armor-piercing EM plasma round at that dark manifestation ([member="Darth Voyance"]) that stuck out like a sore thumb in the Force and endangered someone else in the vicinity without risking hitting the person that said manifestation endangered.

Plus she knew she couldn't stay in one position too long once shots are fired, especially with probe droids still at large, so angling was critical to ensure that she would not be causing collateral damage. Luckily the fire and smoke from the ORC fighting elsewhere provided a much larger heat signature than what firing an armor-piercing EM plasma round from a distance would generate, so that was another consideration for angling she needed to take into account prior to taking a careful aim at that manifestation and fire that round at it. Now that the armor-piercing shot has been fired, a white bolt would then be flying in the direction of that manifestation, and Griet proceeds to move after the shot has been fired at it.
Wayland, Planetside, Near Mount Taniss
[Objective]: Enter Facility.
[Allies]: TSE, [member="Keva"]
[Opposition]: ORC/SJO, [member="Kirie Ito"]

Onyx pursued the direction the sith had intended and as they got warmer, the sith began rushing over. The strike team allowed her to be at the front and guide them, she was the one with clairvoyance to this life form anyways. And so they followed their sith liaison. Eventually coming to a slowing halt, for they have encountered a camp of lowly diggers. Onyx merely crouched down and one of them took out a set of macrobinoculars, just surveying the area.

As their weapons were lowered and heads were on a swivel. The order was given to storm the camp and the Sith burst from the tree line, onto the camp grounds.

As she jolted across, some of Onyx glanced over towards their leader, and the leader looked at his soldiers. He sighed and stated.

"Don't look at me, go. Weapons hold and secure the independents." He gestured over to the camp.

The soldiers quickly responded and rushed over to the camp grounds with their weapons held up. Ordering some of the individuals to have their hands up and to get on the ground. Subduing them with a show of force. The Captain aided in such subduing, securing one of the diggers and glancing around. Letting the sith run the show for now.

"Ward, get some elevation and I want your eyes watching our surroundings. Jeno, help Ward pull security."

"Moving now, boss."

The responses were swift from the two soldiers, once they finished up securing one of the diggers and moving them over elsewhere. The communications officer slung his rifle over to the side to transmit a sitrep over to communications above.

"Advisor, this is Onyx, we are currently at a camp of diggers and subduing them now. Holding position for the time being. Over."
A moment passed.
"Advisor, this is Onyx, solid copy. Out."

The comms officer held his rifle up and looked over towards the Captain, whistling to catch the leader's attention. And he did. Fancelo looked to Vaak.
"Word from above?"

Vaak nodded. "Just the usual sitrep, they want us to be quick with this camp."

Fancelo nodded, and continued with his tasking. Subduing and securing the last of the diggers with his squad. While the marksman and the rifleman are keeping their eyes on the surroundings.
Location: Waylands Jungle, dig site B.
Faction: Independent
Objective: Oversee archeological dig
Tags: [member="Anden Fancelo"] ~ [member="Inquisitor Trellux"] ~ [member="Kaili Brand"] ~ [member="Reggie Faayare"] ~ [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] ~ [member="Kyra Perl"] ~ [member="Griet van Vliet"] ~ [member="Keva"] ~ [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] ~ [member="Lex Del'Fino"] ~ [member="Syd Celsius"]
Interacting: [member="Keva"] ~ [member="Anden Fancelo"]

The soldiers grew closer, a whole squad melting out of the trees and descending on the camp within moments. Hands shaking, Kirie slowly began to move, making sure to keep her head below the crates that concealed her position as she moved slowly backwards. Risking a peek at the approaching hostiles, she spotted [member="Anden Fancelo"] directing the patrol from a few metres behind, clad in intimidating armour and sporting a mean-looking weapon. Slowly, so as not to attract any attention, she shrunk down once again below cover, and continued making her way slowly towards the back of the campsite. Behind him strode a Chiss, [member="Keva"], with cold red eyes, the unmistakable shape of a saber on her belt, and a charric raised to fire. Kirie's gut twisted in fear, it was a Sith, a real one, only a few metres away.

They were all around her now, the first of the scouts crossing the perimeter of the camp. Soon they'd be at the dig site itself, and would discover the crew within. There was nothing she could do to help them now. In her gut she knew that they would be captured and imprisoned, or worse, but it would be unwise to try and save them now. She would be overcome in no time, and Kirie suspected that to people of this ilk she was a greater prize than a couple of archeologists. Her heart hurt knowing there was nothing she could do to help them, but she left them to their fate.

Wincing, she made a short hop across open ground between the crates and a nearby tree, slipping behind the broad trunk. Her breath caught in her throat as she waited to be spotted, but nobody appeared beside her, and she once again dropped low and crept slowly around the camp.

Twice, a soldier brushed right past her, only a couple of metres away, and twice they passed without noticing the figure crouched, shaking with fear and just out of their sight. After a couple of agonising minutes, she reached the back edge of the camp, and breathed a sigh of relief, but nary had she taken a step to steal away then the air began to darken and writhe as tendrils of foul mist slunk out from between trees and under rocks, coalescing into a swirling vortex that fed into a dark and malignant silhouette. Piercing coals stared out into the world, seemingly passing over Kirie, but likely not for long.

She stumbled backwards, away from the figure, and tripped across an exposed tree root, scrabbling onto her knees and behind the closest tree. The thing in the forest, whatever it was, radiated a sickening energy. It made her head spin, made it feel like her teeth were falling out of her gums, made her small, insignificant, helpless. Slowly, reluctantly, Kirie peered out from behind the trunk. Was the spectre gone? Had it moved? She was running out of options, she-

A gloved hand grabbed her shoulder roughly, spinning her around to reveal a tall and broad soldier in her face. Kirie cried out in alarm, yelping and yanking herself away. A moment later, she let out a burst of energy from around herself, flattening a nearby sapling and sending the soldier tumbling through the air, landing with an undignified crash on the other side of the camp.

She was found now for sure. Silently, she prayed for help, for assistance of any kind. She could not face this alone, and she could not escape, but as she looked wildly around the clearing, she saw nobody who would save her.

Grimly, Kirie drew her saber, and prepared to defend herself, her Tartarine pendant glowing radiant and blue as her enemies approached.
[member="Jegy Sesara"] // [member="Loske Matson"] // [member="Diana McClaine"]

Oh. So, wait, he was a doctor. Amea blinked as she held the commlink before her. She had expected an encounter with someone who was perhaps a bit more... Liberal with the boundaries between when it was grave robbing and when it was archaeology. It was hard to tell in some parts of the archaeologist community. The sound of tinned soldier voices came out of her device and she turned to look at her two companions. Weren't the most ordinary of Jedi, she'd give them both that much.

"Certainly." Amea said in response to Loske motioning for them to continue. Yet it seemed no sooner than they stepped into the forest something loud called out into the open. Seemed like a gunshot and Amea got low as she turned to look in its direction. A shot poked through the trees, a body seemed to fall flat right before them.

So he was close-by then.

"I think, that was our friend." Amea motioned in the direction of the sound and picked up her pace. "Which means our friend isn't too far away."

And with luck, they'd get there sooner rather than later.

Pal'ru Vadarn

Exotic Saber Connoisseur
Tags: [member="Kaili Brand"]
Location: Wayland dirt road
Palru would finally get on her feet when she sensed someone nearby. She didn’t know who, but she know somewhat where. She’d turn and ignite her lightsaber with his right hand, since her left arm was basically broken. “Who’s there?” She kept it away from where she sensed the nearby person. But the pain of having her arm go snap was getting to her, causing her eyes to flicker, trying to stay awake. “I’m not... an enemy... unless you’re one of those troopers. In which case just go away.”
Location: Wayland
Team: Perli Gang [member="Nida Perl"] [member="Kyra Perl"], [member="Sol Stazi"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Syd Celsius"]
Baddies: [member="Kirie NPCs"]

Hearing the voice of Stazi call out, Starchaser moved the direction of the barrier. He could only provide cover for those that were already found and being targeted. But if it came to be that a few of the Home Guard were taking shots at the muzzle flashes from behind his barrier? That was what he was hoping. It’d give the Partisans some more time. Subtle, Starchaser wasn’t, but he was tactical. He’d been a General for a reason, and not just because he was there and loud. But this was Stazi’s operation, he was here for support.

Hearing the rock and the call, Coren nodded. “Roger.” And he started to walk, he would drop his barrier once he realized the team was ready to move, everyone accounted for. “Jedi, sound off. Keep your ears open.” He was going to let Stazi coordinate with the Silvers. And that was when he heard Nida.

Which sister?” He was not thinking it was Yula, she was less subtle than ‘you may sense me in the Force’. “Can you find her?” He had to keep moving, but they could move and search, right? But he could sense something else in the Force, something out there. He was hoping others were keeping their guard up, as he was. Walking, the barrier was not being actively concentrated on, and he swapped to lightsaber and blaster.

War time.
Blueberry flavored Sith
[SIZE=11pt]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Wayland, approaching Mount Taniss[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Objective: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Enter facility, investigate disturbance [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Enemies: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]ORC, [member="Kirie Ito"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Allies: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]TSE, [member="Anden Fancelo"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]And so the true colors were finally shown. A Jedi stood amongst these jungles now: the enemy was here and it was time for Keva to deal with it. She paused briefly, her Charric leveled at the Jedi. The plan was simple, fire off a few rounds: she presumed the Jedi would move to deflect the shot with her saber, and with the kinetic and energy rounds of the Charric it would loosen her grip enough for the remaining troopers to light the Jedi into a hole pocked corpse.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Lower your weapon, Jedi!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She’d give peace a chance, just this once. Maybe she’d bring this little whelp in alive, present it to those Darths that held the greatest place in command, a gift to prove herself as a proper warrior. But she didn’t try and lose herself in her dreams too much, she glanced at the troopers around her. A slight notion so that they could realize to join her in raised weapons.[/SIZE]

Kaili Brand

Questionable Hobo Tactics Specalist
Tags: Yuroic Xeraic | Kyra Perl | Lex Del'Fino | Sol Stazi | Coren Starchaser | Reggie Faayare | Bacu Topol| Griet van Vliet, | [member='Pal'ru Vadarn']| [member='Joycelyn Zambrano']
Location: Wayland surface, area unknown
objective:Establish secure location, Assist Pal'ru.

Kaili stared at the monoplegic form on the road, lightsaber held defensively as she got up from her fall. He ran the mental checklist he had for telling sith and jedi apart. Robes? Cream. Saber? Not red. Somewhere were no reasonable person in the galaxy would be? Trick question, that was both of them. Sith were just causative of that situation where as Jedi were more or less symptomatic.

Still, of the things it could have been...he was greatful it was a Jedi. Lex was probably safe on his own, but Kaili for sure was not. He was starting to regret only having picked up the basics of shii-cho. "Friendly! Friendly!" He said, stepping out of the bushes while still clutching his bleeding nose. He gave it an experimental wiggle, immediately regretting it as pain shot through him. But no grinding noise so that meant that, out of their respective crashes, he'd faired a great deal better than the woman in front of him.

"I'm a padawan....sort of. With Xeraic's expedition group." He said, slowly approaching the other jedi. "Got separated when that droid...attacked me. If you can walk we need to move..." He added, looking at the smoldering wreckage of the speeder while he offered the jedi a shoulder. Given he was shorter than the woman he wasn't sure if it was more a hindrance than a help, but he wasn't a doctor. And force healing someone was definately not something he wanted to chance learning on the fly. "You're out of the fight and I don't like our chances if a sith shows up. Lex should still be in the jungle. We're headed for the mountain side to a hanger. They probably have some old medical junk we can use to get you fixed up...." He said, keeping his ears peeled for the sound of more speeders just in case this woman was pursued.

Pal'ru Vadarn

Exotic Saber Connoisseur
Tags: [member="Kaili Brand"]
Location: Wayland Surface
Objective: Follow Kaili
Palru would turn off her lightsaber when Kaili revealed himself to be a friendly. She'd stare at him for a moment before looking at her damaged arm. "I can heal it with the Force as we go. If you're with Xeriac, that means you're a Jedi of the Order too, right?" She'd start to heal her arm with the Force. It'd take a while, but it was slowly working. "Lead the way." She'd grunt and groan as she got up proper.

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