Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Visiting a Dark Past (SJO/ORC v TSE)


Mount Tannis Forward Approach
Obj: Speeder Bikes at the Front Door, Absent Minefields, p4, [member="Loske Matson"] , [member="Jegy Sesara"]

Diana followed behind Loske and Jegy on their Sith speeder bikes.

Matson was a skilled driver and Diana found herself rather enjoying the sudden eagerness to assist the good Doctor. After all, introductions had been swift. Vapid even. Thus, poor Diana still had more questions than answers about their grandly-robed Neurosurgeon. Alas, time was against them. Otherwise Diana might have subjected the good Doctor to a more "scrutinizing" method of recruitment.

Mere moments past before they ascended the jungle and neared their objective. The Mountain.

Diana took point and speed her bike past Loske's. Zooming out of the treeline and into a somber clearing of dirt and craters.


Yep. Sure enough. The forward entrance to the mountain had already been accessed by none other than the Sith before them. Diana called a quick stop to the biker rally that was their convoy. So as to survey the situation. Then, a moment later, she speed around and pulled up next to Loske.

"Looks like the Sith patrols already beat us to the front door."

Diana pointed across the empty minefield and towards the grandiose entrance of the mountain.

"Luckily, they appear to have cleared the minefield for us. Hehe. ...And look there. There was quite a few of them too. I'm no tracker but I'd say it's a bunch. More than the few of us would like to handle."

She turned her attention down-field. As if peering out over a great expanse.

"Yuroic and the others are up there. I have no idea how they landed so high up the mountain but? ...Well. We could probably swing around and meet up with them. It would take time though. And, a heck of a hike up the backside of this rocky beast. Bleh."

Diana shrugged and gave a nod to Loske and Jegy. Time to take a vote.

"So, we've got two choices. One. We speed across this empty field and enter through that giant front door. Probably encountering whatever Sith landing party got here before us. Or? ...Two. We spend a few minutes double-backing around the mountain to find our friendlies. Probably encountering a few Sith snipers and recon teams as we go."

She looked up into the sky and nodded to the lack of a Sith Navy overhead.

"Good news. The radio still works on these bikes. If we're spotted. We'll be the first to know. Hehe."

Diana turned her eyes back towards the tall watchtower overlooking the mysterious mountain ascent. She didn't see any Sith spotters up there. But, that didn't mean the arrival of a few Sith speeder bikes at the front door had gone unnoticed already.

She turned and nodded to Loske and Jegy again,

"Your call folks. I'm game either way."
Location: Inside the Bunker ORC and SJO are trying to meet up at
Objective: Prove she's not inept Secure the bunker
Tag: [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]

Kyra caught the glance Yuroic gave her as she handled his light saber for the first time. Heat rushed through her cheeks, the padawan not needing to sense his emotions to see the judgement behind his eyes. Many a masters had looked at her like that before, and none of it ever led anywhere she liked.

"Longer hilt than I'm use to," she mumbled dismissively, though the truth was far from it. The wall crumbled before them, opening up a hole big enough for them to pass through. She let the saber close with a hiss, her palms sweaty as she clutched it close to her. This was not the field trip she had signed up for. She followed after him dutifully, casting glances over her shoulder as the light from the entry way she made slowly disappeared out of sight. "How are they suppose to know where to find us?" She whispered, her voice hushed. She sensed no life forms nearby, and now that she knew to feel for them-- no hint of droids either.

The force remained remarkably calm around them. Kyra couldn't help but to wonder if that was more Yuroic's doing than a sign that nothing dangerous was nearby.

"I don't sense anyone. But... maybe... If I can try, I can lead them to us?" She was desperate for a solution to speed up her sister's arrival. "I'mbetteratheforcethanIamasword," she informed him quickly, her voice tight.

Kaili Brand

Questionable Hobo Tactics Specalist
Tags: Yuroic Xeraic | Kyra Perl | Lex Del'Fino | Sol Stazi | Coren Starchaser | Reggie Faayare | Bacu Topol| Griet van Vliet, | Pal'ru Vadarn| Joycelyn Zambrano
Location: Wayland surface, jungle
objective: FLEE

Kaili could do little as Lex ripped the blaster from his grasp beyond fixing a look of wild panic and confusion at the man before being hurled into the treeline. Both Jedi had spoken to him, somewhere in the animal part of his brain their words had registered though without much meaning. As it stood, every fiber of his being was screaming to run, flee, shoot someone and leave them as bait if you have to. Thankfully, that last option had been taken away from him, or the Padawan would be seriously considering the option.

Instead he hit the ground running, not pausing even a second to see if Pal'ru or Lex followed in his wake as he tore through the jungle with unusual ease. Normally he'd feel lost in the verdant halls that loomed in front of his vision, great walls of tree and vine that were only visibly passable a foot at a time. But in his mind branches gave way to familiar pipes, dirt to pavement and vines to equally treacherous cables. For him, running away was familiar territory, regardless of where in the universe he was.

To the two jedi present, it was not like Kaili parkour'd through the brush like a well seasoned native. That would imply some degree of elegance. No, there was an alien grace to the movements, like an insect that was sent skittering back into the ductwork as the lights in a room were brought up. He made no attempt at evasive movement, instead hauling himself in as straight line possible towards the only thing he could see through the tunnel vision, the base of the mountain.

Sheer momentum carried him over most obstacles, the young man slamming into them at full gait and merely rolling over them and continuing his stride as if they'd never been there. Those too large to ignore he barreled over; not even stopping to look as he slammed his fingers into hand holds he was only barely aware of, ignoring whatever pain might have been present in his rapidly bloodying fingers.

Then he felt the woman from earlier again, feeling her gaze in the force fall on him. Regardless of whatever distance Kaili might have put between himself and her, it felt as if he may as well be seated in her lap back on her speeder, with ice rolling through his veins as she ran a cold murderous finger along his naked spine. Some animal like part of his mind snatched at the brief connection, despite how the rest of him screamed at it to release it and join them in their attempts to flee. It did not. Instead it gripped at the invisible thread for a moment, flinging itself back towards the woman in a frenzy before sputtering out weakly. Drowned out as the rest of his mind overtook the instinct and put it back to whatever corner it'd crawled from as Kaili rubbed the stinging from his eyes.

To the Sith, the hate and fury present in the mental assault was likely laughably amateur. It's strength little more than the desperate snarls of a mind that had not ever forged it into something more substantial. Harmless, regardless of whatever other impressions Zambrano might have of it.
Location: Wayland - In the Vaults
Objective: Secure the area/talk to Kyra
Allies: [member="Kyra Perl"]

Yuroic shook his head he could tell that Kyra assumed he was judging her, he was more studying her, seeing where her skills laid and how far into her training Kyra was. However, it was clear that she wasn't far and was filled with a lot of self doubt that made her act out. It was hard for Yuroic not to sympathise, this was meant to be a fun and exciting field trip that went very wrong and would put any rookie Jedi Padawan out of their depth, he was attempting to provide a calming presence. While this wasn't the plan necessarily, things weren't as bad as they could have gotten. At least they weren't fighting the Sith Emperor or Darth Prazutis, who was just as deadly as the Emperor.

"Use to a shoto hilt then?" His Lightsaber hilt was a standard length so he knew that she was clutching at straws. "It doesn't matter if you have never held a Lightsaber before, I use to go into battles with just a training saber, I hadn't been ready for a Lightsaber and the Sith were attacking another world. It was terrifying and I didn't really have much friends at the time either." Yuroic stood near her, "however, I made it through some of our darkest times and I know you can too Kyra. The plan was to meet here so don't fret, we will see them soon I am sure of it." He reassured Kyra best he could, she was worried that her sister wouldn't make it to them but Yuroic was holding out more faith than she was it seemed.

Shaking his head, he had thought about ways to contact others but most of the problems came from the fact that the Sith would be able to spot was an issue that they had to overcome. "Anything we do try now will just alert the Sith, even through the Force they will be able to sense us and track us to here. We need to be careful and trust in the others to arrive here, trust in the Force Kyra." He reassured her again as he ignited his saber to provide light as he wandered forward.

Pal'ru Vadarn

Exotic Saber Connoisseur
Objective: Protect the Padawan
Tags: [member="Kaili Brand"]

Palru abided by Lex’s instruction, following quickly behind Kaili. Despite her long cloak, she had no trouble with her footing. She’d keep her lightsaber ignited, cutting through anything she couldn’t easily evade. She’d eventually cut down a massive tree as she passed behind Kaili, using an extra push with the force to cause the tree to hit the ground and roll, big enough to crush anyone chasing on a speeder.
Location: Inside the Bunker ORC and SJO are trying to meet up at
Objective: Go save her friends Secure the bunker
Tag: [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]

‘Trust in the force’ Kyra mouthed childishly at his back.

She glanced down at the saber hilt and let out a frustrated noise when she noticed it was indeed normal length. “You are such a tattle tail,” she told it, giving it a pointless shake.

She followed after him with a huff, casting furtive glances behind them as she went. "I just-- I don't understand. Nothing's here. It's secured. Shouldn't we be going back to help them? I know we had plans but-- that was before-- did the force tell you this was gonna happen? What if the force is wrong! They could need us." She lit up his light saber once more and began to slash at cobwebs in a frustrated manner, clearing a path for her hair to pass through unmolested.

"They could be outnumbered. Or trapped! How would we know? Maybe we should attract some sith to us, get them off their back! Give em a chance to escape and- and- have a trap here waiting!"

Surely, surely there had to be more for them to do than just sit here while all their friends faced sith. Her mind was already spinning for other ways she could help. Yuroic's impending answer was already doomed to be unheard by the stubborn padawan.

She was going to help them. Watch her.
Lex had deignited his lightsaber upon entering the treeline, not wanting to give the Sith and their soldiers any more of an advantage than they already possessed. He'd already lost sight of the two Padawans, which in this instance, could both be a good and a bad thing. For all of the intelligence that the boy displayed, [member="Kaili Brand"] had shown he was still just a raw beginner in his training, the emotional outburst he released into the Force being so potent it almost felt tangible to Lex, who himself wasn't as spiritually attuned. And if he could feel it, it was almost certain that the Sith could, no doubt following it like a hound tracked a wounded animal. He'd needed to cover the two's escape, at the very least distracting the Sith long enough for the other Padawan to calm down Kaili, or for them to meet up with one of the other teams.

As he moved forward, he was forced to hop backwards as a large tree fell onto his path, blocking the way forward. Well, this is one way. He used the moment's rest to refocus his Force Concealment, allowing his presence to once again dissipate into the Force. The howl of the speeders began to approach his position, though it was quieter than moments ago, when they were in the open. The dark presence emanating from them would no doubt be the Sith themselves. Using Force Cloak, he'd hid himself within the shadows of the forest, and skulk towards the Sith and their entourage, stopping meters away behind a tree. She's probably searching for Kaili and Pal'ru, he thought, upon laying eyes on [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]. Can't have them getting caught.

"Using an entire part to hunt children? Seems a bit like overkill for a Sith Lord." He called out from his hidden spot. "Or maybe your just an Acolyte, and two Padawans is a little much for you? I won't judge, I know Sith training these days are a little sub par."

[member="Pal'ru Vadarn"]
Location: Wayland, speeding along a jungle road.
Tags: [member="Kaili Brand"] [member="Pal'ru Vadarn"] [member="Lex Del'Fino"]

The little Jedi brat could sure run. For a moment it looked as though she would run him down, but he appeared to be gaining both speed and agility as he went on. On her speeder, she would have a hard time following him. Then again, she was as much shepherding him as she was giving chase.

His mental attack skidded off her mind, not only for her power in the Force, but for the innate resilience of her bloodline. She could feel him, like a numb scratching at the base of her skull. It amused her momentarily, until her focus was disrupted.

A tree, enormous and ancient, was cut town in a flash of sparks and came crashing down through the canopy. Joycelyn veered to the side and was forced to halt her speeder. One of her entourage was crushed underneath the trunk, caught between rocks, and one managed to maintain the chase. Joycelyn brought her speeder around as she kicked it back into life, but stopped when she heard the Jedi come to stall her.

"I love it when you start talking" She stepped down from the speeder, her back to the voice and her sword firmly held in her left hand "Reminds me of why I do this."

Swiftly, Joycelyn turned, drawing a particle-blaster from her side with her right and turning just enough to fire. on Lex.
Location: Vault
Objective: Keep place secure and protect Kyra
Allies: [member="Kyra Perl"]

He could hear whispering to his Lightsaber which caused his eyebrow to raise curiously and shook his head with a small chuckle. She seemed fairly different to other Jedi Padawans so he was curious in how her training would be going. Likelihood was she needed someone firm but supportive, which is the way of a number of Masters but also someone to push her and challenge her. "Nothing is here from what we can see, however, there might be secrets and information that is in this place if we have a look. Keeping it secure is important for our safety and the safety of the others when they arrive here." Yuroic told Kyra.

"If we go back, what happens when the others get here safely and we are the ones that end up outnumbered and in danger? Better for us to wait and be patient then risk our lives for the belief that they could be in danger. We have no knowledge that they are in danger, just fear dictating our actions, something that is a sure way to getting us killed" Yuroic was firm on this, letting their fear that the others are in danger and needed help would be the only way to get them killed or severely hurt.

Grabbing Kyra by the shoulder, he pushed her against the wall firmly. The look in his eye was serious and intensely so, "we draw Sith here, then we get outnumbered and hurt, we risk getting captured or killed by the Sith and more importantly, we risk the only place the others know to go to being overrun by Sith who could trap and kill them. Better to stay quiet, wait for the others. It is hard, I know that Kyra, I want to go fight and keep everyone safe but that isn't the smartest thing to do. We need to make sure that they have somewhere safe to come to and we can then all plan our escape as a group." His thoughts were clear and he had worries about the others but he had more worry about keeping her safe and making sure they figure a way out of here. Also, she was not going to ditch him to try and kill herself helping others, he was too smart to fall for her tricks.

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