Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Visiting a Dark Past (SJO/ORC v TSE)

The ground was very different than being in a cockpit.

The grass and dirt beneath their feet was alive, rich with The Force, the air contained several distinct odours, and all the other stimulus was beyond one's control. In the cockpit, you could control the radio, the notification feed, radar, navigation, weapons -- everything. Out here, in the jungle, Loske had no control. The environment was overwhelmingly complex and unprecedented.

So, when a corpse appeared from nowhere and clattered to the ground limply, she jumped. Startled by the intrusion. The emerald streak overhead caused her to crouch to a half-way duck. "Holy kark.." she muttered, glancing between [member="Diana McClaine"] and [member="Amea Virou"].

They seemed to be pressing onward, and Loske wasn't one to object, so they continued to traipse through the bushes until an unarmed silhouette came into view. Or, at least, he appeared unarmed.

Loske raised her arm in a wave in the direction of [member="Jegy Sesara"] to call his attention, without lifting her voice.
Location: Wayland
Allies: [member="Kyra Perl"] [member="Lex Del'Fino"] [member="Griet van Vliet"] [member="Reggie Faayare"] [member="Kaili Brand"]
Enemies: Sith

Things didn't seem to be going well. He looked over and saw Kyra blocking a bolt from a probe droid. Gripping it with the Force, he pulled one into the tree and destroyed it. Throwing his saber at the second, he blew that probe droid up as well. "Well, someone is going to know we are here. For now, we need to stick to the plan, find a way into the vault. There could be a backdoor entrance we can use. Get in and avoid detection by the Sith, your sister and the others will be heading to the vault too so if we get there then we can meet up with them. Otherwise we will just be chasing them and get ourselves in trouble."

He placed a hand on her shoulder and reassured her. "They will be find and we will see them soon, just have patience little one," Yuroic said as he guided Kyra through the wilderness and searched for a way into the vault as they moved. "Keep your eyes open for an entrance to this vault Kyra."
The second probe droid had swept in faster than Lex's senses detected it, latching onto Kaili Brand and dragging the Padawan away into the jungle. "Kid!", he managed to get out as he disappeared from view into the brush. "Damn it, this is why I don't like chaperoning." He immediately started chasing after the pair, using his vibro-knife to slash through the foliage and underbrush. It wasn't long before he'd lost his sense of direction, simply keeping on the straight forward path and hoping to come out at an opening.

In the process he'd taken down an additional two probe droids, who'd apparently closed in the area after the first confirmed a capture. He made sure to disable them before any additional information could be sent out, but how much time that actually bought was anyone's guess. He took a pause at the destroyed body of the second probe, looking at the frame in frustration. "This operation is already a Force-damned disaster. Whose idea was it to make this a damned learning experience for some Padawans." He kicked the broken shell, wondering what to do next.

The sound of a crash nearby caught his ear, and Lex, figuring one lead was better than none, chose to pursue it. Along the way, he found evidence of struggle and fighting, likely being Kaili's attempts to free himself of the droid. Upon coming up near the site, he began hearing voices, and the familiar thrum of a lightsaber. Damn. With no current sight-line, he'd guessed that the kid had been caught by a Sith, and either was about to be taken prisoner, or killed. He couldn't let that happen.

Closing his eyes, Lex focused on the immediate area around his body. He convinced the world he wasn't really there- he didn't take up space in the air, his footsteps didn't disrupt the floor, and the light found no obstacles in it's path. The Force Cloak technique made it's users invisible to the world and those in it, and combined with Force Concealment, made them into nothing, and no one.

With himself cloaked and masked, he leapt from the hill, towards Kaili's voice, intending to cut down his captor, quickly and quietly. The only problem in that plan arose when he saw that the other person wasn't a Sith, but an injured woman, a fellow Jedi. he uncloaked his invisibility mid-air, and came crashing down next to the two. "Kid! Your all right. Good." He said, looking him over and noticing some scrapes and bruises. "Well, mostly." He next turned to his companion, and seeing both her injuries and the crash, was able to put two and two together. "Whose this? You with the Coalition? Or the fleet?"

Tags: [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Kyra Perl"], [member="Griet van Vliet"], @ Reggie Faayare, [member="Kaili Brand"], [member="Pal'ru Vadarn"]

Pal'ru Vadarn

Exotic Saber Connoisseur
Palru would reach for her lightsaber at first, but stop. “My names Palru. I’m a Jedi with the Silver Order.” Palru would begin to move her damaged arm. It felt ok now. “And you are?” She’d flex her left arm, making sure it healed properly. She could tell this guy was strong with the Force. She sensed much more from him than Kaili.

Tags: @Lex Del’Fino [member="Kaili Brand"]
Location: Wayland Jungle around Mt. Tantiss (Force Projected Form)
Objective: Engage SJO opponents/Gather Data
Allies In the Area: Kirie NPCs, Keva
Enemies (Vicinity): [member="Griet van Vliet"] [member="Reggie Faayare"] [member="Lex Del'Fino"] [member="Amea Virou"] [member="Kaili Brand"] [member="Loske Matson"]
Engaging: [member="Griet van Vliet"], [member="Syd Celsius"]

Aboard the Soothsayer

“Commander!” shouted a bridge officer.

Karn titled her head to the side and replied to the officer in the sensor array pits. “What is it?”

“We’ve lost track of several probe droids,” the officer said.

Karn cocked a dark blue brow and pointed to the officer, “Do you have their last beamed coordinates?”

“Yes mam,” said the officer.

“Send them to my data pad, I shall inform her Ladyship,” said Karn.

With the coordinates in her data-pad, Karn departed to the private holo-chamber and contacted Voyance in her meditation chamber. But, she was greeted not by her mistress when the blue form within the holo-projector bleed into detail.

It was a Voss Mystic, the Arch Mystic that commanded Voyance’s personal guard. She wore dark armor and had piercing blue eyes that glimmered with silver. The dark lady of Voyance – Rak’Shesha. The voss glowered at Karn and hissed.

“Commander Karn,” she began, “What is the matter?”

Karn snarled back, “That is information for her Ladyship only.”

Rak’Shesha smiled, “My Mistress is deep in trance, She has begun her projections down on Wayland. Until then I am in charge of her person, Karn.” There was venom in her words, the two had been at odds with another ever since the Dark Cadre was created to assist Voyance in her dark side rituals and operations.

Karn drew in a deep breath and sighed. She looked down at her data pad and tapped a set of buttons on the touch-screen keypad. “I am sending you the coordinates of the last known locations of our probe droids. Recovered video feeds show their destruction by agents probably of the Silver Jedi Order.”

The data bloomed in front of Rak’Shesha. A bright blue orb with locations appearing as dots and zooming in for full data magnification. Rak’Shesha nodded to Karn and cut the feed, no doubt infuriating the chiss as she did so. Rak’Shesha closed her eyes and through the force spoke to her dark mistress.

“My Mistress, I have news,” her voice echoed in the force.

“Speak, Rak’Shesha,” Voyance replied.

“Several of our probe droids have been destroyed. Their locations have been recovered.”

“Show me.”

Voyance seeped into Rak’Shesha’s mind through the dark connection they had. She saw what her corrupted voss minion saw. She registered the locations, several meters away. Not far but, neither close. Leaving Rak’Shesha she spoke to her.

“Bring the ship closer. And prepare for my landing once I return,” Darth Voyance commanded.

“At once my Mistress,” said Rak’Shesha.


Down on Wayland

Back on Wayland, the quasi-corporeal shadow that was the Force Projected Darth Voyance had been moving through the jungle. She had adjusted her approach to move towards the locations of the droid's destruction, but, all at once her path was impeded by a torrent of flames. Spiraling, whirling and consuming fire. Voyance protected herself through the force, creating a shielding that buffered the flames and spilled them away from her.

When the smoke and ash subsided, Voyance saw a floating flame. The creature confused her. "What is this? A trick of the force?" She pondered. She felt its power, and its aura in the force. "Is it a creation of the Light Side? Yet...I sense a darkness."

As she studied the strange creature, it hissed at her, "You shall not pass!"

Voyance's burning red eyes narrowed and stared down the fiery obstruction.

"You are no position to command me, flame," Voyance said.

"Who are you?"

Before she could press the inquiry a bolt of hot metal blasted through her form. It exploded into a plasma ball of fire that tore apart Voyance's form, gushing out dark vapors and mist in murky puddles on the jungle floor. Voyance lurched backwards and staggered a bracing step. But, she was not vanquished. Ballistics could disrupt her dark side projection but, it could not slay her.

Voyance leaned forward and leveled down her head to look back at the flame. She scanned the jungle and thrust out her hand.

"Find it!" She howled. Her call bled out to the darksiders around her and the probe droids, commanding them to find whoever shot her.

Voyance then returned to the flame. She moved in closer, her torso now a gaping crater slowly filling itself back in with undulating dark smoke and tentacles.

"Now Flame....where were we?"
Location: Wayland Jungle
Objective: Hinder [member="Darth Voyance"] and move to assist [member="Kirie Ito"]
Nearby: [member="Griet van Vliet"] | [member="Syd Celsius"]

As Reggie drew closer, he saw that Syd Celsius, someone he hadn't seen for quite awhile, had gotten in the Sith's way. Soon after seeing that, a particularly strong blaster. "Good job Master Vliet. She's still up somehow, but at least we know that it still had an effect on her." Seeing the Sith's command for the probe droids and possibly others to find where the shot came from. "Be careful, they're looking for you now."

Reaching out again, Reggie felt the alarm that came from the unidentified force user. Ugh, why can't things be simple. He couldn't do much about that at the moment, not until he was sure this terrifying enemy in front of him wouldn't be able to provide backup to the other enemies. This couldn't be their true, physical form, but that didn't stop them from being able to interact with the surrounding area? Despite the small amount of fear creeping up on him, Reggie's interest was peaked. Let's see how much damage that form of yours can take.

Reggie circled around the area so he could approach his enemy from the side, keeping an eye on the empty space that was being filled back in. When he thought he was close enough, he activated his lightsaber and dashed towards the target. He tried to strike through the projections torso so it couldn't fully recover, hoping to disrupt it completely. If he was unnoticed this whole time, then the strike had a chance to connect. He hoped that his attack wouldn't be stopped in someway.

Darth Trellux

Trellux sauntered through the empty halls of Mount Tantiss, a small squad of Saaraishash Legionnaires behind him with their weapons drawn and scanning for danger. He had informed them that they needn't be so worried, his power in the Dark Side would alert him to any dangers before they were even aware of it. But they had been trained well, and such indoctrination couldn't be shaken so easily. So far it seemed as if the earlier observations still rang true, the Mandalorians had left little behind in their flight from the advancing front of the Sith Empire.

A shame, but unsurprising. The Mandalorians were at least thorough in their denial of resources, the same situation played out on many other worlds where the United Clans once held sway. The Empire would make due with what they could get, however, and this was not an egregious blow.

"Set up a deep scan, I want these walls torn down. Leave nothing to chance," spoke Trellux to a pair of Zuguruk that had accompanied him.

"Yes, Inquisitor," they replied, bowing at the waist before moving off to carry out his orders.

Trellux watched as they left, slowly turning his head to one side as if listening to a sound inaudible to the soldiers around him. For a minute or two he stood there, unmoving and unspeaking, only stopping when one of the Legionnaires posed a question.


"The Jedi are here, I can sense them." He pulled a holocommunicator out of his pocket and tossed it towards the ground. Before it struck, it suddenly stopped mid-air as miniature repulsor generators hummed to life and suspended the device. A light illuminated the space directly above it, opening a connection to the Soothsayer and displaying the Inquisitor as a three-dimensional model swaddled in brilliant blue light.

"Mistress Voyance, we have breached the mountain." He paused for a moment before adding, "The Jedi are near."

[member="Darth Voyance"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"]

Kaili Brand

Questionable Hobo Tactics Specalist
Tags: Yuroic Xeraic | Kyra Perl | Lex Del'Fino | Sol Stazi | Coren Starchaser | Reggie Faayare | Bacu Topol| Griet van Vliet, | [member='Pal'ru Vadarn']| [member='Joycelyn Zambrano']
Location: Wayland surface, dirt road.
objective:Establish secure location, Assist Pal'ru.

Kaili shrugged as Pal'ru asked her question. "Sort of. I mean I live on Kashyyyk now. And do training....sometimes." He admitted, not really wanting this person to grossly over estimate his abilities, for his own sake. "And not much a way TO lead....mostly just trudging back through the trees until we see-"

His explanation was cut off as Lex skulked from the treeline onto the path, as if he'd been there the whole time. "Speaking of the Darth..." Kaili mumbled, giving the man a weak wave. "I've had worse days. Pal'ru, this is Lex. The knight I was with earlier." He explained, as the two knights exchanged what probably passed for pleasantries between jedi. He holstered his blaster quickly before turning back to the road, keeping his eyes on where Pal'ru had ridden from. "Any word from the others? My comms seem to be on the fritz, but I imagine if they've encountered our friends..." He said, glaring at the probe corpse before letting the thought trail off.
Location: Wayland, speeding along a jungle road.
Tags: [member="Kaili Brand"] [member="Pal'ru Vadarn"] [member="Lex Del'Fino"]

The Force tugged Joycelyn forward. While she could feel her hatred for her foes bubbling in the deepest pits of her stomach, Zaudraka was something else entirely; the sithsword felt as if it vibrated with palpable hate. It urged her on, egged the rage that always lingered just at the periphery of her consciousness. Blind rage, monstrous, terrible. She kept it in check, but did nothing to resolve it, so it festered and waited for an opportunity to be unleashed.

The Captain's direct com pitched into her helmet as news ticked in.

"Princess, losing droid signals ahead. Scout party failed to check in." A smile crept over her lips as she nodded toward the Captain "And in death, they fulfilled their duty."

She drew Zaudraka from its sheath and leaned the long blade on her shoulder. Fire licked up along the blade in delight and she could feel its tremor of readiness in her hand.

The signal was well known in the squad. They parted into three waves: Four at the tip, with power-lances in hand. Five were in the middle, with blasters at the ready. Three in the rear with curved blades or smaller blasters to pick off stragglers. At the centre rode Joycelyn with her vicious blade. The Captain rode at her side, armed with a particle blaster of the Imperial Legion. He knew what it took to fell a Jedi; he had been a part of this war for long enough to learn the tricks of the trade. These were not just soldiers of the Sith Empire. These men and women were Blackblades of the Zambrano dynasty.

The howls of their speeders would be heard first, then came the silhouette of their black carapace and the long spears. Even among these epicanthix, Joycelyn towered above the rest. They sped up as soon as the three Jedi came into view. Carefully aimed shots of plasma fired between the lancers as the spears were lowered. They made for ramming speed. Joycelyn pointed her blade forward, tip down like a scorpion's tail.

A fierce charge at the trio. Did they have time to prepare? Did they choose to run or stay to fight?

The Sith had come.


North of Rendezvous Point
Obj: Stealth Dudes In Trees, Greet Jegy, p3, [member="Loske Matson"] , [member="Amea Virou"] , [member="Jegy Sesara"]

Jegy got busy over the radio while Loske and Amea advanced toward his position. They'd likely meet in the middle.

Diana herself ignored the clamor and simply walked right up to the corpse. Sith Recon Trooper. Designated Marksman. And alas, no electronic camo. This lower ranking trooper was simply a scout. His speeder bike was likely around, somewhere.

Diana's eyes scanned the forest as Loske and Amea finally came into contact with Jegy. Locke waving to get his attention and hopefully signal as friendly. Still. Diana's eyes scanned their surrounding. Looking all around. And then up into the sky. She never took cover either. Simply, standing. Meditative with an otherworldly ease. Even in the middle of such unnecessary danger.

Then she snapped her fingers and began walking in a new direction. Speaking so all could hear her. Even the newcoming Doctor.

"There are three Sith speeder bikes parked over there. Though I sense no more troopers in the immediate area. The good Doctor must have taken care of them for us."

She pointed to Locke and Amea,

"We should take their bikes and head for the objective. As. Getting underground before the Sith Navy arrives to torch this forest is still a priority."

Then she nodded to the good Doctor,

"There will be more of their kind coming. Or worse."

Diana then looked back through the thicket of trees and began trudging off in the direction of the Sith scouting team's speeder bikes. Crunching threw the underbrush as she went. Her strange cosmopolitan attire being still so wildly unassailable for such a long forest trudge. But. Well, at least it wasn't raining. Yet.

Meanwhile. Loske and Amea could meet-and-greet the good Doctor. Diana would see to the bikes nearby. Soon, they would take the speeder bikes, reach the mountain, shelter underground, and then let the Tombraiders among them beat the Sith to whatever strange artifacts Yurioc and his ORC friends seemed so obsessed with.

Mm. And maybe the good Doctor would be joining them too?
Location: Outside Vault
Allies: [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] @Lex Del'Fino @Griet van Vliet @Reggie Faayare @Kaili Brand
Enemies: Sith

Kyra whined, shooting the smoke pile one last distressed glance before being redirected back to the task. Fine. She couldn't go to her sister? She could at least make sure she had something safe to come to. No telling what kinda stuff could lie in wait for them now that the planet seemed to be a hotspot again.

"I thought this planet wasn't suppose to be occupied anymore, Master," she commented, picking her way through the shrubbery surrounding the vault. It surprised her that they had not encountered more resistance, especially given how the droids had both revealed their location before being smashed to smithereens by Yuroic. (Super cool by the way, she half regretted panicking instead of smashing). She considered for a moment, an idea slowly reaching her.

"Of course, if it was actually occupied we probably would have been met with more of a force than a few machines. Could it be just a few that had stayed behind?" She chirped, looking hopefully up at him. In that case they strictly outnumbered them and her sister would be aokay.

Let's go with that.

She pushed aside a series of vines that covered the vault wall, the wall's material indecipherable under all the made in moss and old dirt. She looked curiously down at Yuroic's saber and thumbed it open, giving a cut through the wall a try.
Location: Jungle
Allies: [member="Kyra Perl"] [member="Reggie Faayare"] [member="Lex Del'Fino"] [member="Syd Celsius"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Kaili Brand"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Voyance"]
Suspicious: [member="Kirie Ito"]
Equipment: In signature

"Be careful, they're looking for you now" Reggie warned her.

Now it's about misleading those probes; keeping on the move was key after firing at the dark side manifestation, the probes think my position is in some arc, but I need to leave that arc, and the area covered by that arc, before I can fire another shot at that entity. It's a gigantic hide-and-seek game taking place in the jungle, she thought, while moving out of position, in a seemingly erratic pattern that would take her from a treetop to another, and with swift changes in direction that would be more akin to a random walk. Maybe someone else would have to fight a probe if that probe caught someone else before Griet, and everyone in this expedition knew they would need to fight at some point. Yet there was another consideration here for finding the right vantage point to fire, two more people not to hit. Reggie and some other flame-based entity. That meant the resulting shot would be much trickier than the first one, and there was a narrow cone from which she could fire at that dark manifestation.

And those supporting dark-siders nearby, which was the reason why she switched the firing mode to a nine-shot volley, and the range was now short enough to fire such a volley, with each bolt of electromagnetic plasma having the same stopping power as the previous shot. As the volley was fired, if these dark-siders had a lightsaber, magnetic reconnection would likely cause the plasma inside the lightsaber's blade to get out, and splash upon their bodies, should they attempt to block the bolt with a lightsaber. At that range, she knew the bolts would land in a two-meter circle of a point centered where she is aiming at, and it was likely the volley could hit a dark-sider in the line of fire on the manifestation's back.

Kaili Brand

Questionable Hobo Tactics Specalist
Tags: Yuroic Xeraic | Kyra Perl | Lex Del'Fino | Sol Stazi | Coren Starchaser | Reggie Faayare | Bacu Topol| Griet van Vliet, | [member='Pal'ru Vadarn']| [member='Joycelyn Zambrano']
Location: Wayland surface, dirt road.
objective: Evasive action!

Kaili felt it before he saw it...A dense black wave of malice shooting his brain like someone had dragged a shard of glass across his spine. The sound of speeder engine's being drowned out by the sheer weight of the presence. "Company...we've company." He gasped out at the two jedi with him, hand reaching for his throat to pull away at whatever imaginary force that he felt choking him. Down the road, black clad men and women crested a hill; what felt like a dozen or more sets of eyes locking on the trio immediately.

He could have counted them, and in fact probably should have. Knowing how many people you needed to out run was a pretty non insignificant factor in surviving most life or death situations. Instead he locked eyes with the figure at the center of the brigade...or atleast it FELT that way given the distance. She was the epicenter of the feeling from before, and seeing her had decidedly NOT been an improvement. She felt like a beach made of black glass, an analogy which Kaili might have considered quite pretty were it not also hurtling towards him at the speed of hate.

"T...Treeline!" He stammered, drawing his blaster pistol with a barely saved fumble and staggering slightly under the girth of a true sith's force signature. "Road suicide. Treeline break up. Gott-" He started before a ball of plasma sailed through the space where his skull had just been. It was the straw that broke the Jawa's back as it were, Kaili's suppressed force signature practically detonating like a grenade back into visibility and bringing with it all his surface emotions. Fear being chief among them. He drew his blaster up and began firing, not bothering to count the shots or aim really. Many shots sailing wide and what few that found their way to the brigade had only done so by sheer virtue of probability.
To quote a man she had seen sky dive after a bank robbing surfer: Whoa.

Syd watched as the manifestation took projectile damage.

Incredibly, Syd realized that this manifestation was not quite an individual but a projection of someone else, somewhere else.

Whoever was doing this was highly skilled. Whoever was doing this was someone even Darth Phyre herself would have thought twice about challenging in the open. At least not without bringing the most broken, rediculous advantage she could muster, like rediculously overpowered, Dark Sided...Stuff... Syd wasn't fully certain what Phyre would consider overpowered. For Syd, overpowered would have been a large area of effect spell that did fire, frost, AND lightning damage. (And cost only 20 Mana!) Syd only remembered as much as she dared: Phyre's crimes had been that vile.

Phyre might have been able to fight this one to a standstill. Even emerge victorious. Phyre had been that vicious, that terrible to manifest such Dark sorceries as whoever was creating this was. But she might have been reduced to little more than something barely able to walk (and probably missing its skin).

Whoever was doing this was a Darth.

There are a lot of people who take the title Darth: Legitimate Sith who trained under a master, powerful, uniquely abled Dark Side users (Such as what Phyre had been), and still various would be warlords who happen to find a holocron made by some dead jackass who left their musings to pullute people like already polluted would be warlords. Syd, ever the academic felt that the only true Darth's were those located in an official Sith Empire. Even calling Phyre "Darth Phyre" was something of an internal dispute: Phyre had never been part of an official Empire, but she ran a crypto cult that, rather than sequester themselves away on some isolated world. They were more domestic in their approach. They didn't take officials, or millionaires, or even the odd Mandalorian or gladiator talented soldier with signs of the Force. That would have been too obvious. They focused on finding talented adepts purely within the civilian populace. People with just enough power to make it worth training them and just enough paper trail to not arouse suspicion when they traveled in secret, preaching the Dark Side. This had turned out to be an especially virulent method of making sure The Darkness spread across the galaxy during the Gulag Plague.

But still, the only ones who truly could be called Darth were members of an official Empire. Whoever was doing this was a Darth. They were certainly worthy of it, commanding such terrible sorceries.

Syd also commanded terrible sorceries as well and did not fear the power of [member="Darth Voyance"] .

She watched as it repaired, sneering at her.

"Now, Flame....where were we?" It asked.

Syd's eyes glowed bright orange, and terrible, destructive power built within. Syd wondered if she could triumph against such a foe as Phyre.

Now was a good time to see...

(Character Theme Song Power Up)

("Girl on Fire" by Alicia Keyes plays)

"We were at the part where I get a thousand experience points..." Syd growled, belching a blast of fire so powerful it was red in color, while directing the fires she had already created in the jungle to grow more and more massive around them, forming a powerful wall of fire all around them.

Not only was Syd spraying a strong, red, directed blast of fire from her mouth, she was hurling large, explosive balls of fire from her hands to try and utterly destroy the manifestation. The fire in of itself was somewhat magical, due to the fact it was extremely difficult for any rival pyro user to control, and Syd hoped that might somehow add to any damage she did manage.

Meanwhile, her fires began to spread through the jungle, visible now from a great distance.

[member="Coren Starchaser"]

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]

[member="Griet van Vliet"]

[member="Kyra Perl"]

[member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]

[member="Inquisitor Trellux"]

[member="Kaili Brand"]

[member="Diana McClaine"]

[member="Kirie Ito"]
The land before him felt untainted, undiminished in its connection to the Force. While most say this planet was harmed after its terraforming efforts undergone twice, the entire planet seemed to be healing on its own far better than others due to catastrophic destruction. The plants were becoming vibrant, the entire species that live on this planet would be noticeable on the leaves, the trees and even in the skies. It was just a shame he could not admire them for much longer. Walking past a few trees, he would finally notice the body which the bolt deflected towards which he noted where he hit the man. It was very rare for him to hit near the chest, was it luck or did the Force really mean to give him the position it so desired? Before he could think any further, he heard a nearby footstep with one of his giant ears and turned to see three women before him, one which was waving towards them. Seems such a nice bunch, considering he looked unarmed for his almost rather comically oversized robes of old.

Each one was human from his brief glances at them as he walked forward though the rather loud mouthed woman. It was known that till at least someone tells her name, it alarmed him slightly to hear the word "sense no more". Almost at that exact moment before he got to close, he concealed himself in the Force just enough to hide what he could truly do as he never appreciated being near another Force User after all these years. He now even worried on being closer to multiple Force Users which was something he was even more worried about but right now, they seemed friendly. However when the woman made it seem dire on what worse could be coming, it made the Sullustan laugh for a brief moment, a chuckle with an unusual smile as he shook his head before being his calm self, it actually relieved him of his situation for once.

"Worse? My Lady, there is always something much worse than what is presented to you in the galaxy."

Though the torching of the forest was still a problem. The Navy was overhead of the Sith Empire which while he could possibly get away in his ship, it was unlikely to go anywhere as he nodded towards the Speeder Bikes as there was three of them which when it was noted previously about who could have possibly killed them, he looked up just briefly but said no words. Before he could even mount one of the speeder bikes, he stopped as he remembered a few things...a few very bad things. He looked back around as he tried to at least break the ice as he seemed to not had a proper conversation in perhaps...several decades, he did talked normally but in almost a careful tone.

"I forget my manners. I am Doctor Sesara, neurosurgeon and former combat medic. I happened to come across this planet in my travels and...well I returned for some business but unfortunately it seems to be stalled up considering what mess is about to occur. I will not pry for details of what is going on however yes, I would not like to be bombed from orbit. My only real issue is...well, I cannot drive a speeder bike. I crash them...way to often and I assume you all know where you are going so...I am going to take a seat on one of these considering I think someone here will be shot at some point from one of these bucket heads and just tag along till this is over with."

The Sullustan would then carefully just select one at random and sit on the back seat, making sure to give plenty of room as he seemed very...out of touch with this sort of technology. He did not want to say out loud in his life time he has crashed well over seventy times in small dings to flying off the bike several meters. Plus it probably would help or not help, his case that he had a pod racer very early in life and soon as he fixed it...he crashed it straight into the hill. To say he has an innate fear of repulsorlift craft on the ground, would be an understatement. It would be more of the inability to pilot normally that would result in crashing again...and again...and again. Regardless of who sat in front of him, he would hold onto the sides of the Speeder Bike and not the person in front, making sure to not anger, nor insult, the woman that be in front of him.

That would be another thing that could be picked up rather quickly on Jegy, he seemed to be extremely careful of his distance between him and a woman at all times, lowering his head the closer he got to a respectable level. At some point during his life, this seemed to be rather normal for him and it never seemed to truly go away. To put it lightly, he could be considered a rather well mannered gentleman...if he was not so strange in his mannerisms or his movement. His weaponry so far would not be out in the open, somewhat concealed by his robes that would go over his hips though if one was to really stare, they could see blasters and possibly a glint of shining songsteel. Regardless, the Sullustan would do his best to conceal his real nature as it brings way to many questions and way to many problems.

[member="Amea Virou"]
[member="Loske Matson"]
[member="Diana McClaine"]

Pal'ru Vadarn

Exotic Saber Connoisseur
Palru had remained silent to let Kaili let his emotions out for a moment, but when he lost faith she stepped in. She ignited her pink saber. "Calm down! Firing blindly will only mean you'll be confronted with an empty blaster." She'd put her left hand on his head and had her saber out in the direction of the plasma fire.
Objective: Get everyone safe
Allies: [member="Kyra Perl"] [member="Griet van Vliet"] [member="Lex Del'Fino"] [member="Reggie Faayare"] [member="Kaili Brand"]
Enemies: Sith

Nodding his head, he agreed in her thinking, the planet was meant to be abandoned from the intel that he had. "Well, intel told us that the planet was unoccupied so I don't think these people are remnants of Sith. It might be more the Sith Empire scouting new worlds to takeover, we might be outnumbered but shouldn't be a large Sith presence here so we could find out a way to escape as long as we can meet up with the ORC and others." Yuroic looked around and couldn't see the other Jedi, splitting seemed a bad idea now but there was little he could do now. Anything he did would alert the Sith as well as companions.

Watching as Kyra held his saber and opening a way into the vault, Yuroic walked over and looked at her. Kyra seemed like a complete novice with a saber which was not something a Jedi Padawan should be. He made a note to test her skills when they returned to Kashyyyk. Yuroic moved into the vault and ignited his saber to provide light to the both of them. "C'mon, we should head further in, get somewhere more secure." He guided Kyra deeper into the vault.
Travelling with: [member="Amea Virou"] (Optional) / [member="Diana McClaine"] / [member="Jegy Sesara"]
Enemies: None
Objective: Speed toward the rendezvous point

"I like your thinking." Loske finger-gunn'ed at [member="Diana McClaine"]. Anything to do with speed, and the blonde pilot was in. Anything was better than travelling by foot.

She waited long enough to give [member="Jegy Sesara"] the space to introduce himself, his intentions, and his lack of driving skills. "Nice to meet you, doctor. I'm Loske Matson, lucky for you - quite good on a speeder." The brandished grin was cocky enough to be believable. Three championships in her pocket kind of good on a speeder. And she'd taken down a Sith Lord on one of these things before she started training as [member="Cedric Grayson"]'s Padawan. Quickly, the distance between their origin of introduction, and the leather seat of the levitating bike was closed. She sidled in front of the sullustan, twisting to make sure his feet weren't anywhere near the pipes -- they tended to get quite hot once started up.

"Maybe their radios are still connected," Loske thought aloud, with plucky optimism as she scanned the dashboard.

She heeled the kickstand away, and the bike buoyed under the weight of both individuals on its body. With a flick of her wrist, and a kick downward in a shared motion, the repulsors of the speeder roared to life. The bike lurched forward, cutting through the leaves that stood in its way and spraying blades of grass from its trajectory.
Lex had just begun to factor their new companion into the plan when he felt the nearly tangible presence of the dark side quickly approach, followed sound of speeders, multiple, if the loudness of the sounds were anything to go by. Kaili seemed to notice them as soon as if not before he did, the Padawan settling into some form of panic attack as the presence grew in strength. This wasn't good. Plasma bolts began flying widely through their space, one nearly hitting Kaili in the head.

By the second volley, his lightsaber was already ignited, bathing the surrounding in a yellow sheen. By the third and forth, bolts were being deflected into the ground and the brush around them. T...treeline. Kid was right, the trees were the best option they had at the moment. "Go! I'll-" Suddenly, a something like a way exploded in the Force, Kaili's signature reemerging as his shell cracked open. He began panicking and firing off his blaster wildly, one bolt even coming close to hitting Lex as he stepped in front to better protect the pair. "GO!"

He held out his hand, ripping the Padawan's blaster from their hand, and then using a second one to push the two into the trees. "Take him and go! I'll be right behind you!" He yelled to Pal'ru. Two bolts would fly back towards their senders, hitting their speeders while Lex would take the chance to follow after the pair.

[member="Kaili Brand"], [member="Pal'ru Vadarn"], [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]
Location: Wayland, speeding along a jungle road.
Tags: [member="Kaili Brand"] [member="Pal'ru Vadarn"] [member="Lex Del'Fino"]

The howl of the speeders heralded her attack like the trumpets of hell.

Her Blackblades had fired upon the trio and the lancers had lowered their spears. But the three Jedi fired back. One of the bolts caught the speeder of one of the lancers, sending it veering to the side and throwing the Blackblade off into the woods. The charge did not stop. A blaster bolt crashed against Joycelyn's breastplate, the phrik scattering the shot into a shower of sparks. Another bolt swished past her head and hit one of the Blackblades behind her in the face. He reeled back and hit the brakes. His visor was cracked open and his face bleeding, but he was still alive.

Joycelyn could feel one of them now, the young one. His formerly suppressed presence now bursting back into reality. Zaudraka now awakened in her hand, seeking toward the presence of the light with deep-seated malice.

As the Jedi rushed into the treeline, Joycelyn lifted the blade over her head, causing the squadron to slow down. The two remaining lancers lifted their spears as the rest loosened the formation.

"Fan out, cut them off!" she gestured to three of the gunners "You, come with me." "Princess-" "That is an order, Commander."

Leaning Zaudraka on her shoulder, she lead her group into the treeline while the rest split into two groups and fanned out to try to cut the Jedi off. The treeline prevented Joycelyn and her entourage from truly utilising the speed of their vehicles, but staying mounted offered certain benefits both in combat and in short bursts of the chase. Furthermore, the sound of their vehicles served to incite fear in the youngest of the group.

"Stay on alert."

She listened and reached out with the Force, seeking the signature of the young one.

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