Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Darth Vornskr"]

I suppose your right on the part of the One Sith, I mean we already have a standing strong army. Now that I think of it, if the Vong hard a rebellion already, why are they still serving us? Slave legions? [member="Darth Vornskr"]
A big majority of the Yuuzhan Vong under the Hrosha-Gul broke away when Tsavong rebelled against the Empire, and the only major Yuuzhan Vong faction with the OS up till now was the Legion Yun'Do under @Reverance.

And since Reverance separated the [member="Gabriel Sionoma"] entity from himself he removed what was basically the remnants of the good angel on his shoulder, and lost all internal stability.

And the shizzle going down on Selvaris is what's leading to this whole ordeal.

[member="Braxus Zambrano"]
Constructive criticism is welcome but let's keep the dry sarcasm and insinuations out of it.

Factions are a group effort, we want people to speak up, but if we're not going to be respectful within our own faction, let alone as members of the board, then we're not offering anything of value to anyone.

This is a roleplaying board. So let's focus on the roleplay.
Warok the Defiler said:
The Age of Men is Over.

The Time of the Ewok has come.

[member="Warok the Defiler"]

The Handmaiden

If the OS requires a steady leader for the opposition that is willing to die at the end I'm willing to make a character account for Darth Shara for a while :)
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

I agree, this seems rushed and the Vong seems more like a red herring. I have made it no secret that if my character lives his goal is to kill the dark lord and spark a decide to weed out the weak and for the Sith Empire once more, but this takes the art out of the kill and puts it on a silver plater. I may eat from the tray, but don't expect me to enjoy the dessert.
Lord Ajihad said:
[member="Krayzen Dratos"]

Think of the storyline awesomeness rather than the tactical advantage.


Totally taking your job bro
[member="Lord Ajihad"]

Yeah, Ik it will most certainly make an awesome story; I just wanted to share my thoughts on this event.
What if we keep this on the back burner and save it for a few months, build to it a bit and make things lead up to it. Make infighting slowly begin and whispers about the Dark Lord an his methods. Let it go til it begins to boil over and then let the world have it.
  • First day in faction: Yuuzan Vong plot story.
  • Slashes wrists and bleeds out on the floor.
Vong: I don't think anyone could possibly dislike them any more than I do. But I am pretty certain my feelings for them are pretty well known, so I won't harp on it. Just figured this thread could do with a little more salt.

Carry on.
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Depends what you consider technologically superior, the vong had better ships, better weapons, better armour, better physical statistics, almost better numbers than most groups. The Vong were a much stronger warmachine only felled by deus ex machina and 2 Jedi attaining oneness.

that, and

Chiss Fleet VS Vong Scout party says otherwise.


(just saw this:)

A Vongbellion is real original.

Maybe try something that doesn't put everyone to sleep and then call me.

So much edge... i think i just cut myself.
You know what I agree with [member="Darth Vornskr"]. I'm not sure another thing with the vong will get the OS anywhere. I'm interested in seeing something that rejuvenates this faction, and I'm interested in what original plots and story lines Vornskr can come up with.

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