Based on a thread set on Selvaris, the Wrath and Hand not only betrayed the DL, but also the Yun'Do. We were asked as admins to phase them out as a subfaction so this was an attempt to do so, and thus free the former Vong writers to either stay with the OS as loyal to the cause or make their way out into the galaxy at large to join other groups.
Or provide dom and skirmish opposition for OS threads in the next coming months.
The admins reached out to all the IC Hands/Voices/Reach/Eye and touched base with them to see what they had plotting for the coming months, and from the responses we got there and from a poll where an overwhelming number of people wanted a large scale faction wide event, we picked as many plot points from various lords to try and bring it into a cohesive storyline that would make sense as whole for the OS.
This was just meant to be the beginning, and evolve as member participation warranted. We've had some positions open up for IC hierarchy and rather than just appoint people to it as admins, we decided to see how using a faction event might help us trim down some unneeded positions and streamline everything but make it more member driven than admin driven.
We know we're not going to please everyone but since Catalys was elected, the admin team has been discussing a route forward to mix things up a bit and place less of the focus on the OOC portions of the OS and more on the IC RP.
I personally have a lot of hope for this plot and it's vague for a reason.
I feel that if we as admins scripted it too much, it would be pointless to RP. We want to see where you take it. The admin team isn't the OS.
You guys are.
But we're listening and want to take your suggestions into consideration. We just want RP. We want it to be fun. Not just for us, but for as many as we can reach.
Thank you and please to enjoy this cat.