Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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But mostly because they

Well I could see potential in the Yun Do Legion trying to expand its holdings, and their desires for a bigger role in the One Sith other than just slave shock troops. If they don't have the numbers, or the resources capable of sustaining a prolonged rebellion it's only going to lead to conditions worsening, not getting better.

A pseudo cold war type thing might have some interest, but it seems the Yuuzhan Vong hatred is strong here.
Based on a thread set on Selvaris, the Wrath and Hand not only betrayed the DL, but also the Yun'Do. We were asked as admins to phase them out as a subfaction so this was an attempt to do so, and thus free the former Vong writers to either stay with the OS as loyal to the cause or make their way out into the galaxy at large to join other groups.

Or provide dom and skirmish opposition for OS threads in the next coming months.

The admins reached out to all the IC Hands/Voices/Reach/Eye and touched base with them to see what they had plotting for the coming months, and from the responses we got there and from a poll where an overwhelming number of people wanted a large scale faction wide event, we picked as many plot points from various lords to try and bring it into a cohesive storyline that would make sense as whole for the OS.

This was just meant to be the beginning, and evolve as member participation warranted. We've had some positions open up for IC hierarchy and rather than just appoint people to it as admins, we decided to see how using a faction event might help us trim down some unneeded positions and streamline everything but make it more member driven than admin driven.

We know we're not going to please everyone but since Catalys was elected, the admin team has been discussing a route forward to mix things up a bit and place less of the focus on the OOC portions of the OS and more on the IC RP.

I personally have a lot of hope for this plot and it's vague for a reason.

I feel that if we as admins scripted it too much, it would be pointless to RP. We want to see where you take it. The admin team isn't the OS.

You guys are.

But we're listening and want to take your suggestions into consideration. We just want RP. We want it to be fun. Not just for us, but for as many as we can reach.

Thank you and please to enjoy this cat.

Alright so now that all that is out of the way. Let's talk plans to kick this off.

The intent of the plot line is to shake up the OS, give them some plot chew on. To incite rebellion and open the door to future dom and skirmish opposition from Vong forces.

An upside to the Vong rebelling is that the Dark Lord has retreated, he's being cagey, he's ordered a new clone army, and he's holding his elite responsible for the Vong threat.

Well no one likes a buzzkill and the Dark Lord seems to be a big one.

I know there are folks planning for the civil war and uprising.

So what ya working on so we can get this squared away and kicked off?

NOTE: Please keep your comments constructive and polite. Leave the salt off the thread.
I haven't been the most subtle.

Mephirium has been spending time gathering allies. He intends to strike directly at Coruscant very soon and attempt to unseat the Dark Lord for the purpose of taking the throne for himself.

I have been writing that the fleet he currently owns is twelve Star Destroyers strong, thanks to his victory in a Kaggath with [member="Darth Arcis"]. He's gained his resources, titles, etc...

Most of the Star Destroyers are already in system and, at the time of the Kaggath, are already in system and have shown no sign of hostilities. So far as most anyone would know beyond a few officers aboard Arcis' capital ship, the fleet is still under a loyal Sith Lord's control. That will change once Mephirium makes his intentions clear. In other words, the ships will turn on whatever unfriendlies there might be over Coruscant.

That's where I and my allies stand. We would like to know what defenses are currently over Coruscant so that we don't end up just warping in and having no resistance in space at the beginning of the thread, as there is bound to be tons.
Kaine's already secured the support of many influential individuals within and without of the One Sith to call on if things become extremely harrowing, with the most public assurance of support coming from [member="Darth Vulkan"] in exchange for some material bargaining.

Should things hit off Kaine will come in with a lot of his forces and allies to ensure that in the aftermath of the DL's death, should he even die, that the Empire will not spiral out of control and hopefully keep dissenting forces from spreading their malignant heresy.

And most likely attempt to take the throne for himself.
I know you've both spoken to people OOC about this, however none of this Vongbellion has been implemented in actual RP yet so we also need to discuss how the rebellion begins and where we want to pick up the plot.

Faction thread, obviously but you guys sound like you want to skip the Vong rebellion and go straight into civil war.

I will mention as well, I pitched this as kind of a large plot that would engage lots of people and hoped for it to take more than a couple threads.

I know you guys are raring to go, and I'm excited to see where it will take the OS. Remember, we have a lot of new people who are looking to get involved in things and this was pitched in the hopes that everyone could find a spot in it one way or another.

Do we have any loyalists who choose to side with the Dark Lord and defend Coruscant against the rebels?
I don't want to stomp on anyone's parade but...

... why is the whole galaxy falling into Civil War?
  • The Primeval did it first, and collapsed.
  • The Republic was/is in some sort of Civil War-like strife, and will probably collapse in my opinion.
  • Now the One Sith will follow suit?
I'm not objectionable to it obviously, but I figured this might be useful information somehow... then I read the rest of the thread, and now I'm going to offer something constructive:

  • Proposal: Let's see the DL get directly involved if there is going to be rebellion stomping. Let's have a "Secret Police" temporarily come out of the shadows to stomp on the Rogue Sith Lords. Sabotage the Vong efforts, and overall gear the whole faction to eliminating this infighting at the heart of it. Then once we're done... take a new direction.
Sinistra said:
Faction thread, obviously but you guys sound like you want to skip the Vong rebellion and go straight into civil war.
I think we want to eliminate the NPC DL and then do vongbellion. The NPC DL was the stopper in the bottle of everyone's ambition, and the idea of seriously removing the DL will give everything a good shake. There's no putting it back in the bottle now.

[member="Zambrano the Hutt"], we've kinda come to far to put the breaks on.

I strongly recommend letting the coup take place before the Vongbellion.

The death of the Dark Lord and the chaos that follows would make for an even better backdrop for that kind of event, in my opinion.
Gotta say I agree with the above. Would make quite a bit of sense.

The Vongbellion would hold nothing to making Sith Lords want to fight one another, while Sith Lords fighting one another would certainly make the Vong wish to rebel.

Sides, I'm much more interested in a Sith Civil War and how that will pan out.

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