Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jairdain felt his return smile and when he kissed Karl kissed her on the forehead she just out a sigh and took a deep breath. Their conversation almost appeared to be going in circles and she chuckled a little.

"How did I know what?"

Rubbing the false sting from her playful slap off his shoulder, Jairdain smiled at how silly this was. Fun and silly, nothing like what she expected. She really hadn't known what to expect, but never in her wildest imagination did she ever think it would be like this.

I​ decided last time. Your turn now.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He might've been leading the conversation in circle but if he got to talk to her all day that's all that mattered to him, he didn't care. But he knew she wanted to talk about more then just the same things over and over.

"That I'm a silly man."

Chuckling he looked at her with a bigger smile, he liked being with her, it loosened him up, made him feel more natural, not restricted and unusual, just free. He hadn't expected to have such a fun trip, but he wouldn't imagine it anyway else.

I decided last time after the time after the time your speaking of, you pick.

Jairdain just raised an eye brow and let out another sigh, shaking her head slightly.

"We can all be silly, silly. Even me and I'm never silly."

Putting an accent on the word never, Karl would tell she was joking. Placing a finger point to his chest, giggling.

"Oh no, you're not pulling that one on me, Karl."

It's your turn to pick.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
Laughing a little her would give her a large smile.

"Silly is, what silly does, and I am silly."

He smiled at her as he said this and let out a laugh as she figured out his fast one he tried to pull.

"Oh why not, I want to pull that one though."

You'll have to make me.

Her mind spinning in the circles caused by the conversation, Jairdain just laid down again.

"I don't even know where this started anymore."

Letting out a little laugh before speaking again.

"No really, what do you want to do? I did decide last time and if this is going to be any sort of relationship like we want, then both of us get to choose and it's your turn now."

The hand that had been on chest, moved up and poked the end of his nose as she spoke.

P​ick something to do.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
Slighlt raising a brow he looked at her for a moment a little confused until she spoke.

"It started where it started and has gone everyw where."

Saying this he laughed and looked at her.

"You reall want me to pick? Really really? Okay, I'll pick then, Ms. Jairdain, if that is what will make you happy I will pick, and please don't boop my nose silly."

He said this and looked at her before getting on her.

​I've chosen.

They shared in the chuckle of their circular conversation and that passed. Karl said if it would make Jairdain happy for him to decide that he would. He also requested her not to hit him on the nose. Blushing slightly, she withdrew her finger, but the humor was still within in her.

"Ok, I won't do that again, unless you deserve it."

When he did make up his mind, he climbed on top and spoke again to her with his mind. The warm heat returned in full force.

W​hat did you decide then?

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He smiled looking down at her as he had climbed on top of her just looking down at her feeling her emotions blazing out towards him. He sent his blazing emotions back towards her as they just looked at each other for a moment.

Smiling softly at her he suddenly moved some hair from her face.

He would slowly lean down to her and touch their noses together for a second looking into her eyes before softly giving her a kiss.

You know.

Jairdain felt him gazing at her and his swell of emotions back at her. It was like a mirror and they collided, but mixed together. Melding into one giant firework show internally, mentally and expressed gently between the two of them.

He pushed that hair out of her face again and touched his nose to hers. After a moment, that turned into a kiss and the fireworks went off again.

Their mutual passion, feeling and connection made everything that much more intense and she lost herself in everything.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He rubbed her shoulder after they cooled down and smiled softly as he looked into her eyes and watched her as she laid next to him. He could feel their emotions and their passion mixing and swirling together, and he loved it.

Smiling more he leaned in and gave her a slight kiss on her cheek as they laid there for a while just watching each other.

Then with a clomp and a slam the door opened to his droid standing there with his arms in a knock.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I just wanted to ask what you two would like for lunch?"

He gave the droid a soft smile as he covered them up a bit more for her sake and a little bit of his.

"What are the options today?"

Laying in bed with Karl, Jairdain let out a content and happy sigh. Comfortable with their shared emotions, she would feel them warm her from within and feel like embers had been forged and they would continue to be there.

In the quiet of the room, Karl leaned and planted a light kiss on her cheek and laid there observing her.

"What are you thinking about?"

His droid entered the room at that point and asked what they wanted for lunch. Karl replaced the covers over them and wanted to know what the options were. Jairdain turned in the direction of the droid and waited for him to give the choices before answering.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He caressed her cheek softly with the back of his hand as he looked at her some more just feeling their emotions and feeling her cheek as they laid there for the moment just them alone.

He continued to look at her caressing her cheek as she asked him what he was thinking about.

"You of course, us, a lot of things."

When he sad this he smiled at her and raised his brows up and down before chuckling a little as he lookd into her eyes more looking in them for what they held, even if she didn't know what they held.

Turning to his droid he thought about it stroking his beard before coming to a conclusion.

"Can you make some sandwhiches?"

"Of Course Sir, I will be right back."

Was the reply as the droid turned and shut the door behind him.

Enjoying the feeling his caress, Jairdain closed her eyes for a moment and opened them when he finished. It was meant more as a sign of enjoyment than anything else. What Karl saw in her, she didn't know.

"What happens when we return?"

She asked this after the droid left to make them lunch and wondered how it was going to work out.

These feelings, this situation were new. She knew how something like this would have been handled by her people, but not him or the Jedi.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
Looking into her eyes he just laid there for a whole looking at her and taking in everything that had happened between the two of them, not thinking about anything else but them.

"We continue what we found here and we love each other forever."

He said this quietly holding her hand softly and raised it up to his lips softly kissing the back of her hand.

Everything that had happened between them were just as new to him as it was to her but he knew it'd be okay.


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