Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It appeared Karl was lost in thought as he just laid there and ran his hand over her cheek and face. As if he was also seeing her though his eyes could see. What he was thinking about, Jairdain couldn't tell, but if he wanted her to know he would.

He broke the silence with a long sigh and told her in time, he would talk about his past. Just not right now. She on the other would freely talk about hers if he asked.

"How much longer on breakfast? I'm so hungry."

Her stomach let out another growl as she spoke and a blush appeared on her face.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He would sit there and think about it more as he rubbed her cheek softly looking into her eyes lost in thought, it had been a while since he thought of it, but it always brought up bad memories for him.

It's not that it was that he didn't want to tell her, it was just hard for him to express the words to her, and to himself, he didn't like to think of the past so it tended to be foggy when he thought about it.

"Soon I hope, I'm getting hungry too."

He would feel his stomach grumble like a Wookie's roar and he knew he needed some food.

While this might be Karl's ship, Jairdain's hearing was superior to his most likely and when she heard the sounds of plates being loaded with food and the droid bringing them down the hall, her face lit up.

"Breakfast is on its way. It smell delicious."

Turning her gaze to the door, she saw the droid bringing two of everything to them. Hopping out of bed and totally uncovered, she went and took the plates from it.

"Thank you...We were never introduced."

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He would smile as her face lit up like a Life Day tree. He would just laugh as she mentioned that it was coming and that it smelled good. He would continue to rub her back and just smile some more.

"I bet, he is a very good cook."

He looked towards the door and gave a slight smile as he saw the droid come in with their food. He laughed as she leapt out of bed to get the food, getting a nice view of her too.

"It is very nice to meet you m'am."

As if she was completly oblivious to state of undress, Jairdain smiled at the little droid and took the plates from it and returned to the side of the bed.

"Breakfest in bed, my dear."

Trying not to laugh, she had a large smile on her face and handed Karl his share of the breakfast. Taking a few bites of her own before sitting down next to him, she turned to the droid again.

"Thank you for cooking this. It's great!"

Her attention firmly on the food in her hands, she starts eating more, being careful not to get any crumbs in the bed.

"What are the plans for the day?"

Asking in all seriousness this time, she looked at Karl.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He would just shake his head as she stood there perfectly undressed and didn't even seem to notice it, or care about it.

"Sounds perfect darling."

He looked at her as she came back to bed and gave him some food, taking it he began to eat it and looked at her as she climbed in bed with him and gave her a smile as she ate a little.

"You have out done yourself today."

He said to the droid with a slight smile before he focused on the food, devouring it with his massive hunger he didn't know had been nagging him.

"We can do whatever you want, some training, lounge around talk."

He said looking at her with a soft smile.

They ate together in silence for a few minutes, each thinking their own thoughts. Jairdain thought about how well the little droid cooked and turned to look at him.

"Do you think you could maybe try to teach me how to cook?"

As long as everything stayed where she put it and she knew what it was, cooking shouldn't be an issue. If somebody went around and moved things about, that would be a different story. She then considered Karl's answer to her question, leaving the activity of the day up to her.

"Well, since you taught me some saber training, I could teach you some survival skills, if you want."

Turning her attention back to Karl, but still eating.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He sat there smiling softly and eating the food that the droid had prepared for them. He looked at her as she was eating and sighed softly to himself as he just sat there and watched her.

"I'd love to teach you how to cook m'am."

He smiled at the droid and nodded at her with a soft smile and nodded at her. He would rub her hand softly as he glanced at the droid.

"Go ahead and teach her, it'll be good for her."

He would smile softly again and then looked at her as she asked him a question.

"Yeah it sounds fun, I'm always up to learn something new."

He said this with a soft smile looking at her.

Jairdain gave the droid a large smile as she finished eating.

"I expect to know how to cook this good soon. Do you want help with clean up?"

Waiting for an answer from the droid when it did, she turn back to Karl. He was rubbing her hand that wasn't holding the now empty plate and answered her question.

"Do you have an area for meditation? If not anywhere will work, you know that though, I'm sure."

Turning on the bed to give her full attention to Karl, Jairdain would sit with her feet pulled up under her.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He gave a small smile back to Jair as she finished eating.

"No m'am that is completely unnecessary, Master Karl here as placed a self wash to allow me to continue my duties."

He would then turn away with their now dirty dishes and walk off to the kitchen were the dishwasher was and Karl just looked at Jair with a smile as he sat there rubbing her hand softly.

"Yeah It's next to the training room, if you want we can go and meditate for a while, or do you have other ideas?"

He asked her with a slight teasing tone as he looked at her with a wider smile.

The little droid left the room with their dirty plates and Jairdain nodded as it went away.

Karl still lightly ran his fingers over her hand and answered her question to the location of a meditation room. His voice also hinted at something else she may have planned. This feeling she had, was all too new to her and while she wanted to share her knowledge, she could that any time.

She was only a little torn when making a decision, but laying back down on the bed with Karl she would run her hands over his exposed body that wasn't under the bedding. With a warm feeling in the pit of her stomach, she would rest her forehead on Karl's and appear to look in his eyes.

"I almost always have multiple ideas."

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
He smiled as he watched her follow the droid out with her eyes.

He would smile as she would think about the decision, he had not meant any underlying meaning to the question but realized that there could have been and he gave a kind of mischievous grin to himself.

Smiling at her softly he would look at her as she leaned back down and ran her hands over his exposed chest and watched her for a moment. He would move his hand and rub her back softly looking at her and pressing her forehead back against hers.

"That's always a good thing."

For a while, they laid in companionable silence, resting with each other. This whole feeling and situation were totally new to the young Jedi and what had been discovered overnight was amazing. She didn't want it to end, but knew sooner or later it would. Jairdain could feel Karl felt the same way, for now she would remain like this though.

Pulling the covers up around them, she wrapped her arms around him, smiled and laid her head on their shared pillow.

"I feel so odd just laying around in bed, but it's rather nice to not have to worry about doing anything for a change."

She wondered what his mission had been and how long they would be gone or how long it would be at the temple before she was missed. A bit of humor came up within her as the thought crossed her mind of the jedi mounting up a search party to try and find her. After having once been taken captive while out on a mission, she was sure if she just disappeared they would do something to find her.

If Karl asked, she would tell him what happened and what she found so amusing, but for now just kept quiet.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
Looking at her as they laid there he just smiled at her as he heard his droid cleaning the dishes and humming as he moved his way around the ship doing things to keep it nice and tidy. He slowly rubbed her back softer so he didn't rub all her skin off. He wanted to just lay there all day even if they should be doing things to get ready.

He smiled as she pulled the covers around them and put her head next to his.

"Yeah same here, but I just want to lay here for the rest of the day, not having to worry about anything."

Smiling at her he would look at her face and move a few loose strands out of her face and just looked into her eyes, a thought came into his head as he thought about his mission that he had to do, but then shook it off to worry about another time, he had a few days to worry about it. He raised a brow as she started to laugh about something looking a little confused.

"What's so funny huh? Is it my face? I don't think it's that funny."

The moving of the covers had made some of her hair fall from behind her ears and Karl removed them back into their place. He agreed with just staying in bed so Jairdain got comfortable next to him. His last comment made her giggles actually come out and her face lit up with the laughter she was trying to hold in.

"Karl you could be making silly goo goo faces at me and I couldn't say you looked funny."

People could forget she was blind since her eyes weren't clouded over and evidently Karl had forgotten this. Getting back to why she was laughing though, Jairdain calmed it down before she could speak.

"Shortly after I found this order, I was sent on a mission. Well, it failed and I was taken captive for some weeks. There I was starved, beat and various other types of...well torture. Eventually rescue came in the form of the Dominion. I stayed with them while I recovered and became a Knight under one of their Masters. When I fully recovered, I left them and returned to Voss.
Master Arisa welcomed me back and wondered what had happened to me. I told her in more detail, but she felt the order had let me down. For not searching for me or even preventing a young, blind padawan from going out on a solo mission."​​

Falling silent and chewing on the inside of her cheek slightly as she remembered her time in captivity.

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
Settling in next to her more he smiled at her as they cuddled underneath the covers. Skin to skin, emotion to emotion, he just sat there and smiled as he held her, loving and praising the moments they were having together. He finally stopped rubbing her back and laughed back at her as she thought what he said was funny.

"Good, because I think I am a very un-funny looking person, believe me I've tried."

Saying this he looked at her and gave her a soft smile sending her some emotion of his affection and love for her just laying there with her. He looked into her eyes, remembering they couldn't see him back, really.

He listened to her story and nodded softly listening to each line and word, thinking of what she could have possibly gone though, sending her some emotion of his sorrow and sadness of what had happened to her as he continued to listen. Nodding softly he thought of his master, the old women would be smiling in her grave seeing the couple.

"Every Jedi has to do their part, even if causes them harm, what they did was bad, but you are grown now, and much more powerful, your blindness doesn't need to be a think that blocks you, it should be a thing that causes you to strive for more, reach new limits, break people's pre-made image of you."

Saying this he softly put his forehead to hers and looked into her eyes softly.

Jairdain had never felt like this before, then again she had never been skin to skin with anybody either. Her hands felt gently over Karl's body all the areas she could easily reach and she stopped them when they reached his face again. With a humorus smile on her face she would point something out to him.

"I'm not the best judge here but what I can tell you look fine and not silly at all."

Doing her best to keep a straight face, Jairdain failed at that until telling her story. As Jairdain spoke, she felt the emotions of Karl through their bond. She didn't need that from him though. It was in her past and helped make her into who she was today.

"Agreed, though I'm not really that much grown from when that happened. It was last year only."

Had it really been less than a year? As she thought this, Karl placed his forehead against her and though she didn't need to close her eyes, she did. Maybe to hide her own inner pain at the ordeal she went through or the sorrow she felt for those that had died instead of her.

"I'm fine now though."

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
The skin to skin contact felt so nice, especially next to her. He just laid there with a smile on his fate as he held her in his arms protectivly and lovingly looking at her as he did so.

"And you look beautiful, always."

He smiled at her but as she continued on with her story he frowned, his smile fading as he felt his emotions running crazy, he held them in check, and took a deep breath to calm down.

"Yet you have changed so much, you just haven't seen it in yourself."

Saying this to her he looked at her as she closed her eyes and sighed softly as he placed a soft kiss on her nose and held her closer just looking at her, wanting her to feel safe.

"I know you are."

"Looks change over time, I won't always be young and beautiful."

In her mind, she was aver​age looking, only the color of her eyes being unique. Trying to lighten the mood slightly from the depressing talk of her captivity, Jairdain would play off some of the words Karl said.

"Of course I haven't seen it in myself."

He kissed her and just held her closer, agreeing she was fine now.

"Is that because I'm in your arms?"

[member="Karl J. Winters"]
"You will always be beautiful to me..."

He said this softly looking at her with a soft smile. It was true, this was someone who he would love forever, even if the whole relationship didn't pan out, he would love her.

"No one ever sees it in themselves."

Smiling at her he just raised a brow and then thought about it.

"No because your in my heart."


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