Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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WE CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL (Mandalorian invasion of Dromund Kaas)(OOC)

*was honestly just being funny and found his own "Choo Choo" joke hilarious*

I'll go back to Manaan now. I seem to have attracted attention in the thread again. Maybe this time I can avoid having a building fall on me...

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Captain Larraq said:
>.> I... um... I still don't get why the other Mandalorians keep rallying behind me. Your confidence is flattering. But stop getting into fights over it.
Because you are astronaut Jon Crichton and you got shot through a wormhole... wait wrong script

Your the new leader of the SG1 team and are fighting against the Ori before they.... damn

BEcuae you came up with a way to destroy a planet using the low tech approach showing that mando's don't need lots of tech or superweapons to be dangerous.
Talon Vosra said:
@[member="Arrbi Betna"] I am going to ignore your teleportation to Dromund Kaas.
@[member="Talon"] Vorsa
@[member="Circe Savan"]

I have some issues with your post that I would like you to address.

""""Switching off the comms, she ordered all the ships to link their targeting computers together, using the combined processing power to plot a precise point to collectively fire their turbolasers, laser cannons, and ion cannons at.""""

---- Is that an approved technology? If so, please point me to the relevant information on networked fire control systems. Otherwise, it is something that needs to be edited from your post.

"""""Well, @Captain Larraq, you're currently moving at full-speed on a collision course towards the Sith capital world, which just so happens to be in my territory.""""

---- You do not know who is commanding the Mythosaur, nor do you know a 'Captain Larraq'. Please edit this section of your post accordingly

"""""I'd rather not have to deal with hostilities unless I absolutely have to, so please, divert your course before we, the planetary defenses, and the planet's artillery have to engage you."""""

---- Please link me to the exact approved technology submissions, relevant wookieepedia pages, and canon roleplay threads where the specific defenses of the planet are discussed and approved by RPJ's/FJ's/Admins. Otherwise, please edit this section of your post accordingly.

"""""Get some repair teams to the front tip of the Indicant. Be sure all of them have files. I want the tip to be sharp as possible.""""

---- I really don't care about this one all that much. But to be honest, it seems very childish. Even breaking all probability and assuming the repair teams actually DID go outside with files and start sharpening the tip of your ship... An object can not cut an object of greater density. And in most cases, it can't cut an object of equal density. And sharpness has nothing to do with negating the damage received when two objects of mass collide with each other. That is lessened by the density and structural reinforcing of the impact area. So just keep that in mind in future roleplays. Because filing down the tip of your ship would actually do a fair amount of damage to the structural integrity of the vessel. Anyway... I don't care if you edit this one or not. But it does make you look rather silly.

"""""All other ships, evacuate your forward sections. Indicant, begin full evacuation of manned crew.""""

---- FYI, at these speeds, a head-on collision with an asteroid or another warship would cause both ships to shatter like an egg thrown at a wall. a) the force of the impact would cause a wave of concussive force to ripple through the frame of the ship, which would more or less shatter. b) the kinetic energy of these things are literally off the scale. If you want to try and physically block my path to the planet, you are welcome to try. But it is not in your best interest to do so.

""""Manticore, Myrmaid, Syren, get into position barely in the line of traverse of the Mythosaur.""""""

---- It would pretty much be impossible for you to do this unless you came out of hyperspace moving about as fast as I am. In which case it would take you between 2-5 HOURS to slow to a stop. You previously stated that you came out of hyperpace ON MY FLANK. I did you a favor by stating that your fleet was far enough ahead and to the left of my fleet that you would get a chance to shoot at me. But it's physically impossible for you to take your ships FROM THE FLANK to IN FRONT OF an object moving at +70,000m/s. This is my biggest concern with your post. Please edit it before I need to bring in a RPJ.

Also, FYI...

Each asteroid, at a speed of 69,400m/s, "Energy before atmospheric entry: 6.36 x 10^19 Joules = 1.52 x 10^4 MegaTons TNT"
And that's assuming they are made of dense rock instead of the Nickel-Iron... because... Math... and space physics... and stuff...
That's the damage value of a 152,000 MEGATON nuclear bomb. The biggest nuclear bomb ever dropped on Earth was 50 Megatons.
The nukes in your little 'tie fighters' are between 10 and 30 Megatons, tops.
And I'm bringing 25 to the planet.

[2/13/2014 2:48:48 AM] Jon: *raises hand*
[2/13/2014 2:48:56 AM] Jon: used to be an astrophysics major
[2/13/2014 2:49:12 AM] Jon: atmospheric resistance to an asteroid impact has basically zero effect on momentum
[2/13/2014 2:49:22 AM] Jon: what it DOES do is superheat the asteroid and burn/melt it
[2/13/2014 2:49:33 AM] Jon: but you don't need to calculate how it slows down
[2/13/2014 2:49:36 AM] Jon: 'cuz it doesn't

[2/13/2014 2:54:50 AM] Jon: a good chunk of the stable ones you'd want to chuck effectively with tractor beams
[2/13/2014 2:54:53 AM] Jon: are nickle-iron

[2/13/2014 2:56:22 AM] Jon: there's not gonna be
[2/13/2014 2:56:27 AM] Jon: a far side of the planet
[2/13/2014 2:56:42 AM] Waid: <- is dieing from laughter
[2/13/2014 2:56:45 AM] Jon: how many asteroids going how fast?
[2/13/2014 2:56:50 AM] Waid: >.>

[2/13/2014 2:57:04 AM] Waid: 25 asteroids that are 500x500x500 meters
[2/13/2014 2:57:06 AM] Jon: TWENTY FIVE?
[2/13/2014 2:57:17 AM] Jon: ok, 250m radius...

[2/13/2014 2:57:22 AM] Jon: *starts plugging in numbers*
[2/13/2014 2:57:22 AM] Waid: currently moving at a speed of 32,000meters/second
[2/13/2014 2:57:31 AM] Jon: impact angle?
[2/13/2014 2:57:42 AM] Waid: rate of acceleration of 4.44m/s/s
[2/13/2014 2:57:43 AM] Jon: 90 degrees? off square?
[2/13/2014 2:58:02 AM] Waid: Pretty much directly at the center of the planet's equator
[2/13/2014 2:58:49 AM] Waid: By the time I reach the planet, I expect they will be moving at a speed of 110,000meters/second
[2/13/2014 2:59:15 AM] Waid: and then I have to find a way to slow down....
[2/13/2014 2:59:33 AM] Jon: I'm sorry, the Purdue University asteroid simulator only goes up to 72km/s
[2/13/2014 2:59:36 AM] Jon: you broke it
[2/13/2014 2:59:43 AM] Waid: oh fucking shit
[2/13/2014 2:59:45 AM] Waid: XD

[2/13/2014 3:00:04 AM] Jon: holy feth
[2/13/2014 3:00:08 AM] Jon: ok, here come the numbers
[2/13/2014 3:00:13 AM] Jon: this is for EACH ASTEROID
[2/13/2014 3:00:17 AM] Jon: out of the 25
[2/13/2014 3:00:44 AM] Jon:

The projectile reaches the ground in a broken condition. The mass of projectile strikes the surface at velocity 69.4 km/s = 43.1 miles/s
The impact energy is 5.9 x 10^19 Joules = 1.41 x 10^4 MegaTons.
Energy before atmospheric entry: 6.36 x 10^19 Joules = 1.52 x 10^4 MegaTons TNT

The average interval between impacts of this size somewhere on Earth during the last 4 billion years is 1.8 x 10^5 years
The Earth is not strongly disturbed by the impact and loses negligible mass.
The impact does not make a noticeable change in the tilt of Earth's axis (< 5 hundredths of a degree).
The impact does not shift the Earth's orbit noticeably.
Crater shape is normal in spite of atmospheric crushing; fragments are not significantly dispersed.
Transient Crater Diameter: 7.48 km ( = 4.64 miles )
Transient Crater Depth: 2.64 km ( = 1.64 miles )
Final Crater Diameter: 9.77 km ( = 6.07 miles )
Final Crater Depth: 588 meters ( = 1930 feet )
The crater formed is a complex crater.
The volume of the target melted or vaporized is 0.525 km^3 ( = 0.126 miles^3 )
Roughly half the melt remains in the crater, where its average thickness is 12 meters ( = 39.2 feet ).

[2/13/2014 3:01:41 AM] Jon: assuming I'm standing 100km away from impact,
[2/13/2014 3:01:42 AM] Jon:

Time for maximum radiation: 112 milliseconds after impact
Visible fireball radius: 7 km ( = 4.35 miles )
The fireball appears 15.9 times larger than the sun
Thermal Exposure: 2.46 x 10^6 Joules/m^2
Duration of Irradiation: 1.69 minutes
Radiant flux (relative to the sun): 24.3 (Flux from a burner on full at a distance of 10 cm)

Effects of Thermal Radiation:
Much of the body suffers third degree burns.
Newspaper ignites.
Deciduous trees ignite.
Grass ignites.

The major seismic shaking will arrive approximately 20 seconds after impact.
Richter Scale Magnitude: 7.4
Mercalli Scale Intensity at a distance of 100 km:

Felt by all, many frightened. Some heavy furniture moved; a few instances of fallen plaster. Damage slight.

Damage negligible in buildings of good design and construction; slight to moderate in well-built ordinary structures; considerable damage in poorly built or badly designed structures; some chimneys broken.

The air blast will arrive approximately 5.05 minutes after impact.
Peak Overpressure: 38000 Pa = 0.38 bars = 5.39 psi
Max wind velocity: 77.7 m/s = 174 mph
Sound Intensity: 92 dB (May cause ear pain)

Damage Description:
Wood frame buildings will almost completely collapse.
Glass windows will shatter.
Up to 90 percent of trees blown down; remainder stripped of branches and leaves.

[2/13/2014 3:02:41 AM] Jon: That's me 100km away from the impact of ONE of those asteroids, assuming it's just dense rock and not nickel-iron

[2/13/2014 3:03:21 AM] Waid: <- is still dieing of laughter
[2/13/2014 3:03:28 AM] Jon: NOW
[2/13/2014 3:03:28 AM] Waid: <- is apparently an evil genious
[2/13/2014 3:03:32 AM] Jon: *cracks knuckles*
[2/13/2014 3:03:36 AM] Jon: now I approximate
[2/13/2014 3:03:42 AM] Jon: all of'em together
[2/13/2014 3:03:51 AM] Jon: I'll keep the data to the pertinent points

[2/13/2014 3:05:14 AM] Jon:

Final Crater Diameter: 90 km ( = 55.9 miles )
Final Crater Depth: 1.15 km ( = 0.712 miles )
Time for maximum radiation: 1.23 seconds after impact
Visible fireball radius: 87.7 km ( = 54.5 miles )
The fireball appears 199 times larger than the sun
Thermal Exposure: 4.09 x 10^9 Joules/m^2
Duration of Irradiation: 19.2 minutes
Radiant flux (relative to the sun): 3560

Effects of Thermal Radiation:
Clothing ignites.
Much of the body suffers third degree burns.
Newspaper ignites.
Plywood flames.
Deciduous trees ignite.
Grass ignites.

The major seismic shaking will arrive approximately 20 seconds after impact.
Richter Scale Magnitude: 9.5
Mercalli Scale Intensity at a distance of 100 km:

General panic. Damage considerable in specially designed structures; well-designed frame structures thrown out of plumb. Damage great in substantial buildings, with partial collapse. Buildings shifted off foundations. Serious damage to reservoirs. Underground pipes broken. Conspicuous cracks in ground. In alluviated areas sand and mud ejected, earthquake fountains, sand craters.

Most masonry and frame structures destroyed with their foundations. Some well-built wooden structures and bridges destroyed. Serious damage to dams, dikes, embankments. Large landslides. Water thrown on banks of canals, rivers, lakes, etc. Sand and mud shifted horizontally on beaches and flat land. Rails bent slightly.

The air blast will arrive approximately 5.05 minutes after impact.
Peak Overpressure: 6800000 Pa = 68 bars = 966 psi
Max wind velocity: 2080 m/s = 4660 mph
Sound Intensity: 137 dB (Dangerously Loud)

Damage Description:
Multistory wall-bearing buildings will collapse.
Wood frame buildings will almost completely collapse.
Multistory steel-framed office-type buildings will suffer extreme frame distortion, incipient collapse.
Highway truss bridges will collapse.
Highway girder bridges will collapse.
Glass windows will shatter.
Cars and trucks will be largely displaced and grossly distorted and will require rebuilding before use.
Up to 90 percent of trees blown down; remainder stripped of branches and leaves.

[2/13/2014 3:06:20 AM] Jon: THIS IS WHY WE CAN"T HAVE NICE THINGS
[2/13/2014 3:06:50 AM] Waid: oh god
[2/13/2014 3:06:53 AM] Waid: I have to stop myself.
[2/13/2014 3:07:00 AM] Jon: YA THINK?

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