Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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WE CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL (Mandalorian invasion of Dromund Kaas)(OOC)

Hutuun'Kyramud said:
I dunno because I'm rubbish at writing environments. I'll figure something out. Do you got any heavy weaponry?
Um, slugthrower pistols, a rifle, vibrosword, Few grenade, and OH I have a under barrel grenade launcher with my rifle, so that might help, what do you have in mind?
Never mind @[member="Zack Varad"], I decided to steal an enemy vehicle for that. He's gunna need help though, he doesn't have his drivers license :p

Also, thanks @[member="Preliat Mantis"], you helped a lot for me to formulate a post!


it's what I do.
an AT-TT is a Sith Empire vehicle that was recently approved. it's a larger (6 legged) version of an AT-AT and it has large cannon on its back.

Also. Simply mention that you are not the ONLY Mandalorians fighting the Sith ground forces. 2-3 PC vs 1 PC should have an obvious outcome, regardless of the number of NPC's he pads himself with. 2-3 writers spearheading an assault against an NPC ground force is fine and all. Just mention that there are a few dozen/hundred NPC Mandalorians fighting beside you.
Hutuun'Kyramud said:
No sorry, you must have misunderstood me.

Before I was referring to vehicles... such as the tank we stole. When I told you to shoot the droid off his walker, I meant TD-30
The droid is inside the command section of the walker. The head. Think of it like the cockpit of a shuttle.
But with armored glass. Taking a pot-shot at the droid wouldn't work.

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