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@[member="Circe Savan"] not really rooting against the sith. That your finally helping in an invasion after they two of them are coming toward their ends possibly.
Don't worry, @[member="Bane"], it's pretty give-and-take. Just stick with someone you trust on your side and you should be fine.
You can also just learn through observation.
Now offering good odds on @[member="Captain Larraq"] winning the engagement! Also offering 100:1 odds that @[member="Verd Ordo"] blows himself up! Also offering 50:1 odds that @[member="Kaine Zambrano"] suffers Force indigestion from the results of Dromund Kaas!
@[member="Bane "] yes there is, for pvp let the other person post first. Also try to have awareness of where people are. Ember and Nick were is a very different area then the street where Basaba and the ke-dor were fighting. You've pretty much crammed a master, a blade sister, yourself, an apprentice and a knight into a street with one post.
Just.... 4srs man, I'm trying to duel Ember here. Lol. He hasn't posted, and your other opponent can't respond to you until their opponent posts, so simmer down.