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WE CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL (Mandalorian invasion of Dromund Kaas)(OOC)

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
/me wants to get involved

/me looks over the invasion thread

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
When you're trying to figure out what the hell happened so you can show up... Yeah, the picture says it all. As for what pie I don't have a finger in... Yours, evidently. :p
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
@[member="Captain Larraq"]

Kaine has a pretty big point. The event ships, Imperial prototypes, and every other warship in the navy should technically be at Dromund Kaas. You, by all logic, should be getting wasted by the orbital defenses, let alone surviving to get to the surface.
I'm just going to butt in cause this amuses me - prototypes are always kept at the shipyards at which they're being built. That means that if, say, Kuat is making one for the Republic... it won't be at Coruscant unless the need is absolutely dire. It would be at Kuat for testing to make sure it's alright. Atop that, it's a bit of a stretch to say 'if the ship isn't at Planet X or Planet Y it has to be at Planet Z' if only because you need ships to patrol spacelanes and protect border planets.

So, new idea. Let's not discuss things in absolutes; it's generally just unpleasant for all involved.

>Also they're NPCs so, uh, there's always that
@[member="Circe Savan"]

For starters, he was asking a question, not making a point. Thus the question mark.

But to address the points all the same... The Empire is massive, yes, but not much larger than the Republic and about 2 to 2.5 times larger than the Mandalorian territories. Larger does not always mean better though, just look at Israel. Also, being large means you have a lot of strategic points that require defending and have a huge boarder that needs to be defended. So... Everything would not simply be parked at the capital.

Also, while the Empire likely has dozens or hundreds of individual shipyards, they would be consolidated at a few key worlds such as Dac. Unless you've specified that your capital planet is also your primary shipyard, it's unlikely that 'Spare ships' and prototypes would be laying around. That, and you'd want to be developing your prototypes in secret locations where prying eyes and civilians are kept far away.

That being said, I would expect a defensive fleet of 3-5 small-medium sized ships to defend important worlds in the Empire. And more so when it comes to defending the Capital. However... Would you really have anticipated anyone would be dumb/ballsy enough to charge through your outlining systems and make a strike directly on your capital planet? Realistically, the military/government would have trusted the planetary shield and network of defensive cannons to keep the capital relatively safe and would keep a minimal fleet of ships nearby 'just in case'. While the rest of the fleets are split up into battle groups and strike teams and sent to patrol Sith space. That, and as I'm aware of it, you've sent your 'flagships' off to deal with defending against a Republic push and sent a fleet(or two) deep into Republic space. Both of these Naval assets would drain you of resources and you'd be focused on watching your boarders during the conflict.

Who would anticipate a second attack? Let alone from one you just tried to broker peace with...

@[member="Kaine Zambrano"]
All in all, I'd expect 3-10 frigate/cruiser sized ships and some orbital defenses.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Gil told the sith what the defenses were like at Yaga and those were ignored because no one was fleeting at the time. Equivalent exchange, also the one event ship Shadow took to Manaan from Valen. The Emperors flagship went to Ossus with the Roche event ship to keep them from the fleet battle of Manaan. (nothing larger then 2km ship wise). A stealth ship landed on the planet before the attack began to get people there first and now well now Larraq is going to live up to the title possibly.
@[member="Kaine Zambrano"]

Sounds good. I don't care if you bring 8k or 12k. Figure out if you want them parked directly between me and the planet, hiding on the dark side of the moon, or any other point in space. The asteroids will still be enough to bring down the planetary shields and turn the defensive fleet into shrapnel. But at least it will save the planet and likely keep me from parking over the city anytime soon.
@[member="Circe Savan"]

LOL! Ok. I can work with this.

You sure you wanna commit to this though? If you lose here, you just lost... Maybe 80-90% of the Sith reserve fleet. You sure you wanna make that gamble?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
@[member="Captain Larraq"]: currently at an event. I'll give you a more proper response via a message on your profile once it's over.

@[member="Popo"]: Fleet vs Oversector Fleet. The ever famous conflict.

@[member="Balaya Zambrano"]: rooting against your own time and for your enemy? For shame...

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