Darth Eversor
Burning Forever
It all came down to a single, profound moment. Time nearly stood still as Abraxas mulled over the possible outcomes of the two options that whispered into his conscience.
But the choice of decision was not truly his, for fate had already destined the Sith's morality to crumble and wane. What the truly just course of action was became the least common denominator, and the higher statistical value of a treason now shined with a glamorous aura of what Abraxas could do, and what he lusted after. In black and white, it seemed to be nothing more complex than life or death.
But lost between the translations of the intentions was a longing, a palpable desire to come closer to that of the Dark Side and take part in the forbidden acts that the Dominion wouldn't think twice about demolishing and burying with the wicked and the ideals they deemed a threat.
As the Dread Seed's influence beckoned, the virtue that clung to the already weak relationship of the Light's purpose began to loosen its grip. It too would become consumed and twisted by the darker, truest intentions of the Sith known as Abraxas; butcher of many, executioner to the God-King's throne.
Is that what he still considered himself? Or perhaps it was a pride that never truly died when he defected, that he was too much of a coward to face the reality of what he was and what he intended for the Dominion in the first place.
He wanted them to die...
The embrace of death consumed Abraxas' mind in a veil of inky blackness that spiked through his flimsy, paper-thin facade as a hero.
There was no hero here, only a treacherous madman that confided with the madness that whispered to him from the artifact that would both his undoing, and his truest calling. No music was sweeter, no speech of peace could boast such a harmony as touching as the Dark Side's plea to stay, stay within its reach so that its beauty could be expressed by those who were worthy.
He was worthy, he was ready.
And so the leap of faith took place as Abraxas jumped over the railing of the catwalk that he stood on, landing in front of [member="Antherion"], lightsaber still ignited. The Sith stared at both the thief and the Dread Seed. He wouldn't need this man, this preacher of what was so apparent in his eyes; however, something else told the warrior to cease the thought of slaying, to spare this moment as a truce to show the Epicanthix whom he truly was.
With a faint sigh, Abraxas extinguished his crimson and holstered his hilt. Now he reached out to place a hand upon the Dread Seed, closing his eyes as he indulged in its ecstasy.
"...I understand now..."
Once a Sith, always a Sith.
But as the moment of betrayal began to set in, something very... upsetting occurred simultaneously. The doors in the hangar bay had sealed, and the barrier to the hangar itself was now disabled. No oxygen, no sound.
Something needed to be done, and it needed to be accomplished relatively quickly.
Location: The Acerbitas
Objective: Betray the Dominion
Enemies: [The Dominion]
Allies: [member="Antherion"] | [member="Lethia Morow"] | [member="The Slave"] | [member="Boethiah"]