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We, The People - Dominion for the Commenor Hex

Post: 5

Kendall held his blaster in his hand, limply raising it with his knee, crouched against a tree giving him decent cover from the rain. The fall had slowed slightly, but not enough to consider the storm passed. Looking around the image of the neighborhood surrounding Kendall was obscured by the rain and dim light, lights shown through from the occasional street light or window. He was further on the outskirts now, more surrounded by the foliage of Talasea. After reaching the bridge Kendall identified Drano, leading a small band of ruffians through the riot torn streets. tailing the group led Kendall to this outskirt neighborhood, where Kendall had sat his ashy behind down for the last two hours. He holstered the blaster an pulled out some binoculars, looking back at the building the gang had disappeared into. It looked like a normal house, probably one of the gangster's place. Taking notice to a figure in a window Kendall zoomed in. The lack of activity was making him inattentive, so he straightened his shoulders and settled to watch for awhile. Two of the people following Drano were there, two humans wearing light street clothing, having removed the tattered rain coats Kendall saw them in on the way.

Then the lights turned on, leaving all of the contents of the room shockingly vivid, as Drano stepped into view of the window. The two lackeys stepped aside as he passed them. Drano was not notably intimidating at first glance, an average height human wearing a tight fitting black jacket. As he walked by the window Kendall saw the scar leading from the bridge of his nose down to his chin. his black hair fell without any particular pattern, but complimented his features regardless, as the unkempt look was consistent throughout his outfit. A woman ran out into view next to Drano, Kendall couldn't hear them but they were arguing. He hadn't seen the woman before so she must've been waiting in the house. She was clearly not as street wise as Drano, her clothes were clean, and in tact which had been rare with the crowd Kendall was following. Shortly into their talking Drano and the woman embraced. Kendall focused in, clicking a button on the binoculars to lock the picture and save it, uploading the picture to his datapad. This just became a lot easier, Drano has a weakness, and Kendall knows who she is and where she lives. He returned his focus to the scene, and the couple left the easy view of the window. Kendall relaxed, but kept his eyes on the exits of the buildings. perhaps Kay wouldn't approve of a threatening innocents tactic, but Kendall had no intention to harm anyone he didn't need to. He pulled out a communicator, and tapped into a channel he had been given for the Commenor operation. "This is Kendall Ginn, I'm working on some gang stirring trouble in the city. How's everyone doing out there?" He decided it was time to connect with his allies, any who weren't in firefights could help him. He put the communicator back under his jacket to protect from the rain until someone responded.

@B'enor Benjeel , [member="Lauri Törni"] , [member="Ardgal Raxis"] , [member="Kalyr Alor"]

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
Post: 7

As the man turned to him and spoke, Bradshaw’s eyebrows raised slightly when he’d spoken to him as if he were a servant. It wasn’t that he was offended to be thought of as such – at least – not anymore. No, the dead woman had been a servant, and she’d lost her life in the service to the Palace. There was no disrespect in serving.

It was more out of relief that he’d involuntarily put on a slightly puzzled expression. Relief that the man had no idea who he was, for if he did, and if the charred remains feet from him were any indication, he’d likely try to use him against his mother just as she feared would happen. Of course, there was almost no way for the man to know he was the secret Prince of Commenor. That secret was kept very close, and besides, he wasn’t Kay’s blood relation, so looks couldn’t give it away, either.

Then the man pulled out a rather more impressive blaster than the one he held clenched between his own two hands. He fought the instinctual urge to back up, or raise his weapon. This, Lord of Speed, whatever that meant, obviously had him outgunned and out powered. He could feel the man’s strength flowing through the force like the violent waves of a storm crashing against the shore. It indicated power. But there was more. It was… chaotic… in turmoil. Was he suffering?

Clearly, he couldn’t fight the intruder. But just maybe, there was another way.

He let go of his blaster with his left hand and raised it up in a partial show of surrender. “Wow, hey. I get it, you want to see the Queen. Your blaster’s much bigger than mine so I’m not going to argue.” His own blaster slowly slid back into its holster.

Then, he did the most absurd thing he could think of, he slid onto the bench next to the Lord of Speed and tried to ease back as if he were completely relaxed with the situation. “You look like you have a lot on your mind. I’ve learned recently that talking it out really can do wonders. You wanna tell me what’s troubling you while you wait for an audience? I’m a great listener, promise.” He said casually, doing his best not to focus on the carcus only feet away.

Darben sent Mute back quickly to check on the Free Lady, with Nemoidians in tow to bring whatever gift was onboard. While his muted assistant goes to do that, the Minister of Trade with his pilot [member="Macoda Haberon"] head to the very back of the large hall. "So, while my assistant is off finding a gift, let us begin shall we?" The Nemoidian dignitaries offered seats on one side of a table, then took seats of their own across to the other side. The Nemoidians were first to start off the talk.

"Minister Skirae, what does Commenor have to offer to Cato Nemoidia?" Skirae shifted in his seat, one hand on the table between them and another on one of his legs. "Well, many things. Luxuries, such as Commenori Brandy, Chrysopaz gems, fabrics-" He was cut off as the Nemoidians with Mute returned, a chest held between them. They opened it to reveal an amount of said things, which Skirae gestured to. "A sample of such things."
Post: 3

Core attempted to wrestled control away from Spark – in a computer psychology sort of way -- as the Squid followed the two behemoths toward the palace.

“What, I was just having a little fun? The royal guy didn’t even mind, he smiled… I think.” Spark mumbled to himself, though his mumbling wasn’t for his benefit but for the benefit of the other three AI’s, and in this case, primarily Core. For some odd reason yet explained, the four AI’s of the Squid often communicated vocally to each other rather than through some shared internal connection. It wasn’t that they couldn’t, it was more that, when they were arguing, they seemed to choose to argue vocally. Perhaps it was a holdover of some part of their programing still thinking they were all in separate bodies.

“You’re making a fool out of us in front of the master and his friend.” Core mumbled back, still following behind [member="Ghorua the Shark"] and [member="Ultimatum"].

“Friends? Are you kidding, did you hear that sick burn he put on him?” Spark retorted with a chuckle.

“There was no… ‘sick burn’ and the master even said that your antics were not what he was expecting.”

“Well.. maybe… but he did say he appreciated the effort, right?”

“Great, we get the equivalent of a participation ribbon.” Hammer dryly chimed in.

“Well actually, the Shark did seem amused, and so did the… ummm.. King Bot?" Interjected, Spanner.

Core grumbled. “Please, just let me have this one. This seems important to the master and I don’t want to mess it up.”


“Yeah, why not. But try to ask the King Bot about how he became a.. King Bot.”

“Fine, but you owe me one. And you’ll never know when I’ll turn it in…”

Core virtually rolled his eyes. “Fine, I ‘owe you one’, Spark.”

“Maybe it’ll be when we’re deciding on where to go for dinner… or what holonet games to play… or..”

“Alright, alright, I get it. Just shut up already.”
Mac sat there quietly at the table with [member="Darben Skirae"]. He tried his best to not look intimidating for the Neimoidians were known to be skittish, yet his large presence made it easy said than done. He didn't really expect to be a part of diplomatic discussions but here he was. It just went to show how much Kay thought of him, to be sending a personal pilot as both bodyguard and assistant to a minister. The little compliment brightened him somewhat. He was proud to serve someone who respected him in return, and such loyalty for Mac was hard to break.

Yet Mac was still just a bodyguard and an assistant. One of the Neimoidians sitting at the table was obviously a lower rank based on the size of his hat, and the two of them sat quietly while the "grown-ups" talked. Mac briefly looked around the room as the diplomacy dragged on, briefly noting where the hulking Neimoidian Brutes were stationed. Mac knew he could take out a couple if needs be. They were intimidating and strong as hell, but Mac was quicker and more intelligent. Still, he doubted that they would try any funny business, especially after the gift they had received.


Well-Known Member
Titan looked at [member="Bradshaw Ku"], a wild look glazed his eyes, "Talk? Talk? Are you mad? I refuse to talk. Die, as befalls a coward, Titan turned the gun on t he man as he started to step closer, and pulled the trigger, unfortunately it hadn't been used in more than a year. It needed matinenece that it didn't have. So when its trigger was pulled the blast ignited bouncing off the floor and ricocheting straight into Titan's heart, Titan's eyes went wide as he beheld the man in front of him, "So die all darksiders," Titan remarked, "[SIZE=11pt]Live life to the fullest before you too die. And know that you can be proud of your actions. Then Titan collapsed, but by the time his cloak hit the floor, his body was gone. A faint whisper was heard, "The galaxy is not done with you yet." Thyen all was silent.[/SIZE]
Darben could have sworn their eyes brightened, if it were even possible for Nemoidians. Perhaps it was just what he always expected when such gifts were given. "Now that you have seen what we offer, what we request is a simple trade agreement. Exchange of goods through our systems from others, as well as goods from our own systems. Sales of your goods, some will go to you. Same the other way around. And perhaps the chance for more agreements in the future."

Darben leaned forward, clasping his hands under his chin. he was in full business mode now. "It would certainly give a boost to your economy, and the later talks would lead to some...interesting future investments. What do you say?" That was all he believed he needed to say to get them with Commenor. he knew the Nemoidians were about luxury, and trade. Commenor was somewhat the same. He glanced over to [member="Macoda Haberon"], then winked with a quick thumbs up to signal that everything was going fine.
Mac returned the wink as discretely as he could. He turned to face the Neimoidian dignitaries that sat in front of [member="Darben Skirae"] and himself.

Could diplomacy really be that easy?

Mac supposed that there were no obvious disadvantages to a simple trade agreement with Commenor, though he supposed that details would be worked out between the bureaucracies of both worlds. This mission just seemed to be a front, a diplomatic display, a formality of sorts. That was fine with Mac, an easy mission was welcomed for once.
The Nemoidian gave a long moment of silence as if hesitating on something. They looked over at what Darben Skirae had, datapads and all. [member="Macoda Haberon"] had returned the wink, making Darben smirk. Really, it was as simple as that. A few words exchanged, trade information, gifts given from one side to another. There was never really any 'aggressive negotiations', at least none he had ever experienced. And there would be none as the Nemoidian gave a grin, one Darben recognized. The gleam in their eyes appeared again. Then, the hand came out across the table, and Darben took it. With a wide smile, he shook the hand given to him.

"You have a deal." Darben Skirae nodded, his hand taken back to his side as he began to stand. He then bowed out of simple respect. "We will remain in contact." This had gone as easy as he had expected. As he began to leave, he leaned over to Macoda and whispered, "Nemoidians. Offer them an exotic luxury, and they'll fall head over heels for whatever you offer." He learnt that from an observation at the first meeting he had with Nemoidians with Lady Kay.
Mac smiled as he heard what [member="Darben Skirae"] had to say about their hosts. He had never had any direct dealings with Neimoidians before, excluding that one time where he fought against a Neimoidian Brute while he was a pit fighter, but their reputation as a species preceded them. He got up with the Minister of Trade and excused himself with a slight bow before following Darben out of the Governor's Palace. Once they got out of ear shot, Mac caught up to Darben's side.

"Well that seemed easy enough."

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