Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Will Not Forgive | First Order Invasion of Silver Jedi Order Held Ossus Hex

Location: Adega System, Hyperspace
Objective: Arrive
Allies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | Silver Jedi
Enemies: [member="Achim Veers"] | First Order

"Tell me again why we're not just going to Voss?"

"Tell me again how long I've been away, Captain?"

"That doesn't matter. You're a Jedi Master."

"A Jedi Master who vanished without telling anyone. Who's stayed away all this time. Meanwhile there have been numerous attacks on planets under the Order's aegis. What would you do if someone like that suddenly showed up?"

"Treat them cautiously."

"That's best case scenario. When that person shows up above the capital world in a warship without current authentication or encryption codes, how do you think the defenders will respond?"

"So instead, we're heading to a planet that has been directly attacked multiple times, including a recent attack, which also happens to include a strong military base and Jedi presence."

"Have to start somewhere."

"I really should have found a crew for the Celeg."

Conversation on the bridge of the Tarlanc quieted as the ship dropped from hyperspace. In almost direct contradiction to his apparently cavalier attitude for approaching the planet, the vessel had dropped out of hyperspace on the outer edges of planetary reach. Travel time from this position would not be so much that they would all be grey-haired by the time they arrived, but was not so close as to suggest an ambush. After all, the frigate could pose serious danger to a planet-side base if it were to slip by the fleet in orbit.

The Ossus that the ship now approached was not the same one he had last seen. This time there was a shield already present above the planet and what appeared to be specks scattered across that shield. There was a fleet in orbit, of course; that fleet happened to be firing a portion of their weaponry on what appeared to be an asteroid field. Without being asked, the sensor operator threw up a diagram on the primary screen to show that the asteroids were heading right at the planet. Odd that such a field, including a chunk of rock over eight kilometers in size, would be heading straight at the planet, what with a dual star and other planets present in the system. Odder even was the coincidence that Sith had ridden in on a meteor shower during a previous attack on the planet.

As it happened, the Tarlanc had dropped out of hyperspace not far from the civilian freighters broadcasting distress calls. Not behind them or even near, but close enough to be well-within sensor range. The distress signals were sounded on the bridge, dire-sounding, and the sensors could readily detect life forms on many of the vessels. Not long after though, large capital ships started appearing from hyperspace. The sensor boards suddenly became rather crowded in the small corner of space that the Tarlanc was in, and the light-show started as the capital vessels opened fire on the civilian ships, destroying them.

Audren Sykes had long been away from the galaxy at large. Most of his time had been spent at Gwaiaun, surrounded by nothing but nature. No crowds, no combat. He'd occasionally forayed into more populated areas, or onto other worlds, but never for long. Being amidst the frigate's crew had taken some getting used to, so the sharp swell of emotions that resulted from the sudden appearance of enemy capital vessels was disorienting to him. He actually had to focus for a moment, to center himself and control his senses. In that brief time, Captain Yvanos Dankar had begun spewing orders. Panic was not an emotion that the crew felt; they were veterans of the Republic and One Sith, so the commands were put into practice with admirable efficiency.

As shields blossomed into being and gunnery positions spun up, the Sephi tried to determine why the situation felt wrong. At first he thought it was just his reaction to the heightened emotions of a warship crew preparing for combat and likely death. It didn't take long to realize that such was not the case, and no much longer to realize that it wasn't something that he actively sensed, but something that he didn't. He didn't feel the deaths of the freighter crews that the sensors had said were still alive. Come to think of it, he didn't feel the life that should be blazing around them where the massive capital ships were. Sensors showed them bright as day...but the Force didn't. No real energy felt either, nothing like he'd detect in a real vessel. In an instant, he was by the side of the comm operator, who also happened to run sensors. Smaller ship.

He'd trust the Force.

"Korus, prepare a data stream, the locations of each of these capital ships near us that just appeared. Track each one, do not lose a single ship. And open an encrypted comm channel to the defending Silver Jedi fleet. Use the last Silver Jedi encryption on file."

Confused, the Balosar shrugged and did as he was told, handing a headset to the Jedi Master as he opened the requested channel.

"This is Master Audren Sykes on board the frigate Tarlanc. The capital vessels near my location are not real. They are projections or distractions of some sort. A data file detailing which vessels is heading to you now."

Now to hope that the encryption codes hadn't been broken or lost, and that whoever was controlling the Silver Jedi fleet actually believed him.
Location: En-Route to Ossus
Objective: Strengthen Relations with the SJO
Allies: The Silver Jedi Order | [member="Romi Jade"]
Opposition: The First Order | [member="Zodan Osyk-Drul"]
The Silver Jedi Order had a history with Veiere Arenais, one that spanned all the way back to his first meeting with Théodred Heavenshield upon the world of which Veiere had chosen Exile; Alzoc Three to the far south of Galactic Alliance space. There, before his return to the Galactic Republic, he and Théo had gotten along, the two of them sharing a dream for the Galaxy's future, one where the light shone brightly upon the peoples afflicted by the dominion of oppression. It was through this younger Lad that Veiere had learned of the state of the Jedi, that another great schism had come and parted the once unified Order; words that shook Veiere from his isolated living and started him down a path in which he would meet his wife, [member="Lady Kay"] and later go on to co-found the Commenor Systems Alliance as well as seek to reinvigorate The Jedi Order now upon the world of Deneba.

Veiere owed much to [member="Coci Heavenshield"], she of whom had extended to him invitation to join the Silver Jedi during the darker days where the Sith Lord Prazutis had captured his wife and turned her towards the ways of their kind; beyond his knowledge, Veiere sought to find her along with the support of Commenor's Government and yet they had found no trace. In this time of great doubt and personal conflict with himself and his guilt, he had known not where else to seek support but the Silver Jedi for their representation of the growing light in the northern regions. Over the days that he had been there, he and Coci had talked often, she had been his counsel. He had struggled to fit in there due to his head strong ways in which he was raised upon Svivren, bound by his duty to the Jedi Code that he was taught to avoid conflict wherever was possible, to embrace peace and diplomacy; it was by his own fault and inability to let go of the past that he failed to embrace the ways of the Silver Jedi. When news had come of Kay's sudden reappearance on Commenor and the announcement of her new dictatorship into a monarchistic rule, Veiere had seen little other option but to return. Had he not, the Systems Alliance that they had built today, would not be the image of peace and democracy that it was.

Today, Veiere found himself once again within the cockpit of his X-Wing accompanied by the astromech buried within the upper hull of the small fighter for which he had nicknamed 'Cap'. The droids identification was like most droid matters to him, easily forgotten and insignificant. He wasn't much a fan of their type though this little guy had grown on him admittedly. Technology in general wasn't exactly one of those things for which Veiere had any great interest in and yet obviously in today's age the likes of Starfighters and what not were an unavoidable necessity. Thank the force that this little craft however wasn't nearly so complicated as the likes of the Commenori Reciever, the Super Carrier back home for which he had overseen the construction of. The far smaller craft was far more comfortable, though less leg room than he'd have liked, the only life that he needed to look out for here was his own and in that his concerns were far less external which made something of a pleasant change.

[member="Romi Jade"], his apprentice and nowadays his fellow Jedi Councilor for whom helped him organize the Jedi Order of Deneba had given him word that she'd already arrived upon the world of Ossus. It was said to be a stark difference from that of Voss for which his previous ventures had taken him to. The last he had been this way he had encountered the Sith Alchemist [member="Xenro"] during an attack on the Jedi Capital. It held dark memories for him now, a shadow seemed to come to mind in every thought given to the loss of his good friend and pilot Cillian Braedon.

They pair of them had set off individually for the Silver Jedi territories due to their efforts in trying to strengthen ties here between them and The Jedi Order of Deneba. His last encounter with [member="Arisa Yune"] had gone nothing at all as he had hoped for during the Conclave of Yutan for which he was still trying to organize and bring together at the time. Now their numbers had grown immensely and with a small assembly of vessels to cart them about from world to world, their own Praxeum ship and the re-establishment of the Jedi Enclave of Deneba, he hoped that they would finally have enough of a presence to persuade the Silvers to give them the time of day. He'd taken the failure to secure their cooperation rather personally, it had left a bitterness in his mouth that had gnawed at him for some time now. He had vied to support their worlds in every need that they might have to call out to him and yet being a pacifist like he was, he had been called a coward for not being one to take the attack to the Sith. It was his hope that today, he might speak with her again and that they be able to put the past behind them. Veiere had a great deal of enthusiasm for the Jedi coming together again, it had been a long and arguably impossible dream of his yet he was determined to try, least failure be the only certainty. With the Silver Jedi Order on their side, perhaps then they could look to the Galactic Alliance's own, that the three great Organizations come together for the first time since they had split from the Galactic Republic and look to focus not on how or why they were different, but what they had in common. The Pursuit of a future balanced in the Force where the people had an open door to prosperous living and that the Force above all could be honored in their service and duty to its Will.

Destination: Ossus
ETA: Five minutes
Auto-Pilot disengaging in five...
Veiere almost panicked at the droids sudden announcement coming over the central terminal with an audio relay of beeps and whirls, the little fella startling him out of his day dreaming to re-assume control of the fighter as they tunneled down through their FTL channel. "Thank you, Cap..." Veiere spoke aloud, turning to glance to the secondary terminal on the right just above the Vessels throttle, taking his hand away from the hand held lever and tapping the screen in quick succession seeking to pull up a systems diagnostic. "She's holding out far better than our trip to Wann Tsir, thank the Force". Talking to the droid was almost pointless though it worked to give the old man some company where all he had to look at otherwise where the stream lines of stars blasting passed the vessel in it's wake.

"See if you can't pull up a reading or two while I go over the primary systems, make sure we're not about to come out upon one of the Silvers orbital stations or some such. They're far better equipped than Deneba is...-Wouldn't be a good look for our little visit...-Oh and relay our arrival to Master Jade, if you'd be so kind".
[media] [/media]

Location: First Order Invasion Force
Allies: [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Varas Kyrel"]
Enemies: SJO

Sleeping the sith that had allied herself with the First Order was tossing and turning in the bunk they had provided for her. Waking up with a start from the vivid dreams she had been having, Jairdain rubbed at her face. Taking a moment to bring her thoughts into order, she wondered what that dreams had meant.

They had seemed so real, but they were wrong. The memories of her past weren't what she had dreamed.

In the dreams her life had been good. Her parents had loved her dearly and took care of her. She was born blind, but very early in her life Jairdain had started using the Force to see with. Her parents gave her a small device to read to her and she was able to go to school. This lasted through the age of ten. At that point she went through some testing and it was learned she could use the Force. Her people didn't call it that though.

From the age of ten to fifteen, she went to a different school. There she was taught to harness the Force and learned how to use it properly. Being from a people that didn't know about the light or dark side of the Force, she learned both aspects and grew up more Grey than either Jedi or Sith. They had a Code of their own and that was instilled into her. She also focused her learning on the mental aspects of the Force, learning only very little about how to physically fight.

When somebody in her school went dark and turned into a chaotic beast, they were condemned to be executed. If it happened later in their lives, then the towns they lived in dealt with them. She witnessed a few of these executions and said to herself she would rather die than become like they did. In that vow, Jairdain came up with a way to deal with the situation and prevent herself from being like them. If she felt like her emotions were getting close to taking control, she would box them away in a mental box. After the situation went away, she would take them out again and logically assess why they were there and then let them go.

When the school year began when she was fifteen, her life changed. There was a plague that started at the school. It only affected those that couldn't use the Force. Many families died and the council came to the conclusion that it was her class that had caused the plague and chose to banish all of them.

Providing her with a weapon, ship and some credits, Jairdain left her home alone. As she reached the outer edges of her solar system a feeling and light reached her through the Force. When it passed, she knew her people had died. Her home was destroyed and there were no other survivors other than the kids from her class. She thought the destruction caused by them.

Over the next two years, Jairdain travelled into the known galaxy and learned of the Sith and the Jedi. Joining ranks with the Jedi, they welcomed her with open arms. With them she learned more about combat and made a few friends. She also found love and was introduced to passion for the first time. The passion had died, but the love remained strong. With that feeling of love, the former Jedi woke up.

These false dreams and visions that came with them some were wrong, but some was true. This is not what her life had been growing up. Running her fingers through her hair as she climbed out of bed, confusion filled the young woman. Today was the day the First Order was setting out for Ossus. This would be her first foray back into the Jedi territory since she had been captured and taken by Krest.

Krest, the man that had exposed her to the truth of her life, not the one that was in her dreams. They were false, but yet they felt so real. In a way, she wanted to believe that the dreams were real. Life was so much better than what she knew to be true. Letting out a sigh, Jairdain put on her clothes, gear and prepared herself for the day.

This did not take her long and soon enough she found her way to the hanger where a shuttle would be there to them to ground on Ossus. What or who would be down there, Jairdain had no clue. Her group was almost unknown to her and they had only come to know each other while on this journey. Father and clone daughter, Kyrel and Varas. The women were the same age and Jairdain looked forward to working along side both of them. Kyrel was already in the pilot's seat and she took a seat behind him. They were just waiting on Varas and they would hopefully be cleared to move out.

Taking a few breaths, Jairdain set about herself several layers of camouflage with the Force. She was far from a master with these skills, but she was learning. Only somebody more powerful than her should be able sense or even see that she was there. Her Force signature faded to almost nothing and for the moment, she did not hide herself from the visual spectrum. Once they reached Ossus though, that would change.

Stephanie Swail

Location: Aegis Base; Jedi Temple, Ossus
Objective: Become a somebody; not a nobody
Allies: [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Dusaro Dresari"] | [member="Douglas Starwind"] | [member="Romi Jade"] | SJO and allies
Enemies: The First Order
As the call came through for a planetary lockdown and to have all defenses on alert, the Jedi seemed to turn in unison to look to the opaque sky.

Stephanie narrowed her eyes and walked forward a few steps.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

Glancing down to the mass attempt at re-building their temple, it seemed that for others wanting to strike, they were sitting womp-rats. Moral at a low, many figures together trying to build on the crushed dreams laid down by many, and surrounded by volatile asteroid belts it seemeed. She shook her head.

"Master Kitra, I think we need to lock this place down. If we are going to try to re-build, we can't do it if we are in danger of rogue asteroids or whatever is lurking out there. There are too many people out in the open."

The spinner flicked around again between her fingers.

"Let me go scout around for people, round up any Jedi or those lost. We should be together and take shelter until this passes."
Location: Ossus - Aegis Base
Allies: SJO - [member="Valae Kitra"], [member="Stephanie Swail"], [member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
Enemies: FO

Valae was offered a proud smile as she turned to him, yet there was a hint of melancholy tucked away in there as well. While definitely proud of the fact that she'd grown into such a capable young woman, strong in the Force and now holding the same office as he once did, it grieved him that she would have to face the same challenges as he did. Knowing what he knows now, he had hoped to spare her the many headaches and sleepless nights. And yet, despite all this, he could not think of anyone more suited for the job.

"Grandmaster Kitra," he offered his formal greetings and reached for her hand for a reassuring squeeze. "Take my strength, child," he added telepathically. "Use it well."

Were it just the two of them, Thurion would have embraced her like a daughter right there and then. But appearances had to be maintained, especially considering she had only begun her tenure and would have much to prove in the coming hours. Instead his hand rested upon the pommel of his sword, and when the young woman looking like she was about to burst at the seams with anxiety spoke he turned her way. Stephanie Swail, he remembered her.

"This is true, Padawan. No-one is safe during times of war, but as Jedi we're sworn to defend those who cannot defend themselves. We will do our part to break the advancing army here - the rest we leave for the Force and the gods, if you believe in any, to decide. Doesn't need to be more complicated than that."

As he spoke Thurion raised his left hand, holding it out to the side as if reaching for something. Moments later a metallic object came shooting towards him from where he had sat previously, summoned into the palm of his hand. The Shield of Heaven, forged by the skillful hands of Valkyri and Beorni alike and infused with the power of Light, shone a brilliant blue with an inherent glow emanating from the focusing crystals adorning its surface. Its mere presence was able to instill peace of mind and soul. Stowing it away on his back for now, he looked to the horizon.

"When Death smiles at us, all we can do is smile back..." Father's words.
Ossus - Jungles
Allies: SJO
Enemies: FO

She frowned slightly, her breath catching in her lungs.

The force was running over her skin, goosebumps quickly raising as something struck her. Orange eyes snapped open and up, her gaze shooting towards the west. Her lips instantly thinned and an odd sort of...sense fell over her. The birds ceased their chirping, the crickets silenced, and everything around her seemed to fall deadly quiet.

Aela stood slowly from the rock that she had been sitting on. She glanced towards the sky expecting to see...something.

For a moment she simply stood there, looking around and observing.

A frown pulled across her lips when she saw nothing. No triangle shaped ships, no Sith Fighters, nothing. Her head shook again and her eyes dropped towards the forest floor. Was her mind playing tricks on her? Was this because of Kraysis? Aela's fingers slowly tightened into a fist, her hand reaching down to grip lightsabers that weren't there. She bristled slightly, feeling...absent. A deep breath filled her lungs, and slowly the Jedi Master closed her eyes.

Focus. She thought quietly to herself.

The force flooded into her, a sense of calm freely flowing.

Something was wrong, she could feel it in the air, in the forest itself, she just wasn't quite sure what.
Location: Kulthis
Objective: Convince/manipulate/reconnoiter/neutralize the Stenax
Hidden Objective: Creep on a Ren
Allies: [member="Darth Saarai"] | The First Order
Operation’s Commanding Officer: [member="Samka Derith"]
Enemies: Order of the Silver Jedi | Stenax


One of the most fascinating aspects of a hero is how their actions and deeds become represented in the ever-growing lore. Tales are woven, often manipulated, even mistakenly misrepresented. In the case of the First Order, which placed the highest value on competence, strength, success -propaganda was often issued to its citizens and even placed into areas beyond the direct control of its borders. Often, these bits of curried information evoked confidence in individuals, and often attracted just the right sort into the sphere of influence of the Supreme Leader.

Such was the case with the mysteriously coined “Major.” This young woman of vague background and vaguer still identification had been specifically recruited by the agents of the Security Bureau -FOSB for short. They were the clandestine long arm of the Order’s government; often peddling in sabotage, spying, internal affairs, reeducation, and other such slimey wetwork that gave normal tax paying citizens a decisive chill on their napes. They were indeed an eclectic bunch, and prone to individuality that would have any normal stormtrooper executed for treason.

Now this Major stood on the precipice behind her commanding officer, Ren Master Derith, intensely focused on every minute detail the supposed teenager had to offer. Her spectacles glowed ever so slightly, obscuring exactly what those irises were pointing toward; this was a habit that often made others uncomfortable. However, this special agent knew the Ren would have no qualms about such triteness.
She was a hero.

Commander Derith had, like it or not, developed quite the reputation of herself amongst the major players of the nation, and this of course colored any sane person’s perspective on exactly what they were dealing with when within the blue haired one’s presence. For the Major, this was an exquisite honor and opportunity. An honor to aid a bonafide hero, or at least put rest to the hype; and, an opportunity to learn more about the Ren and their secretive function -beyond the scope of brutality. Oddly enough, the main objective was more like background noise for the operative. She was confident in her own talents and that of the party to be successful. It was destiny, for all intents and purposes.

As for the commanding officer’s appearance, none of it plussed or troubled the Major. They were just that: a presentation. What mattered was the inward thoughts and actions. These would provide useful insight into what exactly the First Order valued. As for the Major’s presentation, she appeared dressed in a black, calf length trench-coat that looked more suitable for a night at a victorian theater than on a battlefield. A large antique looking rifle was strapped to her back, and it was clear that she had other weapons and tools equipped to her belt. Underneath the coat was a dark suit complete with a white blouse and a black tie. Her feet were shod in weighty, polished, black combat boots with odd yellow stitching. Finally, her dark auburn hair was plaited into a single braid, tucked beneath a black officer’s cap embossed with the security bureau’s sinister red pin. Despite the apparent pomp of the ensemble, the Major still gave off an otherworldly impression of these accoutrements being the ideal garb for a hunter -a visceral, wildly aggressive hunter.
Crossing her arms pensively at Commander Derith’s words, this hunter knew the value of silence. She respectfully awaited further instructions, steeling herself mentally in order to precipitate violence as a means to an end if anything dared to stand in the way.


Location: First Order Invasion Force​
Allies: [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Jairdain"], First Order​
Enemies: Silver Jedi Order, eventually [member="Rapax"]​


Varas found it difficult to meditate, but each day under strict tutelage from her father, she grew better at focusing inward and concentrating on the dark wonders of the Force to fuel her poised rage. Eyes closed, breathing slow, either sitting or lying in a corpse pose, she would block out all of the complicated memories implanted into her hippocampus and dwell upon what it meant to be a Disciple of Ren.

During the days leading up to this excursion, the blonde Force user could tell that Kyrel was becoming more powerful, not only in strength and cunningness, but among the ranks of the First Order. She often felt the covetousness of power and the glimmer of pride emanating from his Force aura, normally quick to dissipate into careful and mechanical planning of his next move.

Still his memories haunted her, along with Tmoxin’s, their jumbled order confusing her at times - the murderous legacy of her father and the white, hot ambition of her mother - the more careful of the two, yet just as deadly in influence and approach.

Finished with her meditation, she stretched her body upward on tiptoes, hands reaching towards the metal ceiling of the ship and then to the side until she heard the small crack of her spine. Varas wasn’t in her armor yet, content to laze around the ship in a black body glove and bare feet, harkening back to her uniform in those early days straight out of the cloning chamber where she had been put through a rigorous physical therapy regimen by Kaminoans to tone the weak muscles throughout her corporeal form.

Varas walked to find her father, swaying on her feet as the vessel encountered minor turbulence from the asteroid field. She entered the shuttle, nodding at Jairdain, feeling both a wariness of the Sith Knight but also a camaraderie, a bit forced perhaps, but she was trying to come to terms with the fact that the Ren were her brothers and sisters now. Although she still couldn't think of Seiger Ren as her father, the loyalty to Kyrel so intense in her chest that she sometimes felt as it was crushing inward and she was suffocating with her own love for him.

Her armor and his lightsaber awaited her on the shuttle, so she began to dress as the transport fired up.

“Father, do you want me to kill her someday like you did?”

He would either take this as a cryptic question or know immediately what she meant. There was no need to elaborate in front of Jairdain. This was strictly a family affair.
The darkness lays ever near the light.
Location: Ossus - Aegis Base
Objective: Put Ossus into Lockdown, Issue Orders and Wait for the Jedi to Gather
Allies: SJO & Allies | [member="Stephanie Swail"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Dusaro Dresari"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Setzi Lunelle"] | [member="Garith Organa"] | [member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Kaiza Pawaro"] | [member="Kal Visna"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="Douglas Starwind"] | [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]e | [member="Rapax"] | [member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Jericho"] | [member="Kat Decoria"] | [member="Eri'anya Forr"] | [member="Marek S'hadar"]
Enemies: The FO | [member="Rolf Amsel"]

"Ah, Sergeant Decoria!" the Lieutenant-General exclaimed as the advanced towards him,"I'm glad to have you here - we'll need someone who know how to upkeep the defences. Well - other than myself." he smiled.

He was being entirely truthful. It was nice to have someone around that he could rely on for engineering and maintenance while he himself was issuing orders and commanding troops. Darren knew that she knew what she was doing - even with the most complex of machinery.

Then something in Darren's heart suddenly let go... For a few seconds he was no longer Lieutenant-General Torran of the Antarian rangers - he was just plain old Darren. Why? You ask. He saw someone who he long thought dead. Someone that he knew he could've saved if he wanted to - but he didn't need to. The Zabrak walked towards Setzi - leaving Kat behind - and attempted to examine her. Was he seeing things? Was this really her? It was. He let of a gigantic smile and sigh of relief as they finally reached each other. Where she only patted him on the shoulder - he pulled her in for a large hug. Fair enough - it may not have been particularly comfortable due to the armour Darren wore but he still felt the need to do it.

"You're alive!" he exclaimed, letting go of the woman, "You don't understand how relieved I am! I should've come back to you - I should've hel-" then the man realised that they were surrounded by his men - watching and observing him, "I - ahem. Yeah, right, rouge asteroids. We received a transmission from our fleet. They're heading right for us. We need to get ready to stop them at all costs - we can't let them hit the ground otherwise we'll all be dead. In theory the shields should stop them but if they break through we need to be ready to fire all we've got at them."

When Darren had finished, another man approached with yet another question to answer. [member="Kal Visna"]. "A regular occurrence? Not to my knowledge, no. Something isn't right - something must've knocked them off course. We need to be ready for whatever the hell did that to come in on their tail as well. It's most likely another asteroid but it could potentially be human intervention." he looked around, "In that case, we need to be ready for Cruisers, potentially Destroyers, too."

When the Lieutenant-General had finished - for hopefully the last time - he explained what they must do. "I've ordered my troops to activate the shield generators for the planetary shields - which they've done - and now they should be preparing our Anti-Air defences. We've got 1 v-150 Planet Defender, 4 Missile Turrets, 6 KLG-1 Vespas, 9 Typhoon Anti-Air Tanks and 6 of my very own Hawk MSA-MLs. Those plus the umbrella shield gives us more than enough defence from above. We've got plenty of ground defence too - but I'm not gonna go through that right now as it's not important right now." Darren looked to Kal. "I need a group to go out and set up an ambush. If those asteroids are because of human intervention we need something to stall the enemy troops so we can prepare ourselves at Aegis. I'm assigning 50 rangers to this ambush group which will be given the name 'Broadsword One'. You'll take a squadron of AB-RTs and squadron of Hornetts with you. Contact me when you get there." he handed the man a comm unit. "The group is waiting for you at the mountain passage. You will set the ambush up on the main road to the base. Go." he then looked to Setzi. "You can go too - if you'd like."
LOCATION: Kulthis spaceport
ALLIES: FO, [member="Emilia Ravel"]
OBJECTIVES: distract, divide, conquer

The luxury transport had landed to refuel upon the planet of Kulthis. Typically they would have merely refueled in space before continuing along the Perlemian Trade Route. But several of the more influential and prosperous passengers wanted to see the Stenaxes in person. The famed demonic appearance would add to the spice if their trip. And as good hosts, the luxury ship made a slight detour. Happy passengers meant repeat business.

As the ship settled at the space the ramp lowered discharging several of the passengers who were to wander the amenities of the port while vying for a glimpse of a stenax. As the ship began refueling another of the passengers lightly walked down the ramp and glanced into the evening sky.

He was tall, several inches over six feet. The brown hair rustling in the cool breeze as his left hand smoothed down the front if the dark blue, three piece suit. In his right hand was an ebony walking cane, an amethyst crystal mounted on the top where his right hand rested. The reddish/purple hued shades perched stylishly upon his face his the shrewd gaze he cast upon the sleepy port.

The encroaching attack had not raised the alarms here yet, so security was lax. A cold grin crossed the severe features of his face. Moving leisurely across the walkway the man entered the port's complex, eyes noting security hanging around. People browsed the gift shops while other stood watching the holoscreens enjoying the movies, sports, or the insanely popular documentary about the ewok colony that had been transplanted upon a technologically advanced planet.

A slight tilt of his head as he contemplated the sheep before the slaughter. Moving smoothly through the port, a slight hitch in his gait perhaps revealed the reason for the came as being more then a cosmetic tool.

Passing into the food court he eased into one of the smaller establishments where he was seated by the hostess. Ordering an Alderaan wine he waited, sipping on the delectable alcoholic beverage as he covertly checked the communicator on his wrist, waiting for the others to reach the port and begin the next phase.
Objective: Disruption
Allies: First Order
Opposition: N/A | Silver Jedi Order
"We revert to realspace in three, two, one." Lieutenant Choi remarked as his hands lay on the console, adjusting the ship as she came through. Behind him stood Commander Cyone as she looked over her shoulder. A nod of acknowledgment from Captain Osidipie and she quietly gave the order.

"Lock it down."

Choi nodded and began to lay down the interdiction field. Kulthis would choke, ships intending to simply pass by wouldn't. Instead, they would be pulled to face the Audacity alone any additional help would have to come from [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"], [member="Morro"], or [member="Achim Veers"]. "Interdiction field out."

"Good." The Commander replied as she looked out the viewport into the sprawling expanse of space. Then their job today would hopefully remain simple, she had no doubt in her mind that that the bulk of their forces were more than occupied there in the Ossus System. She hoped it would stay that way, "send word to Veers and Rausgeber the Audacity has landed."

This time Ensign Quinten moved to send word to both men that the Audacity had not only arrived in the Kulthis System but had achieved its goal, laying out the interdiction field. Their long journey had come to this, to disrupt the Silver Jedi Order. Commander Cyone walked along the path above the command trenches she looked over off to the right to avoid Captain Osidipie's gaze and wondered how long she'd have to endure the assignment. Perhaps as long as he willed it, she was, at his mercy until he saw fit to transfer her out or if command finally saw fit to move her into the Exploration Corps then it would only be a miracle. She wanted to remind the man that he wasn't alone in his feelings, their loyalty to their nation and the mission all but held the two together. "Begin deployment of our mines." Osidipie ordered as he stopped to look over his shoulder once more at Commander Cyone, and waited as she too stopped and looked over at him.

She had much to learn, he thought to himself before he huffed and looked forward.
Location: Ossus, Aegis Base
Allies: SJO, |[member="Aela Talith"], [member="Thurion Heavenshield"], [member="Stephanie Swail"], [member="Kat Decoria"], [member="Kal Visna"], [member="Setzi Lunelle"], [member="Darren Torran"]
Enemies: FO

While it had taken the armor clad Jedi Master a few moments to reach Darren and the others, he had arrived all the same. If he had to guess, hardly any of them knew him at all, had they heard the tales of the Silver Jedi founder's reformed Sith husband? He doubted it, he'd spent much of his time alone, training, on long range missions, or just meditating. Freeing himself from his past was something he'd never truly accomplish, but he'd done his best and that was all he could ask of himself.

Quietly he waited for Darren and the others to finish their reunions, and for Torran to explain his plan. The master was impressed, he'd been in one war another since he was old enough to remember, and he could tell the man had a talent for command. Good, they'd need it to defeat the forces of dark which choked the galaxy, and whatever was behind these "asteroids".

Calmly he stepped forward, "Darren Torran I assume? I'm Master S'hadar, what can I do to assist?"

Marek looked as if he were at ease with the current situation, a facade to hide his worries. He didn't know what was coming, but he knew it wasn't good, and that with it would come chaos. He and every other Jedi knew good and well, whatever was coming, it wasn't just some rogue space rock.

Location: Ossus
Allies: FO
Enemies: SJO, [member="Aela Talith"]

The history of a place such as Ossus could be felt to one's core. Even for a man full of darkness like Jaron, the powerful presence of the long standing history of Jedi tradition was inescapable. There was another presence which was sensed almost like a bitter aftertaste of something unpleasant. His uncle and cousin had been in this planet. The familial sensation was subtle, but for any Lesan recognizeable. That was what Jaron was following. He cared not if he accomplished something for the order, only that he was satisfied in whatever meeting or thing the Force wanted him to discover.

His boots moved toward what he believed to be the direction of the temple or great library. The unmistakeable sense of light was pulling at him. Jaron still carried the blue blade as a reminder of his past, but even that memory could not pull him in the way this sensation was. What he was being drawn to, Jaron didn't know, but it had him captivated.

The trees were loud with the song of birds singing their ballad. Jaron's mind prepared itself for the inevitable conflict. Perhaps he was being tested. His skill and commitment would not waiver. Though he moved about alone, Jaron was Ren fully and completely. Whatever shred of him that could have returned to the light was long gone. He was captured by the darkness.​
Location: Hyperspace
Objective: Destroy the Jedi
Allies: The First Order & Allies
Enemies: The Silver Jedi Order & Allies

​What had started off as a means to escaping the reality of his treachery had now turned to obsession.

​The young Moff of the Empire took pride in his skills with a blade, and to test this he had targeted his skills against the Jedi Order. Some of whom once stood by him, some who had even been friends with the man before his fall. Of course that time was long lost to necessity and the cruel twists of life.

​Clipping his saber to his belt the man exhaled softly, glancing back to the soldiers who were checking their weapons and armor. The Imperial Novatrooper's had earned a degree of respect from the High Moff, so much so that he chose them as his personal guard over the Death Trooper's he had been issued.

His eyes fell to the men who awaited his command, his voice came to life yet his tone was low on board their shuttle. "Watch each other, cover your corners, do not make the mistake of underestimating the Jedi am I understood?" He asked, the last part of his sentence emphasized on the Jedi as he spoke.

A unified, "Yes, sir." Echoed over the shuttle as the men responded to their Commander.

"Sir." A voice, the pilot, called out into the passenger area.

"We're here." Adron completed the man's statement, turning back towards the cockpit. He watched as the flashing lights of hyperspace gave way to the darkness of realspace. The pilot had pulled them out of orbit far from the planet and it's neighboring asteroid field. As the High Moff crossed his arms silently he stared, watching as the allied and opposing fleet's made their movements.
Dusaro Dresari said:
Location: Ossus Jedi Temple, Side Area
Objective: Burning the Midnight oil praciticing Djem-So
Allies: Silver Jedi Order [member="Douglas Starwind"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="Valae Kitra"]
Enemies: The First Order(When they show themselves)

Dusaro had finished most of his studying for the form Djem-So. There was still more he could read up on, but he had a good mental image and feel for the form now. He had kept up his practice of the forms basic foot movements but now was focusing on the next step of the movements and attacks in unison. It was the most basic steps, marrying movement and momentum of the blade for consecutive heavy blows in quick succession. That was not the only part of Djem-So, some of it's greatest strengths were in its reactionary side which focused on powerful counters. But one can't learn something before its been taught so for now he focused on the heavy blows. After finishing off a satisfying series, Dusaro's comm started going off on the ground where he left it. Pausing for a moment he walked over, picking it up and checking the message. He gave a short 'Affirmative' back to Josh, before telling him he had some training to finish up for the night before he would head over. Sure an attack was plenty possible, but Dusaro had taken a speeder over here for if he needed to get to anywhere quickly. That alongside several patrols of SJ troops meant he wasn't particularly worried.

As he headed back over to the mostly abandoned area he looked over the Temple. There was scaffolding in a few places from where work had been done on it earlier in the day but even more prominent was multiple mobile emplacements in the area. Once upon a time this planet had Civilians and students walking around it but now... Well, not so much. More disturbing then that though was the fact that Dusaro wasn't surprised. He had seen this on a smaller scale plenty of times elsewhere. Places of learning and knowledge being turned into defensive positions, filled with troops rather then students. Even though he was technically 'one of those troops', it still felt for some reason like he was a third party in the situation. That was another reason he wanted to continue his nightly practice, to try and help clear his head some from annoying thoughts like that.

Activating his pale golden lightsaber blade he took up the stance, lightsaber held in a strong high stance and starting a series of heavy blows. Overhead flowed into a left cut followed by a upwards diagonal cut from the right. For now it was simple sequences of three. Generally a death blow would be made on the fourth, but one never knew what the situation would be by the fourth blow. It could be all manner of things, maybe they were on the ground or they used the force, who knows. So he found it best to stop at four. After he about finished his training for the night, his comm started ringing once again. 'Did my number get out to the general public or something?' He thought with a wry look, heaving a sigh and turning off the blade, putting it back into its place at his side and picking up his comm unit. This time however it was not his Master, it was a serious tone coming from a commander.

'Oh lovely.' He thought with a short string of curses in his mind, shaking his head before replying. "Affirmative, Dusaro Dresari prepped and ready." Dusaro put his comm unit at his belt, heading over to the speeder and taking out his equipment. It didn't have everything but it did have his pair of twin shattergun pistols, extra ammo, load bearing vest, pair of smokes and a pair of flash bangs. The same light combat load he kept on his person at all times. After getting the vest on he jumped into the speeder, keeping comm silence as he headed to the command area where Joshua and his fellow Padawan Douglas was.

Valae Kitra said:
Location: Aegis/Temple, Ossus
Allies: SJO – [member="Setzi Lunelle"], [member="Darren Torran"], [member="Jessica Med-Beq"], [member="Garith Organa"], [member="Arisa Yune"]
With: [member="Stephanie Swail"], [member="Josh DragonsFlame"], [member="Thurion Heavenshield"], [member="Dusaro Dresari"], [member="Douglas Starwind"], [member="Romi Jade"]
Opposition: Omg, asteroids!

Valae turned to see Master DragonsFlame, and she offered him a weak smile. Though the two were not well-acquainted, she was already learning that he was someone that she could trust. His support was greatly appreciated, and it made a tiny flicker of confidence return.

“Thanks… And I hope you’re right about me.” She said, adding a small smirk of her own to lighten the mood.

It wasn’t long before her attention was drawn in a different direction. She knew who it was before her eyes even found him – her Master. Immediately, a strong sense of relief washed over her. Thurion certainly had the experience that Valae sorely lacked, and it was comforting to know that he was here. Still, there was a small pang of guilt. It was not her wish to take him away from his home on Midvinter, from Coci and their small son.

“Indeed.” She nodded simply, and added in a quiet tone. “It is good to see you, Master.”

The group before the temple would continue to grow – Josh was joined by his apprentices, two very promising members of the Order. She turned as Stephanie Swail spoke, and her eyes shifted towards the ground for a moment, she was hesitant to answer. It seemed that the Silver Order had trouble waiting at every bend; it was worrisome to say the least.

An unfamiliar presence sparked her interest, and Valae watched as a young woman approached the group and offered an introduction. It was good to hear that the members of the Jedi Order had arrived. While their relations had been few to date, this was a good start.

“Welcome to Ossus, Knight Jade.” Valae offered a bow, “I am Valae Kitra, Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi.”

Further introductions would be forced to wait for a moment longer – for her comm began to crackle with voices. Lieutenant Torran’s voice rang through, warning of rogue asteroids, and informing them of a planet-wide lockdown. Her eyes shifted skyward. Valae imagined that this was not completely out of the ordinary, and their defenses seemed to be prepared.

Douglas Starwind said:
Location: Ossus (Aegis Base/Jedi Temple)
Allies: [member="Josh DragonsFlame"], [member="Valae Kitra"], other SJO allies
Opposition: None Yet
Objective: Assist Master DragonsFlame, Grandmaster Kitra, and Co.
Padawan Douglas Starwind hadn't expected he was going to be apart of another war zone so soon, but here he was on the planet Ossus... Once again, the Dark Side waste upon the galaxy had reared their ugly ends... It sickened Doug to the core that such horrors were unleashed upon yet another innocent planet. He's had a lot going on in his mind recently and he was not feeling very cheery at the moment.

He had traveled to the planet with his Master, Josh DragonsFlame, but had gone about on his own to explore the planet. When the chaos had started to go underway, he received a message from his Master requesting that he head to the Jedi Temple to help him and group of Jedi including the current Grandmaster herself, Valae Kitra. The departure of Arisa Yune still weighed on everyone's minds, but there wasn't much time to dwell on it at the moment. Doug clenched one of his fists and quickly was on his way towards the Jedi Temple. He was mainly there to help provide cover as his strength would definitely help against any troops, but if they ended up running into other Force users... He would have to try and stay away. They were going to be in for a rough time for sure...

He eventually arrived and saw the desolate state the Temple was currently in. A sad look lingered onto Doug's face as he looked down at some of the jagged stones that were once part of the building's structure. He never really had any personal memories of this place, but he knew many that likely did. He quickly ran inside of the Temple towards where his Master and the Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi currently were. He was ready to lend his aid.

He panted as he ran in front of Josh. "Master...! Hah... I'm here now. I got your message and got back here as soon as possible." He said, sounding a little out of breath. He bowed before him in a quick, formal fashion. He then looked towards Vitrae Kitra and any of the other Jedi Knights that were currently there and bowed as well. It looked like he got there before any of the fighting had begun. He was ready to lend his aid to the best of his abilities... He was a little stronger now... More ready to protect anyone that needed it...

Stephanie Swail said:
Location: Aegis Base; Jedi Temple, Ossus
Objective: Become a somebody; not a nobody
Allies: [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Dusaro Dresari"] | [member="Douglas Starwind"] | [member="Romi Jade"] | SJO and allies
Enemies: The First Order
As the call came through for a planetary lockdown and to have all defenses on alert, the Jedi seemed to turn in unison to look to the opaque sky.

Stephanie narrowed her eyes and walked forward a few steps.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

Glancing down to the mass attempt at re-building their temple, it seemed that for others wanting to strike, they were sitting womp-rats. Moral at a low, many figures together trying to build on the crushed dreams laid down by many, and surrounded by volatile asteroid belts it seemeed. She shook her head.

"Master Kitra, I think we need to lock this place down. If we are going to try to re-build, we can't do it if we are in danger of rogue asteroids or whatever is lurking out there. There are too many people out in the open."

The spinner flicked around again between her fingers.

"Let me go scout around for people, round up any Jedi or those lost. We should be together and take shelter until this passes."

Thurion Heavenshield said:
Location: Ossus - Aegis Base
Allies: SJO - [member="Valae Kitra"], [member="Stephanie Swail"], [member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
Enemies: FO

Valae was offered a proud smile as she turned to him, yet there was a hint of melancholy tucked away in there as well. While definitely proud of the fact that she'd grown into such a capable young woman, strong in the Force and now holding the same office as he once did, it grieved him that she would have to face the same challenges as he did. Knowing what he knows now, he had hoped to spare her the many headaches and sleepless nights. And yet, despite all this, he could not think of anyone more suited for the job.

"Grandmaster Kitra," he offered his formal greetings and reached for her hand for a reassuring squeeze. "Take my strength, child," he added telepathically. "Use it well."

Were it just the two of them, Thurion would have embraced her like a daughter right there and then. But appearances had to be maintained, especially considering she had only begun her tenure and would have much to prove in the coming hours. Instead his hand rested upon the pommel of his sword, and when the young woman looking like she was about to burst at the seams with anxiety spoke he turned her way. Stephanie Swail, he remembered her.

"This is true, Padawan. No-one is safe during times of war, but as Jedi we're sworn to defend those who cannot defend themselves. We will do our part to break the advancing army here - the rest we leave for the Force and the gods, if you believe in any, to decide. Doesn't need to be more complicated than that."

As he spoke Thurion raised his left hand, holding it out to the side as if reaching for something. Moments later a metallic object came shooting towards him from where he had sat previously, summoned into the palm of his hand. The Shield of Heaven, forged by the skillful hands of Valkyri and Beorni alike and infused with the power of Light, shone a brilliant blue with an inherent glow emanating from the focusing crystals adorning its surface. Its mere presence was able to instill peace of mind and soul. Stowing it away on his back for now, he looked to the horizon.

"When Death smiles at us, all we can do is smile back..." Father's words.
Location: Former Jedi Temple Of Ossus
Objective: Assist the Grandmaster

The Jedi Master would chuckle at the Grandmaster's remark. "Don't worry about it" He spoke softly. "You were chosen for a reason, you're going to be just fine. I mean, I've been a Jedi my whole life and wasn't, so it must count for something that you were, right?" Josh would joke, his lips twitching into a cheeky grin as he seemed quite keen to keep the mood light.

He was surprised at the arrival of the former Silver Grandmaster, [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]. While he'd only met him once or twice, and had only heard of him prior to his ascension in the Silver Jedi from a friend who referred to him as "Thurion Twinklechit", he was still grateful for his assistance here. And still grateful that despite how busy he had been at the time, he had come to his and Shmi's wedding alongside his wife, at Shmi's request. These were not things Josh would forget. He could understand, as well, a hesitation to come to a battle like this when one had a wife and a child waiting at home... He could understand that all too well. Josh had Shmi and Jason waiting for him back home...

... And it told him more and ever that he had to survive here.

"Thurion, you've gotten much older looking since I last saw you" The Jedi Master would joke, with a grin. "Maybe it's the beard."

As the Grandmaster spoke to Thurion, Josh would look toward his own Padawan, [member="Douglas Starwind"], who had arrived, and nodded his head.

"Catch your breath, Padawan. We don't know when the battle may start. Be ready."

Boy, he sure wished he had the power to magically make an alliance with the GA or something via telepathy right about now... The more Jedi the merrier. Either way, the call would be made... And he would silently look toward Grandmaster [member="Valae Kitra"] for direction. He had been tapped to assist her, after all.
Location: First Order Invasion Force
Objective: Prepare for Ground Assault
Allies: The First Order | [member="Caehl Ren"] | Those pesky family members [member="Darth Carnifex"] & [member="Venthis Zambrano"] ;)
Opposition: The Silver Jedi Order|[member="Romi Jade"]
Equipment: In Signature


If the ship was a bustle of activity, the hangar was pure chaos, but only of the most organized kind. Squadrons of Stormtroopers prepared to board or were boarding their personal transports and drop ships, the full-scale attack on Ossus now taking shape, the might and magnitude of the forces assembled soon to be revealed to the unsuspecting Jedi below. The two Ren paused, the Panathan Queen observing from their vantage point the masses below as droids, fighters, pilots, and more operated in smooth synchronization, the well-oiled machine of war churning as if each piece was merely a cog in some larger puzzle.

Pride shone in her eyes as her smile turned vicious, fingers wrapped around the railing of the latticework walkway as she traced the paths of those below, emerald, crimson, and sulfur eyes taking in the preparations of war. This was but one of the multitude of ships the Order was fielding, her fellow Ren and even a few select Sith allies scattered among the assembled forces, waiting for the signal to strike, a cobra coiled amongst the floating junk, poised to spring on the weakest of their prey.

Shouts and sirens snapped her out of her bloodlust in time to prepare as the ship rocked precariously, shots fired from an assembled fleet above Ossus, presumably in an attempt to beak-up the cluster of space debris. A growl pulled from her lips as she steadied herself, satisfied that they were neither hit, nor in peril as the alarms and alerts died down. Her gaze snapped back to [member="Caehl Ren"] , a quick lift of the chin indicating he should continue leading them on.

”Well, that was exciting. Shall we?”

The deep chuckle belied the thread of anxiety worming her way through her gut, a distant reminder of the time when even setting foot on such a vessel would have incapacitated the Knight from fear. Anger, at herself, her own weakness, burned in the depths of her irises as they wound their way to the floor of the hangar bay and the Furious-Class Corvette that awaited them. Non-descript, the craft featured no distinguishable markings, a matte black vehicle lined in silver, the same as all Knights and Masters of Ren had at their disposal.

The Omega awaited their arrival, two at the loading ramp, the other already ensconced in the pilot’s chair. She’d never bothered to learn their names, instead satisfied that Brennan was familiar enough with them to issue orders and assume command of the group. A benefit to their close working relationship that she never had a need to take the pilot’s chair herself. Although space travel might no longer set her on the brink of a panic attack, flying would never be her forte.

Settling into one of the navigator’s chairs she waited patiently while they prepared for departure, her hawk-eyed gaze turning on Caehl as he joined her in the seat opposite.

”The majority of our forces will be taking Ageis Base and the Archives, Master Derith leading a separate group on Kulthis. We will be striking their heart, the hope of the Jedi Order.”

She let a mixture of anticipation and malice drip into her tone, crimson rolling over her eyes as the bloodlust rose and with it, power.

”Considering the result of our last….probe against the Silver Jedi, I would presume the Academy to be empty of anything of value, although it benefits us to be vigilant. We are to perform a sweep the ancient temple for anything of use and destroy everything else. Salt the very earth they walk on until nothing but dust and memories remain.”

One corner of her mouth curled up, all sense of kindness and feigned empathy wiped away as the thought of pure, unrestricted destruction afford their small strike team rose to the forefront of her thoughts. While her blade hungered for blood, a sad inevitability that they would see little to no combat on this mission, the pure chance to wipe the livelihood of the Jedi from the face of the planet, destroying their hope for the future, brought her some sense of consolation. Settling her helmet into her lap, she turned, watching as the final preparations for their descent to the surface were made. Now, they waited. Waited for the signal that heralded the destruction of the shield gates guarding the world and impeded their efforts.

While their orders were simple, the Knight anxiously awaited her chance to search the archives of the academy specifically, having accepted this particular mission for personal gain. There was a name she wished struck from the annals of history for good, one she would personally assure was permanently erased from any and all who knew of the child’s existence. A name she once called hers.

Douglas Starwind

Head of Fire, Heart of Gold
Location: Former Jedi Temple of Ossus
Allies: [member="Josh DragonsFlame"], [member="Valae Kitra"], [member="Dusaro Dresari"], [member="Thurion Heavenshield"], @Stephaine Swail, other SJO allies
Enemies: The First Order
Objective: Assist the Grandmaster and Allies.
Doug nodded at his Master's remark, having caught his breath a bit more. "Of course, Master. I'll be ready for whatever that buncha nerve burners throw at us." He said, sprinkling in an odd insult towards their foes that had yet to properly show up. He had hurried his way there and didn't really think much about trying to pace himself. Luckily, things still seemed relatively quiet on the planet itself so far so they still had time. Doug stretched and cracked his knuckles as he listened to the small talk between some of the others. He wasn't very familiar with some of the faces showing up so far.

He patted at his side to make sure that his lightsaber was still there. The mainly golden hilt with its energy blade the color of a blue sky... It was a symbol of hope for the Padawan. A reminder of where he came from as well as how far he had come. He wasn't sure why he sort of fell back into his thoughts like that. Perhaps he simply did not have much to say as nobody else was really addressing him for anything. He was as quiet as ever, his eyes just shifting around the area. This Temple likely used to be beautiful, but now it laid in a ruinous condition.

Doug glanced to the sides and also awaited any orders from the Grandmaster or anyone else really. What were they going to do from here, especially when the fighting inevitably got underway? He also wondered where Dusaro was. He knew that his fellow Padawan he was on the planet somewhere and that Josh likely called for him to come back here as well. He hoped that he was doing okay.

The waiting game continued...
She Left Behind A Legacy


Enemies: [member="Ara Zambrano"] | [member="Caehl Ren"]
Allies: [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Stephanie Swail"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Darren Torran"] | [member="Aela Talith"] | [member="Kal Visna"] | [member="Setzi Lunelle"] | [member="Kat Decoria"]

Her face lit up as pleasantries were exchanged, her lips soon parted to release a few more words "A plea-" she'd be soon cut off from the static of Grandmaster Valae's comm, her reaction to it, and the message to soon come across. A breath would soon escape her lips in exclamation.

"Lockdown..." her thoughts became her own as her gaze took to the skies. Her eyes twitched, before a subtle blue film fell over the iris' of her eyes. The shield had been activated, and her head beckoned back as she tried to ponder the severity of the situation.

"Master Jade..." The words of another Jedi within her party crept over her shoulder and knocked her out of her trance. She inhaled, and exhaled silently releasing the air that built in the pit of her stomach. Her head whipped around and she stepped away from the main group to converse with the other representatives. "Master [member="Veiere Arenais"] should be arriving soon. He just sent word.."

The woman nodded, "Finally. Good. Thank you." she folded her arms across her chest, while shifting her weight to her right leg. As her voice trailed out, she swayed to her right.


Her soles beat against the body of the base as she maintained a steady pace towards her destination. Her hair bounded from her shoulders, and just then through the rhythm of her walk there was a click, and a subtle beep to follow.

"Good to see you finally made it Master. Your late." she spoke into her comm, holding her wrist at a distance to where she could relay messages. Instead of waiting for him to dock, she figured she'd go ahead and situate herself before he could object. She had that habit of withholding information at times or disappearing. In fact she'd taken the liberty to fiddle with his comm so she could always keep tabs on him whether he liked it or not.

"Ossus has been put on lockdown, and their currently prepping the defenses. Rogue Asteroids..." she spoke while simultaneously slipping through and maneuvering around personnel who were rushing towards their stations.

She planted her foot, pressing down to come to an instant stop as a group came pacing by with some sort of large case. "We don't know what the cause was yet but..." When she rounded the corner finally, she came across a large room of gathering soldiers and Jedi. "I guess we'll soon find out...I'll be around. Romi out." her wrist fell from her face as she began to take in the whole operation.

At some point she integrated herself into the group, and before long she was experiencing the briefing along with the others.

She stepped forward, raising her hand to catch the attention of the Lieutenant-General, "Jedi Knight Romi Jade...I'd like to volunteer to be apart of that first group. If there's room left..." she said before running her hand up her thigh to rest on her hip.

Aboard the Crown
Allies: The Silver Jedi Order
Enemies: The First Order, [Member=Gerhard Maxim] (Eventually)
Location: Parlemian Trade Route, Hyperspace
Objective: Approach Silver Jedi

What a week.

She'd spent four days in a jungle oasis for vacation, been shot by skeletal droids the next day, and now she was walking aboard her personal frigate, the Crown, traveling through the Parlemian hyperspace trade route to reach Silver Jedi space to propose a trade deal. As with any time that she left the core and traveled along hyperspace routes, the empress of Teta's ship was escorted by two larger frigates and the hangar of her own vessel was filled with a squadron of her Chiroptera interceptors. She had heard of the destruction over Charros IV and the amount of civilian casualties caused by the Imperial strike against the Silver Jedi using the element of surprise and indiscriminate slaughter, which was partly what had motivated her towards making this trip. It wasn't that the Silver Jedi were lacking any number of starships - it was, quite frankly, that they weren't up to the quality of those that she purveyed.

"So how was visiting your parents?" Lily asked, stepping into the bridge of the large frigate accompanied by her close friend and confidante, Nadja Keto. The two had been friends ever since the younger Tetan noble had attended the Anaxes War College with Lily when they first met. Nadja was younger than her by four years, but hard work, intelligence, and a desire to prove to her parents that she was better than the 'son her father always wanted' led her to reaching great heights as early as fifteen years old. It was through Nadja, even, that Lily had met her most recent paramour, although the status of that relationship was a little more murky than the redhead was willing to admit. "Well, let's see.. My father reminded me that I was serving our 'coward empress' that 'betrayed the sith' and mother let me know that I was still cut from her will." Nadja said, her nose scrunching up with a purse of her lips as she squinted to mimic and exaggerate how her parents must have acted.

"Has anything changed from the last time you saw them?"

"Well.. they're older."

"I'll take that as a no."

"And you wouldn't be wrong."

There was a certain level of irony to how close the two had become, especially considering Nadja's parents, Erich and Anina Keto, had only supported her enough to get to her position as Lily's secretary-of-sorts so that they could try to use her to manipulate the crown - still bitter that their family had been forced out of the line of succession when Lily's mother had taken control of the planet during her time as the 'voice' of the Dark Lord of the One Sith. Needless to say, their ploy had backfired and conversations like these were rather commonplace between the two women. "I'm guessing we should be passing close to Ossus in fifteen or so minutes, it wouldn't be a bad idea to stop there and make sure we look like we care about their people, too." Lily said, taking her seat in the command chair for the Crown while Nadja sat on the bench that was placed slightly below to the front of her chair, reminiscent to stadium seating in vehicles. "Maybe. Might get some brownie points from those people that harp on how silent you've been on the conflicts going on." Nadja replied with a shrug.

Neither of them really wanted to concern themselves, or Empress Teta, with the conflicts happening in the larger galaxy, but it seemed like some citizens were becoming vocal of their desire to be involved in at least some of them. Luckily it wasn't the kind that promoted a return to Sith rule, she wasn't fond of having to explain that they were not representative of her rule to those that questioned her about it, but it was the kind that forced her to bend, at least slightly, to the will of the people. She was, after all, trying to be as sincere and benevolent of a ruler as she could muster. "I told you about my parents, now tell me about him." Nadja said with a smirk. He was not normally someone they talked about, and it certainly wasn't a subject she brought up in any kind of setting with anyone else, but it wasn't surprising that she would have asked her about it considering the way she'd gone from ecstatic about seeing him one day before her vacation, and then returning rather drained the day after - and not in the pleasant way.

"I don't know.. it's a little complicated.."
Location: Rebel Base 'Dunscaith,' Undisclosed Location
Objective: Assist in the training of Rebel soldiers.
Allies: Silver Jedi Order, [member="Eri'anya Forr"], [member="Arisa Yune"]
Opposition: First Order

Complete darkness consumed one of the empty bays of Dunscaith, the flood lights and emergency back ups turned off by order of Valkren Calderon. The Antarian Ranger had traveled here with a small group of Silver Jedi members and Rangers alike to help in the training of rebel forces. As several of his fellow team members trained men and women alike in other rooms that were given to them as practice areas, he had claimed one of the larger bays to hold much larger classes of soldiers. Taking groups of fifteen at a time, himself and fellow ranger Lieutenant Harris would step-by-step break down everything they knew about firing a rifle. Even going as far as to teach the combatants the easiest way to switch to a side arm when it came to lack of ammunition or weapon malfunction.

No matter the skill level of the combatant, training always helped. After the colonel and lieutenant took the first three groups of fifteen first, instructing them on the basics and simple weapons safety. After having each group fire a few rounds down range in a section set aside within the bay with several targets placed against a firm backdrop, Valkren had the bay flooded with darkness. He knew a good handful of the rebels he was instructing here today had been in their fair share of firefights, but Calderon aimed to push them out of their comfort zone.

Most of the firefights these rebels had slipped into might have been in broad daylight, or in the middle of the night, using some technology to light their way into their enemies. Today, he had each group running low-light engagement simulations, without the assistance of NVG's or any Heads-up-display guiding their aim to their intended targets.

This would be a end-all scenario..Lack of sight, lack of intel, and numerous contacts. With the chance of the enemy seeing the rebels with their pants down, it meant that they would have to use any bit of light they could get to make their marks on the enemy targets.

The first group of shooters had been filed in to the bay and infront of the targets before the lights shut out, with Harris and Calderon behind the firing line.

They waited in complete silence.

"Weapons free!" Calderon's voice boomed out. The entire half of the bay where the rebels faced was illuminated in flashes as a mix of assault blasters and slug throwers alike went off in quick succession, tracer rounds a bolts alike traveled from one end of the room to the other as they slammed into the targets, or at least what they assumed were the targets' location. After several more moments of the rebels emptying their respected weapons and magazines, Harris instructed the mix of rebels to cease fire.

The lights suddenly returned, revealing a grouping of targets that had, if Valkren was being honest, been hardly hit. As the pair of Antarian Rangers passed by the rebels that were seemingly over-excited for the few hits they had. Harris cocked a brow, turning to look at his partner in the matter.

"Going to be another long day?"

"What are we going on, day three?" Valkren questioned the lieutenant, pinching the bridge of his nose with a sigh.

"Four..Need more Karkin' coffee."

"Go grab some, I'll bring in the next group. We'll rotate them through twice each and change the lighting with the second come around. Then we get out the Z-6's and have them take turns running heavy weapons for abit."

"Yes Sir." With this, Harris turned to retreat out of the bay in search of more live-saving caffeine, letting Valkren turn to the group of rebels with a sigh.

"Alright! Check your weapons! Seems like some of your sights are off!" He raised his voice again to be heard as he walked past the group once more. It was truly going to be a long day.

"When your weapon is ready, line up again prepare yourself ladies and gents."

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