Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Will Not Forgive

[member="Rolf Amsel"] Eh, seriously? First dropping a skirmish few days after the start of our invasion with the GE with no dialogue beforehand to check if we were even able to participate, and now this. In my initial proposal against TRE for the Drommun Kaas invasion, I at least gave them a week break between invasions from Serenno to then, which was extended to two weeks to give them time to figure out things and make sure they were in a competitive state for a more enjoyable roleplay experience. The FO and GA had at least a week at minimum between their invasions, and about two or three weeks between most events.

I'm not sure exactly when the invasion with the GE is supposed to end, but can the start date of this invasion be held off a week until it our current invasion comes to a close?
If anyone wants to fight a genetically enhanced super soldier with an unconventional weapon, and or the Squad of Shocktroopers that will be accompanying him - please feel free to hit me up via a PM here on Chaos, or a DM on discord. Forewarning: My posts are lengthy and usually happen once a day, or two, during Invasions. Just giving that friendly heads up before you take the plunge. ;)
[member="Arisa Yune"]
If you have room for another ally, I have a bone to pick with someone.

I will also bring my own ships and offer support for the future depending on the outcome of this invasion.
Lily Kuhn said:
That would require romance.

This is the comedy part, I presume? :D

PS: If anyone wants to tangle, give me a shout.

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