Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well You Haven't Killed Me Yet...

William Seraven

I smiled at her next words and continued to enjoy the cuddle. Her embarrassment was more obvious than mine, though that didn't really mean that I was the one to hold it over her. Hell, the thought of bringing it up made me threaten to turn red again. "Its easier than your full name, and you have to admit, it does have a certain ring to it."

[member="Saryana Lynae"]

Saryana Lynae

New Beginnings Are Found In The Strangest Places
"I agree. Although is Saryana Lynae really that hard of a name?" she giggled, peaking out from her hiding place and smiling at him. She hoped this cuddling thing would become a regular occurrence because now that she had it, she didn't enjoy the thought of going without it. She blushed a little at her own thoughts, but kept smiling at him. [member="William Seraven"]

William Seraven

"Not really, but I don't think William Seraven is either. People still call me Will." i returned her smile and my tail started to wag a bit, though it was still wrapped around her. I couldn't help myself, that smile and the way she blushed. Something about it, I just liked. "Though, Zorren's do tend to prefer longer names than other species."

[member="Saryana Lynae"]

Saryana Lynae

New Beginnings Are Found In The Strangest Places
"I'm not really sure where my parents got the idea for my name.I do know people like to mispell it as S-a-r-i-a-h-n-a L-i-e-n-a-e. It's a bit annoying," the blushing Togrutan replied as she felt him wag his tail again. She giggled at the feeling of it tickling her and snuggled a bit closer to him, reaching a hand down to pet his tail. Shestill couldn't get over how soft it was. [member="William Seraven"]

William Seraven

"Understandable. I think my name is usually spelled how it sounds so I don't have to worry about that." I smiled as she started t pet my tail, lifting the furry limb into her hand. "I like it when you do that. It feels good." My fur fluffed out under her hand, becoming softer and fluffier as her petting gradually smoothed it back out.

[member="Saryana Lynae"]

Saryana Lynae

New Beginnings Are Found In The Strangest Places
"Really? I guess I can't understand why... Togruta's aren't something people generally want to pet..." Saryana replied as she continued petting the fluffy tail. She had a weakness for soft things and cute things and Will was definately both of those. She giggled a bit at the thought, wondering how he would react to being described as cute. In all honesty, sometimes he made her think of a puppy. [member="William Seraven"]

William Seraven

I shrugged and continued to relax, enjoying her hand over m fur. "Must be a zorren thing. It feels really good." I watched her as she thought, raising a brow as I noticed her giggling. "Whats so funny?" Realizing that this wasn't the first time that I asked that question, I found myself unable to keep from wondering what exactly went on inside her mind.

[member="Saryana Lynae"]

Saryana Lynae

New Beginnings Are Found In The Strangest Places
"Huh? Oh nothing... Just had a funny thought." She replied, turning to face him again. She smiled cheerfully at him before stretching a bit and leaning against him. "I love it when I have a day off of work. Having nothing to do it so nice," she commented, staring up the ceiling. She rarely got days off of work, but when she did she made it a point to sit around and do nothing since she didn't get many opportunities to relax. [member="William Seraven"]

William Seraven

"Never would have guessed." I grinned and kept my position. No reason to press for it, though it was tempting. My tail flicked and I stretched out again, hearing a few bones pop in my back. "I guess days off are a good thing. Though, for me that's been every day since you've let me live here. Once again, I can't thank you enough for that."

[member="Saryana Lynae"]

Saryana Lynae

New Beginnings Are Found In The Strangest Places
"You don't need to thank me, Will," the Togruta replied with a blush. She didn't want him to have to continue living on the streets, not after he had been so kind to her. She felt like she wasn't doing anything special by letting him live there. Wasn't everyone this kind? Saryana had a feeling they weren't but she felt like everyone in the galaxy should be. Things would be alot better off if everyone was as kind hearted as the young dancer. [member="William Seraven"]

William Seraven

My smile broadened a bit as she spoke. "But I'm doing it anyways. Most of the time, I'm lucky to get a free piece of food, or a night at a bar. You gave me an actual home to crash in." As I spoke, I noticed another one of those enjoyable blushes. Still wasn't sure why I liked that so much. "So, what do you usually do on these days off?"

[member="Saryana Lynae"]

Saryana Lynae

New Beginnings Are Found In The Strangest Places
"Sleep and draw," she replied, cuddling into him and pretending to snore. She'd peek one of her eyes open every few minutes to seek Will's reaction. After a few moments of pretending to sleep she sat up again, laughing and smiling happily as she reached for her datapad. She didn't know what she would draw this time, but she had a feeling it'd be another Will and Saryana scene. [member="William Seraven"]

William Seraven

"I see." Sure, it wasn't the most fast paced of all occupations, but it was something. Besides, I was used to running around. I doubted Sary was the same. After watching her ac with a fairly amused look, my tail flicked at the sight of her datapad. As said before, she was very good at her drawing, and I couldn't wait to see what she'd create this time.

[member="Saryana Lynae"]

Saryana Lynae

New Beginnings Are Found In The Strangest Places
Saryana thought for several minutes before turning to Will and asking him a question. "Describe your home world to me. Please?" She turned back to her datapad, preparing to draw as Will talked. She intended to try and re-create his words on her datapad. "You don't have to explain the entire planet...Just your favorite spot, or your home maybe?" She continued as she waited patiently. [member="William Seraven"]

William Seraven

The question hit me like a swoop bike and for a moment, I couldn't even speak. Veradune... my home... The place Iw was exiled form. My mind turned to that place, my uncle being shot, my people being slaughtered, MY LIFE BEING DE- wait.. no, I couldn't go down that road. Always thing on the bright side. Despite all the dangers, there was one month I had been sneaked onto the world. That one month had also proven to be one of the best times of my life, and a time I would never forget. "The great forest... trees so thick, there are times you can't even see the sun, so high the fall could kill you, and so wide, we occasionally find some large enough to be houses. The vines hang everywhere, the perfect thing to swing from as you run through the branches, and then there's the teradin trees, best to be avoided. They look normal save the long strips of bark that protrude, the telltale sign of their deadly nature.. and at the very center... the flos vitae...a smell so sweet, its like you're in heaven."

[member="Saryana Lynae"]

Saryana Lynae

New Beginnings Are Found In The Strangest Places
Saryana nodded periodically as he spoke. She balanced the datapad on her lap and pet his tail anytime he started to feel anxious. She was doing her best to recreate the forests of Will's home. She stuck her tongue out slightly as she focused. She transformed one of the large trees in the drawing into a house and asked Will another question. "What about your parents? What did they look like?" she asked as she finished the details of the background. [member="William Seraven"]

William Seraven

I thought for a moment. Months ago I had left them, but I never went anywhere without something to remind me of them. Reaching into my jacket, I pulled out a small holo projector. Clicking the button, a pair of people appeared, dressed in the clothes of a zorren noble. A woman with black hair, and a tail to match, and a man who's hair was a light brown, with a fiery red tail. My parents were around their thirties int he picture, and they wore smiles, something that I saw rarer and rarer during my last weeks with them. Just seeing the picture brought a wistful expression to my face, and I had to do my best not to let a tear slip out as I looked at them. "This."

[member="Saryana Lynae"]

Saryana Lynae

New Beginnings Are Found In The Strangest Places
Saryana nodded and studied the hologram for several minutes, copying their likeness onto her datapad. Once they were completed she set about drawing Will, only she drew him much younger. This Will had the appearance of a child of about six years old. She did her best guessing at what he would have looked like back then. After several more minutes she was happy with her work. The Togrutan artist began adding color to the drawing. The background was composed mostly of rich shades of green. She copied the colors from the hologram into the datapad and began coloring in Will. When she was done she handed the datapad to him and hugged him tight. "I hope I got it right," She mumbled as she waited for a reaction. [member="William Seraven"]

William Seraven

I took the picture and looked at it. The picture was beautiful, perfectly fitting the scene, save the tail that I had yet to grow at the age she drew me at. In a moment, I found myself attacked by a wave of emotion and I couldn't help myself as I started crying. All the memories of my family and my home washed over me at once as I stared at it. "It's beautiful."

[member="Saryana Lynae"]

Saryana Lynae

New Beginnings Are Found In The Strangest Places
"Will? No please don't cry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you... I just... I thought it'd be nice to try and do this for you..." Saryana tried to comfort him, holding him tightly and nervously wiping away his tears. She hadn't intended for the drawing to make him cry. She just thought maybe if he missed his home this drawing would be somewhat of a comfort to him. She felt terrible now, seeing him cry. [member="William Seraven"]

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