Here's an image for reference after reading.
Don't get jealous of my skills as a graphic artist.
Ignore the overall borders on this image.
Type of Graphics: Signature.
Size: 600 x 400
Colours: Blacks, bright blues & reds, high contrast.
Behind Center:
Click. [please remove cigarette if possible?]
Border Image Base:
Animated: Yup, two gifs on either side of a still image, behind which another images fades in and out.
Border: So yeah, elaborate request here I come
I'd love an image based border to rise off the top and surround it all, inside which lay all of the other Images. And it'd be cool if it was a transparent border, so it looks all epic? I'd like the border itself to be the silhouette of the border image base, where the buildings are cut out and made transparent (png, rendered, etc) as an underlay layer. In the end, the images and gifs will be over these silhouetted buildings which jut out
above the main image. but the buildings can't be visible behind other more important images.
Text: "Nejaa Niynx" in
aurebesh. Put it at whatever size/location looks best.
Anything Else: Basically this signature is going to capture Nejaa's duality, and struggle with both the light side and dark side. So I want the strong blues of the gif and electricity, then the bright red of the other gif. Ironically, the blue (good) color is chaotic, while the red is peaceful. In the middle, I want the
larger image of the hooded figure, and behind that an irregular flickering view of Nejaa's face; the "Behind Center" image. I'm hoping that it can flicker in and out seemingly randomly, so that's there's no monotonous rhythm to it. On the left of that image, where it gets dark and black to the center image's left hand side, please blend the gif and still image together so that it looks seamless. On the right, blend it as best you can, and of course I trust your artistic license. I don't want the gifs to be annoyingly looping, so if they could be dimmer than the rest of the signature and images, or something to draw the attention away from their starting and stopping a bit. On top of the whole image, I want the buildings of Coruscant jutting out, with a transparent background so that they lay against the site's skin. Even though I use the word silhouette I'd like for them to have their lights and colors, just that they rise as individual towers, at the top as mean of providing an upward border.
If THAT'S not confusing I don't know what is.
[member="Sitara Qin"]