Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What are some of y'alls non-RPing Hobbies?

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
I mean, it's obvious none of us are afraid to break out the pen and paper but what else do you lovely people occupy your time with? I'm big into dancing whether it be ballroom, swing, or latin. Try to go three or more times a week when I'm fiscally able. Beside that I love keeping up with sports, mostly the "Big Three", though I'm trying to branch out into Hockey and European Football. Then I suppose there's video games but it takes a good game(or a good friend) to get me motivated to game. I'll buy a game every 2 months maybe if it interests me but I'm not a wait for midnight release guy or an MMO guy. Not particularly my style but I do see the appeal.

So what captivates y'all's time besides futuristic weaponry and mystical powers?
Sports, especially basketball, don't tap the white tile, which I'm sure I'm the god of that game on this RP site since my high score is 1700, play VG, hang out with my friends, and last but not least: Mexican food, the best type of food that my people made (my point of view)
Reading, and lately, photoshop. Video games when I can get away with it. Rollerblading (been a blader my whole life) and jogging again if issues presently preventing me from enjoying them are resolved. :)

Oh, and hockey. More watching it than anything these days. Used to regularly play street hockey.
Personally, I spend my off time playing strategy games like Civ V, Minecraft with some friends of mine, and when I finally get the moolah to buy what I need, I will be playing Warhammer 40k competitively.

Necrons, baby.
Reading and writing (novels mostly, but still no surprise), swim team - especially freestyle, corkscrew, and relays - and video games, usually single-player campaign games, SW:TOR. What I can't play because I don't have the console (so, everything not on a PC) I watch someone else play on YouTube.
Acting, playing piano and double bass, orchestra, gaming... especially the ones where you have to place buildings and do little missions (The Simpsons: Tapped Out, Ice Age Village, etc.), The Sims, of course, and Minecraft. Before, I also used to play NationStates. Now I spend my time playing Game of Thrones Ascent, watching Game of Thrones, reading, during the month of November - NaNoWriMo... And many other wonderful minor things like playing with my little siblings, traveling, philosophy... :p
Acting (I do alot of community theatre and I love it), singing (opera and classical - I'm a dramatic soprano, so think Ride of the Valkyries, and yes, I can actually sing that), and I LOVE my sports - I'm craziest about the Boston Red Sox and the Boston Bruins, but I also will follow the Patriots (I can't help it). I'm huge NCIS & Criminal Minds fan...never miss an episode (thank the gods for my DVR).
Uhhh, I like to do the photoshop, play several different MMOs(currently mainly FFXIV), drink beehs, watch MLP, stare at children, stare at children watching MLP, stare at children watching MLP while drinkin beehs, photoshop those moments, used to play basketball and soccer frequently, but not anymore, and I do like to shoot a few choice firearms on occasion. Mostly at children watching MLP while I'm drinkin' beer.

Oh yes, nearly forgot.... I like to sell propane and propane accessories too.
Cooking, gardening, playing D&D, SWTOR, minecraft, painting.... getting high off paint.... more painting....

Learning how to patch a hole in the wall. Learning how to fix baseboards. Learning how to find a stud. Learning how to remove a tick from my dog.

Cleaning... lots of cleaning.

Oh and cuddling the puppy.

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