Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What are some of y'alls non-RPing Hobbies?

I'm an obsessive reader and prefer classic literature as well as a few choice sci-fi novels. I have practiced Aikido for several years now and love to cook when I can
Most of the time I spend on the laptop, gaming and whatnot, but aside from that I'm a musical guy. I've been playing the drums since I was 6 years old and still do (am now 22) with a band comprised of me and three of my mates. We write our own stuff, with me writing the lyrics and most of the music. I also enjoy playing the piano and sometimes sing to myself.

Here's an early sample of the music that we play:

That's me on the drums.

It's the kind that put hair on your chest, so if it's not your thing that's cool. ;)
Here are mine: photoghraphy (I use figures, Star Wars, G.I. Joe and Halo, I actually have a great camera and if you want to see some I can tell you where to find them.), Rollerblading (haven't been able to do any for a while though.), Gaming (I play quite a bit of games, it's normally what I do when there's nothing else to do, or just when I want to.), drawing (I'm terrible but I doodle quite a bit since I have an idea for a game so I try drawing that characters, which has helped out a lot.)
Taitos Vin the Vengeful said:
Hmm.... when I'm not doing school work....
  • LOTS of writing. I run a blog (one on Tumblr and one independently), I help Kris edit her books, and I write lyrics (to bad I can't sing)
  • I'm a bit of an actor, but I've never been lucky enough to be allowed to even audition for a play (parents).
  • Browse the dark side of the internet
  • Read lame horror stories in search of SOMETHING scary
  • Attempt to learn social skills
  • Edit images
  • Doodle
  • Read comics (American, European, Asian, web stuff, it doesn't matter to me as long as it has a good story)
  • Photography (Washington is a great state for that)
  • And last but not least: Help out at summer camps 2-3 times a year. LITTLE KIDS LOVE ME
Basically this ^^, but I help Mark instead of helping, well, me, and I do lots of piano as well.
1. Reading (a lot) entirely literature
2. Cycling
3. Gaming
4. Lego (I love playing with those and building them)
5. Light gardening (I got a Habanero, a Kung pao chili pepper, a few tomatoes, sage, Forget-me-nots, a sunflower. Though the Habanero is dying, the insects are overcoming me and absolutely destroying it. :( )

Puppet Kyrios

Minecraft, sleeping, reading, blipping(short term for technology gaming), sitting around, annoying the frick outta my friends, bumping into things on a regular basis, staring into space, drawing, writing 3 books at a time (not finishing any), half-wishing I could strangle my boy- (dang it) very good friend who will not eat vegetables (in fact I want to strangle him right now for almost seeing his Christmas present...)... The list goes on and on.
Hunt, Fish, outdoors, watching high school sports and plays, hosting exchange students, teaching Hebrew bible studies, bell choir, cooking, walks, sewing, home made horse back riding, being a mom of to beautiful daughters, bath salts and messeges.

Yea figured by now a lot of hands on outdoors type of stuff.

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