Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What are some of y'alls non-RPing Hobbies?

I enjoy mountain climbing...obsessively. I lost 70 pounds doing it and now climbing reminds me of what I can achieve, even if I don't believe I can. I hope to scale Everest one day.

I direct short films with my best friend.

I read whatever I can get my hands on. Anything. I just love to read. When I was still in my crib as a baby I had books in there and made up stories by looking at the pictures. Definition of a bookworm.

I love video games, mostly console-based campaigns. Skyrim ate my life for a while.

I also talk with you guys a lot. Does that count as non-RPing? It's still a kickass hobby.
Pro Wrestling
Poetry Writing
Song Lyric Writing
Fiction Writing
Video Games
Reading Books
Doing Radio Shows
Practicing Promo Ability For Lulz
Trampoline Flips
Just All-Around Entertaining People

Hakan Venttuss

He Who Blinds the Sun
Well as a European I'm a massive football (that's soccer to you) fan and I used to play it a lot, I'm also in to other sports like American Football and basketball, I also enjoy going to motorsport events. I also play a lot of videogames, mostly of the adventure genre but I do like a couple FPS' and racing games.
Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
Photoshop, video making, planning and starting fan fiction stories I sadly never finish, dancing, watching movies and shows, reading books on my phone (which is annoying by definition, I miss mah books :( ). And video games. I did play SWTOR at home but my net can't handle. Here I've got Sims, Harry Potter games, Dragon Age but I mostly leave them be then spend hours and hours in a day. Then I'm over it...

Stephanie Swail

Well my main love is watching movies, be it at the cinema or on Blu-ray / DVD. I studied Media and Film for 3 years at college and then 3 years of Media and Performance at University and my love for the movies has grown year and year and it's not stopping. It's also proving quite expensive.....BUT you only live once! :D

My favourite films as the James Bond series, Star Wars (naturally), Indiana Jones and the Superman films. Action, sci-fi, fantasy, thriller...pretty much all genres and also specifically the works of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Clint Eastwood and Tom Hanks.

Apart from the movies, I do enjoy my Xbox 360 with my favourite games being any and all Star Wars and James Bond games as well as the Assassins Creed franchise. PC gaming is also a big love of mine, especially point and click games in the tradition of 'The Secret Of Monkey Island'.

I also love to read on my Kindle and write scripts and stories of anything my imagination can create.

So, yeah, pretty much high on the Geek-o-meter, but I love it.

Hmm.... when I'm not doing school work....
  • LOTS of writing. I run a blog (one on Tumblr and one independently), I help Kris edit her books, and I write lyrics (to bad I can't sing)
  • I'm a bit of an actor, but I've never been lucky enough to be allowed to even audition for a play (parents).
  • Browse the dark side of the internet
  • Read lame horror stories in search of SOMETHING scary
  • Attempt to learn social skills
  • Edit images
  • Doodle
  • Read comics (American, European, Asian, web stuff, it doesn't matter to me as long as it has a good story)
  • Photography (Washington is a great state for that)
  • And last but not least: Help out at summer camps 2-3 times a year. LITTLE KIDS LOVE ME
Cheeze Nips are pretty ballin.

Netflix and I chill a lot.

I had a lady friend, now I don't, so Netflix and I are a bit more intimate lately.

Reading is pretty great.

I dive. A lot. Also biking, hiking, and playing SWTOR, WoW, and many other unhealthy activities.

A majority of my time is spent helping my mother raise the girls, been difficult, but it works.

@[member="Kira Liadain"] spend an unhealthy amount of time discussing Rune Blades. Rune Blades indeed.
I read (just finished Ender's Game, need to finish A Clash of Kings and Unfinished Tales, need to start Horus Rising, H.P. Lovecraft's Great Tales of Horror and The Silmarillion), very very rarely write - when I do it's like a page or less - sometimes draw, drink, drink drink drink alcohol, go to the gym three times a week, go swimming with my best friend once a week. Used to cycle to and from work. Sleep a lot, dream. I have an obsession over lightsabers - specifically from ultrasabers - and intend on buying another one with sound soon. I used to play some PC games but my new laptop is genuinely shite so play games on my Xbox instead.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
I read, a lot. Stephen King and the similar mostly. Horror is an awesome genre. I'm a movie geek, so I do that when the time allows. Scuba diving, surfing, and riding my longboard occupy a lot of my time. And self teaching myself stuff about marine mammals and geology, I'll be going back to school, so I'm prepping for that. Then there is the CAD and GIS aspects of my learning. I follow the Red Sox, Bruins and Celtics like any good child of Massachusetts.

Traveling, and experiencing the world. The food, the music, the bars. I like to bar crawl a lot. And hit up a good karaoke night when I've got a crowd to go with, that or trivia nights.

And preparing for the end of times, zombies, or hurricanes. No joke, I can load my entire apartment up into my Accord (she's my baby) in 20 minutes.
Vanessa Nacht Seele said:
Hmm.... when I'm not doing school work....
  • LOTS of writing. I run a blog (one on Tumblr and one independently), I help Kris edit her books, and I write lyrics (to bad I can't sing)
  • I'm a bit of an actor, but I've never been lucky enough to be allowed to even audition for a play (parents).
  • Browse the dark side of the internet
  • Read lame horror stories in search of SOMETHING scary
  • Attempt to learn social skills
  • Edit images
  • Doodle
  • Read comics (American, European, Asian, web stuff, it doesn't matter to me as long as it has a good story)
  • Photography (Washington is a great state for that)
  • And last but not least: Help out at summer camps 2-3 times a year. LITTLE KIDS LOVE ME
You had me at writing lyrics. shoulda added to mines I love to sing(very good at it) but can't write a song to save my life.
  • Collect rare firearms
  • Collect rare weapons
  • Table top nut
  • Gun nut
  • Play video games
  • Paint miniatures (Flames of War, 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, etc.)
  • Play with my pup
  • Read a lot (Mainly Lovecraft lately, for some reason)
  • D&D and other RPG stuff like that
  • Work out (just started)
  • Pipe smoking (Tobacco pipes. It's a nice, calming habit and it smells nice. It's also "healthier" than straight up cigarettes as you don't inhale, just puff)

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