Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What attracts you? [IC]

*breaks down in tears because she's so emotionally unstable*


[member="Livna Zios"] [member="Joza Perl"]
A lot of things, and at the same time not many.

I'm not attracted to people just because they are strong, but people who happen to be strong are attractive.

I'm not attracted to people just because they are persistent, but people who happen to be persistent are attractive.

I'm not attracted to people just because they care about my well-being, but people who happen to care about my well-being are attractive.

I'm not attracted to people solely because they are good-looking, but people who happen to be good looking are attractive.

It takes more than a bunch of words and phrases to make you desirable, and baby - you aren't.

Prove me wrong - make me wrong - and you've hit the jackpot.

Until then, I'll keep on playing my dating roulette.
Pondering what attracts doesn't seem to be a terribly useful passage of time when one is destined to marry simply for the betterment/restoration of the House Alde.

If I were allowed such an indulgence, someone with a "pugnacious attitude" might attract.

Or better put, someone who, when she decides on someone, holds onto them pugnaciously.
Simeon Alde said:
Pondering what attracts doesn't seem to be a terribly useful passage of time when one is destined to marry simply for the betterment/restoration of the House Alde.

If I were allowed such an indulgence, someone with a "pugnacious attitude" might attract.

Or better put, someone who, when she decides on someone, holds onto them pugnaciously.
You like to bicker? That's a first.

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