Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What do you want from the Faction? Suggestion Thread

I agree with Ben. The Jedi doing more stuff togeather which can be anything from Republic missions to this ball we are having! I would love to meet more Jedi IC as the only ones I have met are on the Council and that's at council meetings mostly.

I want to find out who our other healers are too so maybe I can gather them up for a humanitarian sort of mission or just tea. I have not decided yet.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Nohemi Allaneh said:
Which doesn't make sense when the Grand Master allows the Empress to show up in the senate. o_O

/ tosses her two credits worth.
Your issue is an IC one, and it's with Darron.
...but ultimately, there's no point in saying 'that characters's actions don't make sense' when they've already happened, and when none of us ever explain every part of our characters' rationales for their actions. Why would Darron let it happen? Why would Ashin want this at all?
RAFO, as they say. Or guess. :)
Well the way I understand it, is if you are there as a head of state. You have diplomatic immunity..thus Jedi serve the government and her laws. So I can't do anything other than protect the senate from Ashin, and protect Ashin from trigger happy people. It may look funny, but it got everyone's attention. So mission accomplished.

Dizzy Zechs

Less: Jedi protecting Sith in the Senate.
More: We do not negotiate with Terrorists or their Terror Governments. IE: A zero tolerance policy for suicidal mass-murders.

Less: Sith infiltrating the Faction as Members.
More: Run the Roleplay as a Member of your own Faction, who is just being sneaky. IE: Zero Conflicts of Interest.

2 cents
Dizzy Zechs said:
Less: Jedi protecting Sith in the Senate.
More: We do not negotiate with Terrorists or their Terror Governments. IE: A zero tolerance policy for suicidal mass-murders.

Less: Sith infiltrating the Faction as Members.
More: Run the Roleplay as a Member of your own Faction, who is just being sneaky. IE: Zero Conflicts of Interest.

2 cents
Somehow you got a brain despite being in the Navy ;) I'm with Commander Zechs.
I fail to see how darron is protecting Ashin...more like protecting the senate. Everyone is entitled to their opinions though Jay, and infiltration a are allowed. Besides it's bringing attention and life to the Republic. Enjoy the activity.
A'dele said:
Well yeah, but this is actually on the board, where everyone else can actually see it that is not on the Republic skype chat.

Sides, I've a sugar daddy, which is why I can toss an endless stream of two credits worth. :p
What? There's a republic Skype chat?!

TiCi's sugar daddy is a duh, but the Skype chat!? ;)
Also, maybe we have one but some sort of council between us normals like the Jedi have with their group. I think it would help tie us together....yes even cocky pilots and ground pounders!

And then, we could have meetings between different councils. The only jedi I've met IC is Adele. Are jedi usually separated by everyone else in dominion threads? Maybe we can intermingle more on missions. Heck, I'd even fill in a two post role, like here's Thessa, your evac. pilot.

Pew, pew!
"Us normals"

Great way to make us feel loved. I suppose you're talking about a military council type thing. Could be interesting, I hate politics. And meetings....yet this would probably be required. I vote Thessa brings us doughnuts and coffee.

Dizzy Zechs

Normals Council?

We could create a 'Special Military Council' underneath an NPC Admiral or General. Give it some fancy-shmancy name or purpose or some-such. Like an Admiral's private Cabinet, or a Special Forces Taskgroup, or maybe just a Friday-Night Singles-Awareness Support Group & Book Club. Ya know. Keep it classy. :p

Dizzy Zechs

I'm cool with Hang Outs and Hubs. But Akio is right. We shouldn't 'Council' anything outside of the Chain-of-Command. Making a Hub for players to mingle and mission is good. Micro-managing the Military is bad. ;)

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