Bad Kitty
This didn't belong in the mission sign up thread, so I'm creating a new topic.
I'm going to quote the 3 dictates in the Jedi Code that are the most pertinent to this, which creates an In-Character mandate with several important distinctions.
If there is a plausible in-character explanation that would support the Jedi "combating the Dark Side in all its forms" -- except if that Darksider was part of the Republic, I'm curious to see it elaborated upon and explained in some further detail. If that's true, then Mace Windu should have been completely cool that Chancellor Palpatine was Darth Sidious.
If the FAs are going to dictate OOC that Jedi characters react otherwise (e.g. deal with it, you can't do anything about it... but don't forget you can't train under them or there will be in-character consequences for that), then the Code should be changed. Though there's something to be said for the fact that my Jedi would face in-character consequences from training under a Darksider, yet the Darksider faces no in-character consequences for being a Darksider in a light side faction.
The Republic is not a neutral faction last I checked. Obviously that can be changed. There are certainly examples of factions that are successful in having both Jedi and Dark Jedi in the mix (Levantine and Vitae being two examples that spring to mind immediately). But they also don't, to my knowledge, put themselves out there as a light side faction, with Codes specific to combating the Dark Side.
To summarize:
- I can't train with a Darksider, without my Jedi drawing in-character consequences
- I shouldn't be able to spar with a Darksider, because that ought to constitute training, which is prohibited
- I can't react other than to "not like it" if there's a Republic faction Darksider not breaking the law (note: everything Chancellor Palpatine did was legal according to the law of the Republic at the time).
- But, in character, I have to combat the Dark Side in all its forms.
Am I the only one who sees a disconnect here?
I'm open to the idea that maybe I am just being overly critical or too closed minded, but reading the comments in the mission sign up thread and realizing my concerns for the direction the faction appears to be taking, I figure it was worth throwing this out for discussion.
And that's all this is intended to be. I'm not accusing anyone of doing anything wrong. What I'm saying is, I see an IC requirement for my character that says X... and an OOC requirement that says Y. And the two appear to be in conflict. And its not apparent to me just how that resolves itself so that I can apply that to my stories in terms of how my character reacts, what my character reacts to, and what the expectations of the Faction Team are with regard to characters and stories for the faction.
tl;dr Characters that have Darkside auras can be awesome and I'm not telling anyone what they should, could, would, or have to write about. But saying OOC that our Jedi characters have to suck it up and cannot react in-character other than to "not like it" doesn't seem to jive in-character.
While I can understand why the FAs may take this position from an OOC perspective of having who you have in a faction, and wanting it to be able to work where no one is excluded, I have to point out that from an In-Character perspective this creates a paradox between Republic Law and the Jedi Code.Kian Karr said:Hello All,
I meant this as a way of bringing us all together, not as something to drive a wedge between us. Jedi are capable of working alongside those with a darkside aura. Nothing in our code dictates that we must destroy all people who follow in the darkside. You can fight alongside a Republic soldier who is a darksider as long as they break no Republic laws and are there to help.
As a Jedi you can not like the fact that they are a darksider, but if they are being cooperative and helping in the fight and not breaking any laws, you are going to have to deal with it. Luckily canon does have Jedi and Darksiders working side-by-side a bit, so it isn't all that unheard of.
I'm going to quote the 3 dictates in the Jedi Code that are the most pertinent to this, which creates an In-Character mandate with several important distinctions.
I've added emphasis there, obviously. The point being, it does not matter what Republic law is or may say. The Jedi serve the Order, not the Republic. All other considerations (Republic law, etc) are secondary. That's the In-Character reason why Jedi don't hold office, etc within the Republic.Kiskla Grayson said:JEDI CODE OF CONDUCT
1. Believe in the Order’s teachings and observe the Order’s directions.
2. Defend the Order before your other allegiances.
4. Combat the Dark Side in all of its forms, both within and without, but fight with mercy and passion, not with anger or rage.
If there is a plausible in-character explanation that would support the Jedi "combating the Dark Side in all its forms" -- except if that Darksider was part of the Republic, I'm curious to see it elaborated upon and explained in some further detail. If that's true, then Mace Windu should have been completely cool that Chancellor Palpatine was Darth Sidious.
If the FAs are going to dictate OOC that Jedi characters react otherwise (e.g. deal with it, you can't do anything about it... but don't forget you can't train under them or there will be in-character consequences for that), then the Code should be changed. Though there's something to be said for the fact that my Jedi would face in-character consequences from training under a Darksider, yet the Darksider faces no in-character consequences for being a Darksider in a light side faction.
The Republic is not a neutral faction last I checked. Obviously that can be changed. There are certainly examples of factions that are successful in having both Jedi and Dark Jedi in the mix (Levantine and Vitae being two examples that spring to mind immediately). But they also don't, to my knowledge, put themselves out there as a light side faction, with Codes specific to combating the Dark Side.
To summarize:
- I can't train with a Darksider, without my Jedi drawing in-character consequences
- I shouldn't be able to spar with a Darksider, because that ought to constitute training, which is prohibited
- I can't react other than to "not like it" if there's a Republic faction Darksider not breaking the law (note: everything Chancellor Palpatine did was legal according to the law of the Republic at the time).
- But, in character, I have to combat the Dark Side in all its forms.
Am I the only one who sees a disconnect here?
I'm open to the idea that maybe I am just being overly critical or too closed minded, but reading the comments in the mission sign up thread and realizing my concerns for the direction the faction appears to be taking, I figure it was worth throwing this out for discussion.
And that's all this is intended to be. I'm not accusing anyone of doing anything wrong. What I'm saying is, I see an IC requirement for my character that says X... and an OOC requirement that says Y. And the two appear to be in conflict. And its not apparent to me just how that resolves itself so that I can apply that to my stories in terms of how my character reacts, what my character reacts to, and what the expectations of the Faction Team are with regard to characters and stories for the faction.
tl;dr Characters that have Darkside auras can be awesome and I'm not telling anyone what they should, could, would, or have to write about. But saying OOC that our Jedi characters have to suck it up and cannot react in-character other than to "not like it" doesn't seem to jive in-character.