Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What inspired your character’s name?

I schlepp names from female characters of history and folklore that I love.

Scherezade - a simplified version of Scheherezade, the woman in 1001 Arabian Nights.
Nessarose - from the book Wicked, about the life of the wicked witch of the west in the wizard of Oz. Nessarose was her sister.
Morgaine - Kinda annoyed I'm stuck with the name becuse originally I wanted to call her "Morgana" after the sister of King Arthur of the Round Table but the person who wrote her IC father at the time veto'd it and she's been Morgaine ever since.
Boedicea - the celtic warrior leader.
Brumhilda - A character from Nordic sagas. Her name is initially meant to be Brunhilda, but as a child I heard an "m" instead of an "n" so I adopted that into the name.
Alwine - really, the only character of mine whose name I selected from a list of Germanic names.
Shery - my RL first name. I started RP'ing on ezboard, and you only needed one account there for all the boards it hosted. I initially signed up for a non-RP X-men board and saw no issue with using my own name there. And then got lazy about creating other accounts. So in those early years of 99-2005ish, I believe over a hundred characters in various fancoms were created by me, all named "Shery" because I still didn't want to create new accounts. The Star Wars one is the only one that survived those fun years.

deWinter - after Milady Dewinter, in the Three Musketeers.

I have and have written many more characters than that, these are the ones that come off the top of my head. If you ever wonder about a name I use, feel free to ask ♥
Camo Orerig is an anagram of my name, I messed around with the letters until I got one vaguely Star Wars-y.

Ned Rhosen Ned Rhosen is another anagram but it's of Henderson (LFC captain - I know, but if you support a team all your life and they win their first league title in 30 years it means alot!)


Brumhilda - A character from Nordic sagas. Her name is initially meant to be Brunhilda, but as a child I heard an "m" instead of an "n" so I adopted that into the name.

only thing I can think of anymore when hearing that name
Damn, all these inspirations seem so exciting. Halcorr is a name that derives from Corran Horn, a favourite character of mine. Corran's father was called Hal so a I put them together. Olen is derived from Ferus Olin, another favourite of mine. Horn was a bit of an inspiration but not much since Olen isn't even force sensitive. I always loved the Rogue Squadron books and Horn is great in them.
It's literally a pun. Darlin'.

the IC reason of course is differen't. he got abandoned by mistake when he was a kid and last remembered what his mother called him, that being Darlin. so he made that his namr, mispelled vecause he was like six, and made up a last name he thought was cool. he was six.

i realize i could add some more here. lets see... Sterling Kinslayer is transplanted but his name comes from his species' naming conventions, namely rocks, minerals, and metals, as well as notable deeds. Sterling is named after the type of silver, and he killed his brother resulting in his exile.

Most of the others are just names I liked or used a lot in the past, though Aya Clarke does have the added symbolisim of clarke being a surname that way back when was linked to Clercs being literate, and being a part a religious order. being something of a saint for her ic religion puts that on the nose. Aya can also mean sword or bird and, she's a knight with a family crest of an eagle. i mean its accidental but im gonna take credit for that!
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Isley Verd (Darth Metus) - my first character on Chaos!

Isley was inspired by Isley of the North from Claymore. I was on a huuuuge Claymore kick when I joined the board in '13 and it just stuck.

Verd is the Mando'a word for Warrior. I didn't know anything about SW beyond the movies when I joined, so I picked warrior as his surname and it just stuck.

Metus is Latin for Fear(s) depending upon the translator you use. When he became a Sith and was named, his growth path was that of a Dread Master. His name is a reflection of his primary abilities.

Josiah Denko - my second character on Chaos!

Josiah was derived from the Biblical figure: a righteous King of Judah. I figured it would fit well with my first Jedi.

Denko was the result of looking around my dorm room at various objects, mashing letters from said objects into a word scrambler and trying to make sense of the result. Originally ended up as Denpo for a minute, but Denko sounded better.

Danielle Mueller

I had a good friend years and years ago back when I was in school, by the name of Danielle. Her nickname was mostly Dani but I often called her Dee. We were very good friends but life happened and as time went on we grew apart as many do.

As far as Mueller goes, it was completely random and taken shamelessly from a name generator lol. Although now it makes me think of mauler, but that's only since I decided she's going to be a fighter.
Hmmm, might as well go in chronological order.

'Bout a year ago, I did a bunch of research on Imperial Russia for a novel I was gonna write. The main character of that planned book had the last name Drutin, and I pulled the name Alyosha from The Brothers Karamazov. Val was originally going to be named Valentin, but I decided to call him Valerian instead in a half-assed attempt at keeping a sci-fi theme going. Y'know, like Valerian and the City of Thousand Planets...

Nimdok came from I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. In the game he's a Jewish scientist who sold his family out to the Nazis and even worked for the infamous Dr. Mengele at Auschwitz. His story revolves around him trying to atone for his crimes, which was similar to what I was going for with my character. That, and I liked how the name sounded kind of alien - speaking of which, if you'd like to hear Harlan Ellison yelling "NIMDOK!!!" in the silliest voice imaginable, I offer you this link. The rest of his various alternate names have various origins: "Arimanes" was some kind of ancient near-eastern chaos god, "Bosch" comes from Hieronymus Bosch, and "Casimir Heliobas" was the name of a telepathic character in an old Victorian sci-fi novel.

Inanna was the name of a Sumerian love goddess (I tried to keep with the theme of Shi'ido characters being named after either demons or ancient deities that were equated with demons) and of course Hoole was a real Shi'ido surname. Her alternate name "Maetel" comes from an old sci-fi anime called Galaxy Express 999.

Starlin I took from Jim Starlin - when I can't think of a name, I tend to look at my bookshelf and pick out the names of authors. Rand comes from Atton Rand.

Finally, Arrius Messala is a combination of two characters' names from Ben-Hur. Arrius is a Roman general who adopts the protagonist as his son after he saves his life; Messala is another Roman who was the protagonist's former childhood friend, but turns against him as an adult. My character is all about paradoxes and contrasts, so it serves as a bit of an in-joke.

Update: Ayreon is named after one of my favorite obscure bands, a sci-fi themed group that make music about aliens and time travel and all that great stuff.
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Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State
Adhira is a traditional name in Indian culture meaning "Lightning." This was my second choice for a first name and the one I ultimately chose because lightning is often used symbolically in literature and other art to signify the destruction of ignorance. Adhira prizes learning, wisdom, and knowledge.

Chandra is a Sanskrit/Hindi word meaning "Moon." This was my first choice for a surname because the moon is used symbolically to represent strength and femininity. Several powerful goddesses have been associated with the moon such as Artemis, Hecate, and Selene. The moon, imperceptively, controls the movements of the tides and helps maintain a delicate ecological balance on Earth. Much like Adhira, the moon's influence is everywhere, but easy to overlook.
Kaalia Pavanos - Kaalia's full name is Kaalia Pavanos-Voldaren. Kaalia is taken from the MtG card Kaalia of the Vast, Pavanos is the last name she took on after getting married, and Voldaren is taken from the MtG card Olivia Voldaren. I'm not very creative.

Nylea Apollodor Nylea Apollodor - Nylea comes from another MtG card, namely Nylea, God of the Hunt. Her last name Apollodor comes from Ashley Apollodor, a singer who features on a lot of EDM songs.

Jaya Tandris Jaya Tandris - Two MtG cards. Again. Jaya Ballard, and Emmara Tandris.

Asha Mataya Asha Mataya - Asha was originally Ashe, which I took from League of Legends. I thought Asha sounded better, though. Mataya is another singer, who featured on
Hermitude - The Buzz.

Sylvia Virtos Sylvia Virtos - This name is pretty much entirely original, for a change. Sylvia is a fairly rare name in the Netherlands. Her last name Virtos came to be from me thinking of random words, then twisting them. I thought of Virtue, changed the last two letters, and out came Virtos.
Maple Harte: Maple Harte was originally deliberately intended to sound like a name she had made up, as well as give the connotation that deep down, she was a sweet heart.

Her actual name, Uri Udinia, is derived from Harry Houdini's name, as Maple, like Bond, is talented at escaping...except when she isn't.

Nine Lives: Multiple meanings, symbolic of the number of near death experiences or the ones Nine perceives should have killed her. Nine Lives is actually a corruption of her human name translated into Basic--Ni-Ne Li-Ves.

On a meta level her first name, Nine, could also be pronounced Nein, the German word for "No"...indirectly making her name a reference to one of Bond's earliest villains, Dr. No. She's even got the traits of a Bond Villain--a supervillain layer (A giant Disco Volante!), extremely loyal and dangerous security, and femme fatale body guards

The Amalgam: Meant to have multiple meanings. The Amalgam is called such because of the hundreds of evil witch minds living in her. On a metal level, its to evoke the fact that she is a walking sack of shoutouts to and traits inspired by Marvel villains

her actual name, Leejun Forrwiirmeni is also a play on her primary name, the Amalgam, but is also meant to have a biblical reference, because slowed down her name is Legion For We Are Many.

Syd Celsius: The first name, Syd, is in reference to the character Sydney from Relic Hunter, an early nineties action show, which inspired some of her playby. Celsius is self evident, given her nature, but her nickname, The Ghost of Flames and the name of the creature she started out on the site as, The Flame Geist (Geist is German for Ghost) both evoke spiritual connotations as well as indirectly reference Bond again, because whats another word for ghost? A Spectre.

Laertia Io: Io is derived from a Greek mythology figure, a beautiful princess that draws the attention of Zeus, whose primary weapon is lightning. Her tendency to wear a spiked jacket is also a meta reference to the myth, as Io is transformed into a Cow in some legends to hide her from Hera's wrath, leading to the nickname "The Horned Virgin"

Io is also a moon, a sattelite of a larger body in the RL solar system, and could also double as to how Io feels having gotten less attention than Uri Udinia, despite having been the first apprentice.

Her tendancy to kill (or obsess over killing) moon-associated witches of the Dark Side would technically count her as a Moonraker.

Vera Mina: IC its a play on the descriptor Very Mean. OOC her last name is a reference to the character Mina Murray from Dracula. Her OOC title Blood Sucking Lawyer is in reference to a line in the film Jurassic Park, where the character John Hammond (who, Like Nine, is a creator of genetic monstrosities) expresses incredulity at the fact that the only one who supports what he is doing is possibly the least ethical person on the island next to the scientists and Hammond himself. Also like Hammond, Vera tends to wear white. Also, she fits the definition of a Bond Type Femme Fatale

Westenra Mina: A double Dracula reference. Westenra is the last name of Lucy Westenra, one of the people Dracula kills and ressurects as a Vampire

Darth Themis: Another Greek reference. Themis is an Oracle and Titan in Greek mythology

Moya Virtu: Her last name is supposed to evoke a sense rhat she is good, heroic. Her first is a reference to the ship on Farscape, and also evokes the word "Mother"

Maranon: That was Matsu's name fir her when she was created. Not sure what it means.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Was originally created to be the ultimate Spam Queen at The Gungan Council way back when. Still mostly use her for spamming besides her own story lines.
Even back then she soon found a purpose, a niche in the writer's favorite character Karlie, as a devoted friend. Marina was always a supporting character for Karlie.
Their timeline was soon after the fall of Palpatine and her friend Karlie was an Imperial agent. How the two became close friends was played out on another board called Circle of Healers.

Now the two character have yet to know one another in this CHAOS time line...

No reason for the names, just names of characters.
Allyson Locke - I like the name Allyson and uh thought it would be gimmicky to name her Lock like "Lock on Target" because she was supposed to be a Pilot ACE only that liked tech. Ended up being a Spy so she unlocks locks...Added an E to be a cool kid - so Allyson Locke
Charlie Nooran because of her backstory she didn't know her name and liked the name Charlie from the military alphabet - Nooran is from her adoptive mother Jyoti.
Spencer Varanin - first name came from my favorite character on a show I liked when I was younger. Varanin - welp you gotta ask Ashin about that.
Runi Verin - Technically doesn't have a name because of that edgy street kid backstory - Runi Verin is purely an adopted alias she picked up piecemeal as a kid.

Going way back, she was originally just called Ru Verin. I lengthened it to Runi for Chaos as I knew two characters followed by a space could problematic on some @systems. Runi actually means 'Soul' in Mando'a, which is kinda poetic as being pulled into the culture is seen as giving someone a soul, also fit in with her Mando exile roots. While Verin was drawn from my favorite novel series.

Dash Kessler - Dashiell from Dashiell Hammett and Kessler from a whiskey brand.

Cable - She's a HRD that believed she was a real girl. Pinocchio-esque puppet strings/cables.

Mav Halo - Mav from Maverick, Vohaloveer/Halo from... Well... Zef Halo Zef Halo

Danae Navarris - Danae I just liked the sound of. The surname was originally a pun Neverris/Never is, but I changed it up last second as I felt Navarris ultimately had a better flow.

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