Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What inspired your character’s name?

Barbie Barnabas

Pirate Queen from the Wild of Space
Got watching Barbarella two or three weeks back, and discovered that the scientist she were looking for to bring back to earth was named Durran Durran. Also there was a band by the name of Durran Durran which were taken from the movie.

So I came up with my name BB (Barbie Barbie) and the name of my droid, Duro Duro (DD). :)

Barbie Barnabas

Pirate Queen from the Wild of Space
I'm still lost.

Hehe...just keeping IC. But yes, I understand. :)
Since they're a Zeltron which are supposed to be all alluring and what not I came up with Cyran pronounced like the Sirens of Greek mythology. So yeah, that's how it's pronounced, I know some say it "Ky-Ran" which also isn't bad as a second way to pronounce it.

Vaas was just kind of taken from, well, Vaas from Far Cry 3. Felt like it went well with the first name. Also Vos is a canonical last name in Star Wars.
Revna means Raven in the Old Norse language. It also has a less common meaning of "a dark deceiver". I chose the name because I wanted something with Nordic roots, and it fits my Sith's personality
Teyla - Literally just was looking up Sci-Fi names that sounded like they could belong to a Princess-esque type.

Magena - She was originally supposed to be Magenta, a typo made her name what it is now after getting surprisingly positive feedback on it.

Briana - Briana was a predetermined name that I actually didn't choose, but inherited.

Aelin - Means 'light' and 'desired'. Part of why she survived is specifically because she wasn't 'desired', but the experiences she's had as a result are also part of the reasons why she's been able to be a 'light' to many others. Also, because of where her story has gone, she became tied to her cultures Goddess of Light, Vatyn. It wasn't really planned, but ended up also working out.
Spitfire Soul, Heart of Gold
I spend way too many hours hand picking character names for specific meanings xD

First name: Azurine- name with persian and french origins, meaning 'to blue skies'. I used it specifically because she's a dreamer at heart, someone who wants to break limits.
(Pronounced a-zur-EEN)

Last name: Varek- Is a play on a Germanic name which I messed around with to sound more Iridonian that means protector or leader. I think that speaks for itself.
(Pronounced VAHR-ek)
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I modled my character after myself and I've always loved animals. Katarina also means pure and this character was meant to be a pure lightsider. I just changed the spelling a bit to make it sound more science ficitony.
Well, I'll be honest. There's no rhyme nor reason to how came up with this name. Wish I had some cool or interesting story behind it, but it's really just random. Kept saying and spelling things until something sounded useable to me.

Ala Quin

Ala Quin - Was going to be Alia, but I found there was an Alia already on the board, and I do not like to copy. So I dropped the i, lol. I chose Alia/Ala because it was a short, sweet sounding name, which matched the intended persona perfectly. Quin comes from Quinn Mallory. If you know the name, I love you.

Brandyn Sal-Soren - Back in the before times, sitting down with Lyra Vaal Lyra Vaal 's writer, we were wanting to do a Jacen and Jaina Solo style story. So we created Brandyn and Briana. Briana was inherited by Amz Amz years later. Brandyn was inspired by Brandon Lee, and the need for a B name for a boy, as Briana was already settled. The Y was for flourish. I thought I was so original. Sal, because in EU there is a Sal-Solo. Soren because it was an S name for alliteration.

Ignasius Van-Derveld - Van-Derveld is a legacy name from Star Wars boards of the ancient internet past. I am still honoured to have a character that holds that name. Thanks Vega :) Ignasius is a play on Ignatius. I thought it sounded cool, and I liked Iggy for his nickname.

Cerys Dyn - Dyn, because she is the younger sister of the bully Eira Dyn Eira Dyn and that name was established already. Cerys, because I liked how it sounded with Dyn. Nothing more.

Abishai Jade - I leaned into the well of Biblical names as so many Star Wars characters do. Abishai sounded soft, which would be a nice juxtaposition to his nature. Jade, because of his momma...the fantastic Romi Jade Romi Jade . You are the best, you know that right?

Ariadne - I have loved the name for years, and would be top of the list for names for any future daughters of my own. It also reminded me of Amstrad, so good for a walking computer.

Hadion Fare - This was the name of my original RP character ever. Half Human/Half Vulcan that made Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor go...just a tad loopy. I have gotten a little better so then, though Chaos' version of the character has digressed drastically. What a loser he is.

I don't have time for more.

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