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What is found in the smeltwaters [GR Dominion for Taboon]

Objective A
Post 12/20

Having stumbled across yet another droideka Weiss and his men had been dealyed again. This time however they knew how to handle them.

Walking over the rubble he was going over the schematics of the facility in order to get a better approach.
At that time his com scrambled to life and turning around he could see [member="DS-772"] and his Arc unit moving in.

"Copy that ARC. We are just outside the main doors to the cryo main facility. You did not bring any explossions by any chance?"
Weiss knew that they had to speed up if they were yo save the clones frozen inside. And even though many of the droids were outdated they were numerous.
But if they could create a short cut... then maybe...
Objective A
Post 1/20

CT-504 is currently is in a Dropship with His Squad. There are three other Squad that is part of Scion Squad . The mission objective is simple , get down , get into the Cryo Facility , rendezvous with Commander [member="DS-772"], and assist Captain [member="Weiss"] at freeing the frozen clones .

When their Dropship lands , the rest of Scion Squad ran into the Facility . They are using the run n gun tactics . With a combine forces of Blasters , Shotgun , and Sniper rifle . They made it inside The Facility with just minimal casualty . On the way inside CT-504 pick up a grenade launcher from a dead Demo Trooper . " He won't needed it anyway " CT-504 reasoned to himself .

On the inside of the Facility , the droid were already destroyed by the main bulk of Scion Squad . Soon , they finally catch up to Commander @DS722 and the main bulk of Scion Squad . So , He immediately saluted Him " Sir ! this is CT-504 and the rest of Scion Squad reporting in ! "
Objective A
Post 2/20
Allies: @CT-504 @Weiss

"Roger that Commander. We have heavy demolitions equipement and certified personal to use them" DS-772 Replied over the coms as the clones viciously pushed forward to relocate with their brothers in arms. Several dozen clankers later saw the squads rendevousing . 772 Walked up to Weiss and saluted him "Scion squad is Here. Just give us a second to get started" He said, using elaborate hand signalls to order his men to play the det charges on the heavy blast door, then withdraw a save distance to blow them "You may want to cover your ears sir"

Krenis Skirata

Krenis sprinted down the corridor, feet pounding against the floor as he made his way to the mainframe. The fighting had shifted to other areas of the facility, leaving his way mostly open. From the sound of it, other rediscovered and revived clones were getting involved. Even some of the old ARCs. Not his generation by the sound of it, however. Later recruits. Good, but in his completely and totally unbiased opinion, not as good as him or the other Alpha class ARCs. Still his brothers however, and he was glad they had arrived. They needed Fett clones and the proper Grand Army of the Republic, although less focus on absolute obedience would be a must. As much as he disliked the Jedi, he had no desire to see them massacred again. Certainly not by the soldiers they fought alongside. It still sent a surge of fury through him.

He came to a halt outside the mainframe door and studied the panel. It was old, that was certain. He flipped a switch and lights flickered on. He smacked it with his gauntlet and the door grumbled open. Droids turned to look at him and he laughed, the sound coming out strangely through his helmet. It was show time. He dove forward, tossing a handful of droid poppers into the room, where they detonated with crackling sparks of EMP energy, sending the droids crashing to the floor. Those that still stood were met with a hail of bolts from his rifle while others wheeled about firing.

He slid into cover behind a console as blaster bolts slammed into it, frying its metal and circuitry. At this rate, he could let them destroy it for him.
Objective A
Post 13/20

Weiss felt relief as the reinforcement was arriving. It meant that the republic was serious about taking the facility and turning this gigantic freezer around.

"That is good news Captain." he replied to [member="DS-772"]

"Let us see if your folk can make a whole in this door then." he grinned and took a step back.

[member="CT-504"] [member="DS-772"]
Objective A
Post 3/20
Scion Squad
Location: Classified

DS-772 Formed his hand into a fist and slowly lowered it. The demolitionists got his command, and with a quite underwhelming explosion the efficient clones blasted the door open. 772 Fanned his hands out and waved it forward, And a Half dozen of the squad broke into the secured room, blasting clankers left in right, while the rest formed up and entered behind them, gunning down the last dregs of resistance in the next area.

Objective A
Post 2/20

After the main Cryo door burst open , the Republic Forces immediately shot by barrage of Blasters from the old droids . CT-504 took cover behind a crate . He fire His recently pick up grenade launcher . He shoot the grenades verry carefully , trying not to hit the Cryo Colnes .

After some part of the main Cryo room has been cleared , He took the opportunity to unfreeze some of the clones to help them . So CT-504 turned on His Helmet intercom " Captain this is CT-504 permission to unfreeze the clones ? "

[member="DS-772"] [member="Weiss"]
Objective A
Post 4/20
Scion Squad
Location: Classified
[member="Weiss"] [member="CT-504"]

DS-772 looked over at Weiss silently. They were technically equal in rank, and so he felt fine about giving the go ahead "CT-504. This is Captain DS-772 Permission Granted. Bring our brothers back" He said with the faintest smiles as he motioned his men into a defensive formation, he wouldn't put it pasts the damnable droids to have one last suprise waiting for the heroic soldiers. It all seemed well, as the clones slowly unthawed. Then he heard it coming, heavy rumbling and yet ordered steps, and then the first ones rounded the corner. "B3 Ultra Battle Droids!" DS-772 shouted a warning as the first salvo of missiles launched toward them


Location: Taboon | Atmosphere
Objective: D - Personal Business
Allies: The Galactic Republic
Enemies: Enemies of the Galactic Republic
Post: [ 01/20 ]

Lilin was once again on a planet the Galactic Republic was trying to get under their control. She had to be honest, she was no longer the avid supporter of the faction she used to be. No longer did she find good in the actions of the Republic. She saw more flaws than good things and she didn't like that. The Galactic Alliance was her home, something which she liked a lot more.

Yet... she couldn't let the galaxy's central democratic faction lose any help from her.

Even though it was most likely her last time as a helping hand to the Republic, she was pretty fine and didn't quite think about the mission as anything special. After all, she would get to experience such things a lot during her time in the other faction.

Her ship had not made it to the planet yet. After all, it was a gas giant.

But she had a job to do there. A member of her boss' council had been caught in hostage and was now somewhere near Taboon. This place was the best to start the search from.

They set up in a corner of the vast citadel while swaggering beings from all over the galaxy chugged flameouts while feasting on meat and pastries. A Whipid, his fur matted with sweat and chunks of food, handed two mugs of grog to a Kamarian, who rested one on his tusk and downed the other.

"Fun crowd," Corvus muttered.

"Just what I was thinking," Said one of the musicians. He settled onto a stool, resting the vioflute uneasily against his shoulder.

It had been surprisingly easy to crash the party - but that didn't mean the rest would be easy.

Corvus would have to pretend to play the instrument. But the band needed backup singers, however.

"Just a few 'whee-whoas' on the choruses," the vioflute player said as he swiveled around to tell her. "No solos or anything. You can follow along, can't you?"

"Of course," Corvus assured him.

Suddenly the band ripped into a lively song, and Corvus' foot began to tap. She was surprised to find that they were good musicians.

The vioflute player winked at her. "Smuggling is my life, but music is a close second."
Objective A
post 14/20

The troopers around both [member="DS-772"] and [member="CT-504"] were efficient and soon the gate to the cryo chambers laid open. Weiss and his men gave off a victory cry as they started to approach.

Then the cry of warning happened. Missiles flew in from the newly arrived Ultra battle droids.

"Take cov..." was all Weiss managed before an explosion threw him into the far off wall. The world spun as blaster fire errupted anew around him.

Then all went black...
Objective A
Post 3/20

" Yes Sir " with that order CT-504 and His Squad make a sprint to the Cryo Control .
The way over there has been clogged up by old droids . So , with efficiency and a little dash of luckiness , They made it inside the Cryo Control . The control chamber is a rounded shaped room with terminals and all sort of technology in it . It also conveniently guarded by three Droideka .

"Take Cover ! " He shouted to His Squad . Blaster just flying through His head . He sees one of the clones drop dead and the other one lose His head . " Chit , gotta make this quick " He thought while checking for the grenades in His launcher , it only got two grenades . " On the count of three we concentrate fire OK " He shouted at His Squad . " 3...2...1 , FIRE ! " . Two Droideka became Scraps after that .

" This is CT-504 the unfreeze clones will need cover " He contact to His Brother that's currently fighting .
CT-504 then presses the button to unfreeze the clones . It was easy He admitted . " Unthawing in 3...2...1 . Thank you for your time " the Computer speak

Objective A
Post 5/20
Scion Squad
Location: Classified
[member="Weiss"] [member="CT-504"]

The operation became a lot less simpler than that afterwards. Missile rounds, rockets, blaster bolts, things were rough. DS-772 Saw ARCs, Clones and assembled soldiers falling around him. "Reform and keep firing! " He shouted as he dived toward what spare cover there was. It was a slaughter. The droids had caught them from the worst angle, the voulnerable clones behind them, and the exit infront of them. "ARCs Initiate Order 225, Lets buy our brothers some time" He shouted as he stepped out from cover, he and his men began moving town the corridor, supressive fire arching out from their guns to try and pin the droids down as best they could, buying the other soldiers enough time to retreat. It was going to be rough, and the chances for survival were slim. He Saw ARC -158 his closest brother collapse with several blaster bolts arching into his already fallign body. He watched ARCs 122 and 205 be turned into a fine rest mist as a missile detonated at their feet. "FOR THE REPUBLIC!"


Location: Taboon | Atmosphere
Objective: D - Personal Business
Allies: The Galactic Republic
Enemies: Enemies of the Galactic Republic
Post: [ 02/20 ]

The girl had been in a conversation about her mission for a while now, with the same man whom she'd been talking to a lot lately. Not because they were in a romantic relationship or that they were friends or anything, but because they were co-workers and they were a dynamic duo. Lilin did all the hard physical work while the man focused on intelligence. Seems like a pretty good work division, right?

"Uh, they are intending to get a huge amount of money from us," the man said. "But we can't give them that."

"Of course not. After the thing that happened on Elrood, I am going to assume I will never get any money for anything, not even talking about getting paid. After all, it cost him millions of credits."

"... and we can't let that happen again, yeah."

She sighed.

"But how do we do that if money is not a possibility?"

The man had to laugh once again, "Use your Force."
Objective: D

[ 5 / 20 ]

[Development Post 1]

“This seems...a bit extreme,” said Travot.

“It's only a short hop.”

Adrian grasped the outside of the shuttle's stabilizer as it soared around the battlefield. Technically he wasn't gripping the ship's wing, it was the powered arm on his suit, so he didn't fear that he'd lose grip. It was a bit more concerning for him to see starfighters fly by with guns blazing as the Republic fighters beat back the new Hutt reinforcements. As durable as the armor was, he doubted that it was enough to absorb even a stray laser bolt. Yet the Republic troops that had commandeered the civilian shuttle for this mission seemed oddly silent on the matter. Adrian closed his eyes and stretched out through the Force in attempt to gauge their feelings. They're nervous just like me.

The Lambda-class shuttle neared the disabled hutt warship. As they did, the troopers around him released their hold on the shuttle, gliding forward on inertia towards the Hutt warship. Travot followed suit, wondering what exactly he had gotten himself into. As they neared the warship, they began to activate the suit's built-in rocket packs to quickly descend to their target on the hull. Travot attempted to follow them, and quickly found that his rudimentary training on the suits didn't prepare him as much as he would have liked for the landing. The suit automatically kicked in its energy field disruptor, allowing him to land on the vessel's hull with his magnetized boots.

Already, the Jedi could see that several members of the group had slung their small arms on their back, using their wrist-mounted cutting lasers to begin to cut through the airlock's door.
Objective: D

[ 6 / 20 ]

[Development Post 2]

Travot unclipped his lightsaber from his belt and grasped it clumsily with his armored glove. He flipped its activation stud and briefly watched its blue plasma blade spring to life. The man prepared to drive the blade into the airlock, but as he did so, the troopers stepped back, and the door shot out into space, propelled by the explosive decompression. Travot blushed, watching the HUD's screen briefly highlight the hazard until it flew out of range. He turned his gaze to their newly made entrance. I can't really use my saber like least not well...He shuffled it back onto his belt and drew a heavy blaster pistol. It was a far cry from most of the crew-served weapons that most of the troopers were wielding, but the jedi had never really any use for heavier weapons before this. He narrowed his eyes as the weapon linked up with his suit's HUD. I'd rather trust the Force, but I can see how the average guy could like this...

The troopers began to shuffle into the corridor, with Travot taking the second from the front spot. The front man was an experienced corporal wielding a medium repeating blaster with the ease of a blaster carbine. Travot guessed that the fire from that weapon could easily cut down most people, and quickly calculated that he was second in order to his ability to sense danger. If he had been in front, the sergeant wouldn't have been able to easily wield his weapon. He glanced through the ceraglass faceplate to see that the troopers were spread a bit more than what Travot normally observed. Probably giving themselve more room to manipulate their weapons...

The Hutt entered the room and heaved her enormous bulk onto a repulsorlift platform obviously crafted for her, large and low and festooned with shimmersilk pillows. Her lieutenants surrounded her, jockeying for position as she settled herself in. There were three, one of them a Kamarian who sat at her right, obviously her most trusted assistant. His two tails waved as he leaned over to speak directly in her ear.

"I wish I could hear what he's saying," Corvus murmured, pretending to pluck the strings on her vioflute.

"Sing," the vioflute player hissed as he swung into the chorus.

Corvus began to hum the backup. Unfortunately, she could not manage to find the melody. The vioflute player shot her a horrified look.

"Uh, not so loud," he hissed. "Maybe you shouldn't sing, after all."

Clearly Corvus wasn't good at everything.

Corvus looked in the corner behind the Hutt. She spied a bank of data pads and wondered if she could get close enough to take a look at what's on them.

She also noticed how she's listening to the Kamarian, while the Ranat tries to get closer.


Location: Taboon | Atmosphere, En Route to Vo Dasha
Objective: D - Personal Business
Allies: The Galactic Republic
Enemies: Enemies of the Galactic Republic
Post: [ 03/20 ]

"You're literally the worst," Lilin said as she made it closer to the planet. Maybe the person was held in hostage on the planet's moon? Because there seemed to be no what for them to be on the gas giant.

So instead, she turned around and headed to the moon, also known as Vo Dasha.

"I did some thinking and talking with the boss. You can use money."

"What?" the girl was surprised.

"Well, the point is, he has to get back here as safely as possible. An attack would have been both dangerous and unethical for you."

"Oh wow, you've started thinking about me."
Objective: D

[ 7 / 20 ]

[Development Post 3]

The first corridor was bereft of occupants, and Travot briefly wondered if this was what it was like to board a ghost ship between the silence, dim lighting, and lack of crew. He reached through the Force to feel the presence of others around them. He quickly felt the presence of the troopers that he was working with, but he soon felt more foreign presences behind various bulkheads, above the ceiling, and below the scarred metal deck. They are all around us...but nowhere to be seen...then again, they might have abandoned this portion of the corridor thinking that there was an uncontrolled atmospheric leak.

The sergeant abruptly stopped as they reached a single door on their left side. Troopers began to stack up behind the sergeant, preparing for a breach. Travot walked over to the other side of the doorway and drew his saber. He flicked the switch on, and clumsily cut through the cheap metal door in a wide rectangle. He gave the door a solid shove, and watched the door fly forward with far force than he thought he was originally capable of, even with the Force. The sense of wonder quickly turned to embarrassement. It's the suit, not you, dummy...But before he could even finish that thought, Sergeant Gylen was through the door, sweeping his weapon to the right, with Corporal Moben coming after him and peeling to the left. He heard a staccato burst of blaster fire from his left as he entered the room. The jedi watched as nikto warrior fell forward onto the metal deck, clutching his chest. Gylen kicked a vibroaxe away from the nikto while one of the troopers behind him drew his blaster pistol. The private roughly pointed the weapon at the downed alien, and fired. A blue stun beam knocked the alien unconscious. A merciful action. Travot turned to eye the rest of the room, noting a huge amount of pipes, coiling, and machinery that he wasn't terribly familiar with.

"Moben," said Gylen's voice through the comlink, "take Hannser with you and make sure the rest of the engine room is secure. We're going to move on....and the area is secure, patch up the prisoner."

"Roger sarge."
Objective: D

[ 8 / 20 ]

[Development Post 4]

Sergeant Gylen led the way deeper into the hutt warship. Closing his eyes and concentrating on the Force, Travot could tell that if the ship's crew hadn't been alerted to their presence before now, they knew for certain that the Republic troops were present now. He could feel their emotions swirling around them as they walked deeper into the ship. Some felt anger, others fear...and even subdued joy. There are probably slaves on this ship. That realization of that lifestyle hit him like a whirlwind. Today wouldn't only be a day of destruction, but one of liberation as well. Gylen abruptly halted, and Travot almost walked into the man.

He glanced at the armored figure in front of him. Is he going to say anything? Travot toggled through the]NiteSite[/url]'s display options, and briefly caught something odd on his scope. He held it on the infrared, noting the heat source directly behind the door in front of him. As he stared at it longer, he could tell that it was a live humanoid of some sort. Why is he pressed against the door so tightly? Trying to reinforce it if we batter it down?

"Do you see him Jedi?"

"The man behind the door?"

"Well, what else can you tell me about him?"

Travot closed his mind and reached through the Force to familiarize himself with the person on the other side of the door. He doesn't feel bad...villaneous...not a darksider or force-user at all. He submerged his consciousness to flicker at the edge of the man's mind and almost instantly recoiled back from the debauchery. Travot shook his head.

"He's either drunk or high on something."


"His mind is all garbled up."

A fresh voice joined the conversation.

"I've heard of smugglers taking all of the spice they had onboard if their ship was being boarded before..."

"Well, he knows that he won't be able to use it soon...I guess we'll have to welcome him to a life free of whatever he's taking..."

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