Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When the Cats Are Away...

Shaw McKeller

The Demon of Concordia
He could feel it in the air. He could feel it in the earth and the water around. His very bones hummed with the sensation and his soul stirred and moved from the calling. A calling to arms. A calling to war. Of violence.

Of shattered shields and splintered armor. Of broken bones and split skulls. Of blood and death and a world's burning.

But it was not today. Not here. Not Mandalore. It was a day far away from now, but at times like this Shaw could feel it all too keenly.

He saw the contrails above as starfighters engaged the enemy and felt he could almost see the pinpricks of lights as ships fought and died and arrived over the skies of his home planet.

He reached down and patted Gibu, his bev'uliik companion, on his hairy flank. They wore no armor, bore no burdens but each other. Two old warriors, both veterans of sundered skies and spilt blood. Gibu turned back to home and stables, his mind made up. Shaw simply rode along for the moment, content to see where his old friend would go today.

Behind him, as armies marshalled and ships arrived to spill death and blood across Mandalore, a simple barrier appeared to stop all those not already in atmosphere from doing further harm to his homeworld.

The Planetary Shields came online and with the sound of a thousand thunderstorms, blocked the soil from Mandalore from the stain of the One Sith.

[member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Valens"] [member="Abraxas"] [member="Drapeam Nyx"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Darth Valdra"] [member="Kadala Skirata"] [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Orick T'ane"] [member="Emilia Marean"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Titan"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Vrag"]
Location: Keldabe, street level
Objective: Give 'em hell
Allies: Sons and daughters of Mandalore
Enemies: Sith aruetiise
Although wearing any armor, especially that comprised of beskar, was an intrinsic part of any Mandalorian's life, it was a feeling Rhen had never quite completely adjusted to. Of course, while fitted to her height and weight, this was no custom-made suit. But it would serve its purpose well enough, and after the message that crackled through the helmet comms, any minute discomfort was forgotten. The Mand'alor had rallied, and so the Mandalorians would answer without hesitation. They weren't a people to be underestimated, regardless of what the Sith might think. They had stood for this long, and they would continue to do so. Or so her pride in her culture told her to believe.

The Sith. An enemy not faced before, and one she had only heard tales of in the past. If all that had been passed on was true, they were an enemy to hold at an arm's length. Force sensitive, an obvious point, that would be the element to watch out for. It gave them an edge she didn't have, the ability to predict any attacks before they struck, allowing ample time to dodge or counter. Aruetiise. They were one to be wary of, but she wasn't necessarily afraid. Fear made one irrational, disorganized, unable to fight. No, she wasn't afraid. Wary, yes, but not afraid. One way or another, the Mandalorians would succeed. They always did, somehow.

With rifle slung across her back, blaster pistol holstered at her side and vibroblade in its sheathe strapped to her left ankle, she was as ready as she ever would be. Her helmeted gaze looked to the sky for a long moment, pondering what enemies were currently approaching in the dropships sure to come. Shaking her head she turned her attention forward and began to walk down the streets of Keldabe, quietly awaiting whatever future this war would bring her. This was the only the beginning, that much was certain, but the beginning of what she couldn't say. Driving these thoughts from her mind, she centered her focus on the task ahead. Jatanese be te jatanese.
LOCATION: Keldabe, Rooftop
OBJECTIVE: Prepare for war
ALLIES: The Mando'ade
ENEMIES: Children of the Dark Lord

She wasn't a true Mandalorian. Not at the time, not really ever. Just a century-old-kid turned monster. A woman who carried the force of hell with her, taking it everywhere she went, for she could never leave it behind. It always came with her. Hiding in her shadow. Seeping out from every footprint. Locked in her gaze, never to escape. Kraigmiir Hijiin was a giant. And in every ounce of her body burned an anger so deep. The anger of her people, the wrath of the blizzards on Hoth, the ire of those who had locked her up, and the rage of her own heartbeat. Maybe that was all she had left these days. A strong, desperate desire to crush everything, to drag it down until it was as filthy, as broken, as she was. One day she'd have to die. It would be a good day for her, for the galaxy. But the behemoth had no plans to meet her end today. No, though she was no true Mando, she was a true warrior. As the sky warped above she slowly stood up, reaching for her beskad. Cold durasteel covered her face. None could see the look of hatred etched onto her features. They attack us. They will perish. I will turn their bones into dust. The woman turned away. Slowly she made her way to the rooftop's entrance, pushing the door open, and moving down the stone staircase. War was coming.
She was ready.
[member="Emilia Marean"]

Nolan got word from the Military Bandwith that his favorite enemy has graced Mandalore with their corpses. In the moments after the initial attack, Nolan was already enroute to join a good friend in the hopes of battling together. She had since changed her identity yet he'd know her presence anywhere.

Flying through the sky, Nolan landed on a rooftop and stretched out with the Force trying to find his friend. He looked around trying to find her, rifle in hand, he stood resolute Wreckingball in the wings, waiting to come in like he does.


The Second Seal, broken.​
The mice clearly shan't play.

The ever vigilant eye of the protectors of Mandalore spied their vessel with the alertness of a Mando who had nothing else to worry about but watching the azure skies for traitorous contrails. With a full squadron of fighters heading towards them — ships that were clearly superior in steering and weaponry — the impudent assailants were left with little choice but to adopt evasive maneuvers in order to avoid the hail of fire that erupted from the incoming hostiles.

They had the advantage of numbers, certainly, but they were still shooting at heat and clouds — not exactly high accuracy as far as targeting goes — and with the transport being as small as it was, it was no wonder that most projectiles harmlessly sprayed past the shuttle whose pilot had decided that a quick descent was perhaps the best option given the rapidly changing circumstances.

It couldn't be avoided in its entirety, of course, but at this point the vessel was almost in Keldabe's airspace, and the Sith were counting on the ever prevalent honor and stoic nature of the warrior clan in their simple, yet effective duck into the city proper.

They would arrive with a few solid, smoldering streaks across the hull of the ship and probably things that would turn out more difficult to repair than strictly necessary; yet it was none of this that was currently bothering Vrag. They had waded into enemy territory; a hostile response was a given. No, the source of her irritation, presently, was one [member="Sage Bane"], possessor of good looks, sharp-wit and a tongue that was bound to get him in trouble one of these days.

"Shut up, Pinky," she grumbled as they came speeding between the buildings and towards one of the main roads that cut through the city. An emergency landing? Certainly, but not without amortization.

The wet sound of flesh, grinding bone and ligaments tearing like wet string couldn't be heard inside the shuttle, but you could be damn sure that those outside were aware of the swath of blood and meat cut directly through the crowds, painiting the streets of Keldabe with a fresh coat of red.

Nothing quite beats a stylish arrival.

Her grin was fixed in place, invisible to all but those who knew her well enough to know it would be there in moments like these, a smile whose quality resembled that of a knife rather than an expression found on a humanoid face. As removed from the concept of humanity as she seemed in that moment, Gabriel would know that she would relish every moment beyond that door, fully exalting in the give and take of battle.

No words needed to be said beyond those that left the lips of the Wrath, and then the two creatures of destruction would stand side by side as the shuttle finally skidded to a halt with a sloppy crunch as the trail of bodies in front of it hit some sort of obstacle on the street. The Yigdris would reel and coil upon her body, caressing the Chom-Huun and the carbine on her back while the horns of her helmet twitched with anticipation. The smell of blood, while obscured to Vrag herself by the rebreather behind the skull mask, was seeping in through the narrowest of crevices, like the sweetest of aphrodisiacs for the Vong.

The whispers of ghost, a fighter she'd once felled, were lost amid the clamor of their touchdown, amid the drums of war roaring in the distance, amid the thrum of her heart in her ears.

She would fell many more today here, of that there was no doubt, and she would see life extinguished left and right. The cold breath of death on her neck, that familiar breeze pulling from distances untold whose winds carried the gentlest of voices, of promises, of peace.

Far away. Too far away.

The forces of the Sith poured out, then, soldiers, machines, monsters and even the ocasional human, all here to assert themselves in the chaos of the galaxy.

[member="Reverance"] | [member="Hal Terrano"] | [member="Abraxas"] | [member="Darth Valdra"] | [member="Darth Venefica"] | [member="Rose Kuhn"] | [member="Azrael"] | [member="Arrbi Betna"] | [member="Orick T'ane"] | [member="Drapeam Nyx"] | [member="Valens"]
Gear in bio


. . . Out of the frying pan and into the fire
The dust swirled around the shuttle, and as the Sith poured out into the streets of Keldabe, a Sith Acolyte emerged from the smoke and flame. He knew these streets well, but the pleasant smells were gone. They were now replaced with a thick odor from the wasteland of bodies the shuttle had made.

This was more than just an ordinary battle for him, this was a show of loyalty. Sabik had been born and raised Mandalorian, and more-so he was from Mandalore itself. He was raised in these streets, and he knew them like the back of his hand. He had spent much of his childhood causing chaos in Keldabe.

No matter if the Mandalorians called for help, it would come too late. It did not take a navigational officer to know it took many hours to traverse space. Sure, an odd few allies may be within an hours distance flight, but most systems were beyond ten hours, some were days away, and others weeks. The galaxy was a big place after-all, and their silent scream into the void would be heard all too late.
LOCATION: Crashed In Keldabe
OBJECTIVE: Watch. Observe. Intervene.
ALLIES: Sith {[member="Vrag"], [member="Rose Kuhn"], [member="Reverance"]}
ENEMIES: Those in the way.

We are not friends, but I can't call you an enemy
Her voice was drowned out. Cut away from the world by the sounds of scraping metal, iron giving into the pressure, and the softest murmurs from outside. This was not odd. 'Twas not new. There are not many who pay attention to ghosts for long. It is often safely assumed that the dead only speak of the past. Of times lost, of memories no longer there. Nyx did not spill breath over the trivial old days. Not now. Nor did she waste moments trying to get the attention of the Hand. Doing so would prove pointless. Blood was in the air... the sharks had come to play. Around her demons of all sorts were filled with anticipation. Each one lusted for battle. They rushed out as soon as the doors opened, spilling out onto crimson-stained streets, and she did not stop them. War was all they knew. Her talents were of another kind. Wordlessly the ghost drifted out, upwards, surveying the disastrous scene before her. Already the Mandalorians retaliated. Already the Sith marched on. How many would die? Many. But on both sides, of each kinds.

"I wonder... who will be the first to fall?"

Rose Kuhn

LOCATION: Crashed In Keldabe
OBJECTIVE: Make Momma Proud
ALLIES: Sith [member="Vrag"] | [member="Drapeam Nyx"]ie | [member="Reverance"] | [member="Sage Bane"] |The Rest of Ya
ENEMIES: Those in the way.

Rose stood tall.

After the emergency landing, after the crushing sound of gears, wires, and metal bulkhead crumpling it seemed that Rose would have nearly fallen to the ground. Unlike her Master, unlike the Lord Wrath, Rose wore no full armor. It probably would have been smarter, but the Asheran Armorweave protected her well enough and the small rebreather covering the lower half of her face kept any toxic fumes away.

She frowned slightly, her head shaking as she tried to push away some of the fuzziness. Finally, her Master moved forward. Quick steps and Vrag moved out of the ship, trailing down the ramp and followed by half a dozen other Sith.

Rose took a deep breath, her hand unlooping away from the cloth, her fingers unraveling from the cloth loop that she had used to hold herself into place. Careful trained steps took her down the walkway, her face twisting up into a smile, her hands falling onto her side, her fingers wrapping around the lightsabers that were held in place there.

Both of the hilts came loose, and with another step forward she moved into the streets.
Location: Keldabe, Street Level
Objective: Identify Sith Leadership and High Value Targets
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: One Sith
...nothing described the scene except that it was like something out of a dream to him. That Keldabe might be transformed into a warzone this day was something the Rally Master could not have imagined however it appeared that this was exactly what the cards had shown as they were laid bare across the table. On the streets of Keldabe Naimes would watch as the starfighters pursued a larger vessel, obscured, that was not altogether clear to him at first. As the Sith Vessel descended into the city proper the Rally Master would have watched, taken his helm in both hands and affixed it into place on his Beskar'gam completing the armor before striding forth. The Kath Hound Shotgun was slid off his right shoulder, taken in both hands and held across his midsection with the butt hovering close to his right hip. Longtooth remained sheathed over his back, the hilt extending up over his right shoulder where it remained ready to be taken by its masters hand...

...Naimes ahn-Dross was ready and then he was, quite literally, horrified as the starship came down in the streets of Keldabe crushing a bloody path through the bodies of citizenry and warrior alike as the Sith made their crashing landing. It happened on the main street, Naimes had ducked into a side street where warriors prepared themselves for combat, the sound of concrete being torn apart, bones cracking and the wetness of blood as it painted the vessel as well as the remnants of the street alike filled his ears, invaded his senses. The Rally Masters face was grim beneath the helm he wore...
"The Sith must pay for this offense."...he uttered beneath his breath then he waited, in the side street, the seconds seeming to drag on for what was an eternity in his mind as he brooded silently his hands tensing around the stock of the shotgun he held...

...metal grating across concrete, the sound of bodies being crushed, was replaced by the sound of doors opening, landing platforms falling with a -thud- and the battle-cry of Sith Warriors as they filtered out onto the streets of Keldabe. In turn the Mandalorians would rally as well, Warriors would regroup on the streets, pour from the side streets and come from deeper in the city proper to do battle and repel the One Sith forces. As for Naimes himself he joined the rallying call that was the battle-cry of Mandalore and poured from the side streets with his brethren to do battle with the dark side warriors, the would be sackers of the city of Keldabe. Unlike many who were eager to rush into battle Naimes left the side street at a steady stride which was both measured as well as methodical in its movements. Gazing ahead behind the visor of his helm he switched on the advanced optics afforded to him and sought out the leads of this invasion from a distance, the rangefinder doing most of the work for him as he stood another face in a crowd of countless warriors...

Kadala Kotyc

Daughter of Mandalore
LOCATION: Keldabe, Street Level
OBJECTIVE: Find someone to smite, then smite them
ALLIES: Warriors of Mandalore
ENEMIES: Sith {[member="Rose Kuhn"], [member="Reverance"], [member="Sage Bane"], [member="Sabik Dhami"]}
x1: Standard yellow lightsaber.
x3: Forcebreaker Gas Grenade
x1: Hyperion Beskar'gam
x2: Mandalorian Ripper MK-II
x1: Standard Beskad

Screeching from outside the bar could be heard. Screaming came with it, along with the promise of spilled blood. A whirring shape followed, rushing past the window, barreling down the street. Rubble was sent flying in various directions. Chunks of permacrete were flung through the glass, shattering it instantly. The metallic scent of an all-to-familiar liquid started to fill the air. Violence. Sweet, sweet violence. Already Sith were pouring out onto the street like rats leaving the sewer. It would make most people's skin crawl. But this wasn't just any old planet. This was the capitol of the Mandalorians. Guns were out and pointed at the invaders within seconds. Not even a moment passed before the triggers were pulled. Out of the bar came leaping a group of hardened soldiers. At the front? Kadala Skirata, daughter of the former Mand'alor, Keldabe's resident madwoman. And she was not pleased to see her city overrun. Angry as ever she pulled out her blasters, aimed at the nearest Vong, and let loose a string of bolts. These... these things were getting on her nerves. Same could be said for her companions, with their weapons raised, as they fired off dozens, if not hundreds, of shots. Around them were the city's civilians. Some were unarmored. Only a few were unarmed. They wouldn't stay like that for long. Those who could were already moving to get their guns while others passed out what extras they had. During the whole time those who were fully prepped were watching their backs, keeping Vong and Sith alike at bay, ignoring the fires burning besides them.

"Who's next?" Yelled Kad as she put a blaster away, replacing it with a lightsaber.
She scanned the Sith crowd, looking for an opponent.
Darth Valdra did not enjoy the sound of the metal scraping on the street. It was moments like these that he wondered why he did not pay the extra for First Class. He could not help a smile when he heard [member="Sage Bane"] make his remark to @Vrag. He watched as everyone filled out like immigrants trying to get into the promise land. He sighed and dropped his feet to stand to his feet. After an overly done stretching, he placed a hand on [member="Valens"] shoulder, "Stay close, I don't need you dying on my watch."

He exited the ship to the bright world and placed a hand over his eyes to block out the suns. He could se ships in the air fighting and thought they looked like fireworks for their glorious enterence. A lone Mando came running at Valdra with what appeared like a vibrosword, but was quickly met with Valdra's hand covering the Mando's face and holding him back. With aid from the Force he crushed the mask and killed the Mando. He began walking forward through the bloody streets looking for someone to fight.

His senses were becoming intune with the area around them when he felt a ping, like a knife to the face. Anger began to swell within him. This anger threatened to consume him, to drown him in it and then destroy him. He felt something he was too familuar with, her, she was dead, it was not her. There was no way it could be her, Vulpesen had told him she was dead, he had joined the Sith to avenge her. No, it could not be her, if it was she would be dead for once again lying to him and making him feel the pain of losing a sister, he would permanently put her in the grave. Though, in all reality, could he do it if it was her? Could he kill his own flesh?

Darth Venefica Abraxas Drapeam Nyx Reverance Kadala Skirata Orick T'ane Emilia Marean Azrael Titan Solan Charr
LOCATION: Keldabe, third floor
OBJECTIVE: Shoot the Sith.
ALLIES: The Mando'ade {None nearby}
ENEMIES: Sith {Targeting [member="Rose Kuhn"]}
x1: Lanvarok, gauntlet version, left hand
x3: Forcebreaker Gas Grenades
x2: Mandalorian Ripper MK-II
x1: Standard beskad {Strapped to back}
x1: Silver light-club {On belt}
x1: Hyperion Combat Armor

The sound of war made her pause. Had they arrived already?... It seemed the Sith had come sooner than she had anticipated. With a scowl she flung open a door to the third floor, ducking into one of the rooms. A window on the far side gave her a good view of the crashed ship. Already Vong poured into the street, Sith right behind them. Lightsabers flashed alongside blasterfire. It wasn't a pleasant sight. Krag broke the glass with ease before getting her guns out. From her position up high she could see almost everything that was going on- including the appearance of what looked like a ghost. What an odd thing. She also witness a group of heavily armored Mandos exit a rundown bar across the street from her. What caught her attention most were the people who seemed to lead the assault. Most were large (though short compared to her nearly nine feet), all but one she saw had full suits of armor. Who was the child who seemed unprotected? An enemy. That's all that matters right now, the Null thought, glaring through her helm's visor at the younger Sith. One hand aimed a blaster while the other put one away. The latter reached out with the force, latching onto some of the rubble on the ground, and sent it flying at the girl and those near her. Meanwhile she pulled the trigger a few times. Maybe she'd land a hit, maybe she'd miss. Either way her presence was announced. Either way the battle was joined.
{ Target: [member="Kadala Skirata"] }

"Who's next?"
The challenge came from a woman, holstering her blaster and in its place she held a lightsaber. His eyes studied her as he approached from out of the dust clouds from the crashed shuttle. He spotted the grenades on her person, unbeknownst to him they were force breakers. He reached out with the Force, and he clenched his hand, attempting to cave in the outer shell of the gas grenades.

With the gas contained inside the canister, it should allow him to crush it. The electrum-detailed hilt of his lightsaber spun through the fingers of his left hand. He was mentally preparing himself for a fight, deciding how to act. He stood back, and waited for her to come to him. What Mandalorians came in his direction would be taken down by Vong or Sith, they were not numerous but they were strong. Strong enough to fend off the Mandalorians - for now.
OBJECTIVE: Kill everything
ALLIES: The Mando'ade
ENEMIES: Everything not wearing a T-shaped Visor

Naast'ika's sleek frame glided through the air as he approached Keldabe City. Distress calls had been sent out and all Mando'ade had been called home to defend the cradle of Mandalorian culture.

And Naast'ika was as much Mando'ade as the next. No matter what he looked like.

"All hands at full alert." Captain Tupu said, his voice echoing through Naast'ika's internal comm system.

"The Naast'ika Laaran is on-site. Fire support is on standby." Captain Tupu added on an encrypted frequency, broadcasting through Naast'ika's comm system and into the helmets of any Mandalorian combatants in the city. "Call out targets by latitude and longitude. Suspect detention and medical extraction operations available on request."

Naast'ika did not beep, chirp, sing, or otherwise comment on the instructions given to him by his crew. He had been quiet since returning from Taris. To Captain Tupu, it was a cause for concern. The Mesen'loras was proficient and compliant with the orders he was given, but Naast'ika seemed... distracted.

<You're weak.> The voice said again.

<I am Mando'ade.> Naast'ika thought in reply.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location: Keldabe Streets
Objective: Teach a Sith a Lesson
Enemy: [member="Darth Valdra"]
Ally: [member="Nolan Detta"]

Emilia crossed her hands over her chest as she looked where the ship had crashed not far from her and more so the point of a certain life force she sensed as she resisted the urge to simply face palm. "What in force sakes are you doing here Hakora. In all your damned short sightedness i would have thought atleast you would never follow my path..." She was more annoyed than actually angry at the mistake her brother was making being on this planet as the tail her new body provide her started to have its hair stand on end. She never did understand how to control the thing but atleast she could move it around her to keep it out of the way for a while. It provide a great sense of balance though, so there was that.

"Well, i suppose its time to go smack some sense into my sibling..." She reached down and keyed open a channel with Nolan. "Hey, Mando boy, im heading over to the wreckage to kick the ass of a sith, make sure that none of the others interfere if you can. Much thanks." It had been a while since she had seen Nolan, hell even now she spoke to the man as if she were her old self and not Emilia. But she was still herself and she had a punishment to deal to a moron who followed her steps.
Location: Keldabe Judicial Buildings
Objective: Deposit the Criminal and see what the hell is going on.
Allies: Mandos
Enemies: Any Sith he comes across.

Alexander leaned back and tossed a ball up and down in his hand while his other hand held the cuffs behind the back of a pirate. He was having a nice day, alot of sunlight and even caught a pirate trying to raid the ship that Alexander had been on. It was a little fun this man had thought to try and cash in on the cargo that was benig transported up until the blade of a saber was held to his throat. "You know, its greedy people like you that make this world go round. Without crime i would be out of a part time job and back at the Jedi temples studying and learning and all that Academic stuff. I was never one for studying you know, i always liked the thrill of the battle. Granted that thrill is only good in short bursts but it is a adrenaline boost that even you would find yourself held by in my position."

He always liked talking to the criminals as he dropped them off and soon his eyes traced the streak of a ship as it cut and slammed not far from where he was into the ground. "And what do we have here... You two, take this man please. I think thats something i can help out with." He was a bit oblivious to the actual passengers of the ship but as he got close he started reaching out with the force and yelling to the crater that [member="Vrag"] and her crew had made with their crashed ship. HIs head turned as he looked down at it and wondered who would come to pop out next from its depths as he saw a few people moving out of the wreckage of the ship. "Hmm Hello, anyone need help..." He fully knew this was a military vessel after looking at it, he was just a smart ass through and through.
Location: Cafe in Keldabe
Objective: Finish my Tea
Allies: None
Enemies: Anyone that disrupts his drink.

Solan just leaned back and paid attention to the holofeed he was getting, resting his chin in his hand as he looked at @Titan. "I wonder if they come in peace?" He waited for little green men to come from the craft, with disintegration rays firing and turning people to ash.
Location: Landing/ crash site
Objective:.... Things just got complicated
Allies: One Sith
Enemy: [member="Emilia Marean"]

Darth Valdra had been walking forward with a Acolyte, not his in tow when he heard the voice. That voice, the voice of his mother, the voice that had soothed him for so long, now it only filled him with rage. He turned his eyes to behold someone all too familiar and yet a complete stranger to him. His sister, dead, no once again she lied to him, did she enjoy making him feel loss? This would end here, Hakora was dead and soon this Feanor would be too.

He changed his direction and slowly walked towards her as she spouted her lecture on deaf ears. The ground beneath them began to shake with Valdra's rage. Rocks slowly began to rise as he walked past them. He stopped at 4 meters away at which his glowing reddish orange eyes were clearly visible. His words were cold, emotionless, and clear, "Ghosts have no path to follow." Before his words had finished Valdra's right hand was up shooting out a Force Destruction mixed with fire that ripped through the ground destroying everything in it's path and heading straight for her like a runaway bus.
This Stuff
Location: Outside of Kelbade
Objective: *shrug* fighting someone
Allies: Hopefully those Mandolorian folks
Enemies: The people that aren't Mandalorian folks [member="Vrag"] [member="Rose Kuhn"] [member="Reverance"]

Orick knew things were far from right when he landed the ship at the small house just outside of Kelbade, he didn't expect to find anyone at home, but the house was locked and the security measures were active. Ana never did all of that unless she wasn't planning on coming back anytime soon. He had been listening to the comm traffic and he knew that there were Sith on the streets in Kelbade, and he knew that Ana would be there, so that's where he was headed.

Moving back to the ship he gathered his gear, the hodge podge assortment of stuff that was going to hopefully get him through this fight, and hoped that the mandos didn't mistake him for someone on the wrong side of the fight. He wore the armorweave bodysuit under his clothes, so with the exception of the helmet, he didn't look like he had any armor on at all. He stopped at the cargo hold to bring his last surprise out, a pair of exemplar droids that he used as bodyguards, he hated the idea of losing them because they were expensive and hard to replace, but it wouldn't matter how many he could buy if he died because he didn't want to use them.

He exited the ship for last time and he closed the cargo doors, inputting the security key that would keep the ship locked down until he returned. The small house that belonged to his wife had a garage attached, and Orick knew that the small hovercar would be there. Once he got it out and warmed up, it was just a matter of figuring out the best place for him and his 'army' of droids. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was making a huge mistake, but it was too late to worry about that now. It was time to focus on the now, and the now was marching through the city uninvited.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location: Keldabe Streets, the Crash site
Objective: Still beating some sense into this kid
Allies: No one for now
Enemies: [member="Darth Valdra"]

Alexandra watched him appear and she watched with an unimpressed stare as he reached out and blasted through the air with the power. He was the same old Hakora, flaunting his abilities in spectacular wastes of energy. Her feet kicked up the dirt as it rose and her muscles shot her to the right side with a push of the force into her limbs. It had been a quick movement she had refined and now she skirted to a halt to the right of the blast of force energy. She was surprised he had been able to conjure up such a power after their last meeting and as such she clapped for him as the tail unwrapped itself from her body.

"BRAVO. I must say Hakora you are finally improving. I would have thought i'd be leaving you in the dust all your life and to think. What would mom and dad say about their strongest losing out to me. i must say that it must be a surprise for her. Did you even know mother came back from the Netherworld during the whole Akala event. She is so worried about you last i spoke to her but she was busy tending to sister... shame im going to have to mess up the face that she gave you..." All while she did this she moved, never did she stay in place, never did she let her guard down. If Hakora wanted tot ake her down he was going to have to try much harder than what he was doing right now.

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