Location: Streets of Keldabe
Objective: Give 'em hell
Allies: Sons and daughters of Mandalore
Enemies: [member="Sage Bane"], Sith
When it came to war, there were certain rules to abide by. Treat your enemy with the respect and honor they deserve, and grant them a warrior's death should the time come to pass. Both were more or less disregarded when it came to the Sith. Honor was something they unquestionably lacked, and the idea of respect had never been equated with that name. This wouldn't be a traditional engagement among enemies that, while on opposite sides of the battlefield, still held some kind of regard for the other. No, the terms were different now. These people had killed and enslaved her
vode, and wouldn't hesitate to do so again. It was, dare she say, a bit personal to all of them.
The streets were already littered with bodies from both sides, Mandalorians, Vong and Sith soldiers alike remaining where they'd fallen. For her own part she fought as well, bringing down those adversaries she could with careful, precise shots from the rifle in her hands. This wasn't her first time on any kind of battlefield, and it showed. This was what she had spent time training for, why she took the mantle of Mandalorian as her own. The bolts she fired were returned, and she made no move to dodge, letting her
beskar'gam do its work. It had been crafted carefully for this purpose, just like the rest of them. There would be funeral pyres erected at the end of the day for those fallen. However, she intended for the casualities of the Sith to far outnumber their own.
Taking a breath Rhen ducked into a side-street, utilizing that brief moment of reprieve to scan her surroundings for the foe each of them had been explicitly warned about. Foot soldiers were one thing, but taking on one of the Sith was another endeavor entirely. But they needed to be brought down to bring a close to things. So she would choose a target. There was a man approaching, seeming to take his time, regarding those fallen as if they didn't exist in the first place. The armor he wore instantly set him apart, even from a distance. Instinctively, she knew.
Dar'Jetii. With a few adjustments to the HUD of her helmet he was marked as a primary target, allowing her to track his movements to some degree, particularly in combat. That aspect she would need, there was no question.
Slowly she lifted the rifle to her shoulder, sighting through the scope, patiently waiting for him to step closer.
C'mon... The crosshairs hovered over the hollow of his throat, or where she assumed it to be, and she forced her breathing to steady. Her finger rested on the trigger, and finally she squeezed, firing off the shot that would decide her fate. The chances of any actual damage being dealt were slim, but every armor had its own vulnerabilities. From this distance, depending upon how he initially reacted, she would hopefully have time to determine just where those weak points were. If not, well, she had trained for this.