Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When the Cats Are Away...

LOCATION: Keldabe, second floor
OBJECTIVE: Break the ceiling
ALLIES: The Mando'ade {[member="Nolan Detta"]}
ENEMIES: Sith {Targeting [member="Rose Kuhn"]}
x1: Lanvarok, gauntlet version, left hand
x3: Forcebreaker Gas Grenades
x2: Mandalorian Ripper MK-II
x1: Standard beskad {Strapped to back}
x1: Silver light-club {On belt}
x1: Hyperion Combat Armor

Another window was kicked in. The glass crumbled easily beneath the warrior's boot, caving in like a house of cards. One simple step let the giant into the room. As far as she could tell it was directly below the one her opponent was in. Cave-in?... Perhaps. Slowly she made her way across the chamber, entering the hallway, and looking up at the ceiling. Towards the center a bit of a crack was showing. Had her ligthtclub done the damage earlier? It made sense. The blade had cut into the floor a bit. Enough to potentially weaken the structure... Suddenly the giant's horrible idea seemed a little less horrible. Let's bring that down a little. Put the two of us on an... equal level. With her terrible joke made she could get to the actual action: Reaching out with the force she pulled on the crack, trying to split the ground further, attempting to send a chunk of it crashing to the floor in front of her. Her hope was to send the girl spiraling down without it. Maybe even send them down to the bottom floor. 'Twas a good enough plan in her mind, and she doubled her efforts, sincerely hoping that the girl wouldn't be moving to far from her previous position.
Location: Some slightly less happy real estate.
Enemies: Boring putzes, mooks until someone interesting cares such [member="Vrag"] or [member="Solan Charr"]
Allies: Fashion, alcohol, wisdom, experience, the secrets of force-fu

  • Lucky gloves
  • Five Thermal Detonators
  • Four flash-bang grenades
  • Awesome straw hat
  • Stylish silk green and black robes, with larges sleeves
  • Green silk blindfold that totally matches the faded robes
  • His Templar Ring, for what little it's worth
  • Expired diplomatic credentials
  • Hot cup of Tea
  • One hovering remote droid with on-board sound systems and holo-projection equipment
  • Two gourds filled with summerwine
  • Okay, one and a half gourds--I started early, don't judge me ;)

Vorhi was a Miraluka. Blind by birth, Miraluka had only the force to guide their visions of the world. Most of them would be compeltely unable to percieve the chaos of a battle with so many opponents dead to the force. Most of them were not Vorhi Alestrani.

As one of the Yun'do elites charge him, he percieved many things. The man was yelling like a moron, indicating his mouth. His footprints through the rubble stamped in a regular, predictable linearity. And the Rhythm was quite impressive. He was fast, tall, and powerful.

But Alestrani was a grandmaster of Teras Kasi. In melee, he trained against and alongside the Dread Guard of the CIS. Unseen opponents left their positions through tactical misgivings and underestimation of their opponents. The chaos of the battle meant nothing to a man who had his hands forged in death. These dullards were neither as numerous nor as overwhelming to his senses as the horde of walking dead on Melida/Daan. They were not as precise as the dread guard. They were strong, but not delicate at all.

Gr'an So, Yun'do Lieutenant, came at the man, swinging his amphistaff over head like an axe. He would crush this fool who was insolent enough to call a challenge to both sides of this war. The arrogant man with no armor would be shattered as a warning to all nearby.

Gr'an So coughed as punch landed squared in his throat before he could fully swing, and then another hand grabbed at his neck less then a second later and swung him into the ground, armor and all.

The sound of the lieutenant's landing was not unlike a steamed lobster having it's shell cracked. He smirked. They were resistant to the force, but not to things enhanced or propelled by it--his body included. He was stronger, tougher and faster then a man his age ought to be. They'd have to break him the old-fashioned way. He laughed. "Well, that wasn't terribly enlightening...." he mused as he turned towards

One of Solan's riflemen began to fire on his position, apparently unsure whose side he was on. Or maybe he just had bad aim. Either way, it was time to party. Vorhi kicked up a rock and swatted it at the trooper, smacking his rifle away, as he then ran to him, quickly aiming for a hard tackle into the nearest building.

Another cracking sound on impact. This was why he never wore full armor. It'd break if it was hit hard enough, and then you just wearing a suit of broken training weights. He coughed and laughed as he feel through the wall, surrounded by more rubble. Whoops. He had maybe thirty before they fired into the building. Speed was necessary. He ran up the stairs. The roof would give him a better view of this side show.


He smiled as he stood upon the rooftop. He'd have to wait for the perfect moment.....the moment when his serenity would enlighten others as well as himself.
Location: Streets
Objective: Kill [member="Titan"]
Allies: [member="Vrag"], [member="Reverance"], [member="Valens"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Sage Bane"], [member="Darth Venefica"], [member="Darth Valdra"], [member="Sabik Dhami"], [member="Tanek Santii"], [member="Drapeam Nyx"]
Enemies: [member="Titan"], [member="Bjarn"]
There were monsters is this world. Some larger than others, some subtle in their methods. But what some fail to understand is that through all efforts and trials of tribulation, there would always be someone out there more menacing and deserving of being feared. Woe was to spread upon the Mandalorians, desolation upon their homes and their people. Did this one particular behemoth believe that he was man enough to face that which did not give credit to any origin? Death was the only proper judge. The only thing that did not lie betwixt flesh and bone, mind and soul. It was a concept outside of mortal bonds and grasp, yet it was so simple to understand. This man named Titan, was he truly a savior? Did he truly deserve the recognition that would grant him a title among his own kin as a hero?

Abraxas would not allow that. There are no saviors in this galaxy, only the men and women - the flesh that perceived the grandeur and splendor that awaited it once their feet are placed upon solid ground. No one deserved the praise as neither hero nor villain. Choices only mattered for what consequence they bring about, and the man before Abraxas had certainly brought upon the consequence of combat.

There are always bigger, scarier monsters than yourself.
And you've found it.
Abraxas would raise his crimson blade to block the incoming horizontal swipe, tossing his slughthrower aside to achieve a better stance in this situation. Titan had made a grave error in his attempt to chance upon the creation in this instance. As the behemoth of a man tried for the aforementioned side kick, Abraxas had a counter of his own. After the initial attempt, the monstrosity would try to knock the arrogant Mandalorian off balance by aggressively commanding the Force to push him back and disturb his footing. Such swordplay demonstrated - rather, would be demonstrated was not ideal in such a moment. There was no time for elegant maneuvers, only time for killing and moving on to the next objective.

Acting on his attempt to deter the Mandalorian, Abraxas would assert himself with a heavy blow directed for the hilt of the giant's sword. What use did the man have for such a large blade if he had no fingers to wrap around the cold metal that he favored? He would not be allowed the satisfaction of bloodshed. No thrill to be sought. Following up after the blow, Abraxas would ram himself into the giant with his own branding of inhumane strength, further attempting to knock the man back even further, like a bully mocking the frail and meek for their insignificance.

To further add on to things, Abraxas would dash backwards to clear himself of any oncoming attacks the man might try within the closer quarters of melee. Eyeing a shard of durasteel upon the ground among the abundant detritus from the crashed shuttle, the creation commanded the Force once more to allow the object to shoot upwards into the throat of Titan, hopefully ending this farce once and for all. If there was one thing the Mandalorian species was to learn as a whole, it was that they were vulnerable to death and defeat. No amount of blasters or hardened faith can stop you from bleeding.

And woe was to be wrought upon the land, no woman and child safe.
Run if you can, fight if you like.
You will be humbled.
The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Longtail opened one of the lids of the crates and Khal was treated with the sight of sheer beauty, it almost brought tears to his eyes, but he was able to restrain himself to a sufficient degree. It would have been really awkward for him to burst out in tears right there and then, Ponytail woulda probably tried to cut his throat just to spare him the embarrassment.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Ain’t that some beauty.” the Underlord would calmly utter instead, eyes wandering.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Question of prices came up though.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Blue eyes looked up and met Longtail at the middle. “How much is there?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Steady supply like this, ‘bout seven to eight crates a week.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]A raised eyebrow, but Khal let that go. It wasn’t important how the Mandalorian had managed to get his hands on it, perhaps he was here in a legit fashion, wouldn’t be surprised if the Mandos were trying to cut him up a new one.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Get some of that dough he was packing[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px], might be they realized ya can’t really stop dem moving anyway.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Aight, I will take it, no problem.”[/SIZE]
Location: Streets
Objective: Destroy the Sith
Allies: [member="Kraigmiir Hijiin"]
Enemies: [member="Rose Kuhn"]

Nolan watched the Sith lady reach out her hand and shoot forth a bolt of lightning. It was aimed for his pack, but Nolan wasn't ready to let that go. He dropped his Ike to its sling and shifted to take the lightning head on. He crossed his arms in front of him and watched as the lightning was absorbed into his bracers. He was pushed back a bit by the force of the impact, but otherwise was unharmed.

Reaching out his arm, he released a rocket from his wrist launcher. Aimed for the center of the woman, with the disturbance in the Force that came from his current ally, he assumed that the Sith would be preoccupied with whatever his ally was doing to completely dodge the rocket. Nolan chose then to follow the rocket after it entered the window.

With the bracers' charged, he wanted to release said charge into the Sith girl, hopefully doing some fun damage.

"Rocket Power!!"

Rose Kuhn

LOCATION: Oyu'baat Cafe, Second Floor
OBJECTIVE: Make Momma Proud
ALLIES: Sith, No One Immediately Helping
ENEMIES: [member="Kraigmiir Hijiin"] | [member="Nolan Detta"]

Sometimes, allies helped one another, at other times they worked at cross purposes.

She watched as the Mandalorian absorbed the lightning she had freed from her palm, her breath catching and a curse escaping her lips as he somehow rebounded the black energy. She was about to jump away, flee and try to rid herself of the rocket fired from his wrist when suddenly the floor beneath her gave way.

Her eyes opened wide, and she let out a small “Eep!”

Rose fell as the floor toppled, the rocket missing her completely and slamming into one of the support struts that had been behind her. She crashed to the floor, one of her lightsaber flying away from her hand as the building shook. Her body came crashing down and into [member="Kraigmiir Hijiin"].

Her lightsaber wildly flailed and cut towards the woman, no targeted attack but instead a series of panicked slices.
LOCATION: Keldabe, second floor
OBJECTIVE: Break the ceiling
ALLIES: The Mando'ade {[member="Nolan Detta"]}
ENEMIES: Sith {Targeting [member="Rose Kuhn"]}
x1: Lanvarok, gauntlet version, left hand
x3: Forcebreaker Gas Grenades
x2: Mandalorian Ripper MK-II
x1: Standard beskad {Strapped to back}
x1: Silver light-club {On belt}
x1: Hyperion Combat Armor

Crunching sounds alerted her to the start of the fall. It gave her a split second to step back before a young girl came crashing towards her. Really, it wasn't much time, if any at all. Kraigmiir found herself stumbling back a few feet before a lightsaber was swung in her direction. Mentally cursing herself she tried to yank her foot away from the strike. Instead the Null found her feet having trouble finding solid ground. One slice tore into the duraplast of her shin, another sliced up towards her thigh. Feth! Making giants fall over was both easy and hard. Getting them to move was difficult. But once you started them going... well, let's just say the bigger they are, the harder they fall, and this lassy wasn't exactly small. With as much grace as a one-legged gundark who was drunken six steps from sideways the Mandalorian initiate tripped over rubble. She fell back in time to get the bottom of her right boot cut clean off. Now entering a state of desperation she did the first thing that came to mind: Reaching out once more with the force she attempted to push the Sith away from herself... and against the floor. Essentially she was trying to 'triple gravity' on the child and the child alone. Whether or not she was truly successful she'd hopefully buy enough time for her ally to step in. If he hadn't been taken out already, of course...
Location: Streets
Objective: Destroy the Sith
Enemies: [member="Rose Kuhn"]
Allies: [member="Kraigmiir Hijiin"]

Nolan snapped his fingers as the rocket sailed over the Sith. He'd missed? No, she had fallen through the floor. Nolan shot inside the room, looked down to see his ally holding the Sith down against the floor with the Force. Perfect.

Nolan launched straight down at the woman, fists out and aimed for the center of the Sith girl's body. Delving into the Force, he brought up all of the hate inside and pushed it into his fists, increasing the strength in his arms by at least double. Controlled Rage now being one of his most used skills, he no longer suffered the normal side effects from Force Rage.

The impact that would follow could undoubtedly collapse this floor like the one above it, and the Leviathan Bracers on his arms would release the collected lightning from the Sith's own attack. The amount of damage possible here would surly put a damper on the Sith girls day.

"Super Lightning Rocket Punch!!"
Location: Keldabe, Mandalore
Objective: Exterminate the Infestation
Allies: The Mando'ade | [member="Kadala Skirata"]
Enemies: [member="Sabik Dhami"] | [member="Reverance"] | Dar'jetti scum
Gear: Beskar'gam | Armory

Ysalamir in protective nutrient tube

The veil of threats had fallen in the brief exchange between the representative figureheads resting opposite at the backdrop of the Keldabe streets. Words would only last so long between that of warriors, those who both yearned and excelled in battle and conflict. Sufficient banter was not always necessary, but normally indicated a form of mental capacity or lack thereof. The breach would be torn asunder, and unlike the enemy that the Dar'Jetti counted most heinous; the Jedi, Mandalorians had no problem in striking first and hard. This was a time of action, a time of conflict to rally behind - and both had stepped into the proverbial maw of battle with a single stroke of timing they both seemed to instinctively draw from each other. It had been said that the Sith relied on their passion for their strength - perhaps that is what had once aligned them with the Mandalorians. Passion, zeal, a lust for life and for growth. Mandalorians called it shereshoy - a moment by moment dwelling that would allow them to revel in any situation, despite the actual circumstances. They could find worth in it, and meaning, so perhaps that connection had been the foundation so many centuries prior. They still held to that facet, and yet the two were enemies on this day, and had been for sometime now. That particular animosity however was earned, and there was no better place than the capital of Mandalore to settle scores and carve out vindication.
The Force barrier - an often utilized tactic he was familiar with, and while it did not surprise the Mandalorian, it certainly wasn't as welcome as other facets of the minute understanding he had gleaned from force users in his life. Still, it was not a wasted attack, as all results of battle were pertinent, and accepted. Losses taught you understanding, victory taught you appreciation. The only true defeat was that of ignorance, and Azrael was far from that character flaw. The chain of events coalescing together into a timed rhythm afforded a cadence of movement that some would refer to as a dance - a dance of death. The impact on the shielded Sith Lord gave a visual queue as to his process, and his protection. Understanding your opponent was a great asset, and it required the testing of his abilities. Defense and offence merged as Gabriel tossed out his response in the volley of initial attacks. The Vong were notable for their resistance to actual technology, affirming to rather engineer solutions from organic life than to create something from durasteel and circuits. Such was the case with the tossed plasma eel cast from the armored foe, aiming for his legs, while a follow-up to the detonation came in the form of a swarm.

Forcing the extension of both legs once the eel was identified in it's advance, the Mand'alor's form vanished in the expansion of gases - and in the cloud of ardent heat and force the was exerted from the live staff like weapon that had stiffened it's form upon activation. With the might of a thermo detonator, the shockwave and blaze offered not only harm, but provided cover between the combatants. Such a force however was unfortunate for the blast bugs that had dove right into the path and were immediately dislodged from the air from the assault. Rocketed from the ground by the force of the explosion, the Mandalorian's form flipped head over heels several meters before landing in a timed and coordinated crouch. The razor sharp taloned digits of his bionic arm digging into the permacrete and leaving jagged lines in it's surface to slow his momentum. Thanks to the Echani shield packed into his belt, the initial blast and wave of heat were spared from causing injury other than a wave of intense heat that crackled on the besk'ar covering his form. It wouldn't protect him forever, but it was a handy tool to take the brunt of the abuse when needed.

As the smoke cleared another sound rang out, the roar of engines shooting high, elevating the Mand'alor into the skies above to answer the explosive volley with pot shots from his Mark II Ripper. One hand rounds blasted towards Gabriel and his raised Carbine. Four rounds in quick succession barked out of the barrel while the second part of his particular arsenal rolled out over the blackened patch of permacrete and finished it's countdown sequence. A sonic grenade deployed to surround the initial area with high pitched pulses of devastating volume both to disorient Gabriel, and cause damage to organic life around or in his person. Above the noise pollution's range, the flying and armored salvager averted his course, keeping a lock on the Dar'jetti in order to pin him down to a single location. Ingenuity and the element of distraction were the teammates he had called on to overthrow the plot of their first round in combat.
Location: Keldabe streets
Objective: Kill Mandos
Allies: [member="Tanek Santii"] [member="Darth Venefica"]
Enemies: [member="Rhen Asakaari"]

Shots from Rhen's DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol barreled towards Sage's head, dinging his Vonduun Crab helm and ricocheting off its crystalline shell. Sage would be safe enough from a blaster wound in the noggin, but his head whipped back so violently each time that it broke his concentration. Rhen would find herself released from the mental anguish of Sage's Mind Shard. He indulged himself with a bit of trash-talking, while she was rising to her feet and shaking off the lingering mental jolts, synaptic aftershocks left by the attack.

"I don't scare you eh, woman? Might be time to rethink your definition of fear."

His human arm rose with his hand in a claw shape. As his trio of sentient amphistaffs hungrily looked on, studying Rhen with their beady black eyes, Sage squeezed his fingers closed. Invisible tendrils of the Force would reach out to Rhen, and attempt to slither beneath her Beskar'am. The attack was aimed at her pistol hand, and if successful, the Mandalorian Bounty Hunter would start to feel the bones in her hands breaking slowly and painfully, as her anatomy shriveled in on itself. He hoped his Force wound would implode her hand severely enough to do two things: first, to drop her pistol and second, to render her weapon hand as useless as a limp rubber glove.
Location: Keldabe streets
Objective: Eliminate Sith
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: [member="Sage Bane"]
That strategy had worked well enough, and Rhen allowed herself a brief moment of recompense to enjoy that minor victory. It was one of few she would obtain in this fight, she knew, something altogether unsurprising. But she wouldn't allow him to cow her, no matter how much he wanted to see her beaten and broken down. Unlike most others that had fought the Sith in the past, she and her people weren't easily brought to their knees. Not so long as a single one of them still drew breath. This was what they had ultimately prepared for. And that was what she had to remind herself, regardless of the current circumstances. All of them had trained for this.

Slowly she pushed herself to her feet, shaking her head to clear the brief snaps of pain that still jolted through her skull. This was just the beginning. And as an invisible pressure began to increase on her right hand that sentiment was only deepened. Typically she would have played her cards closely, not revealing her ambidexterity until time had passed, but time wasn't allotted to keep things under wraps. Despite her best efforts the pistol dropped to the ground, and once again she dropped to one knee in order to recover it, doing her best to adjust to the still vaguely odd feeling of the left-handed grip. The bones of her right hand began to crack with agonizing slowness, and a minute cry of pain escaped her before she forced herself to silence by clenching her jaw.

This time she only pulled the trigger once, aiming for his center mass, still aiming to test his bounds. If it was successful enough hopefully it would break his focus once more, preventing the continued fracture of her hand. If he kept it up the chances of a full recovery were slim, a handicap she didn't want nor need. Regardless of her best efforts she screamed in agony once more, yet again attempting to stifle the noise with the grinding of teeth. "I don't see anything to fear. All I see is a Dar'Jetii shabuir who made a mistake in coming to Manda'yaim." It seemed that the pain caused her to slip into her native tongue with further ease. Once more she fired, this blaster bolt intended for the joint between his right shoulder and arm.
Location: Streets
Objective: Kill the Monster
Allies: [member="Bjarn"]
Enemies: [member="Abraxas"]

Titan felt the Force push onto his body, well his armor, and he was tilted back. He spun and planted his sword in the ground like a post to give himself leverage. When the beast charged, the mammoth Mando planted off the sword and shot a boot at the face of the creature. The pivot point of the blade acted like a pole vault to launch Titan's attack with added power.

Next, Titan chased the creature as it cowardly ran away. The blade coming up, across the body from bottom to top. Continuing the assault, the pommel of the large Beskad was aimed for the faceplate of the creature. Titan wasn't letting up yet, he leapt forth with a flying knee to the chin of the beast.
Location: Keldabe streets
Objective: Kill Mandos
Allies: [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Tanek Santii"]
Enemies: [member="Rhen Asakaari"]

Sage felt Rhen's pain wash over him like a drug, deepening his connection with the dark side of the Force. The invisible claws that crushed Rhen's bones continued crushing right on through her first blast at his crab chest plate. It knocked him back a few paces, but he stepped forward undeterred. Anticipating the shot allowed him to keep his concentration on that ball of dark energy that squeezed her fragile hand like a vice.


"Gaaaah!" The second blaster shot Sage right in the armor joint and, while not a direct hit to his flesh, the bolt pierced through the intersection where the two pieces of armor met, and opened up a sizzling wound in his flesh. The death-like grasp on Rhen's hand was released and, hitching a breath, Sage's face twisted from the pain. Unfortunately for Rhen, the damage had most likely been done to her presumably useless hand. Stopping the attack only staved off additional damage. Both Sage and his black, leathery amphistaves hissed and growled in unison. Now, he was just getting angry with the Mandalorian.

"You're gonna regret that you little schutta," he snarled through bared teeth.

His face pained with determination, Sage reached out with the Force again, this time aiming for Rhen's opposite hand. He continued his same attack, coaxing the dark energy to grab her hand and squeeze with preternatural strength. If his opponent did not evade it, she would soon have a matching set of equally limp and broken hands.
Location: Keldabe streets
Objective: Eliminate Sith
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: [member="Sage Bane"]
Finally. It seemed that, at least, had done some real damage. That was enough to act on, and so Rhen did. Almost without thinking, allowing instinct to guide her, she fired again, aiming for the same spot. Damage done once would be capitalized on again, no matter the amount of pain she was currently suffering. All of this was completed in the seconds before the crushing grip caused her to drop that weapon as well. This wasn't going to turn to her advantage anytime soon, that much was evident. At least he had settled himself to continue the same mode of attack, rather than giving her something different to consider. That would have been the smarter thing to do.

At this point she was already well aware that the only thing it would take to cause him to release her would be a break in his concentration. Something all too easy to achieve, as he would soon learn. And she would need to act now, before she lost total use of her left hand as well. So without further hesitation she dropped into a low sweep kick, planting solely with her left hand, leaving her unbalanced. If it made contact it would be enough to hopefully knock him off his feet and, if her hand wasn't already too damaged, recover her pistol, giving her a very brief and slight upper hand.

With a slowness brought on only by the pain that dizzied her she pushed herself to her feet, fumbling for her pistol and eventually managing to get a grip on it, her grasp far looser than she would have liked. Stepping over to him she raised the weapon, the barrel unsteady, firing towards the same joint in his armor and his head. While her aim would have been off at any long distance, at this range the chances of her missing were slim to none. This advantage wouldn't last long, and she intended to use it in any way she could.

"And you're gonna regret coming to Manda'yaim. Using the same attacks makes you a boring opponent. You Dar'Jetii aren't any fun." A grimace flashed briefly across her face, though she did her best to keep her right hand steady, not wanting to shift the broken bones any more than was necessary. Recovery would be far from swift, and if the bones were crushed she would likely have to get a cybernetic replacement. Such was the life of a warrior.
Location: Keldabe Streets
Objective: Kill Mandos
Allies: NA
Enemies: [member="Rhen Asakaari"]

Vonduun Skerr Kyrric
Confessor's Whip
Amphistaff biot

As the second shot came pinging towards his armor joint, Sage's loyal amphistaves whipped across his body, deflecting the pistol fire. Her blaster crumpled to the ground as her bones began to collapsed inside her other hand. Sage began to laugh and only when she dropped to the ground to sweep his leg, did he stop his jackal-like tittering. His focus broken, Rhen would feel the phantom vice loosen. With a grunt, he quickly moved his leg outward to the side, stopping her leg from pushing him over. He strafed to the side, out of her reach, and using his remaining Force energy, danced back a few paces, putting some distance between them.

"You want something different, Rhen?" he hissed. "I'll give you different."

Something began to happen to Sage's shadow where it fell across the ground. It became strangely animated. Undulating shapes of black mist began to rise out of it, winding through the air. The tendrils swirled and writhed until they formed discernible shapes. Lupine shapes. One and then two shadow wolves with red glittering eyes, born from his shadow, soon stood on either side of him, their chests heaving with life. Rhen would not only find herself dealing with Sage, but also his magnificent alchemical beasties. At his unspoken command, the two Hadzuska Rowa sprang forward, towards the Mandalorian, one on either side of her, and opened their mouths. Using his own power projected into their forms through the Force, bolts of lightning flew from their open maws, and both bolts were aimed right at Rhen.

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