Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When the Cats Are Away...


The Second Seal, broken.
Location: Side street
Objective: Destroy the infidel technology
Allies: [member="Reverance"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Venefica"] | [member="Sage Bane"] | [member="Sabik Dhami"] | [member="Abraxas"] | [member="Rose Kuhn"] | [member="Darth Valdra"] | [member="Hal Terrano"] | [member="Drapeam Nyx"] | [member="Valens"] | [member="Tanek Santii"]
Engaging directly: [member="Orick T'ane"]
Gear in bio

A small, satisfied sound escaped from her throat as she saw the havoc the nang hul wrought upon her Mandalorian opponent. Swiftly, like a inferior creature fleeing from a beast much higher up on the food chain, the foe was fleeing from her devastating touch, leaving blood smeared across the cracked duracrete in his wake.

Before she could squeeze the trigger again and pelt him to death, however, his two protectors of steel and circuitry stepped forth as he crawled away, defeated and broken. She had no more time to enjoy the sight of his mangled body outlined against the light filtering into the narrow alley from the other side, shifting her focus onto the incoming technological creations.

Despite the lightsabers in their metal hands, Vrag was not too worried; all they represented was a small obstacle on her path to the Mando, and skilled as she was with the weapon, the pair shouldn't represent more than a minute or two of work. Or maybe she'd gotten arrogant, the heady taste of victory clouding her judgement. Only time would tell.

As the droids approached, so did the Sith trace her way back taking care not to repeat the same mistake her opponent had and trip over the corpse lying prone in the street. Her steps were sure even where her hand was not, and the woman aimed her carbine at the new threat. Just as she made to cut them down with a salvo of thud bugs, a shot went off on the other end, clipping her in the right shoulder and throwing off her aim — which had never been that brilliant anyway — sending the spray of angry creatures high and to the side, just between the couple of droids.

She grunted in annoyance, her cold blue eyes flickering briefly over to the keeled Mando as her lips turned into a scowl. Even bleeding and bent out of shape, the man was still a nuisance. A state of being she would rectify as soon as she dealt with his two guard dogs, that was for sure.

The Hand of the Dark Lord moved back once more, firing off a couple of nang hul at the droids, but only to distract them from the first swarm that had finally made full circle from their initial miss, homing for the exposed and unprotected backs of the droids even as they busied themselves with the danger coming from the front. And if that failed, the Sith could always call upon the Force to aid her while she crossed her orange blade with their silver ones.
Location: Keldabe
Allies: [member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"]
Enemies: [member="Tanek Santii"] [member=Darth Venefica]
Objective: Get off my lawn
-Two WESTAR 34
-Fett-Kal knife
-1 flashbang
-1 force breaker grenade
-2 thermal detonators
-ysalamir nutrient pack

There were a whole array of emotions in the city of Keldabe. Anger, sorrow, sadness, hatred, pleasure, pain, fear, and many more. The range of emotions this Rally Master felt were anger, hatred, and fear. It was uncommon for him to feel the experience of fear within him. But did he feared the enemy ahead of him? Not at all. He didn't fear anyone and anything at all. Not even the fact of death. However, he did fear the life of his fellow vode and the future of Keldabe. He feared of the casualty numbers that would be reported soon after they have terminated and repel the insurgents who were very unwanted and uninvited. His emotions were like a beacon of pleasure for the dar'jetti. All the pain, all the anger, all the hatred, everything would just give them a smile on their damned faces. Soon, he'll rid the grins and smug off their faces.

As he continued to walk the streets of Keldabe he saw a fellow vod being attacked by two scums. A grin swept his mouth as he saw what actions he was witnessing. Not at all was he grinning at the fact a fellow brother was being double teamed by two Sith. What he was smiling about was the very fact it required more than one Sith Lord to subjugate a Mandalorian. It showed him they were probably weak against the sole Warrior who was admired for holding his ground against his adversary. A role model he would be to inspire younger generations of Mando'ade.

“How many Sith does it take to conquer a Mandalorian," he asked the question aloud as he aimed his crossbow at the one Sith who had a range weapon out and aimed not at him, but at Naimes. Without warning or hesitation he pulled the trigger and a bolt fired at the velocity of three miles per second was launched at the Togruta. Following the bolt was the sound of thunder that erupted when the sound barrier was broken at such speed which lived up to its name translated to "Bearing the thunder". “Y'all best pack up your shebs and try to hide. Not even your magic will help ya," speaking directly to the two Sith Lords. It was true they would be barred from their tool, the Force, just because of the ysalamir that was incarnated in a nutrient tube. Would they surrender? It was probable, but these Force Users wouldn't retreat nor concede without a fight.

If it was a fight they want, it was a fight they'll get.
Location: Keldabe Streets
Objective: Collect Souvenirs
Allies: [member="Vrag"] l [member="Reverance"] l [member="Matsu Xiangu"] l [member="Sage Bane"] l [member="Tanek Santii"]
Enemies: [member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"] l [member="Vilaz Munin"]

The display the Mando put on was everything she needed to know about her opponent. Distractions and misdirections always painted a clear picture, betraying one's nature to their opponents. Unfortunately, the Mando delegated himself to back-peddling rather than attack. Whatever his reason for the retreat only proved his cowardice to her; and her heart broke. Perhaps he is trying to be strategic against the two Sith, but she had broken the most well versed strategists in her time. Nothing he tried would surprise her.
"It appears that way," she replied to the Sith Knight. "But the galaxy is only so he can not run forever."
As Darth Venefica took her first step toward the Mando, the Togruta Sith Knight whipped out his beautiful weapon and rifled off a shot. Mentally she applauded the Knight's actions.
"Every time he takes a step back....remind him of his cowardly act," she whispered into the mind of the Knight, stepping inside it like an unlocked door. "I predict he will make every attempt to keep us..."
She cutoff her mental link to the Knight when she saw the arrival of another Mando. This one, it seemed, to be more braver than the retreating one. But her heart broke again when he spoke. Mandos, like Jedi, always wanted to talk and make unreasonable requests. Mando one told her to return to the shadows while Mando two wanted them to pack and hide. For a warrior caste, they talked more than they fought. But unlike Mando one, this Mando ripped off a shot at the Sith Knight, no doubt thinking that he would easily succeed in killing him.
"If you are done talking," she hissed at the newly arrival then added as she looked at the first Mando, the one that referenced her to a demon, "And you are done walking away from us....can we get down to business? I have Mando children to eradicate."
Location: Keldabe Streets
Objective: Engage Sith
Allies: [member="Vilaz Munin"], Mandalorians
Enemies: [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Tanek Santii"], One Sith
Equipment: Beskar'gam, Terentatek Body Glove, Longtooth, Naat Nat'aylir Talisman
...naturally the Rally Master wasn't about to stand there and let himself be a target as the Togruta raised his Chitin Carbine and took aim, moving targets were harder to get a direct shot on, so as Tanek started to raise his weapon Naimes would move to his right. As he cross-stepped to his right Naimes would pass his rear, left, foot behind the right ensuring that his initial step always came off his rear heel. It helped ensure his strides were measured and made him a slightly more difficult target to hit. In fact it was Naimes idea to begin a wide circle to the left of Darth Venefica so that he could attempt to place her between himself and the Togruta as he moved, essentially he wanted to make her into an obstruction that needed to be aimed around...

...before he was successful the chitin fired though. In response the Rally Master, who had been moving, would jerk his body further to his right. The Thud Bug would slam into Naimes, impacting off the left breast of his Beskar'gam and cause his body to snap backwards and to the left, his left side coming backwards as he twist at the waist following the momentum of the blow. The Thud Bug would leave a small dent in the Beskar'gam, the left breast of the armor being one of the thickest plates, while the concussive force of the impact was buffered by the armor itself. A throb was felt, a large bruise would likely be the aftermath but otherwise Naimes would be none the worse for wear... wasn't until he brought his shoulders square again that Naimes noticed Vilaz, he was thankful for a bit of assistance considering the uneven odds he'd been facing, causing him to access comms...
"The Togruta is yours."...he said to Vilaz via the commlink in their helms before his focus began to shift back to the two Sith...

...with Vilaz here Naimes was free to focus the majority of his attention on Darth Venefica. Listening to her the Rally Master remained impassive, he wasn't one to be goaded however he began a slow forwards motion. Moving across the distance between himself and Venefica Naimes drew his elbows towards himself and to either side of his midsection while his sword continued to angle ahead aiming towards her. Then once he was in range he extended his arms again so that he could thrust Longtooth towards Venefica's clavicle area while allowing an upwards motion of the arms to carry the sword at an arc that angled it backwards and completed with it resting back over his right shoulder. The Rally Master maintained a right over left hold, his elbows were cocked, the hand and a half sword had come back over his right shoulder with its tip aimed out behind him...

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra had to admin the whole plasma thing was cool, but she knew how draining such a move would be and then his strike came too. The thing about this though was that she had placed her sabers on her belt for a reason in order for quick retrieval through the force. This was not what she used though. The moment he stopped her staff and shifted his weight she acted.

The saber on her left jumped from her hip, unlatching from its holding on her belt and aiming its emitter at Hakora as the hand was coming in. Then with a twitch of her eye, and a flick of the activator stub through the force the blade as silver and pure as it had always been leapt from the casing right towards the incoming hand that was Hakora's. He was far too far into the strike to simply stop, he would have to change direction and hope to spare his hand, only to skewer his arm or worse his body on her blade.

She would be saddened if her brother was so easily removed from teh fight. She had alot more humiliation to teach him.

[member="Darth Valdra"]
In Valdra's life, there were many things that impressed him. There was Jedi Master Raaf's lightsaber, Kian Karr's Shadow work, Corvus Raaf's saber work, and Darth Ferus' hidden attacks and resourcefulness. Now was by far not one of those times. There were many things Alexandra could have done to block his Buddha's Palm. She could have rotated to dodge or only take part of the blow. She could have tried to knock Valdra off his feet with the Force and yet she chose a dirty attack by using the Force to strike at Valdra's hand with her lightsaber, the hand covered with pure cortosis, actually both were covered with it. She should know this best of all as it was her armor before her "death."

Her lightsaber hit his bracer and glanced off it as his hand continued it's path hitting her and releasing a powerful blast of Force Push and some flames released on her at the contact point. Valdra's arm no longer had the plasma on it. It took more power to use it than fire shaping itself and he doubted at his level he could use it again. He spun in his spot pulling out one lightsaber and pointed it at her. He couldn't imagine she would be dead, not someone of her level, but he couldn't imagine she would be in good shape after. Valdra then felt a burning on his left arm and looked down at his glove that was clearly burned, but it still didn't get all the way through. He would have have to find someone to repair it after he killed his sister. He laughed deep in his throat at his sister, "I use to look up to you, but you have lost what little edge you had and now you are a sham of what you once were."

[member="Emilia Marean"]
Location: Bleeding in the streets of Keldabe
Objective: Not be bleeding in the streets of Keldabe anymore
Enemies: [member="Vrag"]
Allies: Don't know what those are​

Popped up against the wall, he could only watch as the first set of shots from the strange vong gun went off target, but he knew what they would do. He saw the sith fire again at the two droids and he knew that it would only be moments before they were both shredded husks on the ground. He was the droids get slammed from the front, and then from the back by the flying bugs. One droid collapsed fully under the weight of the attack, the other was a bit luckier, if you could call it that.

It managed to keep standing and moving forward, but one arm was sheared off completely as well as having a couple of extra holes along its torso. The only advantage it had left was it's lack of pain and it's single minded focus. With an off balance gaint, it took its first swing at the sith, exposed wiring sparking angrily as it did. Orick watched at the droid engaged the sith and he leaned heavily on the wall, he needed medical attention in a bad way and standing here watching the sith fight an overmatched droid was far from the best way to get it.

He glanced over to his right and say a beat up speeder bike that someone had crashed in their haste to do whatever it was that they were doing. With great effort he limped the small distance, slumping against the padded seat as he finally reached the bike. It took every bit of his remaining energy to pull the bike from against the wall. If it wouldn't start he was sure that he was going to be dead. He hit the toggle and heard the engine whine and then die, cursing he hit the toggle again, his right hand leaving slick blood streaks along the control panel as he did.

The bike hummed to life on the second try and Orick sighed in relief. This day wasn't a complete loss, he learned a few things and he might even survive the day, he just needed to not crash the bike as he made his escape. he had learned a long time ago that there was no shame in running away, as long as there was something of value taken from the experience. He wasn't even fully on the bike as he began to guide it away from the alley. He was too injured to worry about the safe way to ride a speeder bike, none of it would matter if he didn't get away before the sith could stop him

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Valdra"]

She smiled as instead of continuing with the attack he had chosen to use a force push that sent her flying back and off her feet with soe of the fire scorching over her robes. Granted it was easy for her to keep the fire from cutting through her robes and scarring her due to her training in pyrokinisis and cryokinisis. Still though, the push slammed into her chest and sent her moving back with her hand still gripping the staff as she slammed into the ground before rolling over. Her eyes staring at him as she struggled to get up.

This fight was going on for too long. She had to admit that he was good, but he was allso throwing around his energy without regard to saving it at all, this would make things very simple in the end as she closed her eyes and let the force take over. They had about ten meters between them, her saber still active between then before she shut it off but did not use it. "You like surprises then brother. How about this one."

Her breath stopped completely as she reached out and grabbed at the force itself. Some relied on their own aura but if one was to focus on power beyond their own they needed to tap into it completely and as she started to curl her hands up tighter. One was curled around the staff and the other would be empty except a small light worked its way into creation in her hand. Her thoughts drifted towards the few things that her brother seemed to forget. Emotions could drive the light as well, it all but tok devotion to them. With that though she smiled.

Her first thoughts were not about love, or happiness, even compassion. It was the need to protect Hakora from doing something stupid and as she stood there that need grew all the more important as the light in her hand grew brighter and that need to protect then came to mean her family, her siblings, her mother, her children. All of them pushed the light in her hand to a higher degree, her thoughts of each of them made her stare at Hakora now with a slight regret.

She smiled, her aura now far larger than herself as she took power straight from the force itself and raised her hand. Finally she let out her breath and with it a burst of light left her hand and stretched out at Hakora. Blinding white as she let it reach out for her dark, corrupted brother as the single most potent power she knew drained her hard and fast. She had to focus on the love of her family in order to keep the drain of power to continue and the love even for the oen that was infront of her. She did not think about the fear if this would work or not, she did not think of what would happen if she failed, she did not wonder about any of that simply because she knew even if she failed there would be others nearby. But, if Hakora was this corrupted then it was simple at how this power would effect him as Force light caused even the ones with the slightest corruption a level of damage.
Location: Mandalore Streets
Objective: Relieve the Mando
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Vrag"]

Solan started clapping as he watched the Sith lady go into a rampage, his eyes staring at her for a few long seconds and smiling at her. He was in no hurry to charge into battle and he would let the Mandalorian soldiers fight her first as it would give him time to prepare. Meanwhile his own men held up and prepared against any interruptions by Vong or sith troops that decided they would move a duel into a full on fight. While he waited though he continued to keep drinking from the glass that held the tea he had gotten from the Cafe.

She was skilled, he loved a challenge and every moment he waited for her to finish off the mandalorians was a moment he got to watch her fight. A thrill for battle that he could not quench quite yet, not until she was there and he could remove her out of here for good. Granted he would likely not win but the chance of seeing her lose was satisfying enough to try it. "Excuse me, lady sith. When you are done fighting the jar heads id like to have a go at you. Cant say ive fought a warrior such as you before especially one who isn't that bad looking."
The Force and Power, two curious things that were heavily apart of this fight. The Force, in some ways, was like a muscle, the more you flexed it the farther it could stretch; the more you lifted of exerted with it, the stronger it became. It was true that Valdra was using the Force often, but he had always used the Force to this extent. While he was far from limited in his use of the Force, he wasn't using anything outside of Fire Shaping, which was his Apex power and used less energy than most Force powers, for him at least. What did burn through him was the use of making plasma as it took a high level of control and focus along with the Force Destruction he used earlier.

What didn't was his Buddha's Palm with he did go through with, just in this universe the closest thing to Chi was the Force and a Force Push was the extension of the Chi. At point blank, she should have had broken bones and not been able to stand so the fact she was standing was impressive, but futile as he planned to end her, She then did the thing all Force Users seem to do which is build up. Why is it that people believe an enemy will just stand in awe when someone is building up an attack? Valdra would not give her this moment. He merely florished his blade and lunged with his speed ending up behind her where he was going to send his blade through her stomach, a non vital area. He spoke of killing her, but he probably never would. The problem was she was not building a forward attack, but an area consuming attack, something Valdra did not expect. Before his blade hit her, he was sent backwards in a brilliant and flashy display of light, 4th of July everybody!

Valdra hit a wall and gritted his teeth, it took a moment for it to fully take effect, a moment like a martr waiting for the gunshot. He then felt the light ripping into his body like a hundreds of swords. His being was being ripped at and harmed. His screams could be heard above the sound of the power. Once the light faded, Valdra was on the ground panting, drained and angry. All the Force he had left in him was wiped out.

He looked up from his fallen position at his , a woman he despised for her constant betrayal and treatment of him. She never showed him love and this mother, he could hardly remember. He had joined the Sith originally to end the war and kill the Dark Lord, but since joining he met some colourful people like the Queen of the Sith, [member="Darth"] Venefice, or the smoldering temptress [member="Sitara Qin"], or even his own little bird [member="Darth Raven"], he had to admit he liked her fire. He even had a promising student in @T'zanith Zebron. Thus was no family, but with the Sith he had more of a family then his own blood and thus he'd protect that and dying here would prevent that.

The look he gave her was unlike any other he had given her before, entering this fight he was not "lost" to the Dark Side, but she had successfully done it, made him choose the Dark Side over her, over everything he once believed in. He wanted to not only kill her, but destroy her. He remembered something in his jacket, a Lignan Crystal. He had originally gotten this crystal to use against Darth Ferus, but had never gotten the chance. He slowly reached into his pocket with his shaking hand and grasped the crystal.

He harnessed the power of the crystal which fed into him, shattering once all the power was in Valdra and filling Valdra with darkness. Like her glowing with light, Valdra now glowed with darkness which pushed against her light with an aggressive fury. Valdra's eyes hand turned to a piercing glowing orange and a smile came across his face as the true power of the Dark Side fed into him, he liked it, he liked it a lot, why was he resisting it for so long? He stood to his feet and smiled a charmingly evil smile to his sister, "I am going to enjoy this, please, don't hold back your screams." It was a hunting voice, something older than Valdra's normal voice, it was not your normal evil voice, it was a man's voice yes, but there was charm and evil rolled together. Like someone you looked at as a hero who was now portraying you and was never a hero to begin with.

Valdra flashed forward and appeared close in front of her releasing all of the crystals power in one powerful burst of Lightning at her whole body with the intentions of consuming her and ending this. With his other hand he put the icing on the cake by sending the tip of his lightsaber for her side to go through her. As he casted the Lightning he could feel a headache coming on, this was the sign that even though the crystal fueled him, this blast of Lightning was draining everything he had, if this continued after he would have to resort to merely lightsaber, but still under the deadly influence of the Dark Side.

[member="Emilia Marean"]


The Second Seal, broken.
Location: Side street > Main street
Objective: Break Mando nr.2, be sad for not seeing [member="Orick T'ane"] bleed out
Allies: [member="Reverance"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Venefica"] | [member="Sage Bane"] | [member="Sabik Dhami"] | [member="Abraxas"] | [member="Rose Kuhn"] | [member="Darth Valdra"] | [member="Drapeam Nyx"] | [member="Valens"] | [member="Tanek Santii"]
Engaging: [member="Solan Charr"]
Gear in bio
As the thud bugs finished off the first droid, Vrag focused on what remained of the other, sidestepping its slash and firing off another nang hul at the exposed wiring hanging out from where a human's guts would be found. The thing crumpled shortly after, and the woman called its lightsaber to her deformed hand with a small flick of a wrist, closing her three intact fingers around the simple hilt. It wasn't hers, but it would have to do for now. She still had the Chom-Huun, hiding among the legs of the Vonduun upon the small of her back, but she would only use it if the situation called for it.

Her blue eyes surveyed the narrow alley, shoulders relaxing for a bit when she realized that her broken opponent had fled, leaving only his blood and a few belongings behind. She made a curious noise in the back of her throat, still cut off from the main fighting as she stalked forth, her rear protected by lines Legion Yun'Do warriors as she picked up the rifle — with a beam straight from Netherworld — and the beskad, its handle smeared with shades of deep red.

With a flex of her shoulders, the firrerreo slid the blade home above the Chom-Huun, feeling the Skerr Kyrric wrap itself around it to fix it in place while the carbine crawled onto her back of its own. Force bless organic technology, eh?

Her right hand was starting to tingle, just the occasional spark in a sea of numbness. Feth. Her regen would kick in soon, and that would mean a whole new wave of pain. Unfortunate.

The Sith Lord emerged from the side street, then, the droid's lightsaber still resting in her palm, albeit unignited. She weaved her way through the horde of Vong, watching with no small amount of satisfaction as the elites dispatched the few Mandos who came barreling at her. What caught her eye next, however, was a solitary figure standing peacefully untouched amid the carnage on the main street, serenely sipping from a glass while clapping and also talking to someone, or so it seemed. There was a massive fight going on around her, and Vrag hardly had the time or the desire to try and discern the words leaving his lips, but her helmet did it for her anyway. It would've been better for the man if it hadn't.

It only stopped her for a moment, really, a stupefied blink behind her skull mask as her step faltered for a fraction of a second, and then the fingers of her free hand squeezed into a fist, and the tendrils of the Force would wrap around one of the grenades hanging on his belt, attempting to set it off while the man was still busy posing in the middle of a battlefield.

Then again, what could one expect from a man who apparently thought goats attractive? Clearly he should've been courting [member="Ayden Cater"], not the Hand of the Dark Lord.
Location: Mandalore Streets
Objective: Relieve the Mando
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Vrag"]

Her just standing there and not speaking back was more than enough to catch him on edge and he turned his head as nothing happened at first unti the weight on his belt felt a bit lighter. His hand moved on it own, dropping the glass and reaching down touch the grenade that had been primed. "Tsk Tsk..." He had wasted two seconds, there was but three left and his movement grabbed at the grenade and tossed it to the ground. His feet moved immediately as it was what she had been hoping for. He wasn't sure that she knew what was contained but then it released. The problem was he had removed the ignitors on all of the grenades so while a decent amount of the napalm jelly got on him, nothing happened.

"This was my good armor..." He sighed and reached down to wipe off the napalm jelly with his gloves. "This is a real pain..." He had never stopped looking at her though as he did that. His grip on the force was working its way to pull it in around him though, causing his eyes to darken in color to their amber state. His skin paled slowly and his hands pulled off the gloves, shaking his head and sighing. It was time to see what it would be Vrag would do in a actual fight.
Location: Keldabe streets
Allies: [member=Darth Venefica]
Enemies: Not [member=Naimes Ahn-Dross], definitely [member=Vilaz Munin]

Though it was not visible underneath the gnullith, the Togruta smirked. Indeed, he could not run forever. There was no escape from the Sith. The only chance one had against the Sith was to attempt to fight them. Even then, chances were slim. Or perhaps that was pride and a little bias talking? Regardless, when the Sith fleet arrived, most seemed to preferred to flee.

He felt that the Sith Lady approved. Good. Poor first impressions were ever so hard to work over. Seeing the thud bug hit its mark added to it, despite it doing little more than give the Mando a little nudge. Still, the Sith had said hello. Then he heard her voice. It had a weird mixed effect of sending a shiver down his spine, at the same time as it strengthened his resolve. Tanek had made no efforts to put up any mental shields, or lock the door to his mind, but he had a feeling that even if he had, Darth Venefica would easily have conjured up a key. Like her presence, he found her voice mildly addicting. He did not appreciate the interruption, as the connection was so abruptly severed.

Then he heard another voice entirely. He was much less pleased with this one's arrival. We're not here to conquer you, Tanek thought as the newcomer opened his mouth. Just here to kill you. He noticed the crossbow he was holding, as he took aim. Not good. Anticipating an attack, the Knight moved. Naturally he wasn't about to stand there and let himself be targeted. He started a little leap to the right. The sound that followed didn't make sense to him. It hadn't looked like there was going to be thunder, yet he heard the sound of it. And then he felt it.

As he had been on the his way to dodge, he was conveniently off balance. In fact, he was only standing on one leg. This worked in the Mandalorians favour, who not only hit his mark, but sent the Sith Knight flying backwards in a spiral. The crossbow bolt had bounced off his left chest, near his shoulder. Luckily he had not taken it head on, but even so, he felt like Darth Vornskr himself had towered over him, and hit him with a sledgehammer. Motherfething Kath hound, he thought to himself as he lay face down in the ground. Whatever ammunition he was packing, that hurt. He was even more grateful now to the Hand that had him equipped in Vonduun armour. Regardless, he was looking at a heavy bruise that'd stay there a while, he imagined.

If you are done talking... he heard Venefica speak. And you are done walking away from us... Can we get down to business? Down to business. Right. With a groan the Togruta got back up to his feet. He was less than amused. It seemed only fair that he gave his new friend a little something to toy with as well. As he was rising to his feet, his hand grabbed a hold of one of the razor bugs, and sent it flying. Similarly to the thud bug, the razor bug was a projectile biot, Vong style, which would deploy its wings to help guide it towards the target. It served a different purpose, however, functioning essentially as living knives. They also had a vapid tenaciousness to continue attacking a target until either it or the razor bug was subdued.

"I'll deal with the newcomer" he once again contacted Venefica through the comm. It worked out in the end. They both got their own Mando to deal with. No need for anyone to get greedy. Tanek assumed he'd hear not objections from Venefica, so he charged off without waiting for an answer. Time was of the essence. He'd keep this one off her back, as she dealt with the other Mandalorian. As he broke off into the run, he let loose another razor bug at him. By now the first ought to be upon its mark. While covering the distance, hopefully occupying the Mando with his little bugs, he attempted to reload his chitin carbine. He didn't imagine he'd use it again in the immediate future, but you never know. Would the Mando meet him, and face him in honourable combat? Or would he too begin a retreat?
Location: Watching the kids play in the streets
People of interest: [member="Vrag"] [member="Solan Charr"]
Enemies: Boredom, sobriety


  • Lucky gloves
  • Five Thermal Detonators
  • Four flash-bang grenades
  • Awesome straw hat
  • Stylish silk green and black robes, with larges sleeves
  • Green silk blindfold that totally matches the faded robes
  • His Templar Ring, for what little it's worth
  • Expired diplomatic credentials
  • Hot cup of Tea
  • One hovering remote droid with on-board sound systems and holo-projection equipment
  • Two gourds filled with summerwine
  • Okay, one and a half gourds--I started early, don't judge me ;)


The amused elder and Grandmaster watched as the Dark Jedi flirted with the armored woman. He remember how he met his wife--Force alive, that was ages ago. Still, his rules had since changed in regards to love. Still, he walked out to watch their confrontation, standing like a drunk tourist. In all honesty, he was a drunk tourist. But a powerful and dangerous one. They could both sense his energy in the force, he wasn't trying to hide it. Not today. No, today was a day he'd come out of hiding and make a proper scene, like any drunk uncle at a family function. And he'd fought alongside and against so many Sith and Mandalorians warriors, he did feel like estranged family in this warzone.

"I don't mean to be rude, but I'd like to reserve a spot against whomever wins this little scrap. I could use the exercise," he said with a chuckle. It was hard to determine if the old man was taunting them, or if he had an agenda. Or maybe his idea of heroism was making sure he fought everyone, so that way he could keep the collateral damage firmly pointed at himself. Or maybe he was just bored and a little too drunk to give a Bantha's tail end about what actually happened. "If either of you wish to engage me, now, though, you can certainly start. I'm not opposed to a dance with several partners, it keeps me feeling young," he said with a hiccup and then a slight giggle.

He stamped out, seemingly to a rhythm only he could here as he clapped a little, waiting for the younger players to make their move, about an even distance between the two, waiting to see who'd jump first. This was going to be such fun. He cracked some joints in his body, the noise sounding like an odd mix of brutal combat and old age working in one conjunction of violent expression.


OOC: Nobody said hi, so I'm passing the savings beatings to you savvy consumers!!! Also, edited because Solan has a name that I can never seem to spell right.


The Second Seal, broken.
Location: Main street
Objective: Break Mando nr.2
Allies: [member="Reverance"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Venefica"] | [member="Sage Bane"] | [member="Sabik Dhami"] | [member="Abraxas"] | [member="Rose Kuhn"] | [member="Darth Valdra"] | [member="Drapeam Nyx"] | [member="Valens"] | [member="Tanek Santii"]
Engaging: [member="Solan Charr"]
???: [member="Vorhi Alestrani"]
Gear in bio

She'd never seen a grenade that exloded into a shower of jelly, but one learned something new every day. The pace of battle left no room for pondering on the strange occurrence, however, and so the woman grabbed her newly acquired rifle and aimed while her opponent was still busy talking about his newly ruined wardrobe, switching to auto as she squeezed the trigger. They were relatively close now, and despite its size and rate of fire, Vrag was pleasantly surprised to find it had only negligible recoil copared to other weapons of its class she'd used in the past. Vrag tried to keep the bolts as much on target as she could, but even the bullpup configuration only went so far, and a few shots were bound to go wide; some would rain upon the crowd behind his back, some would whizz uselessly into the sky above Keldabe, and some would sizzle against the ground in front of him.

Just another instance on her rather long list that went to prove how foolish it was to spew words during combat.

She would never stop moving even as she tried to keep the man bogged down with blaster fire, relenting only once she disappeared back into the throng of Vong and Sith ebbing around them, her lightsaber unignited as ever. Between her own experiences and the myriad of battlefields the woman had fought on, Vrag had long ago learned how to maneuver efficiently through a warzone, and with the added burst of speed afforded to her by the Vonduun, tracking her movement in the mass of undulating, bloody bodies could be said to be an exercise in futility, especially considering the Force would be of little help in the endeavor.

Like always, the firrerreo would seek to circle around her opponent, only leaving the safety of obscurity to launch a devastating attack when an opportune moment presented itself. If anybody else was talking, their words were lost on the woman amid the screams of the dying, the crack of blasters, the hiss of lightsabers, and all the other choice sound effects one could imagine hearing in the thick of battle. She thought she glimpsed a straw hat briefly between the many buy'ce and the screaming faces of warriors of Legion Yun'Do, but quickly pushed it out of her mind as she focused on moving behind her opponent in the obscurity afforded to her by the horde.
Location: Streets
Objective: Take down the Monster
Allies: [member="Bjarn"]
Enemies: [member="Abraxas"]
Gear in Bio

Titan felt the thrill of combat as he connected with his fist and boot. Then the slug skipped off his chest plate and spun Titan for a loop, sending him over a crashed speeder. The shots from the beast would hit the side of the vehicle, punching holes in the body. Titan checked his armor, the slug had dug a chunk of the armor out and left it was a scorch mark.

Titan could feel the bruise swelling in his chest, he'd need some ice later. Getting back up, Titan faced the beast and smirked. He wasn't done yet and the beast wasted it time shooting instead of reacting. This gave Titan a chance to recover and counter. Titan vaulted over the speeder and closed the distance. Once in range, Titan swung the large blade horizontally to bisect the two halves of the beast. Then a side kick would shoot out for the midsection, followed by a reverse swing of the blade. Pressing the attack, Titan wouldn't allow the creature time to think.

After the second swing, the goliath Mando would thrust the tip of the blade right for the center of the creature. Following the thrust, a spinning overhand slash would be aimed for the place where the collar bone would be.
The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“It seems like this could do the trick, [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]vod[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px].”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Wassthat, desperado?”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“When you pronounce the word… it has a [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]ton[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]e to it.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“What do you mean “tone”?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“I ain’t sure, but it sounds like you’s being sarcastical.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Oh, so now you are also a linguist on top of a metallurgist?” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“I am [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]just sayin-[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“You say too much, ponytail.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Whatever, look. This relationship is not difficult to comprehend in any sense of the imagination, you bring me the goods, I bring you the creds. Tone, inclination, punctuations, boldings or underlinings, I don’t give a feth.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Homes, this is about [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]res-[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“I ain’t gonna go around and discuss the ideas of moral and respectability with you. We both know we are long past that point.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“What do-”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Do you or do you not enjoy what I bring to the table.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“I do.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Then let’s do business.”[/SIZE]
Location: Keldabe streets
Objective: Eliminate Sith
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: [member="Sage Bane"]
Unsurprisingly, the only connection the plasma beams made were with the tentacles that had taken the place of his left arm. But the attack didn't seem to be without merit, as a shock of pain coursed through Sage's arm and into his body, giving him pause for a few moments. That was sign enough that he wasn't entirely invulnerable. While targeting the arm wouldn't be her best strategy, it told her that even that seemingly indestructible limb wasn't impervious to what most would consider a basic assault. Despite his outward act it showed him to be just as human as the rest of them, aside from the monstrosity that had replaced his limb. Vong. Semi-sentient, from the looks of it. Something else to watch out for. That meant it would be able to act on its own time, so long as its master wasn't consciously paying attention.

This most certainly wasn't the same man that Rhen had encountered those years ago. This was someone else, something else. And he had trespassed on her homeworld and that of her vode. Regardless of what past the two shared, especially given that it was an unpleasant one at that, he would remember this mistake for the rest of his life, if she had any say in it. "Who's to say I still can't kill you?" The chances of him falling today were slim to none, but she was prepared to pay most any price in order to keep him and his off of Mandalore for now and the time to come. "I seem to recall you barely knowing how to hold a blaster the last time. But I suppose you consider yourself above that now." Most of them did.

The illusion that manifested itself in mere seconds was unexpected, and as it lashed out she instinctively took steps back and to the side. Within the next moment her gaze was trained once more on the tangible Sith in front of her. Up to this point all of this was posturing, the two of them both demonstrating their ability while remaining more or less uninvolved with the other. It was two predators demonstrating their capabilities, neither one willing to yield to the other. A most dangerous game, and one most wouldn't dare play for any extended amount of time. Thankfully the two of them were far from being most people. In her eyes, he was hardly human.

As if to confirm that thought a seed of pain sprouted at her brain stem, leeching rapidly through her head. At first it was bearable, something easy to shake off and move on from, but the sensation quickly capitalized, becoming something akin to the feeling of a blade striking through her very skull itself. It made it near impossible to focus, and as a wave of dizziness washed over her she dropped to one knee, refusing to fall completely. If she were to die today, it would be on her own two feet. He wouldn't get the satisfaction of seeing her on the ground. Her jaw clenched as she mustered up her will in an attempt to push the pain away, not expecting any immediately satisfactory results.

The rifle itself had fallen to the ground, still within reach, though she didn't make any move to grab it just yet. Instead she pulled her pistol from its holster, safety flicking off with an audible 'click'. Slowly she raised the weapon, this time aiming for his head, and pulled the trigger. There was no guarantee that her aim was steady, but with any luck she would at the very least break his concentration long enough for her to regain her footing. "You don't scare me, Dar'Jetii."
Location: Mandalore Streets
Objective: Relieve the Mando
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Vrag"] [member="Vorhi Alestrani"]

The moment she raised the rifle is the moment his feet kicked up the dust and debris under them. The bolts flying faster than his body and his hand twisted as the saber fell from the sleeve, his eyes traced the closest bolts and moved to ignite the saber as he worked to try and intercept them. The entire thing took less than 10 seconds, the rifle having let off atleast sixty shots if she had simply let it go off for a while. During this time his body had taken over for his mind and his eyes had stopped trying to trace the fire as it came at him. All this just was the chaos of the battle field and as she vanished his blade dropped. Around him the eruption of Slugthrowers, snipers, light machine guns. The weapons of his soldiers filled the air.

But something hurt, something in his left shoulder. He glanced down and looked as the bolt had cut through the Viola coat and into the Fiber armor, his arm filling with pain the moment he saw this. "That... That one hurts." He was sick of joking now. His pained arm reached down and gripped the two other grenades at his waist and lifted them with the force before sending them into the middle of the oncoming vong. He twisted into them with the force, heated up the molecules, causing the friction between them to increase. He smiled as slowly the grenades started to turn read before his hand closed and they popped.

In a moment he watched while his men provided enough covering fire to bog down the vong as the two grenades erupted in a shower of flames and heat. His eyes shifted to the napalm jelly that was still on the ground as he focused on that now, sending it at the frontline of troops that turned to see what was going on. His eyes burning a dark amber now as he motioned to his head for the rocket troopers. They let off two high explosive anti personnel rockets right at the vong front lines, slaming into the ground and lighting those with the jelly on them aflame. His eyes then turned to those of his men with napalm grenades themselves, signalling for one to be thrown out while a number of thermal detonators, two to be precise were mixed in as his eyes burned.

He would watch without words at the amount of damage to the one force, letting his men control the killzone and fight the vong. Any not taken down by the explosives or flames were treated with sniper fire and anti tank rifle rounds, slamming into those stupid enough to come down this street. The Light Machine Gunners would pour round after round into the front lines, taking out the survivors. He would see all of them dead, after all, they had no way to leave the planet. And they sure as hell were not staying.

And the best part, every taste of Pain, suffering, death, and so on only fed him as he let his Empathy latch onto the last moments of those on both sides that were taken down. For every soldier shot, they felt sorrow, pain, suffering, and the icy grip of death. And his empathy reached out, past this battle to the fear of those that ran, the sorrow of those that lost love ones, the hate of the Mandalorians for the sith that defied their lands. IT was like a buffet and he watched from cover as they all fed him. Oh it tasted divine, something he was consuming and ready to use on the Sith themselves. You must fight fire with fire after all, that was the only way one was to burn, and the other be cleansed.

His eyes drifted to find something else wrong, the heat was too close and he caught sight of the flames licking over her clothing that covered the fiber armor. The registering feeling was the pain of burns he had felt many times in the past, the flesh starting to blister. He breathed in as he pushed all the air out from around the flames, ending the flames immediately as they had no oxygen but he had received new burns under his armor. The pain, it was something he knew well and the reason he no longer let his grenades activate on their own. His hands curled tighter to the point where they were white beyond what was previously done due to the use of the dak side.

He stared at the smoking clothing from his place behind cover, listening to the sounds of the fighting and pushing the pain to intensify. His body spasmed for a moment as he multiplied his pain twice fold. Then thrice, moving until it felt like the flames were still burning away every bit of tissue, muscles, bone, blood, and flesh. Even if there were no more flames his empathy forced his own pain to go to a height that caused him to smile as it spasmed once more before the eyes darkened to a amber color that was far beyond natural. "Come out where ever you are Schutta." He said as he let his sight abandon the physical world and the force take over.
Location: The streets of Keldabe
Objective: Trying not to get shot
Allies: [member="Vrag"], [member="Hal Terrano"], @Abraxes, [member="Darth Valdra"], [member="Darth Venefica"], [member="Rose Kuhn"], [member="Drapeam Nyx"], [member="Valens"], [member="Sabik Dhami"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"]
Enemies: [member="Azrael"], [member="Orick T'ane"], [member="Titan"], [member="Solan Charr"], [member="Kadala Skirata"]
Engaging: [member="Azrael"]
Gear: Vonduun armor, Voxyn Arm, Chom-Huun, Roecnar, Tsaisi, Yuuzhan vong toys (magma pebbles, plasma eel, Chitin Carbine)​
There wasn't a lot that the Sith Lord hadn't experienced, in this universe, even if just in passing. A mandalorian, decked out in gear, wasn't a surprising feature for the resume. But it would be an addition, nonetheless. But most particularly, he eyed the direction of the weapon geared at him, wondering if his opponent truly expected the Sith Lord to stand still once the trigger was depressed, or even prior to it. Especially given the aspect of the laser, pointed directly at him.

As the intent of the conversation changed, the expression of death changing to blood and bone and dust, Gabriel understood the chime of the bell tower for what it was. As the opponent called on his own weapon, Gabriel remained outside the force nulling effects of the ysalamiri as he ducked downward and lifted his left arm. A sheen of translucent energy enveloped a one sided perimeter around the figure as he erected a force shield, pouring the animosity of his force presence into the flicking specks of power that formed the lattice structure before him. A throwback to his exaltation of the crystal lattice features of the blood red diamonds, housed in Roecnar and from his own planet Arkania, Gabriel felt the thump of the rounds as they detonated against the shield, lowered angle but caught by the unsuspecting shield.

With each impact, the defense mechanism blinked steadily in retort and coinciding with with such things, Gabriel unraveled the plasma eel from his waist and tossed it forward, all in one fell swoop. Through the blink, perfectly timed, the monster traveled towards the now kneeling Mandalorian, looking to make purchase directly at the left foot of the kneeling commander. The timing, Gabriel felt, would be perfect given the sudden transition between rifle and pistol. Six rounds, Gabriel noted, an obvious limitation of the weapon. The fires from the incendiary rounds transpired into a smoking crest of gentle billows, working to fray the armorweave upon his left hands finger tips. Despite the kinetic protection, Gabriel couldn't mask the thermal changes against the shield as the heat transpired across the medium. Nothing for now, he thought, but worth consideration the next time he picked the weapon up.

Behind him, the blast bugs launched in Azrael's general direction and to those who might congregate around him, the Mern Kane a suitable droid system serving the Legion as obliging defenses, Chazrach slaves put to proper use. The insects flew over the shoulder of the Sith Lord as he stepped back, free voxyn hand loosening the chitin carbine and training it towards his fellow combatant.

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