Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When the Cats Are Away...

Location: Keldabe
Objective: Don't think about how much of a mistake this was
Enemies: [member="Vrag"] [member="Rose Kuhn"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Drapeam Nyx"] @the One Sith big happy family.
Allies: [member="Azrael"] @Mando type folks and that weird guy sipping tea
Gear: In my Bio​

Assuming a defensive stance, he slid his right foot back allowing his left hand, with the blade to push forward a bit. all of the advantages in this fight were to her, the confines of the alley worked for her because he was limited on his mobility, likewise the longer reach of her lightsaber over his long knife. Speed instlf wasn't a rea lussie because he felt that he could keep up with her on that account. His right arm throbbed as he moved back against her advance, his blade flashing out only occasionally to block her attack.

Had he not been wearing the advanced armorweave under his clothing his arm would have been a mangled mess and he would have been deal already. As it was, the arm was far from effective and he wondered at his ability to use it at all. the alley wasn't wide, but it was long, and he needed to keep moving backwards as a steady pace until he got into the street proper. there he, and the two droids that he had left there, could have the room needed to even the odds a bit. by his count the mouth of the alley wasn't too far behind him, he only needed a few more moments to get this fight tilted more towards his liking. " Target the sith as soon as she's out of the alley." he said into the mic in his helmet. the two droids would move into the view at the end of the alley, each one producing a white bladed saber.

A smile crept across his face as he stepped back, another step or two and he would have the advantage. His bootclipped the helmet of the dead mandolorian on the ground behind him, and he lost his balance for lust a second.It was a second that would prove costly as he felt a slight tug and the ground rushed up to met him. He sprawled out across the body of the mandolorian, the monster only a few paces away.
Location: Streets of Keldabe
Objective: Kill Maim Engage [member="Sage Bane"]
Allies: Mando'ade
Enemies: Sage Bane
For all of the reaction his careful approach elicited, the Sith that steadily neared her position may as well have been one of her vode. Her focus was elsewhere, amidst the realm of strategy and where her next shot would find its mark rather than the likely terror your average galactic citizen would be experiencing. The rifle would do little against his armor and even less with the plasma blade added to the equation, but distractions could prove just as useful as any actual success. It only took one moment for the upper hand shift drastically. The crosshairs refocused, assimilating a new target, adjusting for movement and any predetermined reaction, breathing steady despite the lurking danger.

For the briefest of seconds the scope flashed over the features of the man, features she knew. Vague memories resurfaced, her thoughts briefly turning to the scars beneath her armor. Mando'ad draar digu. Once those words had been spoken as an almost idle warning, but now the threat uttered with half-serious intentions of following through was beginning to shape itself under a new light. Perhaps this fight wouldn't be quite as impersonal as the others. Not with the brief history the two of them shared, at least. Dar'Jetii. Aruetii. Sage. Along with the name came recollections of their confrontation years ago. This was going to be interesting.

Her attention centered once again on the immediate confrontation, and the approaching Sith she had to contend with. With only the briefest of moments to gauge her aim for a second time she fired, this bolt now intended for the center of his chest. If deflected it would prove harmless, but upon impact with his armor she hoped it would at least serve to knock him off his feet. More time was taken to settle the trajectory of the next, hovering over the hilt of his lightsaber and the hand that held it, hoping to either disable the weapon or inflict some kind of partially crippling injury. The chances of any of the shots actually connecting were slim to none, but she would have to take that chance.

Mentally Rhen prepared herself for a face-to-face combat scenario, aware that her chances of surviving unscathed were null. Briefly she glanced to those that had arrived previously. Added danger was the last thing she needed. But for their own part they seemed to be occupied elsewhere, one of her vod present and ready for a fight. Dark eyes narrowed a fraction beneath the helmet, briefly scanning the HUD that hovered before her eyes. The muscles of her jaw ticced slightly, the minute shift borne out of nothing more than her own anticipation. Only when he was within conversational distance did she speak, "Fancy meeting you here, shabuir."
Location: Keldabe Streets
Objective: Teaching Respect
Allies: [member="Sage Bane"] l [member="Tanek Santii"] l [member="The Hound"]? l [member="Vrag"] l [member="Reverance"]
Enemy: [member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"]

She stared at the Mando that called her a demon, something she took as a compliment, sizing up his head. Yes, she thought. His skull would make a fine addition to her collection and his teeth, well his teeth would find their way either to her outfit or woven into her hair to give the two Dragonsnake teeth company. But one thing she could not accept was his feeble attempts to banish her to the shadows. Granted she loved the shadows, all dark, cold, and spooky but she was here to have fun. Home can wait for now.
Out of her peripheral vision she spotted [member="Sage Bane"] ignite his killing tool and shoot out toward the sniper. She chuckled to herself knowing the beautiful one would be claiming a prize of his own today. So that left her with the Togruta. She never fought alongside the Knight but she had no doubt about his skill sets. He had been the driving force of capturing the watery planet of Glee Anselm for the Sith. So that left this poor Mando to deal with the duo of Sith; alone.
"Seems you came prepared to fight, Mando," she said spitting the word Mando from her mouth, her eyes rolling in disdain as he drew his weapons. "But you have forgotten one thing...."
She masterfully and efficiently invaded the minds of three fleeing male citizens, overriding their circuitry and reprogramming them to serve the Sith Lady. There were few pleasures in her life but her greatest passion was dominating the minds of others. This simple act was far from taxing on her, since she had been invading the minds of people from almost day one; and perfected it ever since.
She flashed the Mando a smile.
As her facial expression changed to all business, the three male Mando citizens screamed and charged their Mando brother. Would he kill them or attempt to subdue them? Was he their hero or their destroyer? Whatever course he took, they were only a distraction. And distractions were everything!
"Together," she said over to [member="Tanek Santii"] while igniting her weapon. "We keep him between us at all times. And remember....think before you act...."
Her black and red flecked eyes took a glance at the raving men then added, "....because Mandos cheat."
Location: Keldabe, Street Level
Enemies: [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Tanek Santii"], One Sith
Allies: Mandalorians
Equipment: Beskar'gam, Longtooth, Terentatek Body Glove, Naat Na'taylir Talisman
...Teras Kasi had helped the Rally Master hone his mind, helped him center himself and when necessity called for it the discipline also assisted him in closing his mind of to intrusion of domination. It wasn't a factor he needed to worry about at the moment, more a reminder as Venefica bent the minds of lesser men to her will and transformed them into the raving lunatics that charged towards him. Once the three men charging towards him were fleeing citizens, innocent by any other word but in a split second they were transformed into obstacles. Naimes ahn-Dross had always been a prudent soldier, of one mind and body, which meant when he did act it was without hesitation. Nothing personal to the three men whose names he didn't know, they were merely faces in the wind at the moment...

...Longtooth drew backwards, Naimes slid back to put room not only between himself and the Sith duo but also the three mind bent assailants heading towards him. The Kath Hound Shotgun was raised in his left hand as he retreated away, he squeezed the trigger and a burst of energy expunged itself from the barrel of the shotgun in a mighty belch that sent it towards the closest of the three. Mandalorians, even civilians typically wore some kind of protection even if it was only light armorweave, which meant the Rally Master hadn't had to give his actions a second thought...

...once the Kath Hound had fired, his left arm handling the recoil of the weapon remarkably well if any keen observers were present, he'd have aimed a second time and fired again at the next of the trio. As for the third, he'd have made it closer to Naimes causing him to toss the Shotgun aside and discard it. Then Naimes would snake his left arm ahead and across his upper chest, take the slathering civilian by the collar and snap his head forward to deliver a Keldabe Kiss to the forehead of the final man. -If- these three had any sense of tactics after Venefica had driven them mad things might play out differently but assuming they did not they'd all have been incapacitated once Naimes was through. Two shot, possibly dead but likely with some life in them if they followed the creed and wore and protection, the other unconscious by way of a massive headbutt. Destroy? No. Savior? He understood some might need to fall in order to save many...

...during all this what else? Naimes had certainly been aware of what Venefica had said to some extent though he chose not to answer. At least not initially.
"No more tricks."...was all he insisted upon as he continued a slow withdrawal. It had become clear that he'd be fighting the duo which meant he'd need to divide his attention, a slow but measured withdrawal would ensure it would be more difficult for them to flank him. Longtooth was taken in both hands, right hand over the left, leveled at height with his chest and angled ahead of him while he moved away. The Rally Master's left foot had slid backwards, his right led and he had positioned himself at a rough forty-five degree angle...
[SIZE=12pt]LOCATION: Streets[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]OBJECTIVE: Make some pretty pictures.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]ALLIES: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][member="Reverance"] | [member="Vrag"] | @OS[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]ENEMIES: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] [member="Shepard"][/SIZE]​

[SIZE=12pt] She didn’t believe her illusions would keep the Mandalorian at bay for the entirety of their confrontation, nor did she wish it. Ovmar had helped her discover a love for silence and patience, but there would always be a part of her that loved bloodshed, the exhaustion in her bones at the end of triumphant battle. They were a people with a love for battle and this one, this one, seemed to crave it of his own accord. But she hoped to sap him of some of his strength as he defended himself from her craft, evening the physical odds.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] It would appear she was to see if those tactics were effective sooner rather than later, her connection to his mind giving her a split second's warning before he pulled the trigger. Her illusions dissolved as she shifted her concentration. Even though she'd been sure to keep her distance a shotgun had a range effective enough to pelt her where she was standing. Thankfully it seemed his aim was compromised enough by the split attention he was paying her Vong and her continued movement to hit her where it hurt. [/SIZE]A fight at close range wasn't preferable but against an opponent with firearms it was her safest bet - if she kept close and quick she could keep him from aiming at her. [SIZE=12pt]Pushing herself off the ground with the aid of the Force as he rolled backwards to avoid her quickly disintegrating illusion, she found herself coming down towards him as he shot his remark at her. Had she not been so intent on separating him from his windpipe she might have laughed. [/SIZE]Don't you wish.

[SIZE=12pt] Throwing her hands out in front of her, she let loose a prodigious push of the Force, hoping to throw him off balance and stop him from using the shotgun against her again in the air. Her claws sprang from one hand, sharp enough to cut through things lesser than phrik, especially with the force of her downward momentum. She aimed for anything in the region of his head and neck though she would settle for anything in the general area - she could pierce any number of important organs if she hit his chest, or sever an important artery or vein in his arms.[/SIZE]
Location: Keldabe, Mandalore
Objective: Exterminate the Infestation
Allies: The Mando'ade | [member="Kadala Skirata"]
Enemies: [member="Sabik Dhami"] | [member="Reverance"] | Dar'jetti scum
Gear: Beskar'gam | Armory

Ysalamir in protective nutrient tube

Day one, stepping foot on this planet, Azrael had been told of the destruction that had come in the form of a nuclear strike against Mandalore. The Dar'jetti were to blame, and while he'd never been off world before, the understanding of the enemy was firmly planted by that single seed sown. Years had passed, and that seed had flourished and grown by the actions and atrocities that the Sith had warranted in the face of the Mandalorians. Time after time, they had challenged the vode, drew them into war, for which the Mando'ade were more than ready to respond. The Dar'jetti though were like Butterbugs however - once you stamped one out, another rose to take it's place. As with every faction of Sith that the Mandalorians had torn apart and dissolved, a new faction of the scum had risen it's face. This newest of incarnations had seemingly learned from errors in the past, and banded together under a common banner. Perhaps they were progressing forward with an intent to finally gel, a lesson that the Mandalorians had learned, and studied for thousands of years - and they would have the upper hand.

Gabriel was a new face, even with the shell armor he bore - he'd not seen that visage before on Teta or Coruscant. As the buy'ce concealed the half-blood salvager native of Ord Mantell, so did the crab armor that layered over the face, allowing just the shadows to play upon crevices where he might see, potentially smell and breathe. The enemy may have been concealed, but his voice was far from enigmatic. It spoke of a tone of age and sophistication. The Sith Lord was an experienced player on the field, especially when he had been able to dispatch a Mandalorian without having to life a single weapon. He did find of all things the Vong traits of the armor and weaponry a contradiction to the Sith's manifestation - and always had. For a civilization that had nearly enslaved the entire Galaxy - it was something of a puzzle to the salvager that the Sith would ally with them instead of attempting to enslave the lot. Perhaps that was a deeper plot, but it would be put aside for the time being. That crimson line barely swayed as it continued to keep that pin point of light directly at the forehead of his opponent with complete confidence in his grip on the railgun.

"I'll be most happy to add you to the decor, in both ash and bone." Azrael replied, his stance unwavering while the wind clipped against their respective forms - fluttering whatever fabric was loose enough to dislodge. A light casting of loose debris along the ground between forming a classic face-off. There were many ways to start a confrontation, but there were also a great deal that were just as foolish as they were ill-timed. Strategy was a key component of any confrontation, and while the Mandalorians would sing the glories of war, they never forgot to be experts in their fields. In complete mental commitment, the Mand'alor squeezed the trigger for the railgun, and a brilliant flash of light lit up his target like the noon-day sun. A direct and immediate attempt to both blind and deceive the Sith Lord. The danger sense was a powerful ally to those of the Force able in the Galaxy, and from what he understood - it could be based entirely on the intent of actions of another. The intent was to fire, the commitment was there, and yet only the light from the gun's scope flashed on. The following blast of six five millimeter rounds though came out without pomp or circumstance, but driven down into an angle that would cut through the expanse between them like lightning. Hit or miss - the angle of the round intersected about a half foot behind where Gabriel into the permacrete below their feet.

In straight concourse of movement, the Mandalorian didn't charge or advance, but stooped himself lower towards the ground in a crouch. Quick practice slid the BOAR.D to safety to pluck out the sidearm Ripper. The pistol was raised immediately to take aim on where Gabriel would move next. There was much to anticipate here, but there was also a great deal of personal planning that had gone into setting up an attack on a Sith Lord. Teta had taught him many things, most of which was being prepared. Five seconds after that initial shot round of the rain-gun all six rounds exploded in incendiary nature.
OBJECTIVE: Kill everything
ALLIES: [member="Solan Charr"], [member="Kadala Skirata"], [member="Titan"], [member="Azrael"], [member="Yusan Fenn"], [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"], [member="Emilia Marean"], [member="Orick T'ane"], [member="Alexander Sannes"], [member="Kraigmiir Hijiin"], [member="Nolan Detta"],[member="Shaw McKeller"], [member="Rhen Asakaari"], [member="Shepard"], [member="Bjarn"], [member="Vilaz Munin"],
ENEMIES: [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Abraxas"], [member="Sage Bane"], [member="The Hound"], [member="Tanek Santii"], [member="Vrag"], [member="Reverance"], [member="Drapeam Nyx"], [member="Darth Valdra"], [member="Rose Kuhn"], [member="Sabik Dhami"], [member="Darth Venefica"], [member="Valens"]

Naast'ika glided silently down city streets, towering buildings scrolling past him as his body, absent of his focus or attention, followed the waypoints set out by his crew. All around him, he saw the outline of buildings as easily as he saw the hollow spaced of their interior and the spaces in-between. His awareness was not based on binocular vision, like that of a humanoid. His awareness was based around the information provided to him by an entire suite of organic and synthetic sensing organs, focused by a mind that evolved in the depths of a deep, dark sea. With it, and with the help of the dozens of computer systems augmenting it, Naast'ika was able to identify the lifeforms in the city surrounding him. To him, they were bright points of light. Yellow and Red and Green and White. The computers connected to his mind tried to tell him which were ally combatants, which were hostile forces, which were civilians, and which... couldn't yet be classified. In the distance, the sounds of combat echoed through the city streets as Naast'ika made his way deeper into the combat zone.

<I do what I want.> Naast'ika said defiantly.

<What do you want to do?> The voice asked as if teasing a child.

<Fight for Manda'yaim.> Naast'ika said after a moment, unsure if it was the right thing to say to the voice.

<Your masters have taken control of your weapons from you.> The voice said.

<Captain Tupu is smart.> Naast'ika said. <If he does not want me to fight, I will not fight.>

<Then you are a slave.> The voice stated.

<I am not!> Naast'ika proclaimed defiantly.

<Then fight for your world.> The voice dared. <Kill the intruders.>

<I can't.> Naast'ika said quietly, almost ashamed to have to say it.

<I've given you back your weapons.> The voice said after a moment. <Prove your independence. Fight for your world.>

<Fine.> Naast'ika said.

His three primary weapons were a pair of heavy plasma cannons placed on the far side of each nacelle, one on port and one on starbard. These were an organic part of his body. The third weapon, his primary and favorite weapon, was the heavy proton cannon that adorned his dorsal prow. It was an artificial augmentation to his body. Part weapon, part cybernetic limb. To Naast'ika, it was his favorite toy. Four automated flat cannons adorned his body. They were out of his direct ability to control, as each was managed by a separate droid processor. Between his body and his nacelle, a circular port had been augmented into his body. From these two ports, heavy proton torpedoes could be fired. Likewise, these weapons were out of Naast'ika's ability to control. A number of Naval Droids loaded and prepared these weapons. Sometimes they were controlled by droids, sometimes they were controlled by crew. It often depended on the duty rotation.

As Naast'ika unsheathed his primary weaponry from their protective housings, he was surprised to find that the point defense turrets and torpedo tubes responded to his will. Not... directly. He did not control them. But the droids that did control these weapons appeared to be responding to his desires. <Did the other do this?> Naast'ika thought to himself. <You're capable of more than you know.> Answered the voice.

Quietly, in the back of a mind that was not listening, Naast'ika knew that his captain and crew were confused. They were trying to communicate with Naast'ika. Trying to tell him to relinquish control of his systems to them. Naast'ika had never known that he could choose to do that... to take control of himself from his crew. It was a good feeling, to know that you had a freedom you had never known enough to miss.

Happily, Naast'ika fired a salvo at a distant cluster of red icons. Twin shots of superheated plasma raced from him to impact upon the cluster of red icons. His senses and his mind told him that they were Sith. A hostile and hated enemy of the Mando'ade. A third shot from his primary cannon raced through the space between himself and his enemy. A massive explosion of proton energy replaced the red dots with nothingness.

Naast'ika would have smiled had he been able.

Bio-Corvette is going bat-poodoo crazy with another mind encroaching on his own.
Approaching PC's from a few city blocks away.
Shooting the kark out of NPC's as he approaches.
Location: A cafe on Keldabe, watching chaos erupt.
Objective: Finish a cup of orange tea before the violence spills out to him.
Allies: No idea, Maybe @solann char maybe [member="Vrag"] maybe [member="Azrael"] maybe [member="Vilaz Munin"] or maybe the innocent people of the planet. Probably not himself, though. He was never good at self-preservation.
Enemies: A hang-over, in about four hours

  • Lucky gloves
  • Five Thermal Detonators
  • Four flash-bang grenades
  • Awesome straw hat
  • Stylish silk green and black robes, with larges sleeves
  • Green silk blindfold that totally matches the faded robes
  • His Templar Ring, for what little it's worth
  • Expired diplomatic credentials
  • Hot cup of Tea
  • One hovering remote droid with on-board sound systems and holo-projection equipment
  • Two gourds filled with summerwine
  • Okay, one and a half gourds--I started early, don't judge me ;)

Vorhi was, as it seemed, a master of bad decisions. A man who should've been retired, he sat upon the bench in the cafe sipping tea. The Summerwine had been very strong, and he was still a little drunk. Okay, fairly drunk. Heavily drunk. Well, drunk enough to forget why he had even ended up on this planet. The grandmaster of the Seala Kasi, the wizened elder whose fists could tear the heavens asunder--or at least that was what some would say of him.

Still, the drinking hadn't changed his visions. This battle was coming, and he would be a part of it. He could feel it. The tea wasn't to sober him up. No, it was to make sure the drunk guy they were facing was fething wide awake. This would not be another Druckenwell. He would not let another planet nearly die around his hands. Not again. The reformed Seala Kasi would fight for the sake of virtue. He would begin.

He tightened and fastened his gloves, taking another sip of his tea. Good. He smiled and slowly cracked his neck. It would begin. Fate, movement, he focused on the forces swirling in the chaos, waiting to see what lunacy would unfold. He stared into his tea. He chuckled darkly. If there was a joke, it wasn't one he felt like sharing. He looked down at the signet ring on his finger. The templar ring. A rare item, but one a few Mandalorians might recognize as an old, worn symbol of an order no longer remembered. It mattered not.

As of now, he was simply a lowly drunk on a small world, watching a war unfold around him.

The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]A lot of roads lead back to Coruscant City.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]That was the one standard, the one balancing act that few people should ever forget about. It was the realization that you could do a lot of different things and each of those different things lead towards the exact same desire you are working for. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Some part of Khal had pondered about slipping onto Mandalore from the Primeval fleet that had crashed through hyperspace to assault the Mandalorian Clans, but in the grand scheme of things… why? What kind of purpose would that have served, besides antagonizing a race of proud warriors that would most definitely carry a grudge for the entire of his further long life.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]No, it had become clear to Khal that there were other ways to get exactly what he wanted.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Which is why he was currently leaning against a crate, in a warehouse somewhere within the city of Keldabe and waited on his contact to arrive. At this point in time he was entirely unaware of the Sith assault that had commenced - too deep in the dredges of the underworld to really take note of that.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]There are few exceptions to that general rule.[/SIZE]


The Second Seal, broken.
Location: Side street
Objective: Payback time
Allies: [member="Reverance"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Hal Terrano"] | [member="Abraxas"] | [member="Darth Valdra"] | [member="Darth Venefica"] | [member="Rose Kuhn"] | [member="Drapeam Nyx"]| [member="Valens"] | [member="Sabik Dhami"] | [member="Tanek Santii"] | [member="Sage Bane"]
Engaging directly: [member="Orick T'ane"]
Gear in bio
Pacing was everything. It was her foundation, it was her endurance, and it would be her salvation. Nothing was as important as maintaining a tempo during a duel, her tempo, and so when her opponent stumbled with a little help from the Sith, the woman was over him in seconds.

The Vonduun, angered by the loss of its flesh, angered by the bolts sizzling against it earlier, would coil and flex along with the muscles of her legs, assisting her in the balestra that the woman used to cross the distance between the two of them even as she pulled his leg from under him. With reflexes and speed lent both by the Skerr Ygdris and the Force, the firrerreo would step into the narrow measure, her saber stabbing forth as if she was about to impale him — oh, shiak, did she love it so — hoping that even in his fall, he would attempt to bat her thrust away. She would roll her wrist then, pulling the orange blade back in a small, but effiecient moulinette, and then attempt to bring it back down in a diagonal slice across his wrist perhaps a breath before her front foot hit the ground, adding the gravity of her whole body to the slash.

A hand for a hand. Fitting, no?

And if that particular venue of attack didn't pan out, the woman was still close enough to go for his legs, now that he was on the ground, or perhaps the family jewels — a few less Mandos in the Galaxy never hurt anybody — or some other opportune target. Really, with her foe supine upon the corpse of his comrade, the Hand of the Dark Lord had an array of potential targets to go after in the next few moments.
Location: Keldabe
Objective: Don't think about how much of a mistake this was
Enemies: [member="Vrag"] [member="Rose Kuhn"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Drapeam Nyx"] @the One Sith big happy family.
Allies: [member="Azrael"] @Mando type folks and that weird guy sipping tea
Gear: In my Bio​

The menace that washed down the alley was palpable to him as she approached, the sneer on her face wasn't visible because of her helmet, but he was sure it was there. Her movements were measured and steady, and he could see the confidence in her stride. The orange blade glowed angrily down at him as she thrust the blade down, intending on skewering him. His instinct was to parry the blade away, but it would leave him on the ground at her mercy still and he wanted to avoid giving her a second strike.

The blade flashed against his personal shield as he rolled to the right, he saw the shield flash and then vanish as her powerful thrust overpowered the shield. It wasn't enough to let him escape the attack completely as he felt the heat of the blade slide across his back. The armor held for the most part, but he could feel points where the blade held for a moment too long , the armorweave boiling on his skin. Pain blossomed across his back as he managed to avoid the damage, but he was going to be picking armorweave out of his skin for the foreseeable future.

The need to gain the upperhand in this fight before it was out of control was the reasoning for his final desperate move. As he rolled away, he took a wild backswing with his beskad aimed at her knee. She had just placed her leg forward for the thrust and he hoped that she didn't get the chance to move it away too quickly. The blade was sharp and the knee joint wasn't the most heavily armed spot, but he wasn't sure just how durable her armor was,or even what it fully was.

Space was the next thing on his list to survive this fight, he didn't even stop to see what the blade would do, he tried his hardest to crawl away, the cybernetics in his system pushing his body to overdrive as his arms and legs pumped on the rough ground.


The Second Seal, broken.
Location: Side street
Objective: Mando, meet blunt force trauma
Allies: [member="Reverance"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Venefica"] | [member="Sage Bane"] | [member="Sabik Dhami"] | [member="Abraxas"] | [member="Rose Kuhn"] | [member="Darth Valdra"] | [member="Hal Terrano"] | [member="Drapeam Nyx"] | [member="Valens"] | [member="Tanek Santii"]
Engaging directly: [member="Orick T'ane"]
Gear in bio

A flash of disappoint raced across her face, followed by a touch of satisfaction as her blade scorched across his back. She caught the sizzle of his energy shield as it burned out against the pressure of her lightsaber against his back, her mouth pulling back into a horrifying marriage between a grin and a scowl as the armorweave grew white hot in the wake of her orange blade. Not quite as pleasing as it would've been if it was his hand, but she would take what she could get at this point. The Mandalorian was proving to be craftier than she'd first anticipated, and with each passing second the firrerreo grew more and more determined to end the man.

As he made to roll out of the way, however, the Sith saw the yellow glint of his blade as it reflected the light of her own weapon, aimed right at the side of her left leg. It was a sloppy strike, rash and desperate, but a strike nonetheless, and even as she pronated her hand in an attempt to block the attack, she knew she'd been a second too late. It came screaming against the Vonduun, but the edge alignment was as bad as they come, and Skerr Kyrric was possibly one of the most durable things right after their precious beskar itself.

The blow didn't so much deal damage as it disrupted her equilibrium, and instead of carving up his back in his moment of weakness, Vrag was forced to stumble forward — and rather clumsily too — catching her weight on her right foot. By then the man had already crawled out of melee range, and she wasn't quite keen on recklessly chasing after him and directly into the arms of the waiting droids; no, at this moment, the narrow alley still worked in her favor, forcing her opponents to funnel into a single line if they wanted to face her.

So instead of rushing headlong after his swaying, chiseled Mandalorian ass, the Sith Lord flexed her fingers around the Chom-Huun, sending the weapon skittering along the Vonduun while she swiftly reached for the carbine on her back, planting her feet firmly against the duracrete as she nocked the weapon into her flexed elbow, holding it flush against her side.

Then she squeezed the trigger, her lips pulling back to reveal a sharp leer as the organism buckled against her tight grip, spewing thud bug after thud bug at the exposed back of her foe. The little beasties were fast and capable of homing in on their target in and of themselves, slamming into flesh and bone until the victim lay bruised and broken on the ground. An ignominious end for such a proud warrior, perhaps, but Vrag had never believed in honor.
LOCATION: Keldabe, third floor
OBJECTIVE: Step it up, yo
ALLIES: The Mando'ade {[member="Nolan Detta"]}
ENEMIES: Sith {Targeting [member="Rose Kuhn"]}
x1: Lanvarok, gauntlet version, left hand
x3: Forcebreaker Gas Grenades
x2: Mandalorian Ripper MK-II
x1: Standard beskad {Strapped to back}
x1: Silver light-club {In hand}
x1: Hyperion Combat Armor

Lumbering giants are not fast. They would rarely ever be. But they are undeniably strong. To hold one down, for even a few moments, took strength not often found inside seventeen year old girls. Even if said girl was trained by two of the toughest warriors on this side of the universe. Kraigmiir's blade did not stay trapped beneath that of her opponent's. It cut through the floor first, then was pulled back, easily being pulled free from it's pinned position. Turning it to block the incoming attack would have been easy. Especially with the aid of the force. Instead a troublesome Vod interfered, pulling at his ally, trying to free her from the building. 'Twas not a move she appreciated. Behemoths, as well, were not easily moved. The woman slid forward, moving out the window, but kept a firm grip on the sill. With a little quick thinking she was able to turn and end up on the ledge instead of the distant ground. With a snarl she deactivated her weapon before clipping it away. Now able to use that hand to hold onto the building she aimed her Lanvarok at the Sith inside, launching the poison-covered disks at her. Hopefully, as their targeting+speed were enhanced with the force, the projectiles would slash into the warrior. Otherwise things would get... complicated.

Knowing that she was an easy target (simply hanging onto the outside of a wall in the middle of a warzone) she started climbing down, keeping an eye on where she had left the child.

Rose Kuhn

LOCATION: Keldabe, Inside Third Floor
OBJECTIVE: Make Momma Proud
ALLIES: Sith, No One Immediately Helping
ENEMIES: [member="Kraigmiir Hijiin"] [member="Nolan Detta"]

The blades sliced at her, but the armor she wore was not regular armorweave. As the blades bit into the cloth they tore at the metal intermixed with the the armorweave, the unique Asheran minerals blocking against it and biting at the blades, stopping them short of cutting through and lacerating her ribs. Instead the blades bruised her, knocking the window out of her and causing a biting pain in her side.

Rose let out a curse, rolling backwards with the force of the blow and moving deeper into the room.

She saw the titan lower herself, her eyes narrowing as the woman dipped below. Blue glaciers then shifted towards the floating mandalorian, bright flames ejecting from his back.

Her hand came up, lightsaber still clutched in the hook of her thumb as her fingers sprawled. A deep red and black spark of lightning jumped from her fingertips, bounding forward and biting towards the Mandalorians jetpack.
Location: Keldabe streets
Allies: [member=Darth Venefica]
Enemies: Not [member=Rhen Asakaari], definitely [member=Naimes Ahn-Dross]

Tanek heard the familiar voice of Sage inside his mind. The armoured Togruta looked at him, and gave him a sharp nod. Sage had caught the scent of something, and he was calling for blood. He did not envy whoever had to stand against him. He or she was a marked man. Get it? Sniper? Marksman? Anyone? Ok...

His orders were clear, the Togruta were to stick close to Darth Venefica. Sage could handle himself. Though in truth, he didn't want to leave her presence. The dark energies radiating off her was captivating, an addiction he knew all too well to lose himself in.

He observed Darth Venefica's move, toying with the minds of the enemy, turning them against each other. It was beautiful. This was what had made him so eager to join the Sith in the first place, when he had first bumped into Sage Bane on Coruscant. It was Sith art. Whether he took them down or not didn't matter. He assumed it'd have a psychological effect, one way or another, even if only it was to fuel his rage at how effortlessly the Sith threw away the lives of his kin. It gave him a pretty good idea of how they valued Mandalorian lives.

Now his eyes turned to the dark woman, and he gave her a firm nod as well. He would obey. He would make the Sith proud, or he would die. It wasn't much more complicated than that to him. "As you say, my Lady" he said respectfully. He understood.

The Mando warrior had taken care of the civilians turned against him, and appeared to be retreating. Yet he had challenged Venefica, Tanek doubted he would withdraw from battle alltogether. That went against everything he had heard about the Mandalorians on his briefing on the way here. "It looks like he wants a ranged fight" Tanek commented. More than simply stating his mind, he wanted to hear her thoughts. Did she have a plan? He wanted to dart off after him, but was wary of falling into a trap. Think before you act. Her words were repeated once more in his mind. Together, she had said, and together they would take him.

Now Tanek drew his weapon as well, only it wasn't a lightsaber. He pulled out his latest Vong toy, the chitin carbine. It was a weapon designed to fire Nang hul at high speed targets. The Nang hul was a projectile biot, with sharp jagged legs and wings. For the distinctive thud sound when striking objects, they had been nicknamed thud bugs in Basic. A Nang hul's maximum velocity could exceed 150 kilometers per hour. If it hit, it'd likely knock him to the ground, or possibly break limbs. A nifty feature was that they had the ability to home in on their targets. The Togruta Sith took aim, and fired. His intent was to stop the Mandalorian's retreat, and hopefully create an opening for Darth Venefica to exploit.

Assuming Darth Venefica followed in pursuit, as would Tanek. If she didn't, he would hold his position.
Location: Keldabe streets
Objective: Kill Mandos
Allies: [member="Tanek Santii"] [member="Darth Venefica"]
Enemies: [member="Rhen Asakaari"] (claimed)

The Mandalorian woman was, of course, covered head to toe in so much Besk'argam that coudn't see her face. He snapped his lightsaber off, placing it at his hip. Sage's faithful red blade would be no good against the saber-resistant Mandolarian iron. Sage branched out with his Force sense, sending tendrils of the dark side to sink its fingers into her mind and pluck out coveted information, such as her name. Rhen. A wide smile came from behind his Voduun crab helmet. Almost as if she could sense Sage trespassing through her mind, Rhen raised her rifle and fired two quick shots in succession.

The particle beams would not likely penetrate through his breastplates, but they could pack a punch if not countered. Instead of simply steeling himself against the blow, Sage whipped his tentacles around the front of his body like a shield. Three black, leathery bodies plaited together to form a thin, makeshift shield. When the particle beams hit, his arm took the brunt of the blow. The sentient heads released high pitched keening wails, and Sage himself shrieked right along with them. His mind and body were one with the creatures, and their protection came at a price. Sage saw spots for a few nanoseconds. Then his composure returned.

"Rhen," he hissed through his helmet. "I am flattered that you remembered my name. I must have made quite an impression huh, pateesa?"

Bolstered by Darth Venefica's strong and all-consuming aura, Sage's own dark sided powers began to well upside of him. He lobbed another taunt to buy himself time for his next trick, continuing to slowly advance on Rhen until the Sith Knight was close enough to speak to her without shouting.

"Not the scrawny glit-biter you should have killed when you had the chance, eh Rhen?"

With a flash of his eyes and a tick of his head, Sage released a powerful wave of Similfuturus that conjured up a doppelganger of the Sith Knight himself, a perfect replica made out of pure dark sided energy. The doppelganger stepped right out from behind Rhen and fiercely whipped its tentacles at her, attempting to appear as though it were disarming her weapon.

The illusion would not damage the Mandalorian, but aim to keep her distracted enough for him to walk closer to her and let loose at devasting Mind Shard on her brain. If she did not resist the attack, her brain would feel wracked with excruciating pain. If she didn't drop her rifle altogether the Mind Shard would hopefully be enough to keep her incapacitated as he circled her like prey.
Location: Streets
Objective: Dispose of [member="Titan"] whilst being shot at
Allies: [member="Reverance"], [member="Vrag"], [member="Sage Bane"], [member="Darth Venefica"], [member="Tanek Santii"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Rose Kuhn"]
Enemies: [member="Titan"], [member="Bjarn"], [member="Solan Charr"]

Pain. It was the one product of a fist to the face or a lightsaber to the back that the creature truly neglected. Broken, made a meal of, even shot at, the creation had known pain unlike what this behemoth of muscle over brain could ever fathom. A fist to the face? Even from this monster of a man it meant little. The helmet Abraxas wore absorbed a good bit of the blow, but still caused his head to jerk back from the force of the punch. Just as [member="Bjarn"] was opening fire upon Abraxas once again, [member="Titan"] made full use of his boot at that point to kick the monstrosity away, leaving the foolish Mandalorian to take the full brunt of the singular blast. He may have been able to detect a large slab of metal, but can the lumbering wonder of mass jump out of the way of a speeding slug?

One would think not.

It was a wonder, really, if this man was using a cardio-muscular package or steroids. The thought of the man's muscles being manipulated to burst through his flesh was a rather creative idea for killing. Torture, insult, injury, a trifecta of satisfaction for the feeble psyche of Abraxas. Sliding back, the creation hastily performed a quick-draw for his slugthrower pistol with his left hand, firing three rounds in rapid succession which were grouped for the behemoth's lower right leg, closer to his calf muscle. If successful, the result would be rather obvious. First humiliating prey by crippling them was a sight to behold. There was pleasure in murder. And the specimen fit for homicide had a niche for accuracy and calculations.

It all came down to how [member="Titan"] decided to deal with his impending doom, that is if he had the time at all.

The ferryman awaits those that pass beyond the gates, and your soul will be his pension.
The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Longtails wasn’t a man to be played around with, at least that was the message he always tried to send with every meeting they had. It was only natural for a man to hammer down while on his own territory, it was the ways of the jungle to underline their own superiority and strength.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]But oh did it make Khal a tired man.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Sometimes this postering just got to him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Sometimes it just made him so tired that he wanted to snap their necks and take direct control, but that wasn’t the way to go here, it wouldn’t do them any good and Khal knew that as well well as any men trying to creep up in the territories of the Mandalorians.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]There rules that one had to oblige to, earn their respect and from there it could go either South or it could go towards a spot that gave all of them an advantage.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]So he listened on, gave a nod here and there and at the end shook the beskar-gloved hand offered.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Show me the wares then, [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]vod[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px].” the Underlord would simply reply, looking on expectantly. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]This would be only the first of days, but it would be [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]the[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] meeting that would settle all other meetings in the future, this truth was the only truth that made Khal less weary.[/SIZE]
Location: Keldabe
Objective: Don't think about how much of a mistake this was
Enemies: [member="Vrag"] [member="Rose Kuhn"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Drapeam Nyx"] @the One Sith big happy family.
Allies: [member="Azrael"] @Mando type folks and that weird guy sipping tea
Gear: In my Bio​

Distance increased, cybernetically enhanced muscles pulling him away from the monstrous sith as quickly as they could. Not hearing the armored boots following him had him worried, but he couldn't stop going to check on her status. The alley opened into the street proper in just a few more meters, and the room to maneuver that would even out the fight a bit.

The sound behind him was familiar, but he couldn't place it until the first of the thud bugs slammed into him. Pain blossomed in his back as the first bug cracked his left shoulder blade, followed quickly by the second, slamming into the meat of his left thigh. The bone held, mostly because there was enough meat to absorb the impact, but the next time he tried tp use it, eh muscle refused to work properly. Sprawled out and still crawling, he managed to make it to the mouth of the alley, pain written all over his face as he refused to stop moving. Fingers digging into the concrete, left arm almost useless, right arm punctured and bleeding. He rolled to his right and with extreme effort he pulled the pistol from his belt. His right arm was still seeping blood, and the pain in the movements was present but not enough to overpower his desire to survive this fight.

"Go" was the only words he said and the two droids began to move forward into the alley, blocking the sit hand giving him the much needed few seconds to compose himself. He found purchase along the wall and he began pushing himself up off of the ground. His body was beaten and broken, but he wasn't going to lose this fight on the ground. He propped himself up against the wall and aimed his pistol at her. the barrel was far from steady as he pulled the trigger, but any shot was better than no shot.

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