Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Where better to meet a Padawan?

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass wa slooking at her master and they were setting up all of the thing shere. She was checking all of it out though as they started moving out to better see a few of the others areas with the padawan seeing some of the zeltros security forces who were set up and ready. They used the tunnels under the city that were for trams and some of the service areas that the jedi could all use. "Alright, we are ready." She said it watching her master when they were coming back here now when she looked up. The wrist computer showing her everything that they needed to be able to use, the main doors of the club were being secured and everything set up as the service doors opened for them. Krass was moving in and reached out with the force to feel a few things that they might be able to find here. There was the heavy scent of smoke in the air and she could see more people on a stage dancing while armed guards were in the way of them. Krass activated her saber as riot shields went on to deflect blaster shots.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
The escalation from planning to execution was swift — but then that was not entirely unexpected on such an undertaking. The worst thing that could happen was that the crime syndicate would be tipped off of the Jedi’s intentions and put defences in place. They needed to act swiftly and decisively if they were to overcome the criminals.

So Sorel joined Krass as they moved into position outside of the club — and then the service doors were opened and they entered.

“Keep close,” Sorel suggested as they advanced, noting the armed guards as well as the innocents. And given the inevitability that there would be conflict, Sorel removed one of her saber hilts from her belt and held it comfortably in her palm. She refrained from activating it just yet, but her thumb was on the activation switch.

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass was looking at her master and she gave a nod of her head to that, she was prepared to go with it, she was prepared to duel and protect people but there was a lot of added danger here. They were outnumbered, likely going to be surrounded but there was a benefit to that. It meant they had more weapons in case of a firefight. The police were moving in and setting themselves up and around before she saw them going in with Sorel to start the raid. People were being cleared away but still watched by small drones that could check them for weapons and the security was disabled when she was moving forward and holding a small stun blaster in one hand and her lightsaber int he other. To deflect shotss but also if there was hostages, a stun shot to knock them down would do a great deal to well prevent death. The padawan was moving and trying to get herself in front of as many people who were aren't as she could but also staying wary about it. There was a chance of a sleeper, someone who is with the criminals but wearing normal clothing and only there to spot or get the surprise on people.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
They say a Jedi should only draw their saber if they are prepared to take a life — and Sorel understood that as well as anyone. But right here and now, they had to be prepared for that very eventuality.

And sometimes, the prospect of a saber in one hand and a blaster set on stun in the other was not something she considered. She tended to deflect blaster bolts back at their originator, but her level of mastery meant she could be precise with her aim and targeted non-lethal areas - such as legs and arms. It was enough to ensure the person was taken out of the equation without killing them.

And she kept her senses well attuned to the Force. With this many people about, she had to be alert as you never knew where precisely danger would come from.

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass was moving and she didn't use her saber but she was using it so they could move around with some of the attention here now. To take it all off so the jedi padawan would be looking around and she could see the different forces containining the people and getting the dancers and civilians out. Krass could see some twi'leks standing there in the outfits that left little to imagine but they were moving around nad had thick chains on the collars around their necks. he smell in her nostrils from a hutt came now until they were turning around to see some of the things now. "Lets go." Krass was pointing the way there until she was moving off towards the next areas to see get a level up above them to see some parts of it. "There is some running towards the roof."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel paid close attention to the Force. And so, despite the fact that so much was happening around them, Sorel knew that her life — and more importantly Krass’ was not in danger. So her saber remained deactivated and she merely walked through the building, taking in all of the sights and building up a picture.

She quickly realised that few were staying and fighting, and she fast understood they were the foot-soldiers, clearly told to delay the Jedi whilst the key players escaped.

And clearly Krass had the same thought as she continued to press on and finally indicate they should head to the roof. “Agreed, let’s stop them escaping.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

She could see , hear and feel her master while all of them were moving now. The police forces were securing and getting people driven to them though before all of them went outwards to see some parts of it. A look around in interest though while she was ascending and activated her saber to start cutting into a door the others were guarding. They couldn't get in so let the jedi open it while they were reporting the roof was covered and several more were caught trying to escape through the different doors. So far there hadn't been much in the way of signals getting out so they could do that while her sabers blade was making quicker work of the durasteel door and it was like molten slag on the floor below her.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was never disappointed if there was no call to actually engage with an enemy. Far from it, she saw a non-violent solution as the best outcome every time. And so far, the skirmishes were non-fatal and most of the criminals were giving themselves up against overwhelming odds and the sure knowledge they were both surrounded and their bosses had already fled the scene, leaving them to do the fighting and carry the convictions.

Sorel surmised many would be already thinking of some sort of plea bargain to avoid the maximum sentence the planet had to offer.

But Sorel and Krass had not come here to deal with the lower rungs of the organisational ladder and had instead decided to focus on the upper echelons. So Sorel stood patiently as her Padawan cut a hole in the door to allow them to get to the roof. And all the while she kept a watchful eye for any nasty surprises.

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass stayed there while she focused on the force energies for now. Allowing her mind to reach out and make a small barrier on the side that was cutting the door in case of hot slag going on her skin. Sure she was tough and knew how to handle some pain but that dind't mean you should actively try to like you know get hurt.... She was serious not into pain and such. Her master was there and there was a hole made for them to go through as it was clearng for now. SHe moved to the side and one of the men deployed a small barrier they could use and move for cover before they all were able to go through and some of the men were pointing guns. "Come on now, you really don't want to do this, there is no way out." Krass said it checking out them before she was moving around now to see it but she was moving towards the side for herself now. She had the saber ready to be thrown and used to slice the weapons and maybe contact strike their hands.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel sensed there were people on the other side of the door but they weren’t close enough to pose a threat, so when Krass opened up a hole to climb through, she double-checked their position and noted they were now heading towards them, and so Sorel threw up a small Force shield to protect them as they climbed through the hole.

Once outside and on the roof, Sorel dropped the shield and held her sabe hilt ready — she preferred to deflect any bolts at this stage as opposed to simply absorb them with a shield.

“I’m right beside you,” she said to her Padawan, “You take the lead.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass was looking at her master and gave a nod of her head while she was moving forward, adjusting her saber so that she would be ready and then pushing forward with her master as she was watching some of them. Staying there before one fo the weapons were coming forward and she slashed stopping at the end of the barrel and piercing it forward to go down into the tube. The beam crystal that was there she melted as the rifle backfired and there was some yelps and screams of pain where their hands were. She was moving quickly to check it all out and allow the force energies to flow throughout her body and guide them around in the area. Watching another toss the weapon tot he side and hold their hands up... another one moving forward and attacking while one of the officers fired a stun shot to their face sending them backwards. the safe ammo in their slug throwers was mostly rubber but the welt in the chest of them would be more then enough proof before he was on the ground.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was prepared to engage the criminals but was equally happy if she didn’t have to activate her saber — and given this was her preferred option, she made a conscious decision to focus on keeping the good guys safe and use the Force primarily for defence and only use her saber if she had to.

So she observed Krass as she managed to disarm a few of the criminals and with the help of the local enforcement officers, they’d managed to put the bad guys on the back foot.

And so Sorel gave them a second chance. “You know you have no chance to kill us, and just as little chance of escaping. Lower your weapons now before someone gets really hurt.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

She was watching them as they continued to stand there and it looked like they might be trying to attack again but they weren't going to be crazy. Giving up as the cops handled them Krass was looking around the room for a moment. "There ins't much in here but we might be able to find more information." She was looking at all of it, to allow herself with some of the datapads as they started handing it over to get all of the droids that were documenting it. "Master look." he said it bringing up some other things, there was information about other worlds and where they were storing different things. This will go a long way towards freeing people or just getting their things in general off of the street."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was delighted that the criminals saw sense and gave themselves up. “Good work,” she said to her Padawan. “You were calm and level headed and that was a key reason we were able to wrap this up so quickly.”

Then she took note of the data pads that Krass was reviewing. “Even better work,” she added. “Looks like you haven't just brought this ring to their knees, you may well have identified enough information to help other law enforcement agencies on other planets. Or at very least to get illicit goods off the streets.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Hmm that was good news and the hope, if they could do that, if they could get the information out and have the different enforcement groups able to handle it then it would be a benefit to everyone else. Krass was wanting to see more of it though as they would have to turn over the information to the proper people.... Still they would also have a chance to do whatever it was that they could do. The padawan had a few ideas once they finished with the locals and jedi here. "Thank you master and there is plenty of good works to go around. We all worked together and operated as a unit. Made sure everyone else would e safe." She said it while looking around. "Hmm I wonder if they have any good spirits here that we are confiscate as a reward."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel appreciated how level headed Krass was. Too many young Jedi can’t wait to wave a saber when what was required was calmness and the right words.

But she had to chuckle when Krass’ interest in alcohol surfaced at the end.

“I tell you what. Given what we’ve been through and how strong you’ve been, it’s my turn to face up to a real challenge. We should head to a club where you can have a drink and let your hair down. What do you think?”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass was surprised at that and looked at her master though while she was standing there. a chance to let her hair down and go in a club.. well she could get behind that when they would be able to move around. "Alright master, i can do that.... but not here... I think we might not have much appeal here for the moment." Sure they had managed to arrest some people and help the others but this was also going to cost the club owners if they weren't arrested already to likely not like them from the credits they were going to lose in the short term. Long term they would have more chances for business but right now... oh boy. Krass was thinking about what they could do to relax a little and here on zeltros that could go a long way. "Oh I wonder if they have boy whores dancing around in some of the clubs."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel smiled as she sensed the excitement in Krass. How much harm could it do to allow her Padawan to choose where to go.

She presumed she would select somewhere nearby and pick somewhere exciting but not too exciting.

So the mention of boy whores froze the smile on her face. She was unsure if Krass was being genuine or just having a joke with her. And she genuinely could not be sure.

“Um, um, um, really?”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

KRass stayed there with her back to her master for a moment. She doubted her self control would be possible if she saw her masters face there. She just sounded so surprised and it would have to look awesome. So she remained there for a moment longer until she could feel her composure was safe and ready to turn around looking up at her master before the woman could speak. "It is okay master, you sound so surprised." Krass waited there for a few moments longer before she was moving quickly into the place leading the way for her master and putting her saber on her hip. Hands going up to her hand as she touched the black hair with red highlights to pull it back for a while longer into a tight ponytail before she released it going towards the stairs.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel could not suppress her emotions, and nor did she want to. So a combination of merriment and confusion were writ large across her face as she spoke.

“I guess a lot depends on what you mean by OK. And yes, I am surprised. I’m not entirely sure why I am — perhaps it was the unexpected nature of the statement as much as its meaning. But regardless, yes I am definitely surprised. Would you care to elaborate your intentions?”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

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