Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Where better to meet a Padawan?

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Krass looked at her and had a grin on her face while she was walking and thinking about the droids. "Well the biot droids are advanced bio-organic creations that we are now able to grow the same as the organs for use with transplants to help in medical situations. With them we can program them with the initial training and information but then they are able to learn about the different situations they are going to be in." She kept walking and had her equipment while going towards the ship and there was a number of other things that would be able to use here. She knew some of the vehicles and continued on speaking with a nod of her head. "They are also very skilled for what we wanted to do in getting more crew to augment the army and crews we have for ships, staff in the number of medical and manufacturing facilities."

Sorel listened intently. She knew droids but the concept of bio-organic creations was – well it was a concept to her and no more. Sorel had two droids that she travelled with. She didn’t like to say they were her droids as that felt inaccurate. The mech and astro droid was a more than useful co-pilot and mechanic for the ship and so felt more like a crew member than a tool. And the assassin come protocol droid was a handy translator that had saved her skin more than once. And it seemed he’d taken a liking to Sorel and effectively become a travelling buddy as opposed to the traditional role of droid. Since she’d removed his restraining bolt, he’d taken to performing his own missions from time to time – particularly when she was working with her Padawans – or used the down-time to upgrade his knowledge or skill base.

“I have a couple of droids on board and I’ll introduce you to them. One is a little…different and never means any harm, but he can take some getting used to. So I hope you have a thick skin when it comes to sarcasm.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass stopped at one of the areas as she grabbed a case and put it on her shoulder with a look, her species were big in the ways while she was looking at mor eof it. "That is fine master, sarcasm is something my people do well and we know how to work with that." She said it while stretching herself out and holding the case of the meads that they had been making, the different flavors of honey were sweet to the taste and for a species that was mostly alcoholic she was all for it. "I got what i need to handle all of it and shall have this being a very big and very impressive things. We even got what is needed to handle the worst of each other a little droid isn't going to phase me." Krass kept on walking and short, proud and ful of spunk ready to go and train while they traveled around whever. "So lets get it on, there are some amazing places we can go and explore."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel laughed. It was a friendly and gentle sound, no hint of malice. “Kay is pretty good at it too, but I’m glad you won’t be phased.”

No sooner had they set foot on the ship, when the aforementioned droid appeared. He was, in appearance, an old HK assassin droid. He had seen better days but was clean and appeared to be fully functional.

“Ma’am,” he said, his electronic voice lacking emotion – giving an initial lie to the claim that he might be capable of sarcasm. He turned his attention to Krass. “And who have we here? A stray you’ve picked up? Or cargo to be transported somewhere where they’ll be less out of place?”

Sorel shot him a scowl but declined to speak. If Krass was to earn her stripes with Kay, she’d have to stand up to him herself.

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass stepped on the ship and was ready for anything as she looked at the droid when it arrived and she was surprised by it... mostly the model and how old it really did look before she was moving. The droid spoke and she was prepared to work with it for a moment as she crossed her arm. "OH I am going to like you aren't I?" She was looking at it prepared to work with more of the things though before she kept moving. "I think I might be able to work on some of those old ratty and rusted parts of it, maybe find some of the things that they made for the droids before. Sure the junkyard warehouse on Raxus has something we'd be able to get." Krass laughed though before she was looking. Ready for the real fun or traveling around and now she had a secret goal in mind... find one of those super rare pacifist nodes for the droid to fix it up.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel laughed, glad the ice had been broken. Kay remained quiet for at least two moments, which meant he was not expecting the response and was formulating a witty reply. So Sorel’s laughter disrupted his flow and his fellow crew member spoke now.

“Glad to see you two are going to get along fine. Kay, ask Kaytoo to get us into orbit, we’ll decide on a destination once we’re spaceborne. And who knows, maybe Raxus will be our first port of call.”

If a droid could sulk, Kay was showing a good approximation right now. He sloped off and could be heard communicating with the astro droid.

“I’ll show you your cabin then we should meet up in the cockpit and decide where to go.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Perfect then, they had the idea and what they needed to do or work with, she was more then happy to do it while bringing out her tactical display with a nod of her head. She had her gear ready for her cabin and they could make a pathway. "Alright lets go and see what we can find around the galaxy. There is a lot of information in the archives now about places where we have been going and heading out." She wanted to stick with it before stretching out and offering the datapad so she could put the information into the navigational information to improve it with some of the new works that they had been doing. "We have some new information on temples and places that would be able to help the jedi and there are a few new designs or things we could bring. The new synth mesh that has been developed for some of the jedi themselves."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel checked over her cabin and put a few things away she’d taken out onto the planet. Her room – like her ship – was sparse. She had few personal belongings and the only thing of sentiment was her former Master’s sabre. This she kept in a locked drawer.

Then she headed forwards, to the cockpit. Her Padawan was there. “So, tell me, where shall we go first. A former Jedi temple or somewhere that will help with your alchemy? Unless there is a place that can do both.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Looking at her master she knew... she just knew there there was only one place they could really go to train and get some adventure. Maybe some ancient jedi mysteries that could come to them. "I think we should go to the First Jedi Temple the coordinates were found and reconstruction began but with everything there hasn't been contact from them in awhile. There is also Nibelungen where we found jedi... a lot of jedi." She was looking at it and that entire system... more so then just a templke or a planet was fortress worlds, places dedicated to the jedi that lived there and there were bilions possibly trillions given how many were within the system on all fo the moons, planets and stations. They could go to a place of the force and galaxy itself discovering all new things.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel smiled broadly. It was somewhere she had never been to before and on the face of it that made no sense. She’d visited so many Jedi temples, yet never this one.

She remembered the history lesson. Before the Jedi Purge and the Age of the Empire, Jedi scholars made a case for Ahch-To as the location of the Jedi Order's first temple alongside other candidate worlds, such as Tython, Coruscant, Jedha, and Ossus. Despite this, however, the location of the first Jedi Temple had become a mystery by the time the Galactic Civil War came to a close.

She patted Kaytoo on its domed top. “Set a course for Ahch-To.”

The planet was mostly ocean, dotted with a sprinkling of towering islands formed of black rock: the throats of volcanoes whose slopes had long since eroded away. They would be heading to one of the bigger islands that she knew was occupied by several modest stone structures.

“The first Jedi temple it is then.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

The first jedi temple would be the best place to go and see, she knew a number of things had been getting done there and they wanted to set it all up. The information as well as some of the other parts of it would provide Orihime with a couple more things that she would be able to test for herself. "An excellent choice master." She said it while preparing herself for the trip and what they might be able to do before when she set out her hammer and her training saber from a pack. Looking at the gear she had brought with her in the kit when the robes and the armor were present in case of things and then there was a number of the bottles of the mead bottles that were different colors and flavors as she found a place to sit and pop one open. They were the traditional drink of her people made in a better idea and place for herself here with her master.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was pleased that the choice of destination appealed to both of them. As they entered hyperspace she saw that her Padawan opened a drink and so Sorel went to the galley and returned with one of her own. It was a fruit flavoured cold beverage that her Master had introduced her to. She now had a taste for many of the flavours. Starblossom was her current favourite and so she popped open the lid and took a sizeable swig.

It was both nourishing and thirst quenching and she gazed out at the lines streaking past the cockpit and checked how long it would be before they arrived. “So,” Sorel asked, “How many Jedi temples have you visited so far?”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Hmm Krass had to think about that one while she was looking at some of the things, she counted them off in her head and there were a few ideas that she had been wanting to try with them. To give herself a better area of work and protection. "Well several, I like working with the techs who have been going around and using Saotome and Shion o develop and build up the temples. Restoring them with the new equipment that has been developed for it. We were testing an aquatic module that would function for getting some of the submerged temples across the galaxy accessable again with the proper equipment. It might not be easy but much like a couple fo the cleaning and restoration modules the dozen or so temples I have been to have been helped."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel always believed the Master-Apprentice relationship to be two-way. But with Krass, she was probably learning more than she was teaching right now.

“Are there many submerged temples?” Sorel had visited a fair number in her time. There was a view that once you’d seen one, you’d seen them all, given so many looked identical. But she enjoyed travelling to sites with either historical merit or ones that were quite simply unique. And she’d never been to an underwater one before.

“And have you visited the First Temple before? And has it been restored fully?”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

"Not fully." She was looking at it and the temple had been mostly well left ot ruin with restoration coming over time. "There are still some areas being worked on and the jedi teams have uncovered other parts but mostly on the surface it looks better. Underwater the temples are mostly prestine, they were made to last and can be explored easily enough. Just doesn't have to weather all of the storms on the surface as quickly." Krass was looking though at some of it and thinking about exploring in the divesuits which were actually made to be far superior and more decent wa a plus. "It helps for exploring that Matsu created a stronger more compacted suit with built in oxygen regulators and propellers. It lets you move around and have an almost indefinite oxygen supply."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel thought for a few moments. “The idea of going underwater appeals – but not until we’ve visited the First Temple.”

She patted Kaytoo on his domed head and he beeped excitedly as he set a course for one of the larger islands ahead of them.

A wide, flat area at the base of the island's central mountain provided just enough room for the ship to touch down. The ramp descended and Sorel led the way. The incline ahead was steep and the stone steps they climbed were ancient and worn down by tens of thousands of footsteps. The climb was long, and the air humid – but her bracelet at least afforded her some relief.

“The old Jedi must have been fit,” she said as finally, they found themselves in a small clearing occupied by several modest stone structures. “It’s not much to look at, is it?”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass was looking at it and nodded her head when she was looking out at some of the things. The first temple and idea of going down under the water provided her with head going up as there was construction droids and corp members working on the temple itself. Area's of it that had been getting built and restored with more of it as Krass had her hammer and pack. "I agree they likely stayed fit and ready for it. This must have helped them and here on the world we can work on our own things." She crossed her arms over her chest seeing more of the jedi walking around as they were providing information and some were attending to the gardens that had food growing.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel looked at Krass. “You clearly know more about the First Temple than I do. So tell me, how advanced are the reparations and what purpose will the Temple here fulfil? I mean, will it be an Academy for example or just a Temple? I’m wondering if its remoteness means that it will become a place for retreat and reflection as opposed to a hotbed of Youngling activity.”

She looked around at the Jedi busy working at the site and tending the gardens. “You can’t fault the work ethic here. But then, this is the First Jedi Temple – so it holds a special place in our history.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

She was uncertain in the end of what might happen with it, the first temple was many things and it was getting a lot of the fixes that were needed for some of the things. Krass was walking to the different areas they had developed and ready for people visiting the temple the first time with maps and different holograms laid out. "It is from the designs and repairs going to be more built for reflection and so some younglings with their masters or who are coming for a number of training courses. its seclusion and isolation will at least keep it away from others and provide us all with more places to work on the understanding of the force." Krass said it while she was walking and going into the temple itself as the walkways were lined with new stone statues.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel listened. Once more the corners of her mouth curled up. Who was the Master and who precisely was the Padawan here? She was learning a great deal and Krass was clearly a knowledgeable student.

“Tell me,” she asked in a light-hearted way, “Is there anything you don’t know.” She raised a hand to indicate she was not expecting an answer. “But more seriously, we should consider better just how I can help you progress in your learning. What aspect of the Force, of the way of the Jedi that you need to focus on.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Well... Krass looked at her master. "I don't know a lot about the force or the saber skills.... but when it comes to building things that is what my people do across the galaxywe are hired because we can make things better then others. It is just our way." She said it with a nod of her head and they would be able to do a lot here while she was walking around. It was the physical stuff that she was amazing with... buillding and constructing the whole mental aspect of being a jedi.. like not drinking when and if you visit a cantina or the whole strange thing of being nice to everyone when her firt instincts were to be rather rube and keep drinking or when you ar ein a fight not trying to pummel and rush the enemy like a mini tank. Those were what she knew she lacked while bringing out one of the smaller travel sized bottles of mead.

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