Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Where better to meet a Padawan?

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
It was likely the temple they were standing on was one that pre-dated the Jedi’s time here. But which Order was not obvious – although she believed that Krass had named the right one amongst the list she’d shared.

“I guess there is only one way to find out who built this – or at least who was last to occupy it – and so any of the pathways will take us somewhere closer to the truth. So I recommend you choose the one we follow first – and given we have time, we can work our way through them one at a time until we strike gold.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass liked that idea, with the oxygen regulators in the suit well it could last for a long time... she would almost say forever but that was not always there. She was letting the pathways be there with some glow rods to mark the path out for them. Krass stayed with it leading the way down for her master to see as she used the small boosters on the divesuits pack to propel herself forward seeing more rooms but not much. It didn't show signs of technology like the jedi temples did. The mixture they usually enjoyed of giving them a lot of new advancements compared to the dark ages when there was a metal brazier where they had been able to use it to light up the area. As she kept going through the tunnels it was leading in deeper and into the heart of the ruins until she came near some parts of it. The room was large with small eels that nipped trying to bit them but the metal of the suit was protective to prevent that. THeir bodies glowing just a little when they were attracted to the lights of the glow rod.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was fascinated by the ruins. Whereas most Jedi temples were old, they were invariably powered or at least supplemented by technology. Lighting, computers, equipment. These were standard fare even for buildings that were thousands of years old – even if the electronics were inoperable. But here it was different. Here it was like a temple from the truly ancient times. She could imagine fires and wall-torches providing the only light and heating.

Any library that existed no doubt had only books – not datapads. Food would have been freshly prepared or salted to ensure it lasted beyond a few days.

It gave her a whole new perspective on searching old ruins. And oddly it made the prospect of finding something both less likely and more exciting in equal measures. And as such she was delighted.

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass stuck with it while she was swimming around and there was not a lot, there wasn't much for them to see on the planet itself so in here there were only a few eels and fish swimming around. The walls where they were cracked the eels were in and then would snap out to get a fish or at their suits before heading back in. Krass used the sonic emitter to keep the creatures back away from them. She was looking at what else was there and the middle of the temple and area was very different before she came through seeing bones.... large bones from something that had been preserved but was being eaten and cleaned but there was still chunks of old flesh. It was a massive thing though and she could see more of what it was protecting here as the clawed handprints came up. "THat was a massive thing."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Being underwater for an extended period was not something Sorel was used to. Usually she was traveling to or from something and with, therefore, a specific end in mind. Here they were exploring and therefore it was an entirely different experience.

So she swam and followed Krass, glad the sonic emitter kept the somewhat inquisitive eels at bay as she was in no doubt they would be more threatening than their meagre size initially suggested.

This thought was born out by the dight in the middle of the temple. Some large creature was in the process of being eaten – and the majority of the bones had been picked clean. And whatever it was must have been colossal in size.

“Truly enormous. And I hope it died of old age, as whatever killed it, I hope it’s not alive and about to come swimming around the corner.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass was thinking about it with a nod of her head to some of the ideas. The large thing though she was interested in before swimming around. "I think it died a long time ago but I am trying to think of where I head of things like this before." Krass was swimming and temples with large worm or snake like creatures that were dangerous as well as massive. It sounded like something from some of the old books while the padawan kept swimming around only stopping as she activated a glow rod to illuminate the larger tunnels as there looked to be more in the inky blackness of the temples ruins. "I think they might have died when the temple sank, if they were inside for protection or to scare others away then they might have been imposing but under the ocean they had no chance to survive."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel considered Krass’ words. It was a likelihood that the huge snakes were not aquatic but land based and died once their access to air ran out – or even if they could reach the surface to breathe, their source of food must have perished as the land was submerged.

“Many places have giant snakes and even sea serpents. But they tend to be part of a large food chain. I suspect half of the ecosystem perished when the water levels rose. Who knows what survived? Perhaps there are large underwater predators, but there is no guarantee. But the researchers will no doubt find out over time.”

“So, which tunnel next?”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass was looking at where to go while she was swimming more for them to see. Prepared to see where they were going as the bodies gave way to a larger chamber and room in the underwater temple. She wasn't certain what it was before but seeing parts of it going on below brought up details and attention where she knew she had heard it before. "I think I remember where I saw it." Krass paused for a moment and surged forward as the gold pyramid shape was there with plants and growth. Wiping at it until it was uncovered and the dinosaur like images. "The Kwa used assive worms to protect their temples on worlds and were expansive across the galaxy." Krass was proud for a moment but if this had once long ago before the jedi been a kwa temple then that meant there was bound to be a number of other mysteries here and could explain one or two things.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel followed Krass until they came across the plant covered pyramid and watched as her Padawan cleared the flora from its surface. Finally she saw what it was originally and was impressed that Krass had even spotted it, given it was completely overgrown.

“Good spot,” she said as she looked at the carvings on it. They looked like large reptiles from the scale of the images – very large ones. “Judging by the size of the thing we saw, they were indeed massive. But who were the Kwa?”

Sorel was no scholar. She knew what she needed to know. Those subjects she would read up on until she could find no more sources. But Orders that pre-dated the Jedi? She knew next to nothing.

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass was thinking about it. "Some ancient civilization that controlled part fo the galaxy and they uplifted the Rakata who then left the technology with the humans which is where most of our technology is based from." She was looking at it while swimming around with a nod of her head. She didn't know the specifics herself but she should be able to get a couple of things for themselves to work on. She dind't know all fo the history but she knew a great deal about the ideas of reverse engineering and given the rakata controlled a decent portion of the galaxy leaving their technology on them that the human's and their slaves reverse engineered to create the basis for galactic technologies. These were things that were and should in theory be a lot more closely related to their own. Just the grandparents of their own technology. "If they were here is does give us some ideas about what we can use and study..... Helps a lot their massive guard worms that can take out entire armies are not around."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel knew about the Rakata – given they tended to cut across Jedi activity from time to time with their technology being used and useful in some of the important chapters in galactic history. And not always for positive reasons. But that was not their fault exactly, although some of their practices were not to Sorel’s liking.

Sorel swam alongside her Padawan as they searched and the prospect of ancient technology being unseen by human eyes since the planet was flooded – before even the first Jedi came here? It was something wonderful – even if they were unable to use any of the machines. Just to see them would be wondrous.

“Anything that can take out entire armies is best avoided,” Sorel said, wondering if the humour in her voice would carry through the comlink, given there was no opportunity for facial tells wearing the diving suit. “And anything Rakata we can glimpse would be wonderful. Albeit I suspect that it was never designed to be waterproofed.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

"I don't know, the rakata were old but these were the ones who taught the rakata themselves how to use the technology. They were not as well known or as violent. If anything they seemed to prefer going across the galaxy and trying to influence or help civilizations. Or well if they could, agricultural developments so desert worlds could have food or ice worlds would have underground areas with grass and the ability to raise animals." She was pointing out the grass on Hoth near the geothermal vents that made a semi warm and contained area food and creatures could live or be raised. Krass herself while she was swimming saw no signs of the Rakata here but she spoke. "Though the Rakata never got all of the technology of the Kwa, it is known they went to war with the and the gree for their technology to travel faster then hyperdrives could allow. They bombed worlds to destroy the technology if they couldn't have it or if there was a risk of rebellion." She was looking at this and Manaan had been bombed until the ice caps melted and the world was under water, others had been glassed and the glass ground down into sand.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel’s knowledge of ancient history ended with the Rakata and she was surprised at how much she knew about them, given her lack of interest in anything that seemed scholarly. But she had picked up most of what she knew practically, through visiting places, as opposed to in a lecture or from a holovid.

“Not as well known? To be honest, I’ve never heard of them. I thought the Rakata were the ones with the gift for technology, I didn’t know they’d learned from someone else.”

“And you call them the Kwa, yes? I need to do at least a little research I think. Unlike the Rakata, they seem entirely more reasonable.” Sorel had a habit of understating situations.

“So, where do we look next?”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

She was looking at her and while there was a grin on her face. Providing some ideas but she was looking at the area for the technical aspects. The Kwa were not really seen in the galaxy but they were known. She had met some of the Kwi who was the descendant.... the devolved form of them after fleeing and getting away from all that they knew. Here in this temple though as Krass led the way down she could see some of the maps displaying the extend of the Kwa holdings where they reached across the galaxy from Dathomir to Lehon and other places. Krass wiped at some of the other things while you could go and see the massive gate itself that was the main point of the temple.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was entirely comfortable being taught things by her Padawan. Indeed, it was often the sign of maturity for both. That she was prepared to listen and learn said something. And the fact Krass was happy to share knowledge meant she was progressing well. She had information to give and was not phased that she was teaching her Master. Sorel wondered how long Krass would remain a Padawan. Her level of specialist knowledge was more than sufficient. And her understanding of the Code more than adequate. Sorel suspected the promotion would be measured in months, not years.

But Sorel brought her mind back to the here and now and followed Krass as they continued their underwater search. Finally they reached a giant gate, clearly a focal point.

“A gateway to something, do you think?”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

TO the stars and the infinite expanse or whatever they called it. Really thw Kwa were skilled and powerful as they were able to move across the galaxy compared to the others much like all of the older civilizations. "To something, never know." She was sticking with it and wondering. The safe way would be to find a way that they would be able to drain all of this and look around. Getting things set up in here so they weren't having to just try and work underground. it was difficult before she spoke seeing her master with a nod of her head. "There is not a lot known about them, most are no where near the levels they used to e and information from that time is lost to the ages. We don't even know if things still work here or if it was destroyed like so many other things."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel chuckled inside her suit. She’d grown so comfortable in it that she forgot she was wearing it and so the sound of her laughing almost surprised her as it echoed slightly inside the helmet she was wearing. “Most definitely to something,” she repeated.

“The Kwa sound like something of an enigma. Maybe one day, when I’m less busy, I might take the time to find out about them. Or at least, find what’s available to piece together to find out about them. Until then, we can simply work on what we see – or what the ravages of time and the ocean have left us with. There must be some things that are still here and intact enough to look at.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Hmm that would have to be the best they could do. Without more knowledge well their ability to decipher what was here. THey would have to work with it more though while they were putting the maps from the sonic emitters through to the main computers. Some of the submersible probe droids were there and around lighting up the area to give them a nod of her head. "We'll be able to do a whole lot more. Exploring down here and possibly when the time comes draining the temple with a better underwater facility and sealing areas it might be able to leak." They should be able to work with many of the things until they were moving through seeing more equipment and some more artifacts under the water. "This place though is amazing."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
In many ways, once you got over the fact that they were under water, the exploration was similar to other searches that Sorel had undertaken. The only real difference was that much that they hoped to find would be rendered useless by the combination of water and salt. A building this old was unlikely to have air-tight rooms that could hold electronic equipment safe – or even protect artefacts. Although there may be ancient items that were not technologically advanced and could withstand the impact of salt-water corrosion.

In fact, it was logical that they might come across an air pocket or two – and if these could be kept intact, who knew what they might find in a pristine condition.

Sorel nodded at Krass’ words and then realised the motion was lost given they were wearing diving suits. “Good ideas, and a dome that covered the site and kept the water out would be a good addition. And there could be a lift that brought people from the surface down here perhaps?”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

A lift could be a good idea in some ways it also meant there was a chance of damage from some of the others. You just had to find that right place and balance. Krass herself was wanting to see what there might be but she looked towards her master and downside of the suits was they coulnd't show expressions and comlinks were not exactly the most expressive. "A lift could be difficult depending on where exactly they would have to set it up. The chance for rocks or having to change the landscape to fit it could be a larger prospect as opposed to using a submersible and bay." There was also have an airlock you could go into as she moved around continuing towards parts of it. If they had Kwa things here to explore. There might have been some other things as well as she swam around.

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