Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Where better to meet a Padawan?

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel smiled. Krass’ strength were many and formidable. But she really liked the fact that the Padawan was easily able to identify her areas for development and was happy to share them. Not every Jedi was as honest in this regard.

“I can and will support you where you are strong. And do not worry, I shall not force you to be so balanced that it takes away from your strengths. Basics around the Code, the Force and using a saber are required, but the majority of your time can be devoted to building – in whatever form that works for you.”

“In my experience, the Code is at the centre of your learning. Understanding it and knowing how to apply it, that is what really matters. Not how many abilities you can master. Be a Jedi at your core and be ‘you’ always. That is all anyone can ask of you.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass looked at her master while she was moving into a small area. A platform overlooking the ocean and it was being fixed up with the pillars and archway for it ut it was still an open area. Krass stood there and thought about what her master was saying about being true to herself and everything would be fine. She was all for that, it could work in a way she supposed thinking about it with a few other things. Mostly though as Krass was standing there in the area it was for lessons and offered some good acoustics so you could be heard even with the sound of crashing waves below them. SHe was ready to begin and stood there setting her things down as she finished the one bottle of mead with a nod of her head. "I am ready to begin." She waited grabbing another bottle an was prepared for all of it. Ready to learn and follow the code to become everything she could.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel looked out across the ocean. It was water in every direction – apart from the occasional outcrop of rock that peeked from the water like irregular teeth. It was picturesque and a perfect place to contemplate and meditate. Perfect in fact for a Jedi Temple.

She turned her attention back to Krass. “Then we shall begin. Nothing too challenging. My questions will simply serve to hold a mirror up. To reflect what you say to test both of our understanding. So, from your knowledge of the Code, what do you find most difficult to understand – or to put into practice.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass was thinking about ti while she was there with a look on her face though as she thought about it. What was there about the code that she didn't get but there was only a couple of problems. "The whole non aggression thing is strange, my people like fighting.... and drinking... and making things. There is nothing like a good fight with." She said it when she was moving a little looking at her master shaking her hair out ready to go for anything. Her small frame was there and she was always prone and ready for a fight or to drink. The liver of a zeltron and beyond as she had some of the other bottles there. "Also some fo the things that they want for not indulging in it. Drinking is an important meal."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel’s brow knitted. “There is nothing in the Code about drinking, so there is no issue there. Unless being intoxicated means you are less likely to follows its tenets. But even so, that is about personal management of your intake. And there is even a Jedi ability to stop you getting drunk. Which probably negates the whole point of drinking in the first place – but I digress.”

“And as for fighting. Oddly there is no specific rule about that – at least not directly. Killing is of course to be avoided unless it is the only option. And a Jedi does not use the Force for aggression. And it only refers to the specific use of the Force. But there is no line about fighting per se. So you have a little bit of leeway.”

“So, conversely, what aspect of the Code do you find most easy to comply with?”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Hmm as she was listening to her mastrer and thinking about it there was a lot of truth in that. The fighting was fine it was getting angry and doing it with rage but the idea she could get drunk and have a brawl or ten well that was well worth it. Then she was getting the easiest part of following the code and there was a good deal to the code that you could follow. Those pesky things fit right in with wanting to make things. You hve to be serene, have knowledge and not be distracted by deaths. "I think the easiest part is the no emotions and peace. I have found it very nice not to have them when making things, means I don't focus on the failures and frustrations instead look at it as a way not to do something and start again."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel nodded. Her Padawan had a way of simplifying things, which was a welcome change. Most wanted to make the Code far too complicated – which caused inevitable confusion.

“Be careful. Jedi have emotions. It is a popular misconception that we don’t. Not that I’m saying that you have to have them, just that you don’t act on them. Many will try to goad you into making an emotional response to a situation. A Jedi does not. We can be as happy, sad or disappointed as the next person – but we do not allow that to influence our decisions.”

“But I concur, focus on making it better next time. We make mistakes, mistakes do not make us. Good, I think your grasp of the Code is more than good enough. Now tell me. Given where we are, what would you like to do next?”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Hmm her master was making sense as she thought about it, wanting to make sure it was a goo place and a good idea of where she could go with all of this until she was ready. They could train with her blade and her hamer, or they could go exploring of the first temple. There was a lot happening here with everythign that they were restoring within it. Shion was great at construction but the first temples reconstruction efforts were a project that they would all be able to benefit when she stood there. "Hmm well we can work on some of the things, I don't know if you have ever went cliff diving but there are some regulators that the jedi have develoepd. They give near infinite supplies of oxygen and there are sections fo the temple we can explore down below. Go search for lost jedi mysteries master."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel knew where her Padawan’s interests lie. She was clearly keen to explore underwater and so that was the logical place to go next.

“Well we’ve seen the work in progress here, so we can say we’ve ticked that particular box on our checklist. And although I’ve never ben cliff diving as a sport, I’ve had to jump off a cliff before – more than once – so the experience is hardly new to me. And using the regulator is something I should practice anyway, so that seems to be a logical next step. Plus I’ve never explored an underwater temple either, so a few firsts completed on our visit.”

“If you lead on, I’ll follow.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass looked at her master and she grinned as she was prepared to go and do it, she was ready to take her out and go exploring setting all fo the things up and she moved to the edge motioning to her master as there was a lower level and platform that some of the droids were using to clear off the cliff face of growth. Sections of cave and temple they might be able to explore later after they had cleared it when she set her bags down for another of the droids. "They have dive suits and sonic mappers out there and ready for anything." Prepared to work on more of it though Krass started to descend down there while the toher jedi who were working on things for different robes. The Seimei logo on them as they were restoration and reclamation jedi. Preserving artifacts and usually working on places other jedi didn't go. Krass was getting some of the dive suits out while the regulator was there and a smaller suit for herself to move around in. "The suits are very sturdy and made to moe around quickly instead of being bulky.... and have protective layers for sonic weapons. If there are any creatures down there just use one of the emitters to scare it off."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel sensed the excitement in Krass and felt herself swept along with it. If you couldn’t be happy to be at the site of the First Temple and then to go and explore an underground Jedi ruin, there was something wrong with you. Or you were a Sith perhaps?

Sorel was most definitely not and so she readily embraced the adventure that was unfolding in front of them. And she allowed – or rather encouraged – Krass to take the lead. She followed to a platform where droids were working and she continued to where the dive suits were and prepared to don one. The inclusion of a sonic emitter sounded a great idea. “They think of everything don’t they.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass looked at her master and gave a nod of her head when she was looking at it. The restoration project on the planet. She was workign on all of the sections for the divesuit for themselves whens he finished with it. Touching the helmet as she checked her masters outfit herself before she moved over seeing some of it as a sub was coming up. "They do, Sasori and all of the divisions it has managed to get try to get the jedi everything that they would be able to use in exploring." She said it while working over with a number of the things that they were developing to improve it. Krass though was looking and pointing while they had some of the submersible probes going down marking the pathway towards the ruined sections. "There is a whole lot here that is under the surface."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel donned the suit with Krass’ help and was surprised how comfortable it was to wear. Under water it would be even easier to move around in – given that was what it was designed for. And the comms unit meant she could hear her Padawan clearly, albeit it was slightly odd to be standing next to someone and hear their voice in an earpiece as opposed to naturally. But after a minute or so, she became used to it.

“I can’t wait to start. Do we go down in a sub or do we jump?”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Hmm to dive or take the sub... the sub would be for going far far deeper into the ocean and they were just going a little down and under the surface of the water. So they had some places where they would be looking to capitalize on. "We should dive." From up here they could do a whole lot and Krass looked over the edge before the sub was gone into the one docking area with the other aquatic things that they had. She lept off while positioning herself to land in the water safely holding the waterproof equipment pack for them and deploying the fins on her feet once in the water to move around. She moved out of the way so her master could come down and join her while going over and activating the glowrod so that she would be able to swim around in the ocean. Caves were there that she would be able to see and make out in the dark waters. TO her as she could lead the way for her master there were some ruins and signs of what they were looking for.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was hoping Krass would say that they should take the sub, but was pragmatic when the response was to dive into the water.

She suspected it had a lot to do with how deep they needed to go, so the shock of diving would be off-set by the benefit of operating closer to the surface.

Sorel watched her Padawan jump and quickly understood what was required of her. She positioned herself on the platform as Krass had and then jumped. She deployed the fins once under the water and found swimming far easier with the addition of the footwear. She located Krass and then saw her Padawan had activated a glowrod. The ocean would get darker the deeper they got, so the artificial light would help significantly.

“OK, lead on,” Sorel said into the comm link and hoped she was proficient enough in the suit to keep up with Krass.

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

She was looking at her master and gave a nod of her head as they were going deeper but not that deep. About two dozen meters below the surface The light was coming from the surface while she moved around seeing a section of the island that was flatter with the sun shining down on it. Krass could see statues under the water with places until she stopped by some of them. The opening of a temple section that was under the water but showed where it had been on the surface was a beautiful thing as she set a glow rod on the rocks to mark their path. With all of it they would be able to move and keep it on easily enough before the jedi padawan herself. Krass was moving in the cave and sctivated another glow rod to as there were signs of the jedi having been here along with some older traditions.


Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
The ocean here was less deep than she expected, but it was close to the volcanic island and so this was possibly a shelf that would eventually drop away to a deeper part of the water. Where they were, there was still daylight permeating the depths but the glow rods were a definite benefit.

Sorel’s first impression was that this place was more beautiful than she expected. She anticipated rocks and not much else. Instead there were statues and she realised then that once upon a time this area would have been above the water line.

And then she followed Krass to the opening of a cave and peered inside. “I have to admit, it’s not what I expected, so I’m so glad you brought me down here.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

That was the least of it, Krass stayed around the area and touching the bottom for now at least she could move around here though while looking at the statues and where they were heading down. The sea was quite nice to see when she was looking over parts of it. To give herself some of the attention though she was looking at the statues of them and they looked kind of like jedi... but the water had washed away a great deal of their features so it was all smooth. "You are welcome master, there is a good amount of things here but we are looking at statues but I am not certain if they are jedi. No features on most of the statues. They could be older, there were orders before the jedi themselves." Whihc those orders went around somewhat, they could find some fo the older orders."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel hadn’t considered the possibility that the temple belonged to someone other than the Jedi. But it made sense. Maybe the reason this was under water was the fact that by the time the Jedi arrived, the water level had already risen.

And maybe whatever had attracted the Jedi to this planet was what tempted the former inhabitants of this temple to come here. Or maybe they were indigenous? So many possibilities swirled through Sorel’s mind.

“Are you familiar with which Orders were here before the Jedi first came?”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

"I am not." Krass was working on the things that they were doing here. She could see more while she moved looking up at the water and doing a little math in her mind about it. "The orders in the galaxy that are older then the jedi though there is a fair number of them. Off the top of my head we have groups like the Je'daii and Bendu who were precursors to the jedi." She stuck with in and there were the Guardian's of the Breath who were ancient, those who served some fo the older orders. Krass was moving around and looking at the statues then towards the opening as the submersible probe droid was around using sonic mapping to show them the small temple locations under them and around going itno the mountain itself. "It looks like there is a number of pathways and there might be pockets down there or star houses one could search."

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