Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Where'd Corellia Go?

So after about 10-15 minutes looking at the map I couldn't find Corellia ANYWHERE. Consulted wookiepedia to figure out around where it should be and I still ain't seeing it after 5 more minutes of looking around. Where'd it go?? My character is something of an exiled Corellian noble so It'd be nice to actually be able to find the planet he was exiled from for story purposes...
[member="Andorreth Vikar"] Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but in SW Chaos lore I belive Corellia was split in two by a super-weapon!

I know otehrs will correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I'm aware, I don't think it exist anymore here...!
[member="Andorreth Vikar"]

It's in Metal Lords space, hex U-29.

It's known as Brokellia though on account of the fact that it was partially destroyed in the aftermath of the Netherworld event.
Yeah so what the kark happened to the "no super-weapons" Wow nice job y'all. I thought that at the end of events on the board super-weapons were to be bombed to hell and all that osik. I mean the hell am I supposed to do now? no other writer shall limit another writer or dictate that character's story or some such. On the topic of a planet being split in half

"6. You may not destroy a celestial body (sun, planet, moon, etc.) in the SWRP Chaos Galaxy without prior permission from the SWRP Chaos Board Owner." Did [member="Tefka"] approve that?

[member="Chris Gelderd"]
[member="Kaili Talith"]
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Darth Pyrrhus"]

If not well then it needs fixed cause dang near most of my character's back story pertains to Corellia. also to note i checked the timeline and saw things about freak lightning storms on coruscant and levitating rocks on Alderaan jack osik about Corellia. Sooooo now i'm in the understandably frustrating issue of having to re-work dang near ALL of my character story because of something nobody seems to be able to quote a direct post on....the only event that'd make sense would be the omega war which again nothing on worlds being split in half.....Sooo am I to understand I HAVE TO REWORK basically my ENTIRE character backstory as a result of this?
Second question that's less inflammatory....Could say an Exiled corellian prince set up like a corellia mk. 2? something like what spock did in the new star trek movies of founding a colony after the black hole on vulcan thing? Would I do so by submitting a planet creation of some sort? I just want a solution that'd work character wise that maybe some other writers could help me dev on account of HUGE part of my character's backstory. I don't wanna be ticked and not be able to think of a possible solution that some Admins might would be okay with...

[member="Darth Pyrrhus"]
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]


Well-Known Member
[member="Andorreth Vikar"] I know I am not one you asked, but seeing alderaan did that canon. Also one my characters set up a new homeworld for herself, after exile from Alderaan, I don't see why not.
[member="Andorreth Vikar"]

If I understood my history lesson correctly, the "No Superweapons or Destruction of Celestial Bodies" rule was largely implemented after the breaking of Corellia. Clearly site staff did not want to redact the finale of a big event that mattered much to all who participated in a site-wide event. Getting uppity about it now will not change what happened.

That being said: There are many writers who enjoy backstories from Corellia and whose stories pertain to Corellia post-breakage. Just because it is not what it was does not mean it cannot be used. One simply has to implement this cataclysmic event and/or try to remedy it IC. There are several other characters who have worked on stabilising and terraforming Brokellia into a habitable place (Mostly the Corellian League).

It is also worth noting that the One Sith left during its' collapse, the Corellian League rebelled and took Corellia back.


Here is a suggestion: There are a hundred other planets, some with much and some with little lore. If your story require a complete planet, why not try to give more lore to one that has little? Help build the greater Star Wars: Chaos universe by claiming an unorthodox home. Do a site search, see what happened, and bring the thunder.
Not huffy just a bit peeved. As I said with other writer's help I was thinking along the lines of a Corellia Mk. 2 a la spock after Vulcan being sucked into oblivion. I might see if you'd be good to help with that @sabrina. Again I realize literally everything I said first off sounded REEAALLY salty. I'm all for creative solutions so if the admins are ok with me creating a Corellia Mk. 2 somewhere of course conforming to factory/codex/ whatever other rules then I'll be happy to do that I agian appreciate people answering my question even if the answer was less than ideal guess that's what chaos is eh? To quote Heath Ledger's Joker the thing about Chaos is it's fair.

@Everyone else who already responded and did so quickly and efficiently thank you :)
Hi, I'm Avalore Eden. Corellian Green Jedi Master. I was born, raised, trained on Corellia and 90% of my backstory happened there several years ago. I can say with great confidence that the Netherworld event which destroyed my home planet was a devastating thing to experience yet tantamount to my character development. Indeed, visiting Brokellia several years after was a great source of conflict for my story.

This is an opportunity to write a great story for your own character. Don't squander it.


Well-Known Member
[member="Andorreth Vikar"] I happy to help, but I think you be better of joining the Corellian League and speaking to some fellow Corellians first. Then if no joy, ask [member="Cira"] aka [member="Danger Arceneau"] for help, as they know far more than I do. Though as last resort I will help with [member="Elaine Thul"], after the current event.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Andorreth Vikar"],

The question of Corellia was raised when the Metal Lords were going major as that was going to be our capital planet originally and rebuilding it was going to be one of our major storyline plot points, but from what the Corellian League told me when I spoke to them about it, the planet is pretty much rebuilt already.
[member="Andorreth Vikar"], despite Corellia being cleaved in half and now being called Brokellia as it is said some of us Coreillians still live within the Corellia system. We’re a stubborn bunch of people that will not just go gentle into the long goodnight. ;)

Sor-Jan Xantha

There's still 4 other planets in the Corellian system.

This Corellian just picked up and moved to Drall.

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